Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to remove long black spots on the face?

How to remove long black spots on the face?

Question 1: How can I get rid of the small black spots on my face? 1. The homemade lemon juice for face contains vitamin C, which can whiten skin. However, vitamin C in unrefined natural lemon can not be directly absorbed by the skin, and it also contains a component called solanine, which is easy to form spots and make the skin allergic. If you put lemon peel or lemon juice on your face, and then bask in the sun, the chances of long spots will greatly increase, so you must remember that lemon juice on your face must be effective after the sun goes down, and when you apply lemon juice, you must drop a few drops of mineral water to dilute it to avoid skin allergies.

2, protein lemon mask Take the egg to separate the protein, add a spoonful of lemon juice, stir well, add a spoonful of flour, and become a paste. Apply evenly to face, dry and wash off, 2 ~ 3 times a week. The role of egg white is to shrink pores, and people with oily skin are more suitable. People with neutral skin, it is best to add a few drops of honey. Enhance moisturizing effect. )

PS: Before going to bed every night, gently pat your face, then gently wipe your face with egg white, and apply a little more on the wrinkles of your skin. 15-20 minutes later, rinse with clean water. This method has been used. You will find that the skin becomes elastic, tender and less allergic. But remember that egg white is not easy to apply for too long, and it will be better to use it with toner after cleaning.

However, egg white can only be used as an auxiliary material of homemade mask, and can be used together with pearl powder, honey, tomato and cucumber paste. Egg yolk for dry skin is made of the above materials and cannot be directly applied to the face!

3, tomato juice Drinking 1 cup of tomato juice every day or eating tomatoes often has a good effect on preventing freckles. Because tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, they are known as "warehouses of vitamin C". Vitamin C can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase in skin and effectively reduce the formation of melanin. Tomatoes will release a lot of lycopene when cooked, so tomato soup is an indispensable nutritious meal in daily life!

4. Cucumber porridge is made of rice 100g, fresh cucumber 300g, refined salt 2g and ginger 10g. Wash, peel and slice cucumber. Taomi is smashed. Wash the pot with water, ginger is about 1000 ml. Put it on the fire and add rice and ginger. After the fire comes to a boil, simmer until the rice is rotten, then add cucumber slices, cook until the soup is thick, and season with salt. Warm clothes twice a day.

5, black fungus jujube soup take 30 grams of black fungus and 20 red dates. Wash the fungus, remove the core from the red dates, add appropriate amount of water and cook for about half an hour. Once a day after breakfast and dinner. Auricularia auricula can nourish blood, nourish skin and purify body garbage. Jujube is rich in vitamins and is a natural vitamin pill.

Question 2: What are the black spots on the face and how to remove them? For example, very large moles (more than 3 mm in diameter, about larger than rice grains), moles with obvious small blood vessels (spider moles, which can't be removed, are small blood vessel lesions), particularly black tender moles protruding from the skin surface, and moles with black hair on them-these kinds of moles can't be removed by themselves, so you can only go to the hospital!

Others can be removed by themselves, and most moles can be removed by themselves.

Method of removing moles:

The hospital uses laser cauterization to remove moles, liquid nitrogen freezing to remove moles, surgical operation to remove moles, radioactive element cauterization to remove moles and so on!

Go to the mole home:

1. Acetic acid method: dip a cotton swab in vinegar and rub it back and forth on the spot with a little force. It doesn't matter if you feel a little spicy after a while. If the spot will scab several times in a row, don't rub it. When it falls off naturally, the spots are gone. I used rice vinegar, which I usually eat and didn't dilute with water.

2. Dilute sulfuric acid method: Note that it must be dilute sulfuric acid, and the ph is above 1 and below 3.5; If it is too thick, it will leave a scar. Take it with a cotton swab. As long as a mole is clicked, many spots will leave scars. You can't get water on this part within 3 days after clicking. After a week, if there is still a little, dip it in rice vinegar and vinegar. If there is a lot, then use dilute sulfuric acid.

