Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the meaning of fortune telling in Wudu dialect _ The best place for fortune telling in Wudu.

What is the meaning of fortune telling in Wudu dialect _ The best place for fortune telling in Wudu.

What does Laomi mean in Changzhou dialect?

"Laomi" is a frequently used word in Changzhou dialect. According to legend, the word "old rice" originated from an old man in folklore. The old man usually tells people's fortune according to their birth dates. So "old rice" has become a fortune teller or fortune-telling industry.

In Changzhou dialect, "Laomi" has another meaning, which refers to the older generation. This usage often appears in the mouth of the older generation of Changzhou people, and is used to describe peers or younger generations. For example, "I go out to play with old rice" means going out to play with people my age.

In addition to the above two meanings, "old rice" can also mean glutinous rice in Changzhou dialect. Glutinous rice is a local product of Changzhou, and vendors selling glutinous rice can be seen in the market all year round. In Changzhou dialect, using "old rice" to call glutinous rice can be said to be a very rustic expression.