Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Lai's Fortune Telling _ Lai's Feng Shui Master

Lai's Fortune Telling _ Lai's Feng Shui Master

Ask Milo and Lan Lin's essays to be complete ~ ~ ~ The more the better ~ Lord, ask for evil ~ ~ (don't be sad ...)

Taboo (end) by Milo

chapter one

On a snowy night, people are paralyzed. The whistling north wind blew gray snowflakes and swept the dark and lifeless Japanese mansion like a blade. The wax lamp in the room waved and made a scoffing sound.

"Mom ... are you there? 」

A five-year-old boy in a cotton kimono, sitting on the wet and cold tatami, asked with a slight trembling.

The boy has ear-length short hair, black and shiny. Zhang Yuanyuan's beautiful face is inlaid with a pair of emerald eyes, which are as beautiful as jewels.

"Mom ...? 」

It was so cold in the room that the boy tried his best to wrap himself in a thin kimono, shivering and reaching out to the corner where candlelight could not shine.

"Don't come over!" Suddenly there was a rude parking sound, which scared the boy.

"It's all like this ... mom's fault. I'm sorry ... be patient, "the woman cried sadly in the dark corner. "Just ... forgive mom. 」

"Mom?" The boy couldn't understand his mother at all, so he knelt down and waited for a while.

"If I hadn't given birth to you ... if I hadn't married into this family, you would be fine ... my poor little tolerance. 」

There was a rustling sound, and the woman came out of the dark corner, and the faint candlelight reflected her face.

Beauty, such as Hui, is a shame to close your eyes. It's just that her beautiful face has lost its former glory, and her white face is covered with mottled tears.

Her long hair hangs over her shoulders in disorder, and the luxurious kimono of red camellia is as dazzling as blood.

"I'm sorry ... I can't protect you. 」

Slowly pull out the dagger from the kimono sleeve, and the woman's tears flow down her cheeks. "I'm sorry ... I'm patient ... mom ... really loves you. 」

The boy stared at his beautiful mother in horror as if she were a ghost, holding a sharp dagger.

"mom! 」

Before the boy could react, the woman suddenly closed her eyes and plunged the dagger into her neck with all her strength!

Blood spattered, a sharp dagger crossed the woman's neck, and her bloody lips trembled violently, as if she could not breathe air. Then, more and more blood gushed from her lips, and the room was filled with a thick smell of blood.

"escape. 』

Women can't talk anymore, and bloody nails have left deep scratches on the worn tatami.

"Run, bear! Leave … for … home. 』

Tears turned into blood tears, and the silent lips suddenly stopped.

The boy watched in shock, and his mother, covered in blood, sat there like a broken glass puppet.

Silent … black … snowy night.

Full of cruel memories.

"wow! 」

Without warning, Yuan Lairen woke up in a cold sweat and stared at the European bronze chandelier on the ceiling, panting.

For a few seconds, Yuan Lairen was too nervous, unable to distinguish reality, and his muscles were tense. Is that ... a memory?

Don't! No way! Mom, Yuanlai Sasako is still alive! I spoke to her on the phone yesterday. She lives well in our family. She likes flower arrangement, tea art and energy drama. It is impossible to commit suicide in front of her. It's just a nightmare, isn't it?

Or something else ... bad omen?

"Honey, what's the matter? 」

On one side of the four-poster big bed, a lazy and confused voice sounded. A hot woman raised her elbow and the silk carpet slipped, revealing her plump and towering breasts.

"I'm fine. I had a nightmare. Go back to sleep." Yuan Lai took a deep breath without trace and gave her a sweet smile.

"Oh. A woman has beautiful blonde curly hair and blue eyes. She lifted herself up, kissed Yuan Lairen on the lips, then lay on his chest and fell asleep contentedly.

Yuan Lairen waited until the woman breathed smoothly and slept soundly, then gently released her, lifted the silk carpet, stepped off the king-sized bed, put on a pair of black satin soft-soled slippers and set foot on the antique carpet.

Will do this kind of ominous nightmare, source Lai Ren feel abnormal chest uncomfortable, oppressed. He went to the bar in the corner of the room and took out a bottle of brandy and a cup from a glass cabinet full of high-grade foreign wine. Open the bottle cap, fill a cup, and drink most of it in one breath.

