Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What's the story of flowers?

What's the story of flowers?

Hua, a famous mathematician, was disabled by illness when he was young. After several ups and downs, he almost fell into a desperate situation.

After graduating from middle school, he was forced to drop out of school because he couldn't afford the tuition. Back to my hometown, while helping my father to work, I continued to study and teach myself tenaciously. Soon, he contracted typhoid fever and was dying. After lying in bed for half a year, although he recovered, he left a lifelong disability-deformity of the left leg joint and limping. He was only 19 years old at that time. In that confused, confused and almost desperate day, he thought of Sun Bin behind Sun Tzu's Art of War. "The ancients can still be physically and mentally disabled. I'm only 19 years old, so there's no reason to give up. I want to replace my imperfect legs with a sound mind! " Young Hua is so tenacious in fighting against fate. During the day, he dragged his sick leg, endured severe joint pain and worked with crutches. In the evening, he taught himself late into the night under the oil lamp.

1930, his paper was published in Science magazine, which alarmed Professor Xiong Qinglai, head of the Department of Mathematics of Tsinghua University. Later, Tsinghua University hired Huawei as a teaching assistant. On the campus of Tsinghua University, where famous artists gather, Hua served as a teaching assistant in the Mathematics Department. He also taught himself English, German and French in four years and published ten papers.

By the time he was 25 years old, he was already an internationally renowned young scholar.

Once, a woman went to buy cotton. Hua is solving a math problem. How much does the lady say it costs to pack cotton? However, diligent Hua didn't hear it, so she answered the calculated answer. The woman screamed, "Why is it so expensive?" At this time, Hua knew that someone was coming to buy cotton and said the price. The woman bought a bag of cotton and left. When Hua was about to sit down and continue to calculate, he found that the toilet paper that had just been calculated was taken away by the woman. China is anxious to catch up desperately. A yellow bag master asked him to drive after him and finally caught up with him. Hua said shyly, "Aunt, please … please give me back the toilet paper." The woman said angrily, "I paid for it, but it wasn't from you." Hua said anxiously, "How about this? I paid for it. " When Hua reached for the money, the woman seemed to be moved by the child! He not only asked for money, but also returned the toilet paper to Hua. At this time, HuaCai slightly relieved. After returning home, he counted it again. ...