Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What are the reproductive organs of adult locusts?

What are the reproductive organs of adult locusts?

The tentacles of the head, the tentacles of the abdomen, the whiskers of the tail and the receptors on the legs can all feel the touch. The taste organ is in the mouth, and the olfactory organ is on the antenna. There are eardrums on both sides of the first abdominal segment or at the base of the tibiofibular segment of the forefoot, which are in charge of hearing. Compound eyes are in charge of vision, locusts

Single barrel photosensitive. The hind legs are thick and suitable for jumping. Male insects sound by rubbing the left and right wings or rubbing the raised veins of the front wing with the sound file of the hind leg joint. Some species can also pronounce when flying. Different habitats, such as Marellia remipes in South America, spend most of their lives on floating plants, swimming and laying eggs on aquatic plants. Medium or large in size, and some species (such as South America Brazilian drainage locust Tropidacris latriellei) are over 1 1 cm in length. People in some areas feed on locusts. The natural enemies of locusts are birds, birds, frogs and snakes, and humans also catch them in large quantities. The whole body is usually green, gray, brown or dark brown, with a big head and short tentacles; The front chest backboard is hard, extending to the left and right like a saddle, and the middle chest and back chest can't move when they heal. The foot is developed, especially the hind legs are muscular, and the exoskeleton is hard. He is an expert in jumping, and the tibia has a sharp saw, which is an effective defensive weapon. The ovipositor has no obvious protrusion, which is the biggest difference between it and the owl. In addition to tentacles, the head also has a pair of compound eyes, which are the main visual organs. There are three monocular eyes at the same time, which can only be sensitive. There are mouthparts under the head, which are the feeding organs of locusts. The mouthparts of grasshoppers are composed of upper lip (1 piece), upper jaw (1 piece), tongue (1 piece), lower jaw (1 piece) and lower lip (1 piece). Its upper jaw is hard and suitable for chewing, so this mouthpiece is called chewing mouthpiece. On both sides of the first section of the abdomen of locusts, there are a pair of half-moon membranes, which are the auditory organs of locusts. A row of small holes arranged neatly on the left and right sides is the valve. From the middle chest to the eighth abdominal segment, each segment has a pair of valves, with 10 pairs. Each valve communicates inward with the trachea. Grasshoppers have trachea with different thickness, which branches again and again, and finally contact with each cell with tiny branches to breathe. Therefore, the valve is the gateway for gas to enter and leave the locust body. Feeding habit: phytophagy. I like to eat plump leaves, such as sweet potatoes, water spinach and Chinese cabbage. Growth and development: incomplete metamorphosis.

Edit this paragraph to develop.

Summer and autumn are the breeding season every year. After mating, the female locust inserts the oviposition tube into the soil with a depth of 10cm, and then lays about 50 eggs. When laying eggs, the female will secrete white material to form a cylindrical plug, and then lay eggs. The development process of locusts is more complicated (pictured). Its life begins with a fertilized egg. Larvae just hatched from eggs have no wings and can jump, which is called "jumping worm". The morphology and living habits of this flea are similar to those of adults, but its size is small and its reproductive organs are immature. This insect is also called "nymph". If an insect grows up gradually, it will shed its original exoskeleton when it is restricted by the exoskeleton and can no longer grow up. This is called molting. Nymphs molt five times in their lives. From hatching to molting for the first time, the age is 1, and every molting thereafter, the age increases 1. After the 3rd instar, the wing buds are remarkable. Become a flying adult after 5 years old. It can be seen that the individual development process of locusts goes through three stages: egg, nymph and adult. A developmental process like this is called incomplete metamorphosis. When an insect develops from a fertilized egg to an adult, it can produce the whole individual development history of its offspring, which is called the first generation. In some areas of our country, locusts can produce two generations of summer locusts and autumn locusts a year, so there are two generations. At about 24℃, locust eggs can hatch in about 2 1 day. The hatched nymph crawls out of the soil. At this time, its appearance is very similar to that of adults, except that it has no wings and its body color is lighter. Larvae looks more like adults in the first year or two, but the head and body are not comparable. Winged buds grow at the third age, which is obvious at the fourth age. When the nymph is five years old, it will climb to the plant and hang for a while, and then the adult will come out. The life of grasshoppers has gone through three stages: fertilized eggs, larvae and adults. One of the development stages