The function of alcohol is to dilute the inner fear and calm the fidgety mood. Yuan Lairen poured some more wine, looked at the quartz clock on the wall and hesitated. Finally, he picked up the wine bottle and glass and walked out of the bedroom.

At three o'clock in the morning, the corridor was quiet, and a soft moonlight shone through the window sill, with a clear vision.

There are several priceless ancient oil paintings hanging in the corridor, including sermons in the Bible and exquisite still life flowers. But their metal frames have rusted. If you look closely, you can also find that the grass green wallpaper next to the oil painting is an ivy pattern that was popular only in the last century.

Due to disrepair, water seepage near the ceiling is serious. Some wallpapers not only fade, but also peel off, exposing the boards behind them.

Gray water stains wound down from the ceiling and penetrated into the floor. After a long time, the joints of the floor are also wet, and even one side is tilted. Walking a little heavier will make the whole corridor creak.

Yuanlai endured low steps and walked in the long and wide corridor. There is a floor mirror at the corner of the stairs. There is a cherry wood flower stand in front of the mirror, and a bunch of double white roses are inserted in the crystal vase, which is particularly gorgeous in the night.

No matter how old you are, you still deal with the "immortal" firm in the other world. I have to entertain guests at home, so I still spent a lot of thought on the layout.

The antique mirror reflects Yuan Lairen's beautiful face, and his long black natural curly hair falls down to his waist like a waterfall, setting off his skin whiter than moonlight.

On that impeccable face, there are a pair of unforgettable emerald eyes, deep and smart, as charming as the philosopher's stone.

Yuan Lairen's nose is handsome, his thin lips are full of watery luster, and with a pointed chin and thin face, it looks like a finely crafted handicraft.

The gorgeous breath of his body completely overshadowed the delicate and charming roses in front of him. It seems that no matter how beautiful things are, they will be eclipsed in front of him.

Yuan Lairen looks so beautiful, but he doesn't give the impression of being weak and "feminine" because he 183 cm, and his muscles are evenly covered on his slender limbs. The temperament he exudes will only remind people of fancy men.

In fact, he is like a blooming black rose, attracting countless butterflies, and he almost always comes to the net.

Although it seems immoral, Yuan Lairen sincerely respects women. In his view, it is a very good thing to set up a fairy firm to help female clients solve their troubles.

He also declared that "it is natural for men to solve problems for women, because it is often men who bring trouble to women." 』

It is precisely because of his chivalry that this spirit has disappeared in modern times, so the business of the firm is always thriving. Only the fee charged is very low, and Ms. Yuan Lairen will help her out of her own pocket until the incident is resolved.

That's why this European-style mansion appears to lack maintenance from the inside out, which is particularly shabby.

In addition, Yuan Lairen has no idea about financial management, and he will not hesitate to buy things he likes, such as witchcraft books, mysterious spells, strange potions, or high-end wines and brand-name suits.

On the second floor of the old house, there are two storerooms, which are specially used to put books and strange things he collected from all over the world. There is also a fitting room with velvet reclining chairs next door, where men's suits, windbreakers, ornaments and leather shoes are like a fashion shop.

If Kawasaki Chiyoko, his housekeeper and employee of the firm, had not strictly controlled his credit card, I believe there would have been several such storage rooms and dressing rooms.

Chiyoko Chiyoko, 32, is a hot, outgoing beauty who advocates money-oriented hedonism and dislikes pets and married life.

She dresses fashionably and doesn't fit in. I often go to some high-end cocktail parties where rich and powerful ladies gather to look for rich and powerful guests.

Sometimes, when you tell a fortune for a rich lady, you can get a big tip. Of course, Kawasaki Chiyoko is not a man who talks nonsense. She has excellent psychic ability and is a world-class hypnotist.

Only since she was hired by the Minamoto No Yoriie family and became the housekeeper of Master Lai Ren, she immediately became low-key. Now only a few people know that her hypnosis skills are very powerful and can erase people's memories.

But as a housekeeper, Kawasaki Chiyoko can only do some simple cooking, cleaning and laundry. Obviously, Minamoto No Yoriie people pay more attention to her spiritual ability, so they hire her heavily.