3. Dilute hydrochloric acid method: It is the same as acetic acid method, except that it should not be too concentrated, and the ph is between 1-3.5.

4. Alkaline lime method: take CaO+NaOH (calcium oxide+sodium hydroxide) to prepare alkaline lime, and dip a cotton swab on the mole; The specific method is the same as dilute sulfuric acid method, but please note that there will be a little water after the reaction of alkali lime, which belongs to normal chemical reaction; However, the prepared alkaline lime cannot be diluted by adding water artificially (after the chemical reaction of CaO+NaOH, it contains calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide and other components due to the different electrolytic degree and solubility, which are regarded as effective components, and adding water will cause another chemical reaction to change its components)!

Generally speaking, dilute hydrochloric acid and acetic acid methods are self-used, which are slow to take effect, but very safe, and most of them will not leave scars;

Alkaline lime method and dilute sulfuric acid method are mostly used by charlatans (fortune tellers). It has been used for decades, and it takes effect quickly, but it is easy to leave scars, so the concentration should not be too high to prevent long scars. After the point, dexamethasone, prednisone steroid+vitamin c+ common anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken orally.

Question 3: How can I get rid of the small black spots on my face? The method is simple, and it is best to solve it yourself. You can try it in the following ways:

1. Taking a tablet of vitamin C and vitamin E every day can achieve the effect of removing freckles.

2. Apply clean eggplant skin to your face. After a period of time, the small spots will not be so obvious.

3. Drinking a cup of tomato juice or ordinary tomatoes every day has a good effect on preventing freckles. Because tomatoes are rich in glutathione, glutathione can inhibit melanin, thus making the calm hypopigmentation disappear.

4. When washing your face, add 1-2 tablespoons vinegar to the water to reduce pigmentation.

5. Squeeze fresh radish into juice, take 10-30ml, wash your face every morning and evening, smear it, dry it and wash it. In addition, drinking a cup of carrots every day can whiten the skin.

6. Stir the lemon juice and add sugar water to drink. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. Drinking lemon juice regularly can not only whiten the skin, but also precipitate melanin, thus achieving the effect of freckle removal.

Papaya and milk are smashed with a blender, applied to the face and washed off in about 20 minutes. Stick to it for a week and it will have a good effect!

But I want to add some more:

Natural food can easily remove spots.

Everyone wants to have a rosy and bright face, because it not only gives people a sense of beauty, but also makes people happy and beneficial to their physical and mental health. However, some people have many brown freckles on their faces, which is more common in women than in men. So what is the best removal method?

Among natural foods, there are many kinds of foods that have the effects of skin care and freckle elimination. This paper introduces several effective dietotherapy methods verified by clinic.

Tomato juice:

Drinking 1 cup of tomato juice every day or eating tomatoes often has a good effect on preventing freckles. Because tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, they are known as "warehouses of vitamin C". Vitamin C can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase in the skin and effectively reduce the formation of melanin, thus making the skin fade.

Cucumber porridge:

Take rice 100g, fresh cucumber 300g, refined salt 2g and ginger 10g. Wash, peel and slice cucumber. The rice is washed clean and the ginger is washed and mashed. Add about 1000 ml of water to the pot, add rice and ginger, bring to a boil with high fire, cook slowly with low fire until the rice is rotten, then add cucumber slices, cook until the soup is thick, and season with refined salt. Warm clothes twice a day can moisturize the skin, remove spots and lose weight. Modern scientific research has proved that cucumber is rich in potassium salt and a certain amount of carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B 1, vitamin B2, sugar, protein, mustard, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. Regular consumption of cucumber porridge can eliminate freckles and whiten skin.

Lemon juice:

Stir lemon juice, add rock sugar and serve. Lemon is rich in vitamin C.100g of lemon juice contains up to 50mg of vitamin C. In addition, it also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins. Drinking lemon juice regularly can not only prevent skin aging, eliminate facial pigment spots, but also prevent arteriosclerosis.

