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Fortune-telling tricks

Folk stories in Qingyang County, Anhui Province

Qingyang City, Anhui Province is a new tourist city. Do you know any folk stories in Qingyang County, Anhui Province? The following is a folk story I shared with you in Qingyang County, Anhui Province. Welcome to reading.

Folk stories in Qingyang county, Anhui province 1

One summer in the early years of the Republic of China, a family of three moved to the old Zhujiajian Island house in Qingyang Square. The shopkeeper is an old man in his sixties, named Zhu Guli. His wife is still very young, about thirty years old. She is small and exquisite, and her figure and appearance are attractive, but their son is less than one year old. He studied abroad when he was young, and later opened a big factory in Shanghai, which was once very rich. Recently, due to the closure of the factory, I took my young wife and young son back to Qingyang Square, my hometown in Shimen County, to repair the original ancestral home and settle down. However, a few days later, inspector Zhong Xinli received a report that Mr. Chocolate was killed at home. Zhong Xinli came to Qingyang Square with his assistant Qi Pumin. Mrs. Zhu pointed to a closed door and cried and shouted. Officer, my husband was killed in the heating room! ?

Zhong Xintong pushed the door, but the door failed to open. When Mrs. Zhu saw it, she quickly said, The door is locked! ?

Zhong Xintong asked: The door is locked. How do you know that Mr. Zhu was killed?

Mrs. Zhu said that about twenty minutes ago, my husband said he wanted to get something from the greenhouse. Shortly after he entered the room, I heard a gunshot from the room and knew something was wrong. I gave a cry and pushed the door, but it was bolted from the inside. When I looked through the keyhole, I saw my husband lying on the cane chair, and the blood on his head was still dripping. I was so scared that I called the police. ?

Hearing this, Zhong Xintong bent down and looked out through the keyhole. Sure enough, he saw chocolate lying on the cane chair, his head hanging aside and his face dripping with blood.

Zhong Xinli and Qi Pumin had to pry open the door and enter the house. Chocolate is dead. The furnishings in the room are extremely simple. Except for two rattan chairs and a table, there is only a heating stove in winter. The stove burns coal, which is made of iron sheet and has a pipe extending to the roof. Because it was summer, not the time for heating, the stove didn't make a fire, but the coal door was open and the chocolate fell to death on the rattan chair in front of the stove. It's like sitting on a cane chair, shot in the temple and dead.

Who is the murderer? Why kill an old man who has gone bankrupt?

Zhong Xinli was even more puzzled after carefully examining the scene. It turns out that the doors and windows of the heating room are inserted from the inside. If the murderer kills someone and then goes out through the door or window, the door and window can't be plugged in. In other words, if he killed someone, how did the murderer get out of the house after killing? If the killer shot from the outside to the inside, the distance was wrong, because it can be seen from the wound of the deceased that the muzzle was next to the head when shooting. If it's suicide, where is the gun chocolate used to kill himself?

Zhong Xintong was lost in confusion.

Three days later, Zhong Xintong suddenly received an official letter from an insurance company in Shanghai. It turned out that chocolate had previously insured a huge life insurance in an insurance company in the world. In other words, once he dies unexpectedly, his heirs will receive huge compensation. In the letter, the insurance company asked the Shimen County Police Department to find out the cause of death of Zhu Guli within ten days and issue a death certificate. If chocolate dies of homicide or other normal causes, the insurance company will pay for it. But in the case of suicide, the insurance company can refuse to pay this huge sum.

Zhong Xin stood at attention, holding an official letter from the insurance company in meditation. At this time, his boss and the police chief asked him to go to the office. Seeing Zhong Xintong, the director politely asked him to sit down. After three sentences, he pulled into the chocolate box. The director told Zhong Xintong that Chocolate's wife had visited him at the police station many times, demanding that the case be closed as soon as possible.

Zhong Xinli understands that a case like this can only be shelved as a cold case if the murderer cannot be found. As long as there is a cold case, the insurance company will pay huge compensation. Due to the urging of the deceased's family and the director, the case had no clue. Zhong Xinli thought about it and had to close the case.

