Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Ji Xiaolan small Shenyang fortune-telling _ Ji Xiaolan small Shenyang fortune-telling is which episode?

Ji Xiaolan small Shenyang fortune-telling _ Ji Xiaolan small Shenyang fortune-telling is which episode?

Ji Xiaolan Xiao Shenyang fortune-telling

"Ji's adult, bad! We have a life lawsuit here! "

In the summer of Qianlong fifty years, Ji Xiaolan, a famous minister, was examining and approving the newly compiled Sikuquanshu in his post.

Suddenly, a commotion outside the door broke the peace in the house.

Ji Xiaolan looked up slightly and noticed that it was a colleague from his editorial team who came to certify.

But Ji Xiaolan was not intimidated by his words, but asked slowly, "Who killed someone?"

"It's the sea! His wife died, and now it is said that he killed her himself. Please go and have a look. "

Panting, the junior official reported the identity of the suspect of the deceased to Ji Xiaolan, who was soaked with sweat.

Ji Xiaolan suddenly got a fright and stood up from his chair. He immediately changed his clothes, put on his official hat, and walked in the direction of the military department with hurried steps.

So, who is this marine? Why is Ji Xiaolan so concerned about his case? Will the famous Ji Xiaolan solve the case?

Understand the position of Haisheng and Ji Xiaolan in the imperial court. Let's start with the origin of Ji Xiaolan.

Ji Xiaolan was born in xian county, Zhili Province in June of the second year of Yongzheng (A.D. 1724). This place is now under the jurisdiction of Cangzhou City.

Ji Xiaolan's family can be said to be a standard "scholarly family". His grandfather was Guo Jianren, and the highest achievement in his life was to be a "county official".

When Ji Xiaolan's parents arrived, their family finally got a juren exam and formally entered the ranks of the "feudal ruling group".

After twelve years of Qianlong (1748), Ji Xiaolan was finally admitted to Juren like his father.

However, compared with his father, Ji Xiaolan is obviously much more proud at this time. He was only twenty-four years old when he was in the middle school entrance examination. Compared with Jin Fan, who won the prize only with his gray hair, Ji Xiaolan is simply the "protagonist" of this world.

Therefore, this also formed Ji Xiaolan's habit of dancing and writing ink. The ancients often said, "Don't use hidden dragons", which means to be cautious at the beginning of everything. But Ji Xiaolan doesn't think so.

After all, when he won the prize, he was better than 90% people in that society.

Therefore, when he was young, Ji Xiaolan made no secret of his talent. When I meet some literati, I will take the initiative to "fight poetry" and "pair up" with others.

At that time, all the literati in Beijing and Zhili knew Ji Xiaolan's "reputation". Gradually, this reputation also spread to the ears of court ministers and emperor Qianlong himself.

Thus, in the 22nd year of Qianlong (1758), Ji Xiaolan was officially awarded the post of editor.

This position looks like an official position, but it doesn't have full power. Ji Xiaolan's position was really great for those pedants who wanted to pursue fame and gain but didn't want to serve the country with practical actions in feudal times.

However, Ji Xiaolan just doesn't want to behave. Not only does he think the minor's status is too low, but he often learns from his colleagues in the Hanlin Academy.

After a long time, everyone understands that this young and famous Ji Xiaolan is not a fuel-efficient lamp at all!

But at this time, Emperor Qianlong threw an "olive branch" of trust to him.

After five years in imperial academy, Ji Xiaolan was not only promoted, but also changed from a small editor in imperial academy to a court official who controlled the whole editing work.

What the hell is going on here? Is it the emperor's special appreciation for Ji Xiaolan?

In fact, Emperor Qianlong himself didn't like Ji Xiaolan very much. At that time, the emperor promoted him so quickly because of his good literary talent and his editing experience in the Hanlin Academy.

At that time, emperor Qianlong just wanted to imitate the Yongle ceremony of the Ming Dynasty and compile a complete book of Siku. So, who can accomplish this task and win the favor of the emperor?

Emperor Qianlong heard that Ji Xiaolan had a good reputation in the industry, so he transferred him.

Before Ji Xiaolan was the editor-in-chief of Sikuquanshu, Emperor Qianlong didn't even meet him several times. So, at that time, Ji Xiaolan was not the emperor's "confidant" at all.

So what did Emperor Qianlong say about Ji Xiaolan?

According to "Waishi of Qing Dynasty", once, Emperor Qianlong wanted to visit Jiangnan by boat. Therefore, when Ji Xiaolan knew this situation, he immediately gave the emperor a letter.

