Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What haunted hotels are there at home and abroad?

What haunted hotels are there at home and abroad?

Haunted events are all caused by the environment. The so-called "ghost" is just a reflection of the phenomenon by the human brain, which is caused by magnetic field, cold air flow, dimming or changing of light, etc. Scientific research has also found that there are often infrasound waves in haunted places, which will make people uneasy.

The unusual magnetic field, airflow and infrasound waves in some parts of the Tower of London, coupled with dim light, are particularly likely to cause people's deep fear of the claustrophobic environment, and it is easy for tourists to believe that they have discovered ghosts.

Langham House London, UK 1

The five-star hotel in West End of London has received many royal nobles and celebrities. Such a famous British luxury hotel is actually the first "ghost shop" in the world, and its room 333 is a "ghost gathering place". A guest living in Room 333 complained that he was shaken by an unknown force all night. In addition, the ghosts of Napoleon and the German prince who committed suicide by jumping off a building here often wander here.

2. 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa

The hotel is located in Arkansas, USA, and was established in 1886. It became a famous "ghost shop" because before the hotel was built, it was a fake hospital for illegal human experiments. Many ghosts who have been mutilated and unjustly killed still wander here, including nurses who used to work here and students who committed suicide.

3. Russell Hotel

This is an old hotel located in the historic district of Sydney. It is said that the ghost of a colonial sailor lives here. He often wanders in the corridor. Sometimes, he may stand in front of the bed and stare at you while you sleep. Today, although the hotel is still in that old building, its interior is brand-new, and its superior location near the circular pier has attracted countless people to stay.

4. Stanley Hotel

Stanley Hotel is the prototype of the haunted hotel in The Shining, the originator of horror movies, located in Colorado, USA. It is said that the author of The Shining lived here and experienced the supernatural, thus creating The Shining on this basis and becoming a classic. According to legend, the ghosts of Stanley and his wife, the founders of the hotel, often wander around the hotel, and some old employees who have passed away still "stick to their posts". Nowadays, in the hotel room, The Shining will be shown on TV, and the hotel has also launched a thriller-themed travel service.

5. Grand Hyatt Taipei

Grand Hyatt Hotel is located in the bustling business district of Taipei, and is famous for being haunted. The hotel was once a prison during the war, when many prisoners were executed here. Since then, the Grand Hyatt Hotel has become the residence of these ghosts. In order to dispel these terrible ghosts who stayed for a long time, the hotel placed a China Buddhist scripture at the entrance and hung many religious scrolls on the wall of the hall.