Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Ask for an inspirational article ...

Ask for an inspirational article ...

Expand your value

This is a very small food company with a production capital of only several hundred thousand. However, the boss is confident. On the cultural wall of the unit, he wrote the rhetoric of being the first brand of hot sauce in this city, which always inspired the confidence of employees. Before the hot sauce went on the market, the boss wanted to advertise it. He originally wanted to rent a huge and conspicuous billboard on a busy street in this city, and put labels on their products, so that all the people passing by here could pay attention to it at once and understand their hot sauce from then on.

But when he contacted the advertising company, he found that the price of advertising space in the city center was much higher than his imagination, and his small business could not afford this sky-high advertising fee.

But he was not disappointed, but kept asking around to find out where there was a cheap and affordable advertising space. After repeated searching, he finally took a fancy to a billboard at the intersection of the city gate. There is a crossroads, and the traffic is endless. Unfortunately, passers-by are in a hurry, and their eyes are only fixed on traffic lights and speeding vehicles. It is difficult to guarantee good results in advertising here. I inquired about the price, tens of thousands of dollars. The boss was very satisfied and rented it.

The employees questioned the boss's move one after another, but the boss just laughed and didn't answer, as if he had everything in mind.

Old advertisements were quickly removed, and employees thought they could see their hot sauce advertisements the next day. However, the next day, the employees saw that there was no advertisement for their hot sauce on the billboard, which read: "Good location, of course, only waiting for VIPs. The advertising rent is 880,000 yuan/year. "

God, this price should be the most expensive advertising space in this city. There seems to be no doubt about the impact of the sky-high signboard, and everyone who passes by here seems to stop and take a look unconsciously. Word of mouth, gradually, many people know that there is a ridiculously expensive advertising space at this intersection, and even the local newspaper has paid great attention to it. ...

A month later, the advertisement of "Shuangkou" brand hot sauce was published.

The employees of the hot sauce factory finally understood the boss's calculation and praised it. The market for hot sauce opened quickly, because the advertising price of "880,000/year" has long been a household name. "Shuangkou" brand hot sauce has become a famous brand in this city.

The boss erased the original slogan and replaced it with the slogan of being the first brand in China. An employee asked him, "We are not the first brand in this city, why should we change it?" The boss replied meaningfully: "value can only be reflected in circulation, but the scale of value is always in the hands of others." Others will never give you the ideal value. Be sure to take the initiative to make signs and enlarge your value appropriately! "This article is taken from a classic article.

After reading Thinking 10 seconds, you will change yourself!

There are two brothers. Their family lives on the 80th floor. One day, when they came home from a trip, the power went out in Eureka Tower! Although they are all carrying big bags and small bags, there seems to be no other choice, so my brother said to him, let's climb the stairs! So they began to climb the stairs with two big bags of luggage on their backs. When they climbed to the 20th floor, they began to get tired. My brother said, "The bag is too heavy. How's this? Let's put it here first and take the elevator to get it when the phone comes in. " So, they put their luggage on the 20th floor, which was much easier and they continued to climb.

They climbed up talking and laughing, but it didn't take long. By the 40th floor, they were really tired. Thinking that they were only halfway up, the two began to blame each other, accusing each other of not paying attention to the notice of power failure in the building, which would end up like this. They climbed and climbed, so they climbed all the way to the 60th floor. By the 60th floor, they were too tired to quarrel. The younger brother said to his brother, "Let's stop arguing and finish climbing it." So they continued to climb the stairs silently and finally reached the 80 th floor! The two brothers came to the door excitedly and found that the key had been left in the bag on the 20th floor.

Some people say that this story actually reflects our life: before the age of 20, we lived under the expectations of our families and teachers, and were burdened with a lot of pressure and burdens. We were not mature enough and lacked ability, so our pace was inevitably unstable. After the age of 20, I left everyone's pressure, unloaded my baggage, and began to pursue my dreams with all my strength, thus living happily for 20 years. But at the age of 40, I found that my youth had passed away, which inevitably produced a lot of regrets and regrets. So I began to regret this, regret that, complain about this and hate that, and spent 20 years complaining. At the age of 60, I found that my life was running out, so I told myself to stop complaining and cherish the rest of my life! So I walked silently through the rest of my life. At the end of our lives, we realize that we seem to have unfinished business. It turns out that all our dreams remain in our 20-year-old youth.