But before closing the case, Zhong Xintong decided to go to the heating room of chocolate again. He carefully examined the wall of the heating room, and really didn't see anything unusual, so he sat on the cane chair, lit a cigarette and thought about writing a summary report.

At this time, the director and JiPuMin also came, and Mrs. Zhu followed them into the heating room. The director said unhappily when he saw Zhong Xin's carefree appearance. Detective chung, don't use your head for nothing. If we can't find the murderer, let's call it an unsolved case. Write the proof first and give it to Mrs. Zhu! ?

Zhong Xinli saw the director coming and stood up to answer. Suddenly, he saw a spider fall off the beam. The spider hung a silk thread, which fell right in front of him. When it was about to fall to the ground, the spider suddenly swung and climbed up with slender silk. Blink of an eye, it returned to the beam.

Zhong Xintong looked at the spider, then looked down at the open oven door, and suddenly realized, I see, okay?

Qi Pumin asked? Detective, what do you understand?

? Mr. Zhu committed suicide! ? When Zhong Xinli said this, everyone present was taken aback. Mrs. Zhu suddenly? Proud? I cried loudly: Old man, you died unjustly. You were killed, and the police couldn't catch the murderer. Did you say you killed yourself?

The director is not happy either: Officer Zhong, you said that Mr. Zhu committed suicide. What about the gun he used to kill himself? Where is it?

Zhong Xintong said? If I'm not mistaken, the suicide gun must be in the exhaust pipe of the heating stove! ? With that, he picked up the iron bar leaning on the side, put his hand into the exhaust pipe of the stove and tapped it gently. After a while, the iron bar seemed to catch something, and Zhong Xintong slowly pulled it down. On the hook at the end of the iron bar, a small Browning pistol is hooked, and a thin rubber band is tied to the handle. Seeing the pistol, Mrs. Zhu suddenly stopped crying and her face changed.

It turns out that chocolate is rich, but he is nearly sixty years old and has no heir. After his original wife died, he married a beautiful young wife. A year later, the young wife gave birth to a son for him. But soon after his son was born, the chocolate business went bankrupt, so he had to take his wife and son back to his hometown in Shimen County. Before marrying the old man, Mrs. Zhu Taiyuan took a fancy to Zhu Guli's million-dollar fortune. Now that the old man is bankrupt, how can she get used to such a poor life! Later, she learned that chocolate had a huge life insurance in an insurance company. If chocolate dies, she can get an insurance money as an heir. So, she threatened chocolate several times, saying that such a life could not go on and she would take her son away. Chocolate is too old for her to take her son away. When the enterprise went bankrupt, he was really disheartened and was finally forced to die. Because after his death, his wife and son will get that huge insurance compensation. However, according to the relevant regulations of the insurance company, if the insured commits suicide, the insurance company is not responsible for compensation. So he and Mrs. Zhu planned several times and racked their brains, and finally came up with one? Trick? Leave the cold case to the police. After he entered the greenhouse, he first closed the doors and windows, bolted the bolts, then put a rubber band in the exhaust pipe of the heating stove, pulled one end of the rubber band out of the stove mouth and tied it to the handle of a Browning pistol. Then, chocolate sat on a cane chair and shot at his temple. When he died, his hand loosened and the rubber band shrank, so he pulled the pistol back to the exhaust pipe.

The truth came out, and the residents of Shimen County accused Mrs. Zhu of being too poisonous. Soon, Mrs. Zhu sold the old Zhujiajian house and ran away with her youngest son. Since then, her whereabouts have been unknown.

Anhui Folk Tales II

Xinhua village; Xinhuacun; Apricot Flower Village

It is said that in the Southern Song Dynasty, an old Confucian named Xin fled to Hefei with refugees, set up a straw shed in the north of the city, made a living by playing straw sandals during the day, and often read until late at night. He didn't talk much all day and rarely left home. Its straw sandals are durable and cheap.

There are many buyers. Sometimes, refugees and hungry people come here, and they take away their sandals, not only without anything, but also with tea and rice. After a long time, Xin Gong became a well-known good man. In order to appreciate Xin Gong's kindness, everyone who comes here will send apricot seedlings or bring apricot stones according to the instructions of the old man. Xin Gong was very happy to see apricot seedlings and apricot stones, and planted them one by one in the open space near the shed. As for why Xin Gong did this, people didn't care.