The third development period

The third development period

Edit the shape and living habits of this paragraph

Both adults and nymphs of locusts can chew the stems and leaves of plants with developed chewing mouthparts. Good at flying and jumping, a pair of tentacles in the head are organs that combine smell and touch. Its chewing mouthparts have a pair of developed jaws with teeth, which can bite off the stems and leaves of plants. Its hind foot is very strong, and it mainly depends on it when jumping. When locusts fly, their hind wings play a major role, and when they rest, their front wings cover their rear wings for protection. Female insects have a strong "ovipositor" at the end of the abdomen, which can be inserted into the soil to lay eggs. Grasshopper spawning sites are mostly wet river banks, lakes, foothills and ridges. Every 30 to 60 eggs are grouped together. Immature locusts hatched from eggs are called "locusts" and need to molt five times to develop into adults. A large number of eggs can be hatched after the rain clears. Locusts also have amazing flying ability, which can fly continuously 1~3 days. When locusts fly by, the sound of swarms of locusts flapping their wings is amazing, just like the roar of a storm in the ocean. This is a kind of grasshopper.

Adult hind limbs and legs have a series of mastoid processes equivalent to elastic devices, and the base of radial veins of anterior wings has thick veins equivalent to chordal devices. When they rub, the vibrating area of the vibrating wing can make sound, which is their sounder. The auditory organs of locusts are also very special, located on the side of the first abdominal segment. Grasshoppers are commonly known as "grasshoppers" and Taiwan Province people call them "grasshoppers". Their life history is egg → nymph (larva) → adult, which belongs to incomplete metamorphosis. Chewing mouthparts are herbivorous insects. Most of them are not picky eaters. In weeds, they can often be seen eating the leaves of Gramineae plants. Its antenna is not as long as an owl's, and it is short whip-shaped, but its hind legs are strong and it can avoid natural enemies by bouncing. Sometimes you can see wedding photos of two locusts (male and female). Breathing by lungs, it belongs to arthropods (commonly known as "insects") among invertebrates.

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1. Oxytropis beige

Appearance characteristics: body length ♂2 1~3 1mm, ♀ 26 ~ 39 mm. The back of the body is grayish brown; The abdomen and feet are green. Ecological habit: This species is a very common locust between the flat land and grassland in low altitude areas. Adults can be seen almost everywhere except in winter. Mainly feeding on leaves of Gramineae plants, it is the main pest in early rice. Living environment: flat area and low altitude area < below 800 meters >. Living environment: grassland environment. Feeding habits: herbivorous insects, including plant parts and rotten fruits. Activity time: daytime insects.