25 golden sentences of Harvard's success

1, correct thinking

Judge yourself correctly before you judge others.

Are you cheating others or yourself? Think carefully before you answer.

People who think twice before acting seldom do anything wrong.

It's no use trying to persuade people who don't think.

People who think that the whole world is wrong are probably their own fault.

Step 2 act

Observe the person who walks in front of you, see why he walks in front, and learn from him.

Busy people can do things well, and slow people can only be opportunistic.

An indecisive person, even if he makes a decision, can't carry it through.

Goodwill requires proper expression of action.

Step 3 think

I believe you can do it, and you will do it.

Keep telling yourself something, even if it's not true, and finally convince yourself.

Step 4 be alert

We should be wary of those who scare dogs and children.

Being too alert is like being too late and making people suspicious.

Don't envy your neighbor's fence for being greener. Maybe there are more thorns than grass.

For someone who is full of "others say-",ask him who "others" are, and you will see his tongue-tied embarrassment.

When a stranger is too enthusiastic to help you, be careful of his ulterior motives.

5. Challenges

If you want to go up a storey still higher, you should provide more and better services to others.

Try to surpass the last performance every time, and soon you will surpass the people around you.

Henry Ford offered a reward of 25,000 yuan to anyone who could save a screw on each car.

You saved 10 points in every link of my factory, and I let you rise to the top.

If the status quo is maintained, what will happen in 10 years?

Don't destroy anything until you are sure to do it better.

6. Main objectives

What kind of life do you want? What can you give in return?

Successful people only want what they want ―― not what they don't want.

Never mind what you have done in the past, what matters is what you will do in the future.

If you don't know what you want in this life, what else do you want?

A wise man can do nothing but do something.

Get busy with what you want, so that you have no time to worry about what you don't want.

Don't be afraid to aim too high, you may need to settle for the second best.

If you don't know what you want, don't say you don't have a chance.

7. Cooperation

Requests can get better results than commands.

Those who are good at giving orders will certainly be able to obey and carry out them.

Willing to cooperate to generate support, forcing obedience leads to failure.

Tell your boss what you want and see if he is willing to help you overcome obstacles.

Friendly cooperation is more popular than incitement.

Cooperation must start with department leaders, and so must efficiency.

Collusion is not cooperation.

No one can hurt you unless you want to be hurt by others.

8. Courage

Only by bravely admitting what you don't understand can you learn and make progress.

Courage is just a step beyond fear.

Most people who complain that they have no chance have no courage to take risks.

9. criticism

Only small people who have accomplished nothing can avoid criticism.

Don't be afraid of unfair criticism, but know what unfair criticism is.

Don't criticize people you don't know, seize the opportunity to learn from them.

Don't be afraid of being criticized. When you put forward new ideas, you should be prepared to be criticized.

Don't criticize other people's behavior unless you know why he does it. You may encounter the same situation.

If you can't stand criticism, you can't try new things.

If you often criticize others, why not try to praise them?

You'd better give a compliment before you start criticizing.

If you want to be more popular, praise as much as possible and criticize less.

10, behavior

A truly great man, others will feel from his good deeds.

A day without a thought is wasted.

Medals and titles can't get you to heaven, but good deeds can increase your weight.

Only constructive behavior can convince people, and it is useless to talk big.

Don't say what you want, use behavior to express it.

Doing good deeds is the best way to praise yourself.

If you are smarter than others, others will see it from your behavior.

A kind response is the safest way to punish those who are unfair to you.

Don't waste your breath on people who don't like you.

Those who spend money to go to heaven must regret not doing more good.

Good deeds are more touching than eloquence.

Epitaphs are not as memorable as good deeds.

The world will not give you a medal for what you know, but will honor you for your good deeds.

Good behavior does not need the whitewash of language.

1 1, with clear objectives.

Know clearly what you want and pursue it.

A man without a clear goal is like a ship without a compass.

All smart people have the habit of thinking clearly.

Willpower comes from continuous action, spontaneity and clear goals.

Honesty and hard work need clear goal guidance to succeed.

