Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What the ancients said 10 is so right! It's a pity to know now.

What the ancients said 10 is so right! It's a pity to know now.

0 1. Running water is the first.

Laozi said: "goodness is like water, and water is the goodness of all things."

The water is impermanent, go with the flow, and surrender without a fight, as Fonda wishes.

You can level mountains and rivers, but you can't stop running water.

"Not seeking the best" does not mean not seeking progress, but respecting the laws of nature, not destroying the balance, not losing the big because of the small, and not losing yourself.

Don't do things on impulse, keep your feet on the ground. Just like running water, water flows slowly, not rushing up, but accumulating its own strength bit by bit. At that time, you have power, what do you care?

A long stream of water is waiting to be generated. Experience depends on experience to gain rich accumulation. Wisdom is not achieved overnight. After thinking and understanding, it is gradual, and it has an eye for finding nuances. When the strength is enough, it will be broken with one blow.

02. People who indulge in lust are shallow.

If a person desires too much, he will lack wisdom and spirituality accordingly.

Playing with things will destroy you, and greed will destroy you.

There are people in life who are greedy for money, power and sex without losing their minds. Losing their minds is the beginning of harming others and themselves.

If a person does not pay attention to his career and accomplishment, and does not know how to control his desires, he will fall into a terrible crisis at any time.

People who have no self-control are not enough to talk about life.

03. Gentleman know life doesn't tell fortune.

Everything has its moments of luck and strength.

"Opportunity" is an opportunity. If there is a good opportunity, it will inevitably fail if luck fails. "Luck" is the harmony of time, place and people. If the three are not harmonious, luck will naturally stagnate, luck will not start and people will be trapped. "Potential" is the potential difference. The greater the potential difference, the greater the energy, just like a waterfall.

These three together, collectively known as "fate."

Confucius said, "I don't know my destiny, but I don't think I'm a gentleman."

To understand life, we must first understand our own life, that is, how to stand and be a man as a person in this world. The second is to know the "destiny". After having a life experience, you can feel the natural way of heaven and earth and obey your destiny.

After knowing life, a person has no doubts in his heart, can accept everything calmly, and naturally does not need fortune telling.

04. There are thousands of people, and there are days.

Perhaps, in everyone's heart, there is a small abacus, calculating their own income and then calculating others.

Thousands of calculations, people are not as good as days; Count! Count yourself!

What is it in a few days? Count everyone's "virtue"

Heaven and earth are selfless, only virtue is the kiss, accumulate a little virtue and nurture a little happiness.

People are good, people bully, and heaven does not bully; People are evil, people are afraid, and heaven is not afraid. People have good thoughts, God bless them; If people are honest, happiness will follow!

05. The human world should not be too real.

Things are cold and warm, and people are high and low.

Secular human feelings become cold and warm according to people's poverty, and people's faces become cold and warm with each other's status.

Following the trend is the normal state of the world. Recognizing this, we should look down on the change of human feelings, be left out in the cold when frustrated, and don't have to scold "dogs look at people"; When you are proud, you are sought after. You don't have to get carried away, but you still have to stay awake!

As the saying goes: "Nothing can be true, and nothing can be too true."

Treat people sincerely and see their true colors. This should be serious; As for whether the other party is sincere or not, don't be too serious!

06. Cut straight wood first, then dry the well first.

Straight trees are cut first, and sweet springs are exhausted first.

The wood in the forest is beautiful, and the wind will destroy it; The line is higher than the people, and the public will not. Always standing in front of others, you will be jealous!

The mentality of "harming others without benefiting oneself" is a manifestation of human jealousy and a common social phenomenon.

Therefore, it is good for a person to be talented, but don't flaunt it everywhere. Relying on talent and arrogance can only show your shallowness and bring disaster to yourself.

07. Neutrality is a blessing, and extremes are a curse.

Blessed are those who have a peaceful mind and do things in moderation, while those who are extreme and stubborn often have bad lives and even lead to great disasters.

When Zeng Guofan was the governor of Liangjiang, he was recommended several talents, one of whom was Liu Xihong. Liu Xihong is a good writer. He has written thousands of words and is good at telling what's going on in the world. He was famous then.

After the interview, Zeng Guofan thought that Liu Xihong was "full of grievances" and I'm afraid it won't last long.

Soon, Liu Xihong, as an assistant special envoy, went to western countries with Guo Songtao, and they disagreed.

Liu Xihong wrote to the court, claiming that Guo Songtao went abroad with his youngest wife and had close contacts with foreigners, which humiliated the image of the country. Guo Songtao also wrote to the court, claiming that Liu Xihong had stolen a foreigner's watch.

At that time, Li Hongzhang was in charge and had a close relationship with Guo Songtao, so he withdrew Liu Xihong and no longer set up an agreement.

Liu Xihong was very disgusted with this and wrote to the emperor, listing Li Hongzhang's top ten sins that can be killed. At that time, the court relied heavily on Li Hongzhang in diplomacy and ignored Liu Xihong.

Liu Xihong became angry and became more extreme. He often speaks ill of others, and his fellow villagers stay away from him. Liu Xihong hosted a banquet, and no one went. Soon, he died of depression.

08. Less is a blessing, more is a curse.

Bless the little things, disaster is not trouble.

A person's greatest happiness is carefree, and a person's disaster is nothing more terrible than being suspicious.

As the saying goes, "less muscle is better than more heart."

The root of right and wrong often lies in people's oversensitive, which is not conducive to interpersonal communication and getting along.

Only those who are busy all day and obsessed with trivial matters know that nothing is the greatest happiness; Only those who are quiet and peaceful often know that suspicion is the greatest disaster.

09. Real to illusory, elegant to vulgar.

Truth and illusion, elegance and vulgarity are relative.

Life is like a dream, dreams are like life, and dreaming is also life. Although people often joke about things like "whimsical", "insane" and "daydreaming", God divides a day into day and night, which means that we are half in reality and half in dreams!

Lotus comes from sludge, elegance is vulgarity, vulgarity is elegance, and vulgarity is elegance to the extreme.

10. Learn to speak in two years, and learn to shut up all your life.

The ancients said, "Talking a lot is the first disease in life. It is better to move than to be quiet, and static is better than static. "

Many times, the more you talk, the more alienated you are, and the more contradictions you have. In communication, most people are always eager to express themselves, but they don't know each other at all. So if you really have nothing to say, don't say it.

The ancients thought that "romantic talk is not prosperous, and silence is the longest." Sometimes eloquence is not glamorous, but silence is more meaningful!