In this passbook, Ji Xiaolan said bitterly to the emperor, "Your Majesty, the financial situation of the southeast provinces is not good now. The country's tax revenue has also been in deficit for many years. Please don't go to Jiangnan for the time being, so as not to cause financial burden to the country! "

As a result, Emperor Qianlong was very unhappy when he saw Ji Xiaolan's paper. He replied: "I only want you to make up a book and cultivate you into an excellent player." How dare people like you talk about state affairs? "

I can see that Emperor Qianlong was very disdainful of Ji Xiaolan's outspoken persuasion, and even compared him to an inferior actor and player in feudal society.

These two words were extremely insulting at that time.

Whenever Emperor Qianlong paid a little attention to Ji Xiaolan, he wouldn't talk to him like this.

After this incident, Ji Xiaolan was nicknamed "top student" in the imperial court.

This made the young and famous Ji Xiaolan deeply hit:

Finally, I gave the emperor an opinion and ended up with such an "evaluation".

After all, he is just a "little boy" of Emperor Qianlong.

However, in the TV series "Ji Xiaolan with iron teeth and copper teeth", we can often see the scene that Ji Xiaolan outsmarted Shenyang.

So, does Ji Xiaolan really have the status and strength to "outsmart" Shenyang in real history?

In fact, in real history, it is almost impossible for Ji Xiaolan and Xiao Shenyang to meet, not to mention fighting with Xiao Shenyang. Ji Xiaolan was born in the second year of Yongzheng (1724), and Xiao Shenyang was born in the fifteenth year of Qianlong (1750). That is to say, in the year of Ji Xiaolan's Olympic bid, Shenyang was still in the womb, and there was a generation gap between them.

In addition, Ji Xiaolan and Shenyang did not follow the work system.

Ji Xiaolan passed the imperial examination by taking the right path and by endorsement.

And adults 26 years younger than Ji Xiaolan wanted to take the imperial examination at first. But I failed in the exam, so I had to rely on the "credit" of my ancestors to become a small official in the DPRK.

However, some people may be puzzled: since Xiao Shenyang is just a mediocre scholar and even failed the imperial examination, how did he gain the appreciation of Emperor Qianlong and become the "biggest corrupt official"?

The real reason is not complicated at all. Because Xiao Shenyang is handsome and has a high emotional intelligence.

In contrast, Ji Xiaolan is not as lucky as Shenyang. In Historical Records, people often describe Ji Xiaolan as "shortsighted and short of sleep". He is ugly and nearsighted.

According to the research of Zhicheng Deng, a famous historian in Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong took a bachelor's degree every time casually.

Every time he selects talents, he likes to see what a person looks like and then ask him about his talent and the content of the article. On the point of "judging people by their appearances", Emperor Qianlong is similar to modern people.

Later, some people dug up the portraits of several favorite ministers of the Qianlong Dynasty. They found these people very handsome, such as Xiao Shenyang, Fu Kang 'an and Wang Jie.

The emperor not only likes to stay with them, but also often gives them some very private things to do. As for Ji Xiaolan, who is ugly, he only has the job of editing books.

However, although Ji Xiaolan and Shenyang have nothing in common. But he himself did do a "great thing" full of books. This is the "murder of Haisheng's wife" we mentioned at the beginning.

Although Haisheng works under Ji Xiaolan, his background is unusual.

It is closely related to A Gui, a famous soldier valued by Emperor Qianlong. Therefore, if something happens in other people's homes, Ji Xiaolan can completely ignore it.

However, the person who had an accident this time was a marine, and Ji Xiaolan could know that the things here were not simple even if he was stupid.

Seeing this, Ji Xiaolan rushed to the army to see Emperor Qianlong.

Gan Long didn't beat around the bush with him this time. He came straight to the point and said, "Since something happened to your family, let your boss investigate it thoroughly!"

Before Ji Xiaolan came to his senses, he was awarded the position of "Zuodu suggestion of Duchayuan" by Emperor Qianlong, who was responsible for hearing the case.

However, Haisheng comes from A Gui, and A Gui has a bad relationship with Little Shenyang. If we really find out something, Ji Xiaolan can't afford to offend anyone.

Reasoning, Ji Xiaolan had to choose "playing dumb". He handed the case to several other officials in the same trade for investigation and ran home to study.

Finally, the official really came to the conclusion that Haisheng's wife committed suicide.

Ji Xiaolan also too lazy to look at this time, directly follow them to hand in their report. As a result, after a while, everyone was dumbfounded!

It turned out that after learning that Haisheng was from A Gui, A Gui's political opponents began to accuse A Gui of shielding his cronies in court.

The words of these ministers embarrassed Emperor Qianlong himself.