To put it bluntly, Kawasaki Chiyoko was sent to monitor Yuan Lairen's every move, and she reported the situation of the young master to her family every year. Of course, after ten years together, Kawasaki Chiyoko has long regarded him as an important relative and would never hurt him.

Just Kawasaki Chiyoko still don't understand, the famous source lai, why so closely monitor her husband?

Because Yuanlai Ren couldn't get out at all, around this mansion inlaid with Yuanlai's family emblem, I don't know who laid a dark spell that has been lost for more than 200 years-"Forbidden Zone"!

The so-called forbidden world was originally used to imprison demons or evil people who could not ascend to heaven. It needs powerful magic, profound magic, plus the talent of weather, geography and people to do it. Because it imprisons the soul and is bound in a magical enchantment, it will never get out.

It is puzzling that such an enchantment, which completely loses its freedom, is imposed on a beautiful boy as lovely as an angel.

Kawasaki Chiyoko used countless methods to destroy the enchantment, but it didn't have any effect except to make it stronger.

"Sorry, master. 』

"It doesn't matter, I'm used to it. 』

Yuan Lairen, who is only sixteen years old, has a shallow dimple when she smiles, which is very sweet. "Compared with this, you still call me a little bear. From now on, we are family members living together. 』

Fate people always think of others and never mention enchantment. He seems content to live in this land of Xiaotian. He spent twelve years in the enchantment.

Over the years, Yuan Lai-jen's greatest achievement is to save and take in a teenager with super powers-Shinichi Huidao.

That happened seven years ago. A thin boy with messy hair and only wearing a dirty gown and bare feet suddenly collapsed in front of the iron gate in the office.

He has no clean place from head to toe, and his thin ankles are covered with broken shackles and blood. More importantly, the number of evil spirits gathered around him is probably an amazing number that has never appeared in this hundred years.

Covering the sun, the oppressive feeling of the storm makes people want to vomit. It's like having a foreign body stuck in your throat and feeling uncomfortable all over.

Source Lai Ren could have ignored it, because the forbidden world can resist foreign ghosts, and the purpose of evil spirits is obviously to devour teenagers. But at the thought of the bloody scene that human beings were torn to pieces alive and the bone marrow was sucked dry, he couldn't bear to go to the front door, cut his wrist with a sharp knife, let the gurgling blood lay a powerful exorcism spell, and kept repeating the ancient spell until all the evil spirits were repelled.

Of course, he also lost consciousness because of excessive blood loss. Fortunately, he was born with the ability to heal himself. He recovered after a few days' rest.

As for the boy who caused the evil spirits to run away collectively, he gradually regained consciousness after lying in the hospital for three days. Kawasaki Chiyoko went to take care of him every day, sticking exorcism spells written by Yuan Lairen on the bedside, windows and doorframes until the teenager recovered and was discharged from hospital.

During this period, Yuan Lairen made a lot of investigations, including putting on an act, asking the dead in the underworld and asking about the background of teenagers. But the answer is vague. The only thing that is certain is that teenagers are born with the ability to manipulate flames, which can burn all unclean things, so the ghost is afraid of him and wants to eat him at the same time!

Evil spirits like to give birth to human beings, but more often they rely on devouring their companions to greatly enhance their demon power. The law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, especially in the chaotic underworld.

And this young man's spiritual ability, like a clear spring in the endless desert, is irresistible to the insatiable evil spirits.

"It seems that you have to protect yourself." Yuan Lairen can't do anything about it. He can stop evil spirits from harming human beings, but he can do little for a minor psychic whose life is in danger at any time for 24 hours.

Fortunately, the boy was very clever and soon learned how to control his own flame. He has a strong spiritual strength, but he is also afraid of ghosts like ordinary people. He always kills ghosts before they invade him.

In addition, after a series of events recently, Shinichi has been protected by the abbot of the famous ancient temple in Kyoto, Qingluan, and there is no need to worry about him at all.

Think of that beautiful qingluan that is not like human beings, Yuan Lairen is always furious. Qingluan is really not a person, wearing a monk's coat, but actually-Yan!