Without a clear goal, life will be mediocre.

A firm goal is the first principle of success.

12, education or learning

Education is to cultivate inner strength. All education depends on your own experience; No one can educate another person.

What you learn from your work is more valuable than the immediate return.

Listening is to be learned, but speaking is useless.

A good teacher must be a good student.

You don't have to keep all the knowledge in your head, just get the knowledge you need.

Studying a person's good ideas leaves him with shortcomings.

Knowledge must be used to generate power.

Try to do things better than others, and you will forget your financial troubles.

If you don't study hard from your boss, you will waste your promotion and better job opportunities.

Philosophers find out the mistakes made by human beings from those who make mistakes.

Being good at asking questions made Socrates a wise man at that time.

Use knowledge wisely to attract more knowledge.

The more you learn from your job, the more you earn.

A work-study program is equivalent to others paying for his education.

Knowledge must produce benefits through action, otherwise it is useless.

13, with substance in words.

Remember, others know how much you know from everything you say.

What you say is as important as what you say.

When people want something, their tone is particularly different.

Euphemism is more acceptable to others.

Speaking casually often leads to embarrassing scenes.

Mean words hurt the most.

You can think what you want, but you must be careful when expressing your thoughts.

14, enthusiasm

When enthusiasm becomes a habit, fear and anxiety have no place.

People who lack enthusiasm have no clear goals.

Enthusiasm turns the wheel of imagination.

A person who lacks enthusiasm is like a car without gasoline.

He who is good at arranging play and work, and keeps both enthusiastic, is the happiest person.

Enthusiasm enlivened ordinary topics.

15, do more

Every time you do it again, others will owe you some.

Let others do better and enhance their own value at the same time.

People who are good at fishing choose the bait that fish like.

You can't make everyone like you, but you can reduce the reasons why others hate you.

There is no friction in negotiation with people, which is a major subject to be studied.

Do more, and opportunities will follow.

He who serves others the most is the richest.

Only the road of service can lead to the city of happiness.

16, failed

Edison failed ten thousand times before he invented the light bulb. Don't worry about failing once.

"Ordinary people" gave up after only one failure. So there are many "ordinary people", and Edison has only one.

Aimlessness and drifting with the flow are the primary reasons for failure.

You can find opportunities that you can't find in turn.

Let children be "better" when they are young and often "sad" when they grow up.

When criticizing other people's mistakes, add some compliments.

There is a big difference between failure and temporary setbacks. Only by knowing the difference can we succeed.

He who doesn't stop trying because of a temporary setback will never fail.

Many people just need one more minute of support and one more minute of hard work to turn defeat into victory.

Success attracts success and failure attracts failure.

People who try to get something for nothing often accomplish nothing.

Other people's mistakes are no excuse for your mistakes.

If you try your best, there is no shame in failing.

Don't blame children for being bad, blame those adults who don't teach their children well.

Mistakes are like weeds in the garden. If not eradicated in time, they will spread everywhere.

Self-pity is an addictive narcotic.

Wise people pay attention to their own shortcomings, while ordinary people brag about their own advantages.

If failure can push people out of their complacent chairs and force them to do more useful things, it is a blessing.

Failure is the preparation for people to take on greater responsibilities.

Knowing the reason for your failure is a kind of wealth.

17, fair

Don't ignore the cross section, the universe is made up of atoms.

The best way to get help is to start helping others.

18, confidence

The more you use confidence, the more you use it.

No one can destroy your confidence in anything unless you want to.

All great miracles are the power of self-confidence.

Unfortunately, people who have hope and confidence rarely struggle.

Confidence needs a foothold, but fear can exist out of thin air.

Self-confidence comes from clear goals and a positive attitude.

Self-confidence is an attitude, which can often make "impossible" disappear into the invisible.

Confidence can't give you what you need, but it can tell you how to get it.

19, fear

Bluffing often shows deep fear.

Don't hesitate because of fear. Go ahead to eliminate fear.

Fear is the devil's greatest weapon and the greatest enemy of mankind.

Conscious people are seldom afraid of anything.

Confidence can conquer fear.

Keep your fears to yourself, others have other people's fears.

Bad luck likes people who are afraid of him.

Hope and fear cannot coexist.