In desperation, the emperor had to order a retrial of "the death of Haisheng's wife".

The ministers in charge of the investigation attacked A Gui this time. Finally, they found enough evidence to prove that this case was completely a case of Haisheng calling a thief to catch a thief.

It was obvious that he killed his wife himself, and finally he even said that his wife committed suicide.

This result is quite different from the conclusion of the first survey in Ji Xiaolan.

Emperor Qianlong flew into a rage, thinking that he had been cheated by officials, and an imperial decree exiled all the officials involved in the investigation.

However, when Ji Xiaolan was finally dealt with, Emperor Qianlong showed rare kindness.

He ordered Ji Xiaolan to be relieved of all responsibilities in this case investigation, and let him continue to go back to be his "Bachelor of Editors".

Ji Xiaolan and other ministers were very surprised at such an incredibly light punishment.

Only Emperor Qianlong smiled and said meaningfully, "Ji Xiaolan is a pedant who can only write articles and compile books. If I must let him find out the truth, wouldn't it be too difficult for him? "

In fact, Ji Xiaolan is no worse than any court official in terms of talent.

However, he unexpectedly kept his job because of his image as an emperor. I have to say that this can really be regarded as every cloud has a glimmer of hope.

Although Emperor Qianlong looked down on himself, out of the self-esteem of an intellectual and because Ji Xiaolan himself had a simple heart to save the people, he continued to express his views on politics to Emperor Qianlong.

For example, in the fifty-sixth year of Qianlong (1792), Ji Xiaolan wrote to the emperor. The general content is to tell the emperor:

At present, many disabled people living in Beijing have lost their lives.

They have no food and clothes every day. If it rains, they have to hide somewhere else. Because the house they live in can't shelter them from the wind and rain at all. I hope the emperor can understand the difficulties of these disabled people and provide them with living security.

In addition, unlike the "confused spirit" shown in previous judgments, Ji Xiaolan wrote down the expenses of building houses and providing relief to the victims in this complaint.

In these data, there is even the cost of purchasing basic building materials. The meaning is obvious: I worked it out for the emperor. All you have to do is nod and sign.

Faced with such detailed data, it is impossible for Emperor Qianlong to pretend not to see it.

Because when the Qing dynasty was established, the emperor of the Qing dynasty made a rule: no matter what the content of the memorial is, the emperor must reply to the minister's opinion, and he must not tear it up!

Finally, Qianlong sent people to visit the people through Ji Xiaolan's letter, and found that Ji Xiaolan was not lying.

Therefore, he personally instructed to allocate a part of the monthly infrastructure cost to the "victims' housing repair project".

It can be said that Emperor Qianlong was sometimes fatuous, but he didn't abandon the word completely because of people.

For example, in the fifty years of Qianlong (1786), Ji Xiaolan said frankly in his memorial to the emperor:

"Now there is something wrong with the suggestion and appointment system! I've been investigating in Taiwan Province Province for so long, and I find it's far from Beijing. If officials are replaced every three years according to the regulations, some officials will leave soon after they arrive. This is really unreasonable! "

As a result, Emperor Qianlong really organized ministers to discuss this matter in the DPRK.

Finally, it is agreed that the term of office of officials in remote areas should be appropriately relaxed.

This also avoids the embarrassing situation that some officials will be transferred before they are familiar with the business.

In addition to playing books for emperor Qianlong, when the new emperor Jiaqing ascended the throne and sat in the temple, he insisted on writing books for the emperor. Unlike many officials who only flatter and flatter, almost every commemoration of Ji Xiaolan is about specific things. Many times, he is speaking for the disadvantaged groups at the bottom.

As an admonition officer, Ji Xiaolan really did his duty.

Even those officials who shared his troubles had to express their admiration for Ji Xiaolan.

In a sense, Ji Xiaolan tirelessly remembers that the spirit of the throne is much like a "political bully" in court.

When evaluating the contribution of a historical figure, we often say that we should look at his "virtue, speech and merit". Then, we might as well use this standard to evaluate Ji Xiaolan.

Lide is to have a good moral example in the future.

At this point, Ji Xiaolan ran for the people at the bottom and dared to be outspoken in the face of the emperors of the two dynasties. This "moral example" is tenable.

Meritorious service, Ji Xiaolan lingered on the edge of the struggle of various political forces almost all his life.

Although the spring breeze is booming occasionally, on the whole, Ji Xiaolan has never had a chance to make a great contribution. Therefore, in terms of meritorious service, he is not established.

On the other hand, Ji Xiaolan not only compiled a thick Sikuquanshu for Emperor Qianlong, but also left a "fantastic book" for later generations. The name of this book is Notes of Yuewei Caotang.