2. Locusts in East Asia

It belongs to Insecta, Orthoptera and Acridoidea. According to statistics, there are 223 genera and 859 species of Acridoidea. Locusta migratoria manilensis grows at natural temperature and has two generations a year. The first generation is called summer locust and the second generation is autumn locust. Nowadays, artificial breeding can change four generations a year. The migratory locust has six legs; The body is divided into three parts: chest and abdomen; There are two pairs of wings in the chest, the front wing is horny and the back wing is membranous. The body is yellowish brown, and the male is bright yellow when mating. The female locust is 39.5 ~ 5 1.2 mm long, and the male locust is 33.0 ~ 4 1.5 mm long. Adults are good at jumping and flying. Locusta migratoria manilensis has strong body, wide feeding range and strong adaptability. After hatching into young locusts, they can be raised for 35 days and sold after fattening for about 50 days, so the time is short and the return is quick. Feeding 1000 adults of Locusta migratoria manilensis can reach 20 kg, with considerable economic benefits, and seeds are only purchased once. Self-reproduction dozens of times, eggs hatch locusts, locusts lay eggs, cycle after cycle, raising for many years, constantly selling money, a female locust can lay more than 35 ~ 90 eggs at a time. The reason why migratory locusts are favored by people is that their meat is soft, tender and nutritious. According to experts' analysis, its protein content is as high as 74.88%, fat content is 5.25%, carbohydrate content is 4.77%, and it contains 18 amino acids and various active substances. Morphological characteristics: the female adult is 39.5-5 1.2 mm, and the male adult is 33.5-4 1.5 mm, yellow-brown or green. Antennas are filiform, mostly pale yellow, with compound eyes 1 and 3 pairs of monocular eyes. There are light stripes after compound eyes, and dark stripes at the front and bottom. The chest backboard is saddle-shaped with developed keel. The front wings are developed, often exceeding the middle of the hindfoot intestine, with dark stripes and luster. The hind wings are colorless and transparent. The medial base of the hind leg joint is black, the proximal end has a black ring, and the hind leg joint is red. Affected by field environmental conditions, it often forms two categories: gregarious type and dispersed type. The egg is about 6.5mm long, light yellow, cylindrical, slightly pointed at one end and slightly round and curved at the other end. The egg mass is brown, cylindrical, 53-67 mm long, slightly curved, slightly thin at the upper part, covered with spongy gum, and arranged at the lower part. Nymphs, also known as locust pupae, are similar in size to adults. ***5 years old. Living habits in Beijing, Bohai Bay, the lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River Basin are two generations a year, and three generations occur every few years; Guangxi, Guangdong and Taiwan Province provinces have three generations a year, and four generations can occur in Hainan. Locusta migratoria manilensis has no diapause, and overwinters in soil with eggs all over the country. In the second generation areas such as Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu, the overwintering eggs hatch into summer locusts from the end of April to the first half of May. After 35-40 days of emergence, they mate on 10 for 7 days to lay eggs, and the egg period is 15-20 days, and they enter the peak spawning period in the first half of July. The hatched nymph is called autumn pupa, which becomes autumn pupa after 25-30 days of emergence. After living 15-20 days, they began to mate and lay eggs again, and began to overwinter after entering the peak of laying eggs in September. There were several years of high temperature and drought, and three generations of locust pupae hatched from August to late September of the following year. Most of them froze to death in winter, and only a few of them could emerge as adults to lay eggs for the winter. When adults lay eggs, they have obvious selectivity to topography, soil properties, soil surface firmness and vegetation. Each female locust usually lays 4 or 5 egg blocks, each egg block contains about 65 eggs, and the adults of migratory locusts feed almost all day. When the density of migratory locusts is low, they are scattered, and when the density is high, individuals are interrelated and can gradually gather into a social type. Social migratory locusts have the habit of long-distance migration, which mostly occurs 5- 10 days after emergence and before sexual organs mature. The migration in the air can last 1-3 days. As for scattered migratory locusts, when there are more than 10 insects per square meter, sometimes there will be migration. Social migratory locust has high fat content, low water content and strong fluidity, but few ovarian tubes and low egg production. The decentralized type is the opposite. Locusts like to inhabit beaches or lakes with low terrain, easy waterlogging and drought or unstable water level, as well as large areas of wasteland or uncultivated wasteland, and are mainly herbivorous plants such as low reeds, thatchs, salt reeds and sedges. In case of drought, the wasteland increases with the shrinking water surface, which is beneficial to the growth of locusts, and the area suitable for the growth of locusts increases, which is easy to cause locust disasters. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of locusts in every dry year. Natural enemies include parasitic bees, parasitic flies, birds and frogs.

