Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How can Sun Quan, who is obsessed with cultivating immortals, kill several tutors in succession?

How can Sun Quan, who is obsessed with cultivating immortals, kill several tutors in succession?

Sun Quan didn't have Qin Shihuang's achievements, but he had the same dream of longevity as Qin Shihuang. He heard the story that Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fu to seek immortality. It is said that Chui Fu took the boys and girls to Penglai Mountain to get the elixir of life, where he lived and never came back. Now there are thousands of families living on that fairy tale island. What is even more ridiculous is that these undead often go shopping in Huiji County, and people in Huiji County also drift there in the wind and waves. Sun Quan moved his mind and sent generals Wei Wen and Zhuge Zhi to sea with 10,000 troops. This posture is to catch chui fook back.

Wei Wen and Zhuge Zhi took people out for a trip, but Chui's father didn't find them. Instead, they went to Yizhou, the island of Taiwan Province Province today, and brought some people back to tell Sun Quan that there was no fairy island. Sun Quan, possessed by ghosts, naturally didn't believe it, thinking that the two were prevaricating him and went to prison directly for permission.

Sunquan sculpture

His men didn't finish the task to kill people. For those warlocks who take refuge in him, no matter how fancy they are, once they can't give him benefits, they turn their faces in minutes.

In the Three Kingdoms, Wu Fan, Zhao Da and Liu Yun are biographies of his three goddesses. Liu Yun doesn't write much, but Wu Fan and Zhao Da have similar life endings.

These two men are his direct subordinates, and their abilities are both prophecies, but Wu uses astrology and relies on calculation.

Let's see how amazing Wu Fan's divination is.

In the 12th year of Jian 'an, Sun Quan wanted to crusade against Huang Zu. Wu Fan suggested not to go because the timing was wrong. Better go next year. Liu Biao dies next year, and Huang Zu is captured by you. Sun Quan didn't listen, so he failed. Go again the next year. Sure enough, as he said, Liu Biao died and Huang Zu was arrested.

In the seventeenth year of Jian 'an, Wu Fan told Sun Quan that Liu Bei would go to Shu in two years, but it was soon heard that Liu Bei was beaten out of the water by Liu Zhang and might not live. Sun Quan laughed at Wu Fan for being wrong this time. But soon came the news that Liu Bei had won.

Wu Fan's skill is too precious for a military strategist, because it means mastering information at the first time. Later, Monroe designed an attack on Guan Yu, but many people opposed it. Only Wu Fan insisted on the feasibility and predicted that Guan Yu would be caught, which later proved his intelligence.

Of course, as a prophet, he chose Sun Quan as the leader after weighing. When Sun Quan was a general, he told him that he would become an emperor in the future. Sun Quan was very happy with this flattery and immediately said that you would be honored then.

But it doesn't matter whether these predictions are valid or not. What he wants is Wu Fan's astrological skills, not only fish, but also fishing. Either it's because the secret can't be leaked, or it's because Wu Fan's prediction is basically blind-I guess it's mostly so. He has nothing to teach the leaders. Sun Quan was very dissatisfied with him. When Sun Li was the king of Wu, Wu Fan ran over and said, "The leader promised to make me Hou." Sun Quan smiled and was given a red ribbon. The logic is quite obvious: what you gave me was empty talk, and what I gave you was a blank check.

Later, Sun Quan really wanted to make him the capital, probably because he wanted to make an exchange, but Wu Fan still refused to teach. Sun Quan deleted his name when he finally drafted the imperial edict.

Zhao Da's fate is worse than that of Kris, though he looks down on Kris.

As a person who uses calculation to predict, it is probably like using a computer to tell fortune. He thinks he has mastered advanced tools and despises Wu Fan, a person who uses astrology to tell fortune.

The most amazing thing about Zhao Da is that locusts fly overhead. He can figure out how many. Some people say that this cannot be verified. Zhao Da asked people to take out a bowl of soybeans. He casually counted how many pills he had reported, and everyone counted them one by one, and it was true.

He can only count soybeans, and Sun Quan won't pay attention to him. Like Wu Fan, he can predict the future. He helped Sun Quan with divination several times and tried every time. Sun Quan is very happy. After being happy, I want him to take out this technical foundation. Of course, Zhao Da doesn't need to be taught. Later many Confucian scholars wanted to learn from him. Zhao Da refused, and even a friend of many years broke up with him-he must be very depressed himself. What should I hand in?

Later, when Zhao Da died, an enemy told Sun Quan that Zhao Da had brought a secret to his grave. Sun Quan immediately sent someone to dig the grave and found nothing. Chen Shou said with regret that his spells have never been used again. Unfortunately, these two prophets predicted their whole lives, but they did not predict their own destiny. Just because he thought of everything, he didn't think that the emperor's greed was so strong that he gave up all his efforts if he was not satisfied.

Pei Songzhi said that Sun Quan was superstitious about a man named Yao Guang. This man's skill is that he can't burn. Sun Quan lit a pile of dry wood, while Yao Guang sat quietly reading. Soon the fire engulfed him, but when the dry wood was burned out, Yao Guang was still reading, not to mention him, even the books were all right. Sun Quan looked at the book, but he couldn't understand it. The fate of this warlock is unknown, so it must be bad. Looking at the story of Sun Quan and these magicians, these magicians all have a routine of coming back from the dead. For example, Ge Xuan once fell into the sea and everyone thought he was dead. The next day, he came again, saying that he had gone drinking with Wu Zixu. The second half belongs to myth. I'm afraid the real history will end when it falls into the river.

Another example is Xiang Jie and Yan Jie, two magicians.

Both of these images can be found in Biography of Immortals, and Yan Jie's record is found in Searching for the Gods. Both of them are surnamed Jie Jie, both of them have magical powers, and they have dealt with Sun Quan, but they have said nothing about their relationship.

Xiang Jie has comprehensive information. He is a man who can learn from an early age and is proficient in magic. He can cook uncooked rice within a mile, stop dogs from barking and make people in a city sit underground-this skill is harmful and is a typical demon. In addition, he also has a unique skill: invisibility, which is probably convenient for him to kill and hide. He traveled all over the world to get a copy of Five Single Crystals-The Secret of Becoming Immortal. Once he fell asleep in the mountains and woke up to see a tiger licking his forehead. As a god, of course he is not afraid of tigers. He threatened the tiger and said, "If you want the gods in heaven to send me to protect me, stay with me. If you are sent by the mountain god to test me, go ahead. " The tiger turned and left.

After searching hard, Xiang Jie finally met a beautiful fairy. The beautiful fairy approached him, smelled the smell and said, "You smell like a mortal. Go back to the valley. " I introduced the elephant into the valley for three years, then went to see the beautiful fairy, and finally got the secret. From then on, I became a fairy.

You became a fairy and soared, but you went to Wuchang to see Sun Quan, performed various spells for Sun Quan, charmed the emperor, and was busy building a house and giving him gold. Fairy legend says that Sun Quan also learned invisibility from him. Sun Quan was amazed. With this ability, I don't know why he didn't sneak into Shu to kill Zhuge Liang and Liu Chan, and fled into Wu to kill Emperor Cao Wei, but claimed to others.