Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Six Folk Stories about the Rich

Six Folk Stories about the Rich

First, rich people are used to their sons.

Once upon a time, there was a rich man. I got a son in my old age and I like him very much. I'm used to being lazy and wandering around all day.

The rich heard that people with status sent their children to private schools. So he sent his son to a private school.

On the first day of school, my son was beaten for being naughty. When he got home, he reached out and showed it to the rich, who felt deeply distressed.

The next day, the rich man took his son to the private school and said to the teacher, "How dare you hit my son? He is the only child of three generations in my family. If anything happens to him, can you bear it? "

The teacher broke into a cold sweat and said, "It's ... it's too naughty not to fight ... I'm afraid I can't learn well."

The rich man shouted loudly, "it is my son's problem to study badly." You just need to talk about your book carefully. "

The teacher bowed and said, "OK ... OK ..."

Seeing that the teacher was really scared, the rich man said even more arrogantly, "If my son is beaten and bullied here, I will tear down your private school."

The teacher quickly said, "Yes, yes, I dare not ..."

After the rich man left, the teacher never dared to discipline the rich man's son. Instead, he gave the rich man's son a comfortable chair. Whether he was sleeping or playing, he could do whatever he wanted as long as he didn't leave this private school while studying.

The rich man's son is very happy now. Although I can't go out to play every day, it's much easier than those students who study hard every day.

Every day after school, the rich man would ask his son how his study was and whether his husband beat him. His son replied, "He studied very well, and his husband didn't hit me again." The rich man breathed a sigh of relief.

After studying hard at the cold window for ten years, the rich man finally waited for the day when he could go to Beijing for an exam. The rich man helped his son get his luggage ready early, but his son didn't want to be famous. The rich man is cajoling and begging, and he is unwilling to start step by step.

Soon the rich man's son was brought back by the servant who escorted him, and his leg was broken. Seeing his son's leg, the rich man grabbed Ding by the collar and asked, "What's the matter? Why is my son's leg broken? "

He said trembling, "Young Master, he can't even write his own name in the examination room, and his leg was broken by the examiner."

Trembling with anger, the rich man angrily came to Mr. Xue and criticized him: "You liar, why can't my son even write his name after studying for so long?"

The teacher said calmly, "Didn't the master say that it's your business whether your son learns or not as long as I teach carefully?" Your son doesn't learn how to write? "

The rich are speechless.

Second, the shoemaker and the rich

A cobbler hummed a song from morning till night, and the tune was lively and cheerful. His happiness also infected others. Hearing this song, people's mood became cheerful. He is more satisfied than any of the seven saints in ancient Greece.

The shoemaker has a rich neighbor, but on the contrary, he seldom sings and sleeps. He sewed the money in the lining of his clothes for fear of losing it. Sometimes he fell asleep at dawn, but the shoemaker's song woke him up again. The rich man then complained to God, why didn't he sell me some sleep like food and drink?

On this day, the rich man asked the shoemaker who came to his house humming a ditty, "Mr. Greco Watt, I wonder how much money you can earn a year?"

"A year? Seriously, sir, "replied the happy shoemaker in a pleasant tone," I don't use this method to calculate my income. I can't make money every day, as long as I can mix until the end of the year, one day at a time. "

"Is that right? How much can you earn in a day? "

"Less bad things, or considerable income. Mainly, there are always some days in the year when we have to stop working. If people have a holiday, we will be miserable. Some people are really happy, others are sad. But the local pastor is still announcing a new Saint's Day when he preaches. "

Seeing that he was so simple and honest, the rich man smiled and said to him, "Today I want to make you look like a king." Come on, put this 100 yuan away. It will come in handy in the future. "

The shoemaker seems to see that this is all the wealth generated in 100. He went home, hid the money in the cellar, and unconsciously buried his joy. Since having this money, he has lost his sweet voice and sleep. Worry, doubt and fear often haunt him. His eyes are wide open, and he thinks even cats will steal money at night. Finally, the poor shoemaker had to run to the rich man's house. The rich man was never awakened by his singing again and said to the rich man, "Give me back my singing and let me sleep. Well, take back that 100 yuan!

Third, the rich and the golden pot

A long time ago, there was a Taojiazhuang near Weishan Lake, and there was a peach garden outside the Taojiazhuang. Mr Tao's family is very rich. Since I was a child, my clothes have been stretched tightly and my mouth has been opened. Mr. Tao is old and dissatisfied. He dreams of having a cash cow, a cornucopia, inexhaustible gold and money at home. He is kind to people, bullies people behind their backs and does many things with bad conscience. The long-term workers called him "Tao Renshan" behind his back.

Tao has a habit of walking by the lake every day before the sun is red.

It was foggy early this morning. Tao strolled leisurely by the lake and saw a city on Weishan Lake. He boarded a boat by the lake and rowed slowly towards the city. He wondered how such a large Weishan Lake could have a city.