3. The Red Queen bears locusts

Orthoptera negative locust family male is 20-25mm, female is 34-42mm. The body color is pure green or brown; The head is long and sharp, with small white protrusions on the head, chest and feet, commonly known as "pointed grasshopper"; The wings are red when flying. It is the most common negative locust in China. Adults can be seen all year round, living in the grass on the edge of the forest in flat to medium altitude mountainous areas. Adults can bite all kinds of green plants, often causing many irregular holes in the leaves of plants. This grasshopper jumps better than flying, and its protective color is excellent, so it is not easy to be found.

4. Locusts in Taiwan Province Province

The locust in Taiwan Province Province is different from the oriental migratory locust, and the locust in Taiwan Province Province is the largest locust in Taiwan Province Province, especially the female locust can reach 8 or 9 cm in length. In terms of ecological habits, no matter what kind of locust it is, it can't be regarded as a fierce locust. However, for those who have tried to catch locusts in Taiwan Province Province with their bare hands, they have a different experience, because there are sharp thorns behind the thick red knuckles on the hind feet of locusts in Taiwan Province Province; When it is caught, it will kick its foot back violently. For children with delicate skin, if you want to scratch them with your hands, it is likely to sting your fingers or palms and even shed small blood drops! The biggest feature of grasshoppers is that they have developed hind legs, which are suitable for long-distance jumping and can easily jump on their bodies ... Grasshoppers are commonly known as grasshoppers, which are widely distributed in Taiwan Province Province, and adults mainly appear in autumn, but they can be seen in southern winter or even the next spring. This species is a first generation insect, mainly distributed in low altitude mountainous areas. In autumn, the female worm slowly dies after laying eggs on the surface, and the oocysts spend the winter underground, and begin to hatch in the next spring. The hatched larvae are Gramineae, Leguminosae and other plants.

5. Rice grasshopper

It is 2.2-3.5 cm long, with a wide black belt from the back of the compound eye to the tip of the wing, slender body and black spots on the tentacles. Lotus leaves are their bite marks and their masterpieces, picturesque and gorgeous.

6. Oxya formosana

Appearance characteristics: male body length is 265,438+0 ~ 365,438+0 mm, female body length is 24~39mm, the back is grayish brown, the abdomen and feet are green, and the body color is quite different, which will be similar to the habitat and form protective color. Ecological habit: Oxytropis Oxytropis is a very common locust in flat land and low altitude areas, which can occur for two generations a year. The reason why locusts move in groups is mainly because they need high temperature to stay together for warmth. Adult hind limbs and legs have a series of mastoid processes equivalent to elastic devices, and the base of radial veins of anterior wings has thick veins equivalent to chordal devices. When they rub, the vibrating area of the vibrating wings can make sound, which is their sounder. The auditory organs of locusts are also very special, Taiwan rice locust.

Located on the side of the first abdomen. According to the living habits of locusts, they can be divided into migratory and non-migratory types. These two kinds of locusts are very threatening to crops, especially the former is very destructive. As long as they cross the border, all green plants will be eaten up. The shock caused by the plague of locusts is really flattering. Its diet is very diverse, eating all kinds of green plants, especially Gramineae plants. Nymphs, also called locusts, look like adults, but only have wing buds (can't fly) and are good at jumping. It takes four or seven times to become an adult who is good at jumping and flying. Some locusts have short antennae and short ovipositor tubes. At present, there are about 5000 kinds of locusts in the world. The longest part of a locust's body is its hind foot, which is almost the same as its body length. It can jump out of its body eight times as long in one jump. The hind foot of a locust is also its best musical instrument, and it can make a sound by rubbing its wings. Classification: All insects belonging to Acridoidea in Orthoptera. Species: There are about 12000 species in the world, and there are more than 100 species in Taiwan Bay. Life history: egg → nymph → adult. Appearance: Commonly known as grasshopper, Taiwan Province people call it grasshopper. There is a folk song "Cao Meng Teases the Rooster", and the lyrics depict the scene of this little insect and the rooster teasing each other, which is a common picture in the early rural areas of Taiwan Province. Locust crossing the border is a familiar idiom. Feeding habits: herbivorous insects, most of which are not particularly picky eaters. Substitution: Oxytropis, accustomed to inhabiting wet and bare ground, mainly feeds on bryophytes. Habitat and protective color: it has typical protective color, excellent stealth effect in the grass, strong hind feet and good bounce, which is their usual way to avoid the enemy in crisis. Mating behavior: Compared with other insects, mating time is longer. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see photos of the woman and the man and husband and wife files.

