Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Cultivation techniques of cymbidium

Cultivation techniques of cymbidium

Bottle Lando is planted and propagated, and seeds have not been planted in China, and most of them are imported from the place of origin. When sowing, sow the seeds in the mixed matrix of humus soil and river sand, and keep them moist, not too wet, otherwise it will cause rot. In the temperature of 20-25℃ and semi-cloudy environment, it can germinate after 2-3 months. In addition, plants that have grown for many years sometimes have small buds at the base of their stems, or they can be cut into buds and propagated by cutting. But care must be taken to disinfect the wound to avoid decay.

In the process of small plant growth, we should strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, apply dilute liquid fertilizer frequently, and add potassium fertilizer to facilitate the expansion and enrichment of stems. Sex, like sunshine, can be oriented all year round. Even in hot summer, leaves will not burn if they are continuously exposed to the sun. But it is not cold-resistant, and the north needs to enter the room before the first frost and place it in a warm and sunny place. The suitable room temperature is about 65438 00℃. If it is lower than 5℃, measures should be taken to prevent freezing injury. Temperate zone is between Qingming and Grain Rain, and cold zone is after long summer. Because the vase orchid is drought-tolerant, it should not be watered too much, otherwise the roots will rot easily. Spring and autumn must be dry and wet, summer should be moist, and winter soil should be watered when it is dry. In the growing season, dilute liquid fertilizer is applied every half month for outdoor cultivation; Granular fertilizer should be applied indoors to avoid air pollution. Potted plants should be made of equal amounts of fertile sand, garden soil, humus soil and coarse sand. Change the basin soil in spring or autumn every year to maintain the permeability of the basin soil. Whether you put the pot or change it, you should expose the swollen part of the base outside the soil for people to watch.

sow seeds

For tiny seeds that are difficult to pick up by hand or other tools, one end of a toothpick can be wetted with water, and the seeds can be adhered to the surface of the substrate one by one, covering the substrate with a thickness of 1cm, and then the planted flowerpot is put into water, the depth of which is 1/2 ~ 2/3 of the height of the flowerpot, so that the water can be absorbed slowly (this method is called "pot soaking method"). For large seeds, you can pick them up by hand or other tools, put them directly into the substrate and sow them at a spacing of 3×5 cm. After sowing, the substrate is covered, and the covering thickness is 2-3 times of the seed thickness. After sowing, the sowing substrate can be soaked with sprayer and fine-hole shower, and then watered when the soil in the basin is slightly dry. Still pay attention to the watering intensity and don't wash the seeds away.

After sowing in late autumn, early spring or winter, in case of cold wave and low temperature, the flowerpot can be wrapped with plastic film, which is convenient for heat preservation and moisture retention; After the seedlings are unearthed, the film should be uncovered in time, and the seedlings should be exposed to the sun before 9:30 am or after 3:30 pm, otherwise the seedlings will grow very weakly; After most of the seeds come out, the seedlings should be properly spaced: pull out the diseased and unhealthy seedlings and let the remaining seedlings have a certain spacing; Most seedlings can be transplanted when they grow to three or more.

Seed selection: before sowing, seed selection is directly related to the success of sowing.

1, it is best to choose the seeds harvested that year. The longer the seeds are kept, the lower the germination rate.

2. Choose seeds with full grains and no deformity or deformity.

3. Choose seeds without pests and diseases.

Disinfection: Disinfection includes two concepts, one is the disinfection of seeds, and the other is the disinfection of sowing substrates. Seeds are generally soaked in hot water at about 60℃ 15 minutes, and then germinated in warm water 12~24 hours. The best disinfection method for sowing substrates is to fry them in a pot, so that any pests and diseases can be scalded to death, but for a large number of sowing substrates, fungicides should be added for disinfection.

Accelerating germination: soak the seeds in warm water 12~24 hours until the seeds absorb water and swell.

Cutting propagation method

Young cuttings are often used in late spring and early autumn, or old cuttings are used in early spring.

Cutting substrate: it is nutrient soil, river sand, peat soil and other materials used for cutting. Medium and coarse river sand can also be used, but it should be washed with clear water several times before use. Sea sand and river sand in saline-alkali areas are not suitable for the growth of flowers and plants.

Selection of cuttings: when cutting, when the plants grow vigorously in late spring and early autumn, choose the thick branches of that year as cuttings. After cutting off the branches, select the robust parts and cut them into 5~ 15 cm long segments, each with more than 3 pieces. When cutting, it should be noted that the upper cut is cut flat at about 1 cm above the last leaf node, and the lower cut is cut obliquely at about 0.5 cm below the lowest leaf node, and the upper and lower cuts should be flat. When cutting hard branches, after the temperature rises in early spring, choose the strong branches of the previous year as cuttings. Usually, 3~4 knots are reserved for each cutting, and the cutting method is the same as that of twig cutting. Light control: the propagation of cuttings can not be separated from sunlight, because the cuttings should continue to carry out photosynthesis, produce nutrients and rooting substances, and supply them with rooting needs. However, the stronger the light, the higher the temperature in the cuttings, the more vigorous the transpiration of cuttings and the more water they consume, which is not conducive to the survival of cuttings. Therefore, 50~80% sunlight must be blocked by shading net after cutting, and then the shading net should be removed gradually after the root system grows: the shading net should be removed at 4:00 pm every day on sunny days and covered before 9:00 am the next day.

