Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to evaluate a snob?

How to evaluate a snob?

A colleague, studying environmental monitoring, went out to take samples at work, met non-professionals and clerks, looked like professionals, loved answering questions and met leaders and professionals.

A colleague likes to laugh at his colleagues, telling his colleagues' embarrassing stories every day, saying them everywhere, and not being shy in the company.

A colleague, who walks a long way in the air, will walk a long way whenever he sees someone doing something wrong.

A colleague only talks about fortune telling and numerology after work, and one third of his salary is used to buy numerology books. He is in his forties, never married or in love.

A colleague, seeing a girl, went up to chat for a few days and found that she stopped talking after being left out, saying that she had been in love with a girl and felt inappropriate. Girls don't know what's going on. Two years ago, an intern came to the company. His life experience is legendary.

On the first day of work, I took him to a working meal and passed by the parking lot. I didn't say anything. He introduced me and said, dude, did you see that car, SUV, mine?

I looked in the direction he pointed, and it was Chang 'an. I wanted to tease him, but I accidentally caught a glimpse of a green sign in Uighur on the windshield. I was so scared that I didn't say anything.

I didn't dare to talk when I was eating a working meal, and I seriously ate the set meal of one meat and two dishes in front of me. While eating the braised potatoes in the set meal, he asked me, brother, where are you renting now?

I gave a wry smile and said that your brother had bought a house. As soon as the voice fell, he continued to ask questions about how it was even. I said, not big, 90% flat, and you?

He swallowed a bite of braised potatoes and said, I know the son of a bureau chief and got a low-rent housing quota. Cows are not awesome. I really want to buy a house, not a big one. More than 200 square meters is fine, but contentment is not.

I said, have you eaten? I ate. You haven't eaten. Keep eating. I left early.