Edit this paragraph for prevention and control.

Agricultural control

(1) Build water conservancy projects to ensure that there is no disaster in droughts and floods. (2) Reclaim wasteland in a large area, change locust habitat and reduce the area of occurrence base. (3) Planting trees to change the microclimate in locust areas and reduce the suitable places for locust spawning and reproduction. (4) Improve cultivation techniques to control locust eggs, adjust measures to local conditions, change crop layout and reduce locust harm.


(1) Agricultural and biological pesticides with high efficiency and low toxicity are used to protect predatory natural enemies in locust-stricken areas. You can also put chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry on the hillside for prevention and control. (2) Large-scale application of microsporidia.

Edit the precautions for raising locusts in this paragraph.

I. Selection and identification of breeding locust provenance

The methods to determine the species of locusts are: locusts (20) (1) consult locust classification experts. (2) refer to the locust key table or atlas. (3) Consult an experienced locust farmer. (4) Send the locust species to customers for identification and review. Common species of cultivated locusts are: oriental migratory locust, cotton locust, Chinese rice locust, Chinese grasshopper and so on. These varieties have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is necessary to comprehensively consider their growth cycle, algebra, taste, food, size, varieties needed by customers and other factors, and select breeding varieties in combination with local climate and food sources.

Second, the construction of locust breeding shed and the arrangement of shed land

Before building the shed, exterminate the ants and moles on the ground. You can use capture, trapping, boiling water and other methods. The above insects are natural enemies of locusts, which can prey on locusts and destroy their eggs, so these animals must not exist in the shed. In order to facilitate drainage in rainy season, the ground in the shed should be 10- 15 cm higher than the ground, and sandy loam is the best soil, which is not easy to agglomerate and convenient for laying eggs and taking eggs. In mid-April, crops such as wheat can be planted on the ground where the shed is built for young locusts to eat. The building area of the shed is determined according to the number of locusts to be raised. Raising ten thousand locusts requires 15 square meters. You can use the free places inside and outside the courtyard to build scaffolding with iron wires, wooden sticks and bamboo pieces. According to your own conditions, and then according to the size of the scaffolding, make a tent cover like a mosquito net with rib cloth (screen), hang it on the scaffolding, bury the bottom edge in the ground, leave the door and install a zipper at the door. This device is designed to prevent locusts from escaping and facilitate feeding and management. (Arch shed can also be built) The shed height is only1.5-2m. In order to keep warm and rain-proof, plastic sheets can be covered outside the shed. When the temperature is high and the locusts are old and not afraid of rain, plastic sheets can be left uncovered. If natural conditions are used to breed migratory locusts, the shed construction must be completed before the end of April, and it is appropriate to choose a sunny place.

Third, nymph management.

(1) Grasshoppers eat very little and like to eat fresh and tender plants. During this period, grasshoppers are very delicate, so we should pay attention to rain protection and prevent drowning. ⑵ The temperature is controlled at 25-30℃, the illumination is above 12 hours, and the humidity is kept at about 15%. Under this condition, locusts are the most active and like to eat, which is conducive to growth. (3) The food intake of locusts over three years old is gradually increasing. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that there is enough food in the shed, otherwise it will affect its normal growth and lead to cannibalism. (4) Keep the shed clean and clean it every 1-2 days to prevent diseases.

Fourth, locusts are disastrous insects.

