Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - If I can live to be a hundred years old, what does it mean?

If I can live to be a hundred years old, what does it mean?

If you want to live to the age of 100, you should have a healthy lifestyle. Now I recommend it to you, hoping to help you:

A healthy lifestyle?

Now let's learn about the healthy lifestyle to be accumulated.

How should modern people living in a society full of science and civilization (especially when the rapid development of material civilization is inconsistent with the slow development of spiritual civilization) treat their own health problems? Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, but not everyone knows how to get healthy.

Some people pin their hopes for health on "supplement" In fact, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, "deficiency is tonic", and only people with physical deficiency need tonic. Others think that medicine tonic is better than food tonic. Big fish and big meat every day actually hurt the spleen and stomach.

So how can we become healthy? I think health comes from a healthy lifestyle.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is the simplest, most economical and most effective way to get health and reduce diseases. A healthy lifestyle includes many contents, mainly in the following two aspects:

1, arrange meals reasonably

Reasonable diet arrangement includes two aspects: healthy diet and good eating habits. A healthy diet means that the diet should be rich in essential nutrients and at the same time avoid or reduce the intake of unhealthy ingredients. Good eating habits include eating regularly, insisting on breakfast, not having enough food before going to bed, chewing fully, not being distracted when eating, maintaining good eating mood and atmosphere, etc.

Adults' daily diet should include the following four types of food:

The first category is grain. According to the different activity and digestive ability, each person needs about ~ grams (5~ 12 Liang) every day. Heavy manual labor may require more. Variety of cereals should be diversified, and it is advocated to eat more coarse grains and miscellaneous grains, because coarse grains and miscellaneous grains are more nutritious than flour and rice.

The second category is vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and cellulose, which are very important for health. An adult should eat at least grams (1 kg) of fresh vegetables and fruits every day.

The third category is protein category. Tofu, beans, all kinds of meat, poultry, aquatic products and eggs are rich in protein. Adults should eat ~ grams (4~6 Liang) every day; Milk (milk, goat's milk, mare's milk, cheese, etc. ) is also a good nutritious drink, and it is advisable to drink ~ ml every day.

The fourth category is oil, salt, sugar, etc. Cooking should focus on vegetable oil, and try to eat as little or no animal oil as possible. The vegetable oil should not exceed 20g (two porcelain spoons) per person per day, and the salt should not exceed 10g (high salt is also a problem in our diet. Salt is a necessity in life, but too much salt intake will increase the incidence of hypertension, gastritis and gastric ulcer, and carcinogens are easy to invade, so gastric cancer is high. Try to eat less sugar.

2. Insist on proper exercise

Lack of exercise is also an important drawback in modern people's life. There is an elevator upstairs, a car when going out, hands-free laundry and microwave cooking, which not only exercises, but also simplifies general labor. People's physical strength is stored up and will degenerate over time, so their muscles are weak. Osteoporosis, fat accumulation, obesity, lumbar spondylosis and cervical spondylosis follow one after another. So sports is also a sign of civilized life.

Life needs exercise, and too little exercise is not good for health. Of course, the amount of exercise varies from person to person, but perseverance is something that everyone should abide by. Individuals can choose suitable exercise according to their age, physical condition and environment.

The form of exercise is not important, what is important is to do what you can, step by step, and persevere. The simplest exercise is walking fast, walking 3 kilometers a day, or doing other sports for more than 30 minutes (such as climbing stairs). Exercise at least 5 times a week. The intensity of exercise should be the number of times the heart rate MINUS the age during exercise. For example, for a 50-year-old person, it is more appropriate to let the heart rate reach twice during exercise. It is best to keep the heart rate rising and keep warm 15 minutes or more.

Step 3 change bad behavior

● Smoking not only wastes money, affects the environment and harms health, but also has a direct relationship with diseases such as hypertension, chronic bronchitis, coronary heart disease and cancer, which seriously harms health. Smoking is a serious unhealthy behavior of human beings. 2 1 century will be an era of no smoking and no respect for cigarettes.

● Excessive drinking will damage the liver, kidneys, nerves and cardiovascular system. Drinking and driving is irresponsible to yourself and others.

Drugs (,,,etc. ) It is extremely harmful to anesthetize people's nerves. All people should stay away from drugs. Never share needles with others to inject drugs, otherwise it is easy to spread diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.

● Keep faithful love and observe sexual morality. Prostitution and whoring are high-risk behaviors to spread sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and hepatitis.

● Irregular living habits will disrupt the rhythm of human life, reduce human immunity and increase the incidence of diseases, which is extremely unfavorable to health. So live a regular life, work and rest on time, and ensure adequate sleep. Do not drink tea or coffee before going to bed, and you are not full. Stay calm, avoid anxiety or excitement, and don't do strenuous exercise.

● Work in a relaxed way without excessive stress and fatigue.

Low entertainment, no indulgence, if you don't watch movies all night, don't play mahjong all night, and don't listen to music too loudly.

● When contacting with toxic and harmful substances and working in a dangerous environment, strictly abide by the operating procedures and take self-protection measures.

4. Keep a peaceful mind.

In study, work and life, we should pay attention to keep up with the changes in the objective environment, constantly change roles and adjust our mentality. In the relationship with others and society, we should be able to treat ourselves, others and society correctly, maintain good interpersonal relationships and adapt to society.

We should set a correct goal in life and control our desires. Only in this way can we maintain a happy life.

Please remember: happiness is entirely a personal psychological feeling-happy people are happy!

Life is alive, health is the foundation, don't damage your health because of fame and fortune!

5. Learn health knowledge

Establishing a healthy lifestyle requires understanding health knowledge, which is a compass to constantly adjust one's behavior. In today's era of endless new knowledge, health knowledge is constantly updated. Only by paying attention to constantly learning new health knowledge, superstitions and the influence of all kinds of wrong information can we make our lifestyle healthier.

6. Understanding of health and disease

A civilized and healthy lifestyle also includes an understanding of health and disease. If some units organize physical examinations for employees, some people are unwilling to attend, thinking that they are not sick, so why bother to check the problem? In fact, diseases exist objectively, and it is better to diagnose and treat many diseases early. Take an active part in the physical examination when you have the opportunity. For another example, some people suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Because these diseases have no special symptoms in a short time, they are ignored. After a long time, various complications appear, or stroke hemiplegia, neuritis, foot gangrene. At this time, it is too late to regret. Others have heard that some diseases need lifelong treatment, and they think that they can't be cured anyway, so they don't care. Even some patients with hypertension have a headache, so they only use cold water to wash their hair, hoping to relieve it. In fact, hypertension or diabetes, as long as serious treatment, blood pressure can be completely reduced to normal levels, blood sugar can also be maintained normal, and you can live like a normal person. For example, a nearsighted person wears glasses and can see everything, just like a normal person. You can't let yourself see nothing just because you hear that you will wear glasses all your life.

Of course, the modern concept of health refers to physical and mental health and good adaptation to the environment. Mental health problems were neglected in the past, and the basis of mental health should be to establish a correct outlook on life and world. For example, interpersonal relationships, from a general point of view, I am the foundation of everyone, and we can't just ask everyone to do it for me. Specifically, everything should be treated in two ways, and people should pay more attention to the advantages of others. If everyone can do this, interpersonal relationships will naturally be harmonious. A healthy person with hard work and enterprising spirit, confidence and determination to overcome all difficulties, can naturally adapt to society and environment well.

In modern civilized society, people should also have a scientific and civilized concept of their own health. Similarly, to accumulate health, it is necessary to accumulate a healthy and civilized lifestyle, which is also the quality that modern people should have.