People who are afraid of poverty will never be rich.

20. Friends

People will find friends only if they ask for help, and they will soon have no friends.

If you want friends, make friends with others first.

Don't let down your friends who helped you recover from depression.

A friend is someone who knows you and respects you.

Friendship needs constant expression to last forever.

Friendship is to see a friend's shortcomings without making public.

2 1, complaining

If you have to complain, keep your voice down so as not to disturb others.

Don't be too hard on the complainer, he has made his life hard enough.

22, health and habits

If you feel listless, wait until you are hungry.

You should see a doctor before you get sick.

Eat only eight points full

If you keep thinking about getting sick, you will always get sick, and so will your health.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy foods that will never be overdone.

Don't treat headache, finding out the cause is the fundamental way.

Eating too much is not necessarily healthy.

Pay attention to eating habits and save medical expenses.


A blind student of Northwest University in China copied the lecture notes in shorthand and sold them to students with normal vision to complete their studies.

If you feel discouraged, think of Helen Keller, a blind and deaf person who lives a full and happy life and writes books to encourage more people.

This is a great misfortune for a person who starts from the top, because he can only slide down frequently.

24. Happiness

Some people accumulate money in exchange for wealth, while smart people accumulate happiness and share it with others.

Happiness lies in action, not just in possession.

Depriving others of their happiness does not make them happy.

Smiling makes people more beautiful and happy, but it doesn't cost anything.

Enthusiasm is more popular than resentment.

Give happiness generously and you will be happier.

25. Harmony

Harmony makes the universe run.

Friction between machines consumes money, and friction between people consumes the soul.

If you don't agree with others, at least don't argue with others.

Those who promote peace are admirable, and those who stir up friction are disgusting.

Remember, it takes at least two people to argue

More than two people working together for a clear goal will produce infinite power.

Mutual trust is the foundation of good interpersonal relationship.

People with good interpersonal relationships will never worry about having no friends.

People who like harmony generally know how to maintain it.

Lasting success is based on harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Try to be a peacemaker, there won't be too many disputes.

Only those who take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters will provoke personnel disputes. This article is taken from a classic article.

Four classic inspirational stories will make you regret for life.


Early in Alaska, a young couple got married and had children. His wife died in childbirth, leaving a child.

He is busy living and looking after the house. He trained a dog because no one helped to look after the children. Dogs are smart and obedient, can take care of children, can bite bottles to feed children and can raise children.

One day, the master went out and asked him to take care of the children.

He went to another village and couldn't come back that day because of the heavy snow. When he got home the next day, the dog immediately heard the sound and came out to see his master. He opened the door and saw blood everywhere. He looked up, there was blood on the bed and the child was gone. The dog is nearby, and its mouth is full of blood. After discovering this situation, the owner thought that the dog was sexually assaulted and ate the child. In a rage, he cut the dog's head with a knife and killed it.

Then I suddenly heard the child's voice, saw him climb out from under the bed and picked him up. Although he had blood on him, he was not hurt.

He's weird. I don't know what's going on. Look at the dog's body. There is no meat on his leg. There is a wolf next to him, still biting dog meat in his mouth. The dog saved the little master, but he was killed by the master by mistake. This is really the most amazing misunderstanding in the world.

Note: Misunderstandings often occur when people are ignorant, irrational, impatient, lack of thinking, unable to understand each other in many ways, self-reflective and extremely impulsive.

At the beginning of misunderstanding, I always only think about each other's mistakes; So the misunderstanding will get deeper and deeper and get out of hand. If people misunderstand ignorant animals and puppies, there will be such terrible and serious consequences, and the consequences of this misunderstanding between people will be even more unimaginable.

2. Nails:

There was a boy with a bad temper, so his father gave him a bag of nails. And told him that whenever he lost his temper, he would nail a nail in the fence in the backyard.

On the first day, the boy nailed 37 nails. Slowly, the number of nails hammered down every day decreased.

He found it easier to control his temper than to hammer those nails.

Finally, one day, the boy will never lose patience and lose his temper again. He told his father about it, and his father told him that from now on, as long as he could control his temper, he would pull out a nail.

Day by day passed, and finally the boy told his father that he had finally pulled out all the nails.