It is different from other special aquaculture. On the one hand, it can turn harm into treasure and increase farmers' income, on the other hand, it can increase the number of locusts, which has formed potential harm. It is necessary to take necessary safety management measures for its breeding in order to achieve twice the result with half the effort. For large-scale farming, according to the standard of 1 mu, a plant infection isolation belt with a width of half a meter should be built around the farm, surrounded by barbed wire fences and pesticide sprayers. There are many kinds of pesticides that kill locusts, and 75% malathion EC or 2.5% pyrethroid can kill them. If farmers don't want to breed locusts, they should take the last extermination measures. Farmers don't want to breed, so they should make preparations in advance. They can't dismantle the anti-breeding shed before May 20th every spring. After all the locusts are unearthed, they should be killed with pesticides before the adults, so there will be no harm. Before the end of autumn, farmers decided not to breed any more. They must sell all the locusts or kill them with pesticides before September 10, that is, before they mate, and they are not allowed to lay eggs in the breeding shed. This measure can ensure the elimination of potential hazards in the future and is conducive to the healthy development of locust breeding industry.

The purpose of editing this paragraph

Biological characteristics and value of locusts: locusts are insects with the same origin of medicine and food, which are oviparous and belong to Orthoptera and Acridoidea. According to statistics, there are 859 species of grasshoppers in Acridoidea, among which two species are mainly oriental migratory locust and Chinese grasshopper. These two kinds of grasshoppers are nutritious, tender and delicious like shrimp. According to the study on the feeding value of Locust and Locust, Locust is rich in protein, carbohydrates, insect hormones and other active substances, and contains vitamin A. Compendium of Materia Medica records that Locust can treat many diseases, such as tetanus, convulsion, fever, asthma, abdominal distension, cormorant disease, chilblain, tracheitis and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Take ten pieces of decoction, or stir-fry and grind into powder, five pieces each time, stir-fry and grind sesame oil for chilblain and the affected area. With the development of society and the continuous improvement of the quality of life, human dining tables have changed from traditional types such as chicken, duck and fish to green game types. Grasshoppers are nutritious, tender and delicious like shrimp. They have the reputation of "flying shrimp" in Hong Kong and other places, and are the favorite foods of people all over the world. In the United States, people hold "insect banquets" to entertain distinguished guests, including locusts. It is reported that at present, some patients with obesity, hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases tend to eat insects in order to lose weight and get rid of diseases. Subsequently, some countries and regions also improved insect food accordingly. Cooking with insects, or making canned food, biscuits, ice cream and other foods are very popular.

Edit the metaphor in this paragraph.

It is a metaphor for those who eat the fruits of collective labor and don't work by themselves, because locusts are pests that erode crops, and it is the best metaphor for those who get something for nothing and enjoy success. The metaphor is a rush, just like the "locust economy" now.

Edit the dietotherapy value of this paragraph

Insects of Acridoidea, such as Oxya chinensis and Locusta migratoria manilensis. Also known as grasshoppers. Distributed in North China, East China, Central South China, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Taiwan Province and other regions. After getting it, remove the wings and feet, wash it, scald it in boiling water, and eat it after death. Fried locust

