Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - 360 weeks, no subversion, no life! Give it to you who started a business (with a list of books)

360 weeks, no subversion, no life! Give it to you who started a business (with a list of books)

Zhou, the pioneer and witness of early Internet in China.

Founded Qihoo 260 Company. He often appears in front of everyone in red, and is nicknamed "the leader in red"

Zhou's life, according to his autobiography, has been subverting. This is also the first autobiography of the first generation of Internet entrepreneurs in China. It is worth learning from everyone who wants to start a business or has entrepreneurial ideas.

This story about Zhou consists of 65,438+00 chapters. Looking back at the time of publication today (65,438+07,65,438+06,5438+0), it was listed in the United States until 360.

Now stand up.

Taking the miracle of the Hudson River and the Normandy landing as examples, this paper explains the struggle of entrepreneurs and leads to the thinking behind 360 privatization entering the field of enterprise and military security. In the future, with safety as the core, we will actively explore artificial intelligence and the Internet of Everything to create a new situation in 360. ......

Look over here.

Zhou was born in the 1970s. His character is between Xiong Haizi and a good boy. He likes literature and is rebellious. He planted the seeds of computers at an early age and sent them to Xi Jiaotong University. He claimed that a mouse fell into the rice jar when he was in college. The environment of the school class made him not relax in his studies, and he rushed to learn. Because of personal and life reasons, he began to use the computer to "tell fortune" for his first business behavior. Part-time activities after class broadened his business activities and speech skills.

At that time, due to the influence of Silicon Valley fever and the rampant virus, I learned anti-virus cards and started a new career. I used the school computer room to purchase, produce and sell in the special zone and was transferred to the public security. My enthusiasm, persistence and enthusiasm for starting a business have been ignited.

The second venture was blacklisted because of lack of management experience, which led to another crisis. After graduation, I entered the workplace for the first time and created Flying. Founder entered Peking University and was exiled to Xinjiang for personality reasons to hone his products. I went back to Beijing to meet my wife Hu Huan. According to the market mail, I won the first battle and was recognized. The creation of "Flying" is not optimistic, leading to abortion and running away.

Start a garage-style business and earn 372 1. All in order to save money, they are optimistic about capital and continue to develop after hitting a wall everywhere. Later, due to management problems, my personal mood was good and my capital was indecisive, which made the project worse.

Trapped between the professional manager and the founder, he missed the search engine part and then created a rogue plug-in to promote it. After confronting Baidu head-on, it failed to surrender to Google, and finally resold Yahoo with US$ 3,726,5438+US$ 0,654,38+0.2 billion.

When I first joined Yahoo, I was ambitious and helped Yahoo develop in China. However, due to cultural and communication barriers, I left Yahoo.

After hibernation, it is difficult to ride a tiger. Qihoo was born, failed to find a layout community, impetuous mentality, and the platform transformation was not concentrated. In the early days of the Internet, rogue software strayed into the security field and made enemies on all sides. Strive to win the market for free, and finally stand out. Starting a business again is quite experienced. Seize the opportunity.

The 3Q war was caused by Tencent's entry. After the initial test failed, it regrouped and attacked again. The two sides competed for the desktop, and 360 buttoned bodyguards detonated the war and finally faced a choice. After government capital intervened to end the war, Tencent opened its platform. After several twists and turns, it experienced various emergencies and successfully rang the bell of listing on the New York Stock Exchange. What looks like scenery is actually painful.

The above is the general process of Zhou's growth and entrepreneurship. It is difficult to start a business. Teachers helped Zhou a lot in the process of growing up, almost saved Zhou, and it was not easy to start a business later.

What can we learn from Zhou?

Entrepreneurs should always have a "brave heart"

Anything that can't kill you will eventually make you strong!

A trapped animal was resurrected by blood. People who keep running forward will not have a long leisurely life. I feel-I'm going to start over!

How do people make decisions in precedents without warning, and how do they make the best judgment under the pressure of Mount Tai? Every day is a stress test for entrepreneurs.

I firmly believe that no matter how bumpy and difficult the road ahead is, as long as the direction is correct, it will be closer to happiness than standing in the same place.

True courage is not courage and good at fighting, but never forgetting one's original heart, persisting in faith and never giving up purity.

As a young man, I am really lucky. I didn't get a lot of wealth at a very young age, but I felt my mission to come to this world before I became an adult, and then I worked hard after I had a goal.

It suddenly dawned on me that many young people not only have no ideal in high school, but also don't know what major they want to study in college. Many people have even worked, and still don't know if the industry they are engaged in is really of interest to them.

Through many things, I understand the truth that there is always no reward for doing one thing. Once I put all my feelings into it, the final reward will always come unexpectedly. What I enjoy most is not the final result of doing things, but the unspeakable inner peace in the investment process.

As the theory of 10 thousand hours of genius says, if you want to excel in any field, you must pass at least 10 thousand hours of practice. And these exercises are not carried out in your comfort zone, but in error-prone places.

The biggest cost of working in a foreign company is nothing but communication. It is almost impossible to carry out anything without a strong style.

For me, a big lesson is that you must look forward, and you must look forward. So I later concluded that success is made, success is forced, and very often, it depends on whether you can survive.

Status, money, reputation and public concern are all external things, and they are all staged. These things are easy to get and easy to lose. The most important thing is that your own ability to improve, your own view of things, and your ability to solve problems are all things that you have accumulated internally and others can't take away.

The real light is never when there is no darkness, but it is never when it is covered with darkness. A true hero is never without humility, but he will never give in to these feelings.

Shopping malls are battlefields, and we are also soldiers on the battlefield. Commercial competitors are the enemies we need to face. They are waiting for us like hungry wolves, ready to devour our customers. If we are afraid and give in, then their open jaws will swallow us up together.

I remember a passage in "Difficult Entrepreneurship": "People always ask me:' What is the secret of being a successful CEO? "Unfortunately, there is no secret. If there is such a skill, it is to see its ability to concentrate on choosing the best route when there is no way out. Compared with ordinary people, those moments that make you want to hide or die the most are what you have to experience as a CEO. "

I always hope that 360 won't lose its adventurous genes.

Concentration and persistence have become the most difficult things for entrepreneurs.

look into the future

Zhou has now become the "national team" to protect network security. From the 93 military parade, G20, BRICS, 19th National Congress and other major conference activities, 360 has taken the lead. As one of the excellent teams of Internet companies, Qihoo 360 was commended by the Ministry of Public Security.

There is a voice saying that the era when Zhou was "embraced" belongs to him is over and will not be subverted.

In fact, I was not recruited, but moved from the front to the back, which was not very conspicuous.

After all, there are surging waves,

A generation will eventually grow old, but some people will always be young!

Finally, I attach the book mentioned in Zhou's book, hoping to help everyone:

Difficult to start a business, anti-vulnerability, biography of Franklin, biography of Jobs, 10,000-hour genius theory and free.

Biography of Einstein, History of Western Art, Thirty Years of Silicon Valley Fever, Broad-spectrum Antivirus Technology, High-tech Management, Z Theory, Intellectuals, Fifteen Years of Boiling, Digital Survival, The Catch All-Bezos and Amazon Times, How to Write a Good Business Plan, and The Hand of CNNIC.