The emperor of the underworld who despised his life can naturally protect Shinichi very well, but Yuan Lairen always feels that he has suffered. What a lovely boy! He was eaten by Yan for nothing!

Although Kawasaki Chiyoko has been laughing at him, he said that this jealousy is simply that the old man is unwilling to marry his son.

"Say it's a son! How can you get married? 』

"I didn't say it was your son." Apart from that, it's really a protest. Although they are father and son in the household registration, they are only six years old, and he will never call Yuan Lairen "dad".

"Whoops, so sad, I wasted so much love for you! Raise you hard! I ... "

"Well, boss, how about making French fish rolls for you tonight?" Really smiled and said.

"Really? Can I have a chocolate sponge pudding for dessert? 』

"yes." I really calmed Yuan Lairen with delicious food and a smile.

"Well, this is your position as a father. It's really awesome. Kawasaki Chiyoko laughed at him mercilessly while enjoying the delicious food brought by true wisdom.

This is a beautiful family of three, quarreling and quarreling every day, and living a full and busy life. Yuan Lairen has stopped thinking about the enchantment. The most important thing is that his "family" will not be hurt, and he will be satisfied.

However, how can there be such an ominous nightmare? Because the dream is too realistic, in retrospect, Yuan Lairen still feels a chill in his back.

In this family, mother should be taken good care of. Father Yuan Lai Longhong is an unsmiling and staid man, but he respects his mother as a guest of honor.

"Do you want to contact his family?" Yuanlai endured handsome eyebrows and turned to the front of the study.

Just turn on the computer and contact your family through online video, which is no different from going to find your family in person. But after all, the picture in front of the camera is limited. Who knows what's going on outside the camera? Maybe my mom is having trouble talking to herself?

Do you want Chiyoko to go back to his house? Just thinking, Yuan Lairen caught a glimpse of the right side of the study door out of the corner of his eye, and something glowed slightly in the moonlight.

"What is it? 」

Who pulled the earrings? Yuan Lairen bent down to pick it up, only to find that he had never seen such a thing. Crescent-shaped, scaly hard object, extremely beautiful in color, with a little thin gold in white.

Maybe it fell from Chiyoko's clothes. She had some shiny evening dresses, but Yuan came to study them for a while and found that there were no holes in them.

Anyway, it's not a good thing. I feel uncomfortable holding it. Yuan Lairen has a strong sixth sense, especially in predicting bad luck. He picked up the scales, walked to an open window and threw them out.

Then he closed the window and walked into the study without looking back.

When the white scales fell from the window on the second floor, they were as light as snowflakes, floated with the wind, and finally fell into the flowers and suddenly disappeared.

On sunny days, the flowers and plants in the courtyard show a scene of spring. Shinichi Terajima is wearing a T-shirt, black jeans and flip-flops, pushing a roaring lawn mower and mowing the overgrown lawn.

I can't afford to hire gardeners and maids, and I will do a lot of housework on Sundays without classes, including leveling the prairie and pruning the rose garden.

There are two high school girls in casual clothes, advertising from door to door. Probably the new Sunkus supermarket chain at the intersection. The girls also saw Shinichi, but they were afraid to go near it. Finally, they just bowed to him and ran away quickly.

This is also a fact. Compared with the well-maintained European villas around, the fairy office is like a haunted house in the midnight paranormal program.

Built in the 22nd year of Showa (1947), every brick, tile, grass and tree reveals the vicissitudes of history, although this villa is the largest in this community.

"It's really hot. 」

I picked up the towel hanging around my neck and wiped the sweat from my head. Turn off the machine and go back to the main house to drink water.

It is ten o'clock in the morning. It's time to prepare lunch. Kawasaki Chiyoko helped Yuan Lairen see off his girlfriend early in the morning and arrived home five minutes ago.

Opened the door, she heard Kawasaki Chiyoko growling, "hang on, come out! I'm going to the bathroom! 」

"The boss bullied the bathtub again?" I walked over and asked helplessly.

"Yes, before going out, he said,' I stayed up late, so tired, I want to take a bath to relax', but I haven't come out yet!" Kawasaki Chiyoko snapped.

"Boss? I'm going in. " Really knocked on the stained glass door and pushed it away, but Kawasaki Chiyoko pushed him away and was the first to rush in.