Black fungus and jujube soup:

Take 30 grams of auricularia auricula and 20 red dates. Wash the fungus, remove the core from the red dates, add appropriate amount of water and cook for about half an hour. Once a day after breakfast and dinner. If you take it regularly, it can be used to stay in the face and remove spots, strengthen the body and enrich muscles, and can also be used to treat facial dark spots and emaciation. The auricularia auricula in this formula is recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica, which can remove the black spots on the surface. Auricularia auricula can moisturize skin and prevent skin aging; Jujube benefits qi, spleen and skin, and helps auricularia auricula remove black spots.

Carrot juice:

Crushing fresh carrots and juicing, taking 10-30ml, washing your face every morning and evening, patting your face with freshly squeezed juice, and patting your face with a hand coated with vegetable oil after drying. In addition, drinking 1 cup carrot juice every day also has freckle removing effect. Because carrots are rich in provitamin A. Provitamin A can be converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A has the function of smoothing and strengthening skin, and can prevent rough skin and freckles.

In addition, using wax gourd vine to boil water to wipe your face and take a bath can moisturize your skin and eliminate freckles. Calendula leaf juice also has the effect of skin care and freckle removal. Mashing marigold leaves and applying the juice to the face can not only eliminate freckles, but also refresh and whiten the skin. Dandelion flower water can also be used to remove spots. Take a handful of dandelion, pour it into a cup of boiling water, cool it and filter it. Then wash your face with dandelion flower water in the morning and evening, which can make your face clean and avoid dermatitis.

Happy ... >>

Question 4: How to get rid of the long black spots on the face With the increase of age, due to environmental pollution, toxin accumulation in the body and direct sunlight, deep or shallow spots will appear on women's faces, which many women especially don't like to see. Freckles expose a woman's age and affect her appearance. A white and flawless face is what every woman yearns for. Method/step 1. Reject the strong sunlight. Strong sunlight will obviously expose melanin in the skin and form spots on the skin surface, so you must pay attention to avoid direct sunlight. When you go out in summer, you should take a sunscreen umbrella or a sunscreen cap and wrap your skin tightly. 2, do not eat food that will increase skin melanin, such as soy sauce. , and add it in moderation when cooking. Too much soy sauce will increase the melanin content in the skin and increase the growth rate of freckles. 3, eat more fruits with whitening spots, such as lemons, apples, carrots and so on. In addition, the freckle removing effect of pure milk is also better, and the intake can be appropriately increased. In any case, natural whitening is better than medical means. 4, master the daily freckle tips. In daily life, there are many ingredients that have the effect of removing spots and lightening spots, such as carrot juice, which can lighten facial spots when washing your face in the morning and evening, and wax gourd vine also has the effect of whitening and lightening spots when washing your face in clear water. Give it a try. It works well. 5, white vinegar glycerin method. Mash a proper amount of Atractylodes macrocephala (Chinese herbal medicine, which can be bought in ordinary Chinese medicine shops) with white vinegar. ) blending, sealed and soaked for a week. After washing your face every day, wipe the long spots on your face, and the freckles will fade away after a long time. 6, laser freckle. There are many introductions about laser freckle removal on the market now. If you have no patience with freckle, you might as well give it a try. It should be much faster than using the above method yourself. 7, meridian * * * freckle. The formation of spots is mainly a manifestation that toxins that cannot be excreted in the body are exposed to the skin during the blood circulation process. You can try Meridian * * *. This freckle prescription is simple to operate at home and in the office, and you don't need any freckle products. You can try it in your spare time.

Question 5: How to get rid of black spots on the face? There are many kinds of spots: for example.

1. We were called freckles when we were young. Congenital genetic factors+acquired melanin precipitation can only be diluted and cannot be removed.

2. This is called the black spot caused by daily stress when drinking. It can obviously dilute the acquired melanin precipitation. Continuous conditioning can eliminate.

Pregnancy spots are caused by poor metabolism during pregnancy. It can obviously dilute the acquired melanin precipitation. Continuous conditioning can eliminate.

4. Sunburn is called sunburn. It can obviously dilute the acquired melanin precipitation. Continuous conditioning can eliminate.