Temperature and humidity: Bottle orchid enjoys a humid climate, which requires that the relative humidity of the air in the growing environment is 70-80%, the air relative humidity is too low, the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the upper leaves are dull. Because it is native to tropical areas and likes high temperature and high humidity environment, it has strict requirements on the temperature in winter. When the ambient temperature is lower than 10℃, it will stop growing, and it will be unsafe to overwinter when frost appears.


1, strengthen air convection and let the temperature in the body radiate;

2. Put it in a semi-shady place, or shade it by 50%;

3, give it a proper spray, 2~3 times a day.


1, move to a bright indoor place for maintenance;

2, outdoors, you can wrap it in a film for wintering, but every two days at noon when the temperature is high, you should uncover it and let it breathe.

Daylighting: Adequate sunshine can be given in autumn, winter and spring, but shading should be more than 50% in summer. When placed indoors for maintenance, try to put it in a bright place, such as living room, bedroom, study and other well-lit places. After curing indoors for a period of time (about one month), it needs to be moved to a cool place outside (with heat preservation conditions in winter) for a period of time (about one month), and so on.

Fertilizer and water: for potted plants, in addition to adding organic fertilizer into the pot, proper fertilizer and water management should be carried out in the usual maintenance process. Spring, summer and autumn are the peak seasons for the growth of Cymbidium, and the cycle of fertilizer and water management is: fertilizer-clear water-fertilizer-clear water, with an interval of about 1~4 days, which is shorter in sunny days or high temperatures, and longer in rainy days or low temperatures.

The winter dormancy period is mainly about controlling fertilizer and water, and the order of fertilizer and water management is: fertilizer-clear water-clear water-fertilizer-clear water-clear water, with an interval of about 3-7 days. For plants planted underground, according to the drought situation, fertilizer should be applied and watered 2-4 times in spring and summer: first, a small ditch is separated at a distance of 30- 100 km from the root neck (the bigger the plant, the farther it is from the root neck), and the width and depth of the ditch are 20 cm. Sprinkle 25 ~ 50kg organic fertilizer or 1~5 two-particle compound fertilizer (fertilizer) into the ditch and then water it. After winter and before spring, apply fertilizer again according to the above method, but don't water it.

Pruning: When plants enter dormancy or semi-dormancy in winter, thin, diseased, dead and dense branches should be pruned. Branches can also be arranged in combination with cuttings As long as it is properly maintained, the orchids will grow quickly. When it grows to a certain size, we should consider changing to a bigger pot to keep it growing vigorously. One of the following culture soil and composition ratio can be selected for changing pots: vegetable garden soil: slag = 3:1; Or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust (shavings) = 4:1:2; Or one of paddy soil, pond sludge and humus soil.

Take off the pot: put the flowers to be changed on the ground, first pat the periphery of the pot with the palm of your hand, so that the root system will be separated from the wall of the pot due to vibration. Turn the pot upside down on the left hand, gently hold the plants with the forefinger and middle finger of the left hand, press the wrist and fingertip against the edge of the pot, pat the bottom of the pot with the right hand, and then push the root soil downward from the bottom hole with the female finger to let the plants take off. After taking it off, gently pat the soil with your palm to let the excess soil fall off.

Preparation of flowerpot: Choose a flowerpot with a suitable size, and cover the bottom hole of the flowerpot with two tiles or thin foam boards to ensure that the soil of the flowerpot is not washed away by water, and the excess water can flow out in time. Spread a layer of ceramsite or broken red brick on the ceramic tile or foam as the filter layer, with a thickness of about 2~3 cm. Put the fertilizer from the fertilizer applicator on the drainage layer, with a thickness of about 1 ~ 3cm, and put a thin layer of substrate on the fertilizer, with a thickness of about 2cm, to separate the root system from the fertilizer. Finally, put the plants in, fill in the nutrient soil, about 2 cm away from the hukou. Physiological diseases caused by strong light irradiation in summer; Low temperature in winter causes frostbite. This can be prevented by environmental management.

Spraying 600-fold solution of 75% chlorothalonil or 500-fold solution of 50% carbendazim at the onset of leaf spot. Spray every 7 ~ 10 days 1 time for 2 ~ 3 times continuously.

Spraying 1000 times of agricultural streptomycin or 800 times of 65% dixone at the initial stage of bacterial soft rot.

Prevention and control of natural enemies of arrow scale: natural enemies include Aphidius brevicornis, Aphidius longirostris, Aphidius auriculiformis, Ladybird, etc.

Chemical control: spray 40% omethoate or 50% cartap 1000 times in time during the incubation period of nymphs.