Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Zhengzhou Shenpo fortune-telling

Zhengzhou Shenpo fortune-telling

How do rural witches explain?

In China, there will be a mysterious profession called psychic, commonly known as witch, and fortune-telling through psychic is an accurate fortune-telling. Most of them are old ladies. There are not many such people. Often there is such a famous "witch" in a county or a region, but it is found all over the country. "Witch girl" is respected by local people and regarded as a "half fairy".

Psychics are often women with low education (less men). They have never studied the fortune-telling theory such as Zhouyi, and after experiencing various illnesses and even death, they suddenly have this psychic ability.

Report 1

This is not tempered, but it must be predestined friends with the gods. Ordinary people can see it without showing it to others. They need the unity of man and god, and god is attached to the human body. Although this is a bit superstitious, unbelievers have never met it, and they will know it when they meet it.

Statement 2

There are words and weapons, and witches are weapons! I didn't read Tibetan either. It is called the universal language. Two unknown teachers can communicate with each other in the universal language, and help the curious people to solve their doubts, because I never believed that I was convinced of my doubts. Of course, I didn't know until I experienced it. That magic is very shocking.

But most of them are false, so we should have the ability to distinguish between true and false, of course, what happened is accurate, and we should solve the problem by peaceful means, not by physical means such as instruments and spells. The root of this way to find a doctor is accurate, that is, he is really a disciple of Buddhism.

Extended data

The witch asks the probability in a mysterious way to defraud the "believers" of their trust. In an unannounced visit, some journalists not only experienced this ability to win the trust of the people by "fooling", but also witnessed this fanaticism of "being fooled". "In fact, the more vague and ambiguous her words are, the more she can cover up what happened to you."

A fortune teller, who asked not to be named, said that, like journalists' longing for peace, "witches" will definitely think about whether there is any precedent for an accident at the journalists' home, which is itself a question of probability. It usually happens in almost everyone's home. After the reporter did not give a positive answer, the "witch" would ask something that she thought was more likely to happen.

"For example, in your place, there are many rivers and lakes and many cars, so the probability of drowning or car accidents is relatively high. Get trust through these first. " The fortune teller said that after gaining trust, the "witch" will further lead to the truth of the "believer" and then make money by mystifying. "Many people just want peace of mind, even if they spend some money."

According to CCTV programs, the so-called "possessed by ghosts and gods" is a common hysteria, which occasionally appears in mental disorders such as schizophrenia. This situation is more common in people with rich feelings, rich imagination or superstition, especially rural women.

First of all, patients have the ideological basis of believing in ghosts and gods and are easy to accept suggestive personality characteristics. After intense mental stimulation, self-awareness, self-suggestion, such as suspicion that ghosts and gods will possess, or verbal suggestion from the environment or others, the patient claims to be a so-and-so fairy, which is the embodiment of the dead soul. At this time, patients often speak in the tone and identity of these possessed people, and their tone becomes special. The content of his speech is related to the patient's inner experience at that time.

It can last for a few minutes or hours. After suggestive treatment, patients can quickly recover their identity, and can partially recall the course of the attack after the attack.

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