Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Confucius' attitude towards divination

Confucius' attitude towards divination

Confucius' attitude towards divination is complicated.

On the one hand, he admits that divination is useful in some situations, such as when faced with unknown or uncertain situations, divination can provide some guidance. On the other hand, Confucius also emphasized that divination cannot be completely relied on, because they are only a reference, not an absolute truth.

Confucius believed that divination should be an auxiliary tool, not the only basis for decision-making. He emphasized the importance of rational thinking and moral principles, and believed that people should make decisions through their own wisdom and moral judgment, rather than relying entirely on divination.

In addition, Confucius also emphasized the importance of morality and virtue. He thinks that a person's moral quality and virtue are more important than the result of divination. He advocated obtaining the approval of the gods through Xiu De, rather than seeking the protection of the gods through divination. Generally speaking, Confucius' attitude towards divination is rational and conditional. He emphasized the importance of moral and rational thinking instead of relying entirely on divination.

Divination is a traditional prediction method.

It is no longer widely used in modern society. Although some people still believe in divination, it has been regarded as a superstitious or unreliable prediction method. In modern society, people rely more on scientific and rational thinking to make decisions.

For example, in the fields of medicine and meteorology, scientists explore the laws of nature through experiments and research, rather than relying on fortune tellers or fortune tellers' predictions. In addition, in modern business and social activities, people pay more attention to the principles of honesty and justice rather than gaining unfair advantages through divination.