Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - "Bright Moon in Qin Dynasty" Why did Tian Ming kill Nie Gai?

"Bright Moon in Qin Dynasty" Why did Tian Ming kill Nie Gai?

There are many good posts in Baidu Post Bar. Let me quote them below. If Tian Ming stabbed Nie Gai consciously, then the reason why he stabbed him could not be that his soles slipped and his sword got stuck in his ass. Nothing more than hearing Gong Shuchou say that Nie Gai killed Jing Ke. Maybe he also vaguely felt his relationship with Jing Ke, but it was Gong Shuchou who said it after all. It's okay not to know Gong Shuhou's identity at first. Can you trust him after knowing that he is a bad person? Although this is true, but the morning should not be easily believed, at best with a grain of salt. Nie Gai is just like his father in his mind. It is unreasonable that he suddenly stabbed the person he respected the most without any bedding. Don't forget, after the White Tiger defeated the organ snake, Tian Ming said that the moon was his second object of worship, so who was his first object of worship? If he hated Nie Gai enough to kill him, would he still say so? To say the least, even if Tian Ming hates Nie Gai, would he kill Nie Gai in such a sinister way? Pretend to protect Nie Gai first, and use Nie Gai's trust and care to hide behind him. It would be terrible if a child had such a sinister plan under the sudden stab of a sword. Everyone knows the character of Dawn. Although he is impulsive, he is not sinister. If he knew the truth, he might fight against Nie Gai desperately, but he would never do such a backstabbing thing. -luna killed Nie Gai by remote control at dawn, which also makes sense. But I think the main purpose of luna's coming to the city is to take away the moon. Nie Gai's life and death have little to do with her. She can't be loyal to Ying Zheng, and there is no need to kill Nie Gai to prevent him from being bad for Ying Zheng. That is to say, she has the conditions to kill Nie Gai, but she has no motive to kill Nie Gai. Personally, I think luna's prediction of Nie Gai will come true, because in martial arts works, any fortune-telling, prediction and dreams are extremely accurate, but this prediction is only her answer to Ying Zheng's question. With her strength, I'm afraid I look down on Nie Gai. From her contemptuous saying that "Nie Gai will be killed by that child, this is his life, and it was doomed from the day he left Qin", we can see that since it is unnecessary to kill Nie Gai and despise Nie Gai, why kill him in such a trivial and troublesome way? There is another important question. The so-called prophecy is a kind of speculation about future events beyond people's control. What is predicted is beyond the control of the prophet. For example, Duan Murong said that Nie Gai was "too easily injured" before he died, which was based on Nie Gai's personality and his situation. The same is true of Duanmu Rong's prediction. If luna controlled the morning light to stab Nie Gai, it would be abnormal to make predictions and show his prophet. Wei Zhao was surprised when he saw that Dawn stabbed Nie Gai. There are two possibilities. First, he knew that Dawn was a black unicorn, but he didn't give him an order to kill Nie Gai. He was startled by the sudden attack of the black unicorn. Maybe he didn't know that Dawn was a black unicorn. After all, Wei Zhao is not a god. He shouldn't have contacted the black unicorn for a long time. I'm afraid he doesn't even know where the black unicorn is now. But why did the black unicorn stand behind Nie Gai after being hit? Why didn't he stay away from Nie Gai in case his fatal blow killed him? I really can't justify myself (personally, I think Black Kirin is only proficient in the art of changing faces, and his kung fu is probably not much better, and aboveboard fighting may not even be as good as a sledgehammer).

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