There is no moisture in the elegantly decorated bathroom. A flower-shaped wall lamp is on, and the curtain in front of the bathtub is opened. You can see the white foam overflowing from the water tank.

Yuan Lairen is lying in a white porcelain bathtub reading comic books, wearing black headphones and listening to the symphony, so loud that he can hear it at the gate of a station.

"You want to be deaf!" Kawasaki Chiyoko angrily walked over and unplugged Yuan Lairen's headphones.

"wow! What are you doing? ! "Yuanlai endured a frightened little white rabbit.

"Also said! Why don't you go and have a look? What time is it now? Get out, I want to go to the toilet! " Kawasaki Chiyoko couldn't help roaring.

"If the boss likes to take a bath, let's use the bathtub upstairs." Really a sigh, said. There is a big bathroom on the second floor, with a square ceramic bathtub and massage function.

"You mean the mourning hall? I'm not going! 」

The big bathroom is at the end of the corridor on the second floor. Because it is a bathroom, it is the "end of the road", and over time, it has formed a mourning hall for the deceased.

Ghosts are mostly people who lived here in their early years. There are stout foreigners, Japanese in old-fashioned suits, sullen servants and crying children, who can't leave because of the ban.

"When you didn't see anything? They just walked around. Come on, get up! " Kawasaki Chiyoko impatiently grabbed the book in his hand and handed him a bath towel.

"I know! I'm up, don't peek! " Yuanlai endured holding the edge of the bathtub and stood up from the water with a crash.

"Who wants to see you, little brother?" Kawasaki Chiyoko turned around and rested on her hips and laughed.

"Nonsense, I am so popular with women, how can I be a' little brother'? 」

"Please don't have this topic, I'm going to make lunch." Really shook his head and said.

"Shinichi, you see, it doesn't matter. Our body structures are the same." Yuanlai teased him with a grimace.

"I don't want to see it, hurry up!" Really a face of red, loudly say.

It's no big deal to see gay nudity. In the dressing room of the rock climbing club, players are stripped naked every day. But the problem is that when you look at a gorgeous and handsome man like Yuan Lairen, you always feel that you have the illusion of spying on his privacy.

"Well, I'm dressed. Turn your head back." The source Lai Ren said.

Kawasaki Chiyoko and Shinichi turned around at the same time and saw Yuan Lairen standing there, wrapped in a purple cotton bathrobe.

After a long black hair is wet, it seems to be more curly and darker, which is in harmony with the perfect face and has a dreamy feeling unlike human beings.

"Boss ... what smells so good?" Really asked doubtfully.

"That is to say ..." Kawasaki Chiyoko sniffed hard, then his face changed and he screamed, "Ah, ah, it's my limited-edition Cartier perfume! 」

"Ha ha, you found me. I passed by your room in the morning and saw that this bottle was good, so I took a bath. " Source lai endure proudly said. "The effect of eliminating fatigue is good. 」

"This is perfume! Not essential oil! How can it be used to take a shower so wasted? ! Damn it, if you stand there, I will spare you! " Chiyo Kawasaki forgot to go to the toilet and raised his fist to chase Yuan Lairen.

When they ran out of the bathroom like a gust of wind and really looked back, they saw soap bubbles pouring out of the bathtub, soaked bath towels falling on the tile floor, and pajamas that Yuan Lairen had changed.

It seems that before cooking, he has to clean the bathtub and send his clothes to the washing machine ... alas, there seems to be more and more housework. I really bent down and picked up the bath towel and clothes on the floor.

When he walked out of the bathroom, he didn't forget to tidy up the comic books on the washstand. What books are they? Let the boss look so fascinated? I just flipped through it and saw a picture, "The Emperor has a door to protect the Japanese family of Yin and Yang ..."

"Yin and Yang division ...? 」

Since when is the boss interested in Yin and Yang teachers? And a comic book? I really don't understand what the boss really wants.

The source Lai Ren rarely mentioned family matters, but I know that Minamoto No Yoriie's family has a long history, which is related to the Yin-Yang curse.

I'm thinking I should have a good talk with my boss sometime. Maybe he's in some trouble.