So, what did Ji Xiaolan write in this Yuewei Caotang Notes?

Yuewei Caotang Notes was probably written in the fifty-fourth year of Qianlong (1789) to the third year of Jiaqing (1798).

The book is written in the form of note novels. Its content seems absurd, but every note story is full of philosophy and mystery.

According to the inference of later historians and writers, Ji Xiaolan wrote this "wonderful book" in his later years.

His original intention should be to educate people to abandon evil and do good in such a funny and casual way.

Ji Xiaolan seems to have condensed his lifelong pursuit and ambition into this book.

This is also the spiritual legacy left by Ji Xiaolan, an old editor of Hanlin who has dealt with books all his life.

Because many of the contents in Yuewei Caotang Notes are very instructive and story-telling, there are many classical Chinese works from this book in the Chinese textbooks and Chinese test papers for primary and secondary schools we are using now.

So from the perspective of literature and pedagogy. Ji Xiaolan's life has reached the standard of "speaking out" for future generations.

In the second year of Jiaqing (1796), Ji Xiaolan was appointed as the minister of rites for the second time.

From a "Hanlin Bachelor" who compiled books to an official of the Ministry of Rites, Ji Xiaolan finally became the "number one" who was in charge of the court rites, music and sacrifices and book compilation after 40 years of struggle.

However, at this time, Ji Xiaolan still didn't change the original "Xiao Qiang Spirit", and often took the initiative to write and talk about things beyond his authority.

Fortunately, Emperor Qianlong was not the supreme ruler of the Qing Dynasty in name.

The new emperor Jiajing had great respect for scholars like Ji Xiaolan, so Ji Xiaolan's political position in his later years made a small leap.

In the eighth year of Jiaqing (1803), Ji Xiaolan celebrated his eightieth birthday in his own home.

In recognition of his achievements, Emperor Jiaqing specially sent ministers to convey his blessings and gave Ji Xiaolan many antique treasures.

At this time, Ji Xiaolan had many regrets. Gui and Xiao Shenyang, the people he couldn't afford to offend in the court, are now gone with the first emperor.

Only he, a "pedant" laughed at by Manchu officials, had the last laugh.

I have to say, God is fair. Although Ji Xiaolan lost the opportunity to display his ambition, he was able to stay away from the whirlpool of political struggle and spend his old age peacefully.

In the same year, Ji Xiaolan handed the last paper of his life to Emperor Jiaqing.

In this memorial, Ji Xiaolan talked about "the social status of women".

Ji Xiaolan firmly believes that if a woman is accidentally attacked by others. The court should protect her reputation, not to mention treating her as a "slut".

In the 10th year of Jiaqing (1805), Ji Xiaolan, who had just spent the Lunar New Year at home, died suddenly at the age of 82.

Emperor Jiaqing was shocked when he heard the news of Ji Xiaolan's death, so he specially gave Ji Xiaolan some money and silk to handle the funeral. Later, Emperor Jiaqing personally wrote an inscription for Ji Xiaolan.

After Ji Xiaolan's death, according to the practice of the imperial court at that time, he was named Prince Shao Bao and co-organizer official, and posthumous title was named "Wenda".

Legend has it that before he died, Ji Xiaolan did not forget to call his family to the bed and read a pair:

The first part is: the heart of lotus seed is bitter, and the second part is: the belly of pear is sour.

These ten words just tell the truth of Ji Xiaolan's "fame" in his life.

As a scholar, Ji Xiaolan, like many other ministers, is eager to give advice to the supreme ruler of the country. However, God only gave him a chance to "compile a book".

Fortunately, however, the spread of Sikuquanshu made people remember this "great scholar" who was frustrated all his life, but always took pleasure in suffering and pleaded for the people.

In Ji Xiaolan, we can see a feudal scholar-bureaucrat with inner contradictions and a lively and free-spirited teenager.

Which of these two images can represent the truest Ji Xiaolan? A thousand readers will have a thousand Hamlets. What is right, what is wrong and what is done well can be handed over to those who live fast and open the history books to judge.

Because, in this uncertain world, only time is the most faithful "recorder" of everything.

Ji Xiaolan was not reused before his death because Emperor Qianlong thought he was "ugly", Wang Wei.

Ji Xiaolan: the "tumbler" in officialdom described by Yang Ziyan.

Ji Xiaolan: a talented person rather than a "corrupt scholar" Guo Qi.

The Mystery of the Relationship between Ji Xiaolan and Small Shenyang Ji Lianhai

The real Ji Xiaolan Ma Tao in history.

Biography of Tell Me the Real Ji Xiaolan