One day, the state government suddenly sent someone here to find a man named Xin Zihao. When asked, everyone said that there was only one old man named Xin, and he had never heard of anyone named Xin Zihao. Helpless, the police had to report to the state owner truthfully. When the state master heard this, he thought: Could this old man named Xin be Xin Zihao? So, the governor of the state went into battle lightly the next day, went to Xin Gong's house, met him, and got up with Xin Gong. When Xin Gong met a new person, there was nothing unusual and his words were harmless, which inadvertently revealed his true identity. The state owner was overjoyed when he heard about it. Lord Xin, I came to Beijing on orders from the king of Dongtai. ? Then, he gave Wang's calligraphy to Xin Gong to read. After reading the letter, Xin Gong realized that his identity had been exposed and it was hard to hide, but he didn't want to follow. After a little thought, he said, come back first, and I'll tidy up first. It's not too late to leave tomorrow morning. ?

Early the next morning, the head of the state personally carried the sedan chair, blowing all the way, and came to Xin Gong's residence to pick it up. At this point, Xin Gong had already disappeared.

When Xin Gong went there, he never returned to his original residence. However, the apricot seedlings carefully planted by Xin Gong and the apricots scattered there are flourishing day by day, and eventually become a apricot forest. Every spring, it is colorful and fragrant with the wind. Besides? Xin? With what? Apricots? This word sounds very close, and people call it Xinghua Village to commemorate this upright and charitable Xin Gong and his good intentions. The address is in the northwest of Chenghuang Temple in Hefei.

Anhui Folk Tales 3


According to legend, in the past, there lived a family near Ximen, Hefei. There was an old mother in the family, who was over the age of ancient times. He has three sons under his knee, who are well-known dutiful sons. In order to take good care of the old mother, the three sons took turns to carefully guard the left and right, never leaving. This year, my mother unfortunately got abscess and purulent blood. In order to alleviate the pain of the old mother, the third son took turns sucking pus through his mouth. In order to cure the old mother's illness as soon as possible, Sanzi visits famous doctors and folk remedies every day. However, the disease was incurable at that time and it was not easy to cure it. In desperation, the third son had to turn to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. One day, the third son met a fortune teller in front of the temple. The third son tried to tell the truth and hoped for advice. After hearing the story of his third son, the fortune teller pleaded: If you want to cure your mother's illness, you must use live broth to make it up? . This is a deliberate fabrication of fortune telling, suggesting that mother's illness is incurable. However, the third son didn't understand the meaning of these words and believed them without thinking. When praying for the clay idol, I gouged out a piece of meat from my leg and cooked it into soup for my mother immediately after I got home. All methods were exhausted, but still failed to save the mother's life. After the death of the old mother, the third son turned to sell his family property and bought a coffin to take care of his mother's affairs.

In addition, it is said that there is a red original stone buried under Ximen Street, and the key of Dashushan is under pressure. Take out this key, you can open the door of Dashu Mountain and get the gold and silver treasures of Dashu Mountain. However, some people say that if this original stone moves, Hefei will catch fire, so no one has dared to act rashly. Unexpectedly, this legend was learned by a greedy rogue in Hefei. He took advantage of the dead of night to quietly open the red original stone and stole the key to Dashu Mountain. The key to Dashushan was stolen and the fire started. At that time, smoke billowed from Ximen Street, and the fire grew stronger and stronger. I saw that the fire had reached the third son's house. In order to protect the coffin, the third son actually fell on the coffin and vowed to live and die with the coffin. It seems that the gods were moved by Sanzi's pious behavior, and the fire jumped over his home.

After the fire, the houses in the whole street in the west gate of the city were burned to ashes, but the houses of the three sons were intact. And this place was later called? Three sips? Yes Sanxiaokou's address is in the Changjiang River section of this city. About this legend, it is recorded in Hefei County Records:? Three brothers, Zhu and Song, were buried in the room. When the fire broke out, the coffin could not be moved. The three men were afraid of falling on the coffin and vowed to burn them all. All three people died, but the coffin was intact. At first, my mother was very ill, and she smoked more and more. ? This passage records that although the specific details are not consistent with folklore, the basic content is similar.

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