Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - If Sakyamuni were alive today, would he become a Buddha?

If Sakyamuni were alive today, would he become a Buddha?

Before the Buddhas became Buddhas, they had completed the "Three Monks Robbery" and their merits were satisfactory. As the "last bodhisattva", he lived in the sky, waiting for all beings to mature, that is, to appear in the world and become a Buddha.

Therefore, all sentient beings who have never heard of Buddhism in the past could not become Buddhas in their lifetime without the incredibly long and arduous practice in the past. There are reasons for becoming a Buddha: the first reason is that "all beings have Buddha nature." If there are ruthless things such as wood, stone and rubble, it will never become a Buddha. The second reason is "bodhicitta". If there is no desire for "supreme wish of Buddhism and Taoism", there will never be the possibility of becoming a Buddha. The third is "enlightenment". If you don't touch the truth, you can never just advance and never retreat. I have done well in this life. In the next life, bad karma will appear, and I will fall into hell. I don't know when I can get close to Buddhism again. Therefore, although we have heard of Buddhism practicing Buddhism in the past and planting good roots in countless Buddhas, we are still ordinary people now. Therefore, enlightenment and understanding that "the position will not retreat" is a decisive step on the road to becoming a Buddha.

Secondly, there is a reason why the world became a Buddha. The former Buddhism and Buddhism were completely destroyed, and all beings in the world have not heard of Buddhism for a long time, and the good roots have gradually matured. There must be a Buddha's birth and life, in this case. Finally, the Bodhisattva was born. So the timing is not right, all beings are not right at all, and there can be no Buddha born. Fifty-six million years later (Qian Qian was one billion in ancient India, and "5.6 billion years" was actually fifty-six million years), Maitreya was born. Before that, the Buddha could not have been born. The robbery of our life is called "robbing morality", and millions of buddhas are born. Before 10 robbery, almost no Buddha was born. It can be seen that the birth of Buddha is rare.

Again, before the buddhas were born, they saw their own hearts and their own nature countless times in the process of endlessly robbing Bodhisattva. Countless times, I know that I have entered the fetus, lived in the fetus and left the fetus. I know I am a bodhisattva. In this process, there are countless beings. Therefore, when the Buddhas were born, they showed "enlightenment". This is just a performance. In the past, the infinite world not only touched the truth, but also fully understood all the subtle operations of the truth. Is there a question of "can it be realized"?

The so-called "anyone who does not measure the holy". Buddhists should not underestimate themselves and guess the realm of sages; In addition, measure the realm of Buddha. Bodhisattva doesn't know the state of Buddha, let alone ordinary people. It is nothing more than a slow mind under the theory of drama. We ordinary people have seen all the words, sounds, images and so on. Regarding the Buddha, we should be respectful to the Buddha and pray for the early success of our cause. If it is, it is a deep-rooted person, otherwise it is nothing more than a shallow generation. I wonder which robbery will mature.

There is no Buddha in heaven and earth, and the world of ten parties is unparalleled;

I have seen everything in the world, and nothing is like Buddha.

Sakyamuni Buddha, a teacher in the south

There are no ten buddhas and three buddhas in the south.