Freckles are related to heredity, so it is suggested to treat them both internally and externally.

(1) Internal treatment: detoxification in the body: it is recommended to drink scented tea.

Vegetables and fruits that usually consume more vitamin C, such as: monkey peach, papaya, fresh jujube, lemon, perfume lotus seed tea, strawberry, Sakyamuni, persimmon, orange, orange, apple, pear, banana, etc.

Vitamin E foods: fragrant lotus seed tea, sesame oil, peanut oil, butter, vegetable oil, cod liver oil, eggs, malt, cereals, fish, millet, rice, beef, mutton, pork, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and so on.

(2) External treatment: 1. Wash your face first (with soap-free and foam-free facial cleanser)

2. Use * * * cream to accelerate skin metabolism. (let melanin metabolize quickly. Repair damaged skin and regenerate new cells) * * * You can use the method of turning around.

Protect yourself from ultraviolet rays during the day.

4. Use flour+pearl powder (a little)+water as a mask. Apply to face and wash 15-20 minutes.

* If the skin is dry, you can add some olive oil.

* 1-3 can be done every day. Item 4 takes effect about 1 month after 3 days 1 time (it can be obviously diluted).

Do a good job of sun protection when going out, such as playing an umbrella, wearing a sun hat or applying sunscreen.

Let's talk about the production of fat particles first (D comes from other places, I'm not that bad, hehe ~):

1. Internal cause: Most oily particles in eyes and face are due to recent endocrine disorders, resulting in excessive facial oil secretion. In addition, the skin is not thoroughly cleaned, which leads to pore blockage and soon forms fat particles.

2. External cause: The skin around the eyes is the thinnest in the whole body, about 0.07 mm, and there are no subcutaneous glands. In addition, people's eyes blink frequently every day, which makes them particularly prone to lack of water, dryness and fatigue, so they are more prone to wrinkles and fat particles than other places.

Some JM don't know whether the fat particles are peas or peas. In fact, fat particles are small white pimples that grow on the skin, about the size of a needle, and look like a small white sesame seed, which usually occurs on the face, especially around women's eyes.

Now don't beat around the bush, talk about the method of removing fat particles:

Method 1, because it is not very serious, you can pick it with a needle. Now let's talk about its selection method. When the fat particles turn white or light yellow, they can be picked.

1, take an embroidery needle ~ disinfect it with alcohol ~

2, slowly and carefully pick out the white coarse grains inside ~ Be sure to start gently ~ Don't enter the meat ~

3. Dip a cotton swab in alcohol to disinfect the wound ~ ~ ~ This step is very important ~ Because the wound is infected, it is easy to come to class (alcohol can be used without alcohol).

4, apply some medicine high ~ and then stick a band-aid. You can bring it in a day ~ ~ Remember to change the band-aid twice a day ~ ~ Don't get wet.

In a few days, you will find a shell on the wound ~ ~ It will be fine in about ten days ~ ~ Because there is no damage to the dermis, there will be no trace ~ ~ ~

I've picked it myself three times before, and there's no trace. I have picked it for others several times. This method is very popular. I hope it will help JM people ~ ~

If you pick it carefully, it will hurt and grow back. Be careful not to squeeze hard with your hands. It is recommended to go to the beauty salon to choose.

Some JM people think that this must be caused by fat particles using something too oily like acne to block pores, so they blame eye cream. This statement is also widely seen in beauty fashion magazines, newspapers and beauticians. But this is a concept, right? Unfortunately, this concept may be completely wrong after being proved by skin physiology and pathology. According to the pathological findings of skin sections, the cause of fat particles should be a small wound on the skin, which produced a small white cyst in the process of self-repair of the skin. So clinically, orange peel tissue often happens to young women and children who don't wipe anything. Eliminate eye fat particles and replace them with eye cream (remove eye fat particles and use rice-shaped eye cream ~). ...& gt& gt

Question 6: How to remove the black spots on the face? Are you talking about blackheads or moles? These two methods are different. There are five steps to remove blackheads and things on the skin.

