Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is a Jianghu trip and a master's gift?

What is a Jianghu trip and a master's gift?

The drama gods enshrined by artists in Qing Dynasty

The "Jianghu trips" in the Qing Dynasty are divided into "gold, leather, color, hanging, leveling, group, tune and willow".

"Golden Gate" refers to the quack who divines and tells fortune. Divination costs six yuan, so it is called "Golden Gate". Among them, the blind who tell fortune and criticize the eight characters are called "fortune tellers". They tell people fortune in two forms: "balance calculation" and "singing and talking". "Balance" means just saying that it doesn't count, and "singing" means holding three strings and singing while playing, singing the tune of Fengtian Drum (that is, Northeast Drum). The lyrics consist of words, such as "When you were born on August 15 of Chen Bing Year, I counted you as a 46-year-old dragon". Listening to his fortune-telling is like listening to a drum. "Pimen" refers to traveling doctors who sell medicines. Some of them walk from village to village, while others set up stalls in Zaba to sell medicines. Before selling medicine, folk songs and drums are often sung to attract tourists. For example, singing "Ten Tons of Mom's Pay". Some people do tricks first, such as "fairy picking beans", and then sell plasters and pills. "Color Gate" refers to juggling, including "big treatment" and "small treatment", so "color change" is also called "antique change". When jugglers perform, they often tell short stories, such as one-liners and anyway, which later evolved into traditional cross talk tracks. "Hanging a door" refers to an artist who performs acrobatics. The knives, guns and sticks they use are all hung on a knife and gun rack, so they are called "hanging doors". Before practicing routines, there are often some short questions and answers between teachers and apprentices, which are also called "pad words". The traditional cross talk "bodyguard" originated from the "improvisation" of slapstick artists. "Pingmen" refers to storytellers. "Life is ugly, the fairy tiger dog, everything from ancient times to the present depends on one mouth." "Group Gate" refers to crosstalk artists. Party A and Party B make fun of each other and support each other. Various programs make people laugh. "Transferred in" refers to charlatans, thieves and thieves. They are good at mobilizing various means, changing tricks, swindling and stealing property, so they are called "flirting". "Six doors" refers to drummers. It is said that in the Tang Dynasty, a Taoist preached a song with a willow branch, and later it evolved into playing a fishing drum to sing the truth. People call all kinds of songs they sing "Six Doors". Crosstalk artists pay attention to the four skills of "speaking, learning and singing" and call the singing program "Liugong", which comes from this.

Ancestors enshrined by folk artists

Among the above-mentioned "eight schools", five schools are people of Quyi and art. "Golden Gate" and "Pimen" are also closely related to Quyi, which can be said to be half-pull Quyi artists. Only "Diaomen" is specialized in cheating for a living. Quyi and acrobatic artists travel all over the world, and they are called "Jianghu prodigal son" and "Jianghu prodigal son". It was not until after liberation that Quyi artists said, "We are art, not rivers and lakes." In the field of calligraphy and music, the ceremony of worshipping ancestors and worshipping teachers is very complicated, including 22 items: please drive ancestors; Please drive; Sitting in Xiaoxiang's mouth; A liter of temple; Er sheng Dian; Sansheng Temple; Big fragrant mouth; Both civil and military are fragrant; Yan Dingxiang; Spiced mouth; Xiangmenxiang; Twist incense and praise; Handkerchiefs; Fan supply; In order to wake up the wood; Supply bureau; For big drums; For black boy; Three dragon swords; Three Ceng Jing Jietu; Three Kowloon belts; Send the driver away. After each of these 22 items is announced by the priest, someone will sing a congratulatory message, and the rest will burn incense and kowtow. For example, the toast of "Please Open Ancestors" is:

A colorful cloud came in the air and arranged for 28 nights on both sides.

All four disciples are on the throne, so I invited my ancestors to the Lotus Terrace.

Another example is the lyrics of "Lifelong Temple":

The ancestors of all religions are revered, the family of Mei Qing Zhao Hu.

The heavens and the earth are big, and five Ming and three ministers are one door.

As for "De", some people think that it is the four disciples of Zhou, the ancestor, and others think that it is the four disciples of Su Jiyuan, a storyteller in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties: Mei Qingshan, Qing, Zhao Huazhi, and later formed the four portals of "Mei Qing Zhao Hu". So all kinds of drummers have "four doors". Pass ten words to each door and sort them by words.

Two-person-to-two artists are also said to be "four disciples" of Zhou Zhuangwang, but the disciples are different. They say these four people are Liu Meijing, Li and Wang Guangxian.

Five Ming and Three Ministers refer to the "three ministers" of early artists; Huang Fuliang and other "five Ming". Legend has it that the "three ministers" preach storytelling and the "five lights" preach drum books.

Later, the ceremony of accepting apprentices of Quyi artists was not always held on Grandpa's birthday, but another auspicious day could be chosen according to the situation, and the ceremony was simplified. Generally, when old artists accept apprentices, they give them to their ancestors on the north wall, and write "Sacrifice to the King of Zhouzhuang" on yellow paper. Here are four disciples: Mei, Qing, Hu and Zhao. A couplet was posted on both sides: "Zhou Jun taught Imahiko; It is "home in the world" to teach disciples to sing and speak to future generations. The master kowtows first, and then the apprentice kowtows to the master and the introducer. Then give presents to the uncles, uncles and brothers present. The master talked about the rules of learning art, and finally gave beginners a prop. For example, the lyricist gives fans and wakes up the wood; Drummers give drums; Bouncing artists give bamboo boards and the like. After the ceremony, everyone sat down to eat and drink. This meal is usually paid for by disciples. Some disciples are too poor, but the master arranges or receives gifts from others. The originator of crosstalk artists is Dong Fangshuo. The ceremonial jargon of crosstalk artists is called "swinging branches" (meaning to put the tribes of each portal clearly). Usually, an old critic must be present at the party. Because some of the early stand-up crosstalk evolved from the review bibliography, such as Moon Tower, The Birth of Horse Head and Man Bean. Don't forget to spread art and invite seniors to join the "swing club" is a kind act. So many crosstalk artists also commented.

In those days, I watched the artists' crowded performances in front of Shi Sheng Temple.

Disciples should write down the "door list" when they learn from their teachers. There are three items on the menu. One is to remember King Zhuang of Zhou and his four disciples and pass on stories, ballads and lines. Second, the rules and regulations cannot be changed after three years of study. Master and apprentice are like father and son. The master was educated before his death, but Dai Xiao woke up after his death. Don't smoke and drink, don't fight, don't stay out for the night, and so on. When studying art; The third is to write down the names of touts, masters, uncles, brothers and apprentices. Finally, write down the time and place of the door list. This order is like a contract signed by a master and an apprentice.

After studying for three years, the apprentices will not only learn from the master, but also help the teacher and mother with housework. Work for the master for one year after the full teacher, and the income belongs to the master.