Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Introduction to fortune-telling chart _ Fortune-telling chart

Introduction to fortune-telling chart _ Fortune-telling chart

What do you think of palm reading?

Teach yourself to read palms (read palm charts by yourself)

Palmistry is an ancient knowledge. By observing the texture and lines of the palm, we can understand a person's personality, fortune and health. Although it takes years of study and practice to really master palm reading, we can have a preliminary understanding of our own palm reading through some simple methods. Here's how to read your palm.

First, we need to prepare a clear palm photo. Put your palm flat on the table, keep it relaxed, and then take a picture of your palm with your mobile phone or camera to make sure that the picture is clear and you can see the texture and lines of your palm.

Second, we need to know the basic structure of the palm. The human palm is mainly divided into several parts, including palm, back of hand, fingers and wrist. The palm of your hand represents your inner world and emotional state, the back of your hand represents your external performance and social skills, your fingers represent your thinking mode and wisdom level, and your wrist is related to your health.

Next, let's look at the texture of the palm. The texture of the palm mainly includes lines and lines. Texture refers to the skin texture on the palm, which is divided into vertical and horizontal stripes. Vertical bars mainly represent personal fortune and development trend, while horizontal bars represent personal pressure and difficulties. Grain refers to the grain formed by the grain on the palm, including lifeline, wisdom line and emotional line. Different lines represent different meanings. By comparing the length, depth and shape of different lines on the palm of your hand, you can initially understand your personality characteristics and destiny.

Lifeline is one of the most important lines in the palm of your hand, which represents your health and longevity. Lifelines usually start between the thumb and forefinger and extend down to the wrist. The length and depth of lifeline can preliminarily judge a person's physique and vitality. If the lifeline is long and deep, it means that the individual is healthy and has a long life; If the lifeline is short and shallow, it means that the individual's physique is weak and his life span is short.

Wisdom line represents a person's intellectual level and academic achievements. Wisdom line usually starts from below the index finger and extends down to the wrist. The length and depth of wisdom line can preliminarily judge a person's intelligence level and academic performance. If wisdom line is long and deep, it shows that he has high personal intelligence and good academic performance; If wisdom line is short and shallow, it shows that his personal intelligence is low and his academic performance is poor.

Emotional lines represent a person's emotional world and marital status. The emotional line usually starts from below the little finger and extends upward between the index finger and the middle finger. The length, depth and shape of the emotional line can preliminarily judge a person's emotional status and marital fortune. If the emotional line is long and deep, it means that the personal emotional world is rich and the marriage is happy; If the emotional line is short and shallow, it means that the personal emotional world is poor and the marriage is not smooth.

Besides texture and lines, we can also observe the shape of the palm and the length of the fingers. The shape of the palm can preliminarily judge a person's personality characteristics. For example, a large and thick palm represents steadiness and sureness, while a small and thin palm represents flexibility and sensitivity. The length of the finger can preliminarily judge the individual's way of thinking. For example, slender fingers represent rationality and calmness, while short and thick fingers represent sensibility and impulsiveness.

To sum up, by observing the texture, line, shape and finger length of the palm, you can get a preliminary understanding of your personality, fortune and health. However, palmistry is a complex and profound knowledge, which needs years of study and practice to really master. Therefore, we should keep a cautious and objective attitude towards palm reading, don't trust the interpretation of palm reading too much, and analyze and judge it according to the actual situation.

Finally, I hope that by studying palm reading, we can better understand ourselves and others and improve our self-awareness and interpersonal skills. At the same time, I hope everyone can cherish and protect their health and create a better future through a positive lifestyle and a good attitude.