The first step is to wash your face with hot water, and use facial cleanser to make bubbles and circles on your nose, which will open your pores.

Step 2: Squeeze the blackhead derivative liquid (Gamelome and percentage are good) onto the cotton pad, and make sure it is completely soaked.

Step 3: Apply a cotton pad to your nose and take it off after ten minutes.

Step four, pat your nose wet, stick it on it, and take it off after ten minutes. You can see the blackheads and whiteheads that have been stuck.

Step 5, use pore shrinking essence or shrinking water on the nose.

These are all my personal treatments for blackheads. Here are some remedies I collected:

First, salt and milk remove blackheads.

It is best to use unused salt, which can be put in a small bottle alone when it is first opened; Mix 4 ~ 5 drops of milk with salt every time, and use it when the salt is half dissolved; Because the salt is not completely dissolved at this time, there are particles, so the force of * * * * must be very, very small; Wash it off with water after half a minute, not too long; In order to make the skin secrete clean oil again, don't rub anything on the washed skin after washing.

Second, use pearl powder to remove blackheads.

Buy high-quality pearl powder for oral administration at the drugstore. Put a proper amount of pearl powder into a small dish, add a proper amount of water, and make the pearl powder into a paste. Good pearl powder is evenly applied to the face. * * * Apply it on your face until the pearl powder on your face is dry, and then wash your face with water. Twice a week. It can well remove aging horniness and blackheads.

Third, egg whites go to blackheads.

Prepare a clean cotton pad and tear the original thick cotton pad into thinner slices, the thinner the better; Open an egg and separate the protein from the yolk, leaving the protein for later use; Soak the torn cotton pad in egg white, drain it slightly and stick it on your nose; Wait ten to fifteen minutes, and then carefully tear off the cotton pad when it is dry.

There are many ways to remove moles, such as liquid nitrogen (freezing), excision and laser. We don't advocate freezing, because first of all, its depth is difficult to control, and it is easy to hurt other skin around.

Laser therapy has the advantages of good heat conduction, accurate treatment and no damage to the surrounding skin, and is suitable for the treatment of pigmented nevus with a diameter less than 2 mm.

The surgical method is suitable for pigmented nevus of more than 2mm.

Question 7: Why do I have many small black spots on my face? Long time no see. How can I get rid of 40 points and pay attention to the usual cleanliness?

This is mainly because dirt enters the pores.

Caused by large pores

So wash your face every day.

At the same time pay attention to maintenance.

It will be removed slowly.

Satisfaction is the best, thank you.

Question 8: How to remove the black spots on the face? Too many. It can be removed by laser.

Question 9: How to remove the black spots on the face? If the T area is particularly oily and the pores are large, it means that your skin is short of water.

Be sure to pay attention to moisturizing and hydrating, and also pay attention to the cleanliness of the face.

It is generally necessary to exfoliate twice a week.

Another thing is to choose a facial cleanser with good cleaning ability, which is gentle and not * * *. You can try the mineral facial cleanser of Vichy and Royal Mud Workshop. Good cleaning ability, super oil control and gentleness. I've been using it.

Spray astringent water after cleansing to shrink pores.

Make a facial mask every day, maintain your facial skin and choose a hydrating cream that suits you. Because the skin is oily, it will lead to large pores, and the key is to replenish water.

You can also use DIY mask. Hehe, I'll tell you together!

This is suitable for neutral to oily and mixed skin: lemon honey+ice water firming (once or twice a week). After washing your face, apply ten drops of fresh lemon juice, half a cup of honey and three teaspoons of yeast powder to the mask. Yeast can remove dead fine hair, honey can lubricate the skin, and lemon can absorb excess oil. After ten minutes, washing the mask with ice water can not only tighten pores, but also promote blood circulation and restore skin brightness.

It should be useful to you, hehe.

It is best to make a mineral mud mask at ordinary times, which is good for cleaning pores and removing blackheads.

It is also very cost-effective. You can try.