Contains high protein. It is the most ideal food. [Taste] Sweet, pungent and warm. It has effects in invigorating spleen, promoting digestion, calming wind, relieving spasm, relieving cough and asthma, and dredging collaterals. 【 Reference 】 Rich in protein and fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, vitamins A and B, etc. 【 Use 】 Used for spleen deficiency, anorexia or malnutrition; Sudden and slow convulsions, convulsions; Pertussis, bronchial asthma, asthma and shortness of breath. [Usage] Decoct soup, stir-fry food, or grind into powder. [Attachment] 1, fennel fried migratory locust: locust 30g, fennel 6g. Stir-fry in cooking oil together, add a little salt when cooked and stir well. This recipe uses locusts to strengthen spleen and digestion, and fennel to regulate qi and strengthen stomach. Used for spleen deficiency and qi stagnation, abdominal distension and pain, and diet reduction. 2, grasshopper powder: grasshopper baked and ground. Take 3g each time, three times a day. Take this product with wine to treat tetanus; Compendium of Materia Medica treats convulsion with sugar and kimono. Take this product to relieve spasm and internal wind. But they all belong to the method of treating symptoms (relieving symptoms), and they should be combined with drugs that cure the disease. 3. Locust Uncaria Decoction: Locust 10, Uncaria Uncaria 15g, Mint Leaf 10g. Decoct with water. Originated from "Hundred Herbs Mirror". This prescription uses locusts and Uncaria to dispel wind and stop spasm, and mint leaves to dispel wind and clear heat. Used for convulsion, fever, convulsion and spasm. 4, locust soup: 30 locusts, decocted in water, taken three times. From Compendium of Materia Medica. This prescription specializes in relieving cough and asthma by taking locusts. Used for whooping cough, cough and shortness of breath, repeatedly. It can also be used for bronchial asthma.

Edit this locust plague

Humans have long noticed that serious locust plagues are often accompanied by serious droughts. There is a record of "drought locust" in ancient books in China. In recent years, several major locust plagues in Africa are also related to the severe drought in the region. The main reason for this phenomenon is that locusts are warm and dry insects, and the arid environment has many benefits for their reproduction, growth and survival. Because locusts lay eggs in the soil, the soil is relatively solid, and the water content is 10% ~ 20%, which is most suitable for them to lay eggs. Drought makes locusts multiply and grow rapidly, and there are two reasons for the disaster. On the one hand, in dry years, due to the drop of water level, the soil becomes more solid, the water content decreases, the ground vegetation is sparse, and the number of eggs laid by locusts increases greatly, reaching 4000-5000 eggs per square meter of soil in many cases, with 500-80 eggs in each egg block, that is, 200,000-400,000 eggs per square meter. At the same time, in dry years, the water surface of rivers and lakes shrinks and the low-lying land is exposed, which also provides more suitable places for locusts to lay eggs. On the other hand, plants that grow in arid environment have low water content, and locusts feed on it, which makes them grow faster and have higher fertility. On the contrary, the rainy and humid environment has many adverse effects on the reproduction of locusts. The plants eaten by locusts have high water content, which will delay the growth of locusts and reduce their fertility. Rainy and humid environment will also make locusts epidemic diseases, and rain and snow can directly kill locust eggs. In addition, the increase of natural enemies such as frogs will also increase the mortality rate of locusts. When a certain part of the locust's hind leg is touched, it will change its habit of living alone and become fond of living in groups. Locusts are usually timid and like to live alone, with limited harm. However, they sometimes change their habits, like to live in groups, and eventually gather in large numbers and migrate collectively, forming a formidable locust plague, which has caused great damage to agriculture. Scientists at Oxford University say that they have experimented with desert locusts living alone and repeatedly touched many parts of their bodies to see if there are some tactile factors that make them change their habits. It was found that when a certain part of the locust's hind legs was stimulated, they would suddenly live in groups, but touching other parts of the body, such as tentacles, mouth or abdomen, would not have this effect. 20 10 Since the first ten days of April, a large number of locusts have swept through four states in southeast Australia, covering an area of about 500,000 square kilometers, which has seriously affected the production and life of local residents. Experts predict that the plague of locusts may spread to inland areas. The affected areas include Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, where millions of acres of plants such as wheat and pasture have been eaten up by locusts. These locusts move very fast, and huge swarms of locusts can fly hundreds of kilometers overnight, which brings the most serious losses to local farmers. The normal life of residents has also been affected. Traffic on some highways and civil aviation departments was interrupted because of fears that locusts might get involved in the engine of the plane. In order to travel, some car drivers have to install a fence in the front window to avoid the interference of locusts and accidents. Atlas of Entries More Atlas Grasshoppers (20)