Tao rowed the boat to the city gate, tied it up, and looked down. There were three big characters written on the city gate: Luoyang City. Tao stood for a while and strode towards the city.

When I came to the street, I saw many people picking and choosing, selling garlic, mending pots and selling eggs, and there was no sound at all. Tao Ren Shan walked into a shop and saw the shopkeeper and clerk lying on the counter, staring at him. Tao Renshan looked at the cupboard, walked out of the shop and entered the shop. He saw that this shop was the same as that one, and all the people were similar to the bodhisattvas in the temple. He walked into many shops, all like this. He saw a small jar on the counter of the shop. The pot is just the size for one person to cook and eat. Tao thought: Just use this small pot to cook ginseng chicken soup. He looked at the shop assistant and saw two shop assistants standing with their backs to him, so he held the pot in his arms and hurried out of the shop into the street. When he saw that the street was still quiet, he was afraid and his legs kept swinging. Tao Ren Shan walked slowly outside the city with a jar in his arms. When he arrived at the city gate, he saw the water around the city gate rising and his boat swimming in the water. He untied the boat and got on the boat in a panic. Looking back at Luoyang City, I was shocked: Luoyang City was flooded.

The boat flew to the shore unconsciously. When they reached the shore, Tao strode off the boat and tried to tie it up. At this moment, the golden light flashed, the boat disappeared and the sun came out from the east.

"Maybe it was a dream?" Tao Renshan said to himself. He pulled his beard and it hurt! Obviously not a dream.

Tao is very unhappy. He walked home slowly. As soon as she entered the gate, her daughter-in-law greeted her and asked in surprise, "Grandpa, what happened today, so late?"

"Hey hey!" Tao Renshan reluctantly smiled: "I walked a long way outside and came back very late. I also picked up a small pot on the road. " Tao was afraid of his daughter-in-law's fear and didn't dare to say anything about going to town.

"What kind of pot is a bite?" Mrs. Tao asked, "Show it to me. Where is it? "

"Here it is!" Taoshan people, took out the jar from their arms, glittering.

"Hongfu old man, really lucky. Oh, dear! It's amazing, this is a small golden pot! "

"Really?" Tao Renshan asked in indecision.

"Old man, others can lie to you. How can I lie to you?"

At this time, the maid and the servant heard that Tao had picked out the golden pot, so they all gathered around. The servant said, "The master is really a blessed man." The humanitarian said, "Master's blessing is longer than the water in the East China Sea."

Tao Renshan said with a smile, "Madam, what shall we use to warm the pot today?"

A maid took over and said, "Isn't your wife sixty-sixth birthday? Use it to eat in cook the meat! "

Mrs. Tao is eager to eat meat, and whether it is a good day or not, she asks her servants to start working.

After noon, Mrs. Tao finished eating the meat, but she felt unspeakable discomfort in her heart. She has some doubts: "Why is the meat cooked in a golden pot not as delicious as the meat cooked in an iron pot?"

At this time, the housekeeper leaned close to Tao's ear and whispered, "When I was a child, I heard my grandfather say at home that if it was just a treasure pot, the contents would never be used up."

"This is true" Tao Renshan was dubious.

The housekeeper said, "Try it if you don't believe me."

Tao and the housekeeper automatically joined hands and scooped out the meat in the pot. A spoonful, another spoonful, there is still so much meat in the pot. Mrs. Tao was surprised. Suddenly, Mrs. Tao's face sank again. "We have meat to eat? Put in the money, use it all, isn't it better to spend it all? " But what if the meat in the pot can't be scooped up? "Squinting, the housekeeper came up with another trick:" Why don't we take the golden basin to Weishan Lake and scrub the meat in it, and it will become a cornucopia? "

Without waiting for Tao's consent, Mrs. Tao and the housekeeper walked to Weishan Lake with golden pots.

Mrs. Tao and the housekeeper came to the lake and carefully put the cauldron into the water. Before they started to brush the cauldron, they saw a flash of golden light and the cauldron sank into the water.

When the housekeeper and Mrs. Tao saw each other, they hurried to grab the golden pot with their hands. Where else can they catch it?

At this time, Tao also came to the lake and saw his wife and housekeeper fishing by the lake, thinking that they had met gold and silver treasures again. I didn't know that the golden basin was gone until I asked, which almost made him angry. He cursed savagely: "Where did you take my golden jar?"

Fu Tao and the housekeeper were too scared to say a word, and their bodies were shaking.

Tao is even more angry. He pushed his wife into the lake, then blew his leg and threw the housekeeper into the water. He stood on the shore and shouted, "golden jar, my golden jar!" " "Inadvertently, his foot slipped and Tao Renshan fell into the lake with a bang.

The three men struggled in the water for a while, then sank into the water and disappeared.

Fourth, the rich and the long-term workers