Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Does orthodontics affect fate?

Does orthodontics affect fate?

First of all, orthodontics is harmless:

① Under normal circumstances, every tooth has a certain degree of physiological activity in order to buffer the chewing pressure, but in the process of orthodontic treatment, the tooth looseness increases, which is a normal reaction. If teeth want to move, alveolar bone and periodontal ligament need to be reconstructed, so that teeth will become loose. However, after the teeth are corrected to the normal position and stop moving, the teeth can reattach the periodontal ligament through their own repair ability and become stable without permanent damage.

② During orthodontic treatment, the height of alveolar bone will decrease. This is because wearing an appliance makes oral hygiene difficult to maintain, increases the chance of gingivitis, and has a certain impact on alveolar bone. After treatment, alveolar bone will not continue to be absorbed. If good oral hygiene is maintained, alveolar bone will gradually return to normal.

③ Orthodontics has no harm to teeth, but it will have a little influence on teeth during orthodontic treatment, but this influence is only temporary and has no clinical significance. Don't worry.