Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why did you start to go bald before you were 30?

Why did you start to go bald before you were 30?

In modern society, male baldness is becoming more and more serious, and men after 30 will face this problem to some extent. Generally speaking, in addition to some diseases or drug-induced alopecia, the main cause of alopecia is excessive androgen secretion in the body. The top of the head will secrete too much oil. When the pores on the top of the head are blocked by oil, the nutritional supply of hair will be hindered, which will eventually lead to gradual hair loss and eventually baldness.

In order to avoid or delay baldness, you need to do the following things:

First, reduce the online time and the use of computers and mobile phones.

Men's baldness is mostly caused by radiation, and the most radiation for men is surfing the Internet. Therefore, men should remember to surf the Internet less and stay away from radiation. But the mobile phone is an indispensable tool in our daily life.

Second, improve the quality of sleep

Whether a person's hair is good or not has a considerable relationship with the quality of sleep. Men don't want their hair to fall out badly, so they should keep a good sleep process and go to bed before 1 1 every night. I always feel that it is difficult for most people to spend their leisure time playing games and brushing videos at night on men who are struggling for their careers or tired all day to sleep.

Third, reduce smoking and drinking, and even quit smoking and drinking.

Cigarettes and alcohol are very irritating to hair, especially hair follicles. It seems that many men in this era are characterized by smoking and drinking, but the key to maintaining good hair quality is not to reduce the intake of these harmful substances.

Fourth, do more exercise.

Daily exercise helps to relieve stress and improve immunity. Exercise can also speed up blood flow, and good blood circulation can reduce the occurrence of hair loss. Put down the phone, stay away from the computer, go to the football field, play a game in the basketball court, and run in the park. I am afraid there are fewer and fewer men who can do this now.

Fifth, get more sunshine.

Sunbathing will also contribute to the growth of hair, just don't bask for too long, otherwise too much oil will be secreted, which is not good for hair. It is best to sunbathe at 10 am and around 4 pm.