My father took him by the hand and came to the backyard, saying, You have done well, my good boy. But look at those holes in the fence. These fences will never be repaired. What you say when you are angry will leave a scar like these nails. If you stab someone with a knife, no matter how many times you say you're sorry, the wound will last forever. The pain of words is as unbearable as the real pain.

Note: People often get hurt forever because of some persistent insistence. If we can all start from ourselves and start to be tolerant of others, I believe you (you) will receive many unexpected effects ... helping others open a window is to let themselves see a more complete sky. ....

Step 3 wait a minute

Most of my colleagues are very excited because a new director who is said to be very capable has been sent to rectify the company. However, as the days passed, the new supervisor did nothing. Every day, he walks into the office politely and hides in it. It's rare to go out. Those nervous bad elements are even more rampant now.

"He is an artist there! He is very nice, and he is more gullible than the previous supervisor! 」

Four months later, just when I was really disappointed in the new director, the new director flew into a rage-all the bad guys were fired and the capable people were promoted. He started quickly and judged things accurately, and he was almost like a completely different person from the conservative one in April.

At the year-end dinner, the new supervisor made a speech after three rounds of drinking: "I believe everyone must be puzzled by my performance during my new arrival and the radical measures taken later." Now listen to a story and you will understand: "I have a friend who bought a house with a yard." As soon as he moved in, he cleaned up the yard thoroughly, cleared all the weeds and planted his newly bought flowers. One day, the original owner visited. My friend just found out that he actually used peony as a grass shovel.

Later, he bought another house. Although the yard was more messy, he stayed where he was. Sure enough, plants that were thought to be miscellaneous trees in winter bloomed in spring. I thought spring was a weed, but summer turned into brocade; A small tree that hasn't moved for half a year turns red in autumn. It was not until late autumn that it really realized which plants were useless, and vigorously eradicated and preserved all the precious vegetation. At this point, the supervisor raised his glass and said, "Let me propose a toast to all of you here, because if this office is a garden, you are all rare trees in it. Rare trees can't blossom and bear fruit all year round. You can recognize them only by long-term observation!

4. generosity:

This is the story of a soldier who has just returned from the Vietnam War. He called his parents from San Francisco and told them, "Mom and Dad, I'm back, but I have a reluctant request. I want to take a friend home. " "Of course!" They replied, "We will be glad to see it. 」

But my son went on. "But there is one thing I want to tell you first. He was seriously injured in the Vietnam War and lost an arm and a foot. Now he is desperate. I want to invite him back to live with us. 」

"Sorry, son, but maybe we can help him find a place to live." The father went on to say, "Son, you don't know what you are talking about. Disabled people like him will bring a great burden to our lives. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let him ruin them like this. I suggest you go home first and forget about him. He will find his own sky. 」

At this time? I hung up and his parents never heard from him again.

A few days later, the parents got a call from the San Francisco Police Department, telling them that their dear son had fallen to his death. The police think this is just a simple suicide case. So they flew to San Francisco heartbroken and stopped under the guidance of the police? To identify his son's body. That's their son, yes, but surprisingly, the son has only one arm and one leg.

The parents in the story are like most of us. It's easy to like people who look good or talk funny, but it's too difficult to like people who bring us inconvenience and unhappiness. We are always more willing to keep our distance from those who are not as healthy, beautiful and intelligent as us.

However, thank God, some people are not so cruel to us. They will love us without regrets, and they will always accept us no matter how bad we are. Pray to God before you go to bed tonight, okay? Give you the strength to accept others, no matter who they are; Please. Help us understand those who are different from us. There is a magical thing called "friendship", which is hidden in everyone's heart. You don't know how and when it happened, but you know it always brings us special gifts.

You will also understand that friendship is the most precious gift given by God! Friends are like rare treasures. They bring laughter and inspire us to succeed. They listen to our inner words and share every compliment with us. Their hearts are always open to us. Tell your friends how much you care about them now.

Imagine: my friend, after you have finished watching it all the way; There must be deep feelings. Then, before you make a decision and judge others, first of all, please think about whether this is a "misunderstanding". Then, please consider whether you must nail this "nail" and "start slowly" if possible. Because when you forgive others, you are also forgiving yourself.

This article is taken from a classic article.