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What does a fortune teller mean? _ What does a fortune teller mean?

What exactly does the "five elements" in fortune telling mean?

1. Basic concepts

The five elements refer to water, fire, wood, gold and earth. According to the theory of five elements, the five elements are the basic material elements that constitute the universe, and all kinds of substances in the universe can be classified according to the attributes of these five basic substances, and there is a certain relationship between the five elements. Traditional Chinese medicine borrows the theory of five elements to explain the relationship between human body and external environment to supplement the theory of yin and yang.

(1) The five elements are mutually generated, that is to say, they nurture, promote and encourage each other. Mutual restraint means mutual restraint, inhibition and overcoming.

The five principles are: wood makes a fire, fire produces soil, soil produces gold, and gold produces water, aquatic wood. The rules of mutual respect are: Mutuko, Tukeshui, Shuihuoke, Huojinke and Jin Kemu.

In the symbiotic relationship, any "line" has the relationship between "giving birth to me" (mother) and "giving birth to me" (son), which is compared to the relationship between mother and child. Any "line" in the relationship between the two sides has the relationship between "I can overcome" and "I can overcome", which is called "winning" and "invincible".

The five elements coexist and contain each other at the same time; There is also mutual life in mutual grams. Mutual prosperity and mutual restraint are indispensable conditions for all things to maintain relative balance. Therefore, it is normal for the five elements to exercise restraint. If there are too many or too few "lines" in the five elements, there will be abnormal phenomena, which will cause changes in multiplication or attack. Take advantage of the intention to enter; Bullying is bullying. Multiplication is an excessive mutual restriction, which exceeds the degree of normal restriction. Its law is the same as mutual restriction, but the victim is weaker. Opposition is "xiangke", also called xiangke, that is, everything you can defeat is defeated by it, and its law is just the opposite of xiangke. For example, at ordinary times, the soil is filled with water. If the rustic spirit is weak, or water evil is rampant, water will invade the soil in turn.

(2) Classification of Five Elements

In traditional Chinese medicine, things and phenomena related to nature and body are divided into five categories according to their similar attributes and forms, and the relationship between them is briefly listed in the following table: