Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Characters experience of Wang Lifa

Characters experience of Wang Lifa

"Mr. Tang, go outside for a walk." This is the first line of the whole play, and it is also the first line of Wang Lifa. The script is about the rise and fall of a teahouse, and the first line is what the shopkeeper of the teahouse said to the guests. Wang Lifa is sending Tang Tiezui away, asking him to leave the teahouse and go for a walk elsewhere, so as not to affect his business.

Who is Tang Tiezui? A gangster who smokes opium and lives by fortune telling often owes money when he comes to a teahouse for tea. Boss Wang has been sending him tea, just to keep him from disturbing him often and to keep the teahouse quiet. Wang Lifang told him that if he couldn't give up smoking, he would never be lucky. This sentence is very true and sincere.

For such a person, Wang Lifa's approach is to persuade him to send tea. A few strokes outline the image of an honest and conscientious businessman. However, this picture is still rough, but some outlines are not clear. Mr. Lao She cleverly set up the accidental meeting between Master Chang and Master Er Dezi, which resulted in the quarrel and conflict, thus reappearing the chaotic times at that time. Grandpa Chang is an honest, frank and patriotic standard-bearer. He doesn't like the market turmoil, and he doesn't like the policeman Er Dezi to sway in front of him. Foreigners can't fight against China, but Er Dezi is a typical local ruffian and importune.

This is the first conflict in the whole drama, and it is also the first time to expose the darkness of that era naked. Because of the constant war, the people are in poverty. The original police were all local ruffians, capable of bullying people and fighting, but they ran away in the face of foreign powers' aggression. This is the tragedy and darkness of the times, which Wang Zhanggui can't control or realize. He is just an ordinary shopkeeper. His vision and starting point for solving problems are to preserve the time-honored brands left by his ancestors in troubled times. His teahouse, he is an ordinary citizen and an ordinary businessman. Like millions of people in China society at that time, he was just a typical representative of those millions. Therefore, it is natural for him to say anything that fits his status. He called Er Dezi "Deye", and he said, "Buddies are friends on the street, so you have something to say. Grandpa, sit behind you! " Typically, for the sake of the order of the teahouse, to please his customers, and for the sake of everyone's "peace", they are asked to "have something to say", but they have essentially different ideas and have a huge collision. In addition, Er Dezi is not a "fuel-saving lamp". How can he be let go by Boss Wang?

Then, another face appeared-Master Ma. For this character, Mr. Lao She only described it positively through a few very personalized words and a little gesture of leaving the teahouse. He said, "Erdezi, you are great!" " The implication is, in front of me, what prestige are you playing? How can you have prestige capital! As a result, Er Dezi immediately changed his face and stopped arguing with Master Chang. He gave Master Ma a face, that is, he told Master Ma that in front of his "old man", his second virtue was not prestige. This shows from one side that Master Ma's identity and status are extraordinary. What kind of identity is hidden in this? Let the audience guess and think first.

Later, grandpa four often went to talk to grandpa five, thinking that grandpa five was "smart" and begging him to be "reasonable". But Grandpa Five didn't help him, but when Grandpa Four quarreled with Grandpa Four, because Grandpa Five was present, the contradiction had become the contradiction between Grandpa Five and Grandpa Two, because Grandpa Two shouldn't be arrogant in front of Grandpa Five, Ma. Often grandpa four didn't know that he had actually annoyed grandpa four, because he mentioned how foreigners were, but grandpa four ignored grandpa four and left the teahouse, which just showed his dissatisfaction-dissatisfaction with grandpa four and dissatisfaction with grandpa four saying foreigners were bad. Therefore, this gives us a hint that Wuye has a certain relationship with foreigners.

What kind of person is Master Ma? Why did you leave? These answers are all drawn from Wang Lifa's explanation later. "You don't know this is a horse! No wonder you offended him! " "What did you say about foreigners? He only eats foreign rice. Believe in foreign religions and speak foreign languages. You can always find the county magistrate in wanping county if you have something, otherwise you won't even provoke him! " "Please be careful what you say!" Mr. Lao She arranged for Wang Lifa to say these words with superb artistic talent. Why does Wang Lifa know so much? Why let him reveal the identity of Master Ma? Obviously, because Lao She wrote Teahouse, Wang Lifa is the shopkeeper of this teahouse. If the shopkeeper is not familiar with who each customer is, how can this business go on? If the shopkeeper can't know all about some "big shots", how can he be sure that one day he won't "offend" people like grandpa four? If we have offended them, how can we do this business and how can we open this teahouse?

In the whole drama Teahouse, Wang Lifa focuses on how to improve the teahouse and keep it. In that case, everything he does is for the teahouse! Wang Lifa's understanding of the identity of Master Ma also reflects his "painstaking" to the teahouse. He wants to know who can offend, who can't offend, and what to say in front of whom. At this point, a vivid, shrewd and sophisticated businessman image is vividly displayed in front of us. Boss Wang, what a businessman who knows life! There are also those stage prompts, such as "whispering" and "slightly tilting his head to Song Enzi and Wu Xiangzi", which vividly depict his caution. What a good brushwork! Song Enzi and Wu Xiangzi haven't spoken yet, but Wang Lifa's actions have reminded us that these two are not "ordinary roles"! Look, how exquisite and insightful our Wang Zhanggui is!

Although very tactful, he still said these words to Grandpa Chang. His heart is towards Grandpa Chang, because he has a pair of discerning eyes and can distinguish right from wrong. So from this point of view, no matter what happens to him and how he behaves, he will always be a good man, an honest man, not to be taunted and able to hide. This is his philosophy of life! It was really shrewd to quote in the back of the play. Grandpa Chang was taken away by Song Enzi and Wu Xiangzi! However, as early as here, it has been suggested that Mr. Lao She's brushwork really corresponds to the method of "close seam" put forward by Li Yu, a dramatist in the Qing Dynasty, in "Casual Records", which is meticulous at different levels, coordinated before and after, and integrated! Let's look at Wang Lifa's first sentence after seeing Qin: "Ouch! Master Qin, why do you think of going to the teahouse in your spare time? No servants? " Let's analyze the subtext behind his line! In fact, this sentence has clearly explained Wang Lifa's psychological activities after seeing Qin, and also showed Qin's identity. A "ouch", seemingly irrelevant, directly tells us how important Qin is. In Wang Lifa's eyes, he is not an idle person. At least, for Wang Lifa, he is a crucial figure!

"Master Qin", such a title is a confirmation of the previous "Ouch"! "Why are you so free that you want to come to the teahouse?" Qin is usually very busy, has his own "career" and seldom comes to this teahouse! "How" and "I will remember" have another meaning. It is precisely because Qin doesn't come often, and the so-called "nothing goes to the Three Treasures Hall", so he must come for a reason. Is secretly spying on Qin's intention to come here, but he has no trace to find. This short half sentence contains Wang Zhanggui's surprise, Wang Zhanggui's worry and his caution, and all kinds of feelings are intertwined in this language. Language is the soul of shaping characters! Look at the last sentence, "didn't you bring a servant?" The implication is that there are two layers. Another layer shows that Qin's identity is unusual. He is a "gentleman" with an "ordinary servant" as his entourage. In addition, it shows Wang Lifa's surprise and anxiety. Why did he run to the store himself? All these complicated feelings are conveyed through this sentence, and Qin, as a person, knew a thing or two from Wang Lifa's attitude towards him before we heard him speak! The so-called master should be like this!

From Qin's first sentence, we can see how disdainful he is, and he is even more humble and extremely humble. The following passage found the "theoretical basis" and "ideological basis" for a series of things he had done before. "Well, learn while doing, pointing to this for dinner. Who let my father die early? I can't do it! Fortunately, all the people who take care of the dissidents are my father's old friends. I am willing to forgive my indiscretion, and I will close my eyes. I live on the street, and my popularity is very important. According to the old method left by my father, I will say more good things, show more respect and be liked, so that nothing will happen! Sit down and I'll make you a bowl of lobular tea! "

This long monologue is actually a "core" of the whole drama and a psychological clue to promote the development of the plot. In the second act, why does Wang Zhanggui want to reform? In the third act, why does Wang Zhanggui continue to reform? Why does Wang Zhanggui treat everyone differently? Why has Wang Zhanggui been trying to save his teahouse? Why did he know that the teahouse was finally closed down by others? All this is naturally the result of the times, but there are psychological main lines, psychological "core" and "theoretical basis" for Wang Zhanggui to do so many things. Where is this "foundation"? In other words, what is the belief that supports Boss Wang to do this? Then please finish reading this passage! Without this teahouse, he has no other skills and can't make a living. "Fortunately, it is my father's old friend who takes care of the owner. I am willing to tolerate my rashness and close my eyes." "popularity is the most important" means that these customers are his old customers and he can't offend them. So he has always been humble and made concessions again and again. "Popularity is the most important thing" explains why he is polite and pleasant. He needs good popularity and a good interpersonal environment in order to continue his business. "Say more nice things, show more respect, and make people like you, and there will be no problems." This is his way of life. Well, at this point, we have fully understood Wang Lifa's mentality. What Wang Lifa has done is based on facts, and this person will be fuller!

But the audience will inevitably have doubts. Why did Wang Lifa say such things to Qin, and why did he report all his thoughts to this Qin Sir Zhong like a report? This question also paved the way for revealing Qin's identity. The dialogue behind is to show Wang Lifa's hospitality. Qin invited him to have a cup of tea and sat him down. He kept asking about his family, and there was a typical line, "What are you afraid of? With so much business, your little finger is thicker than my waist! " What interesting lines, what funny exaggerated lines, demeaning oneself, raising Qin Dou to this point, which shows that he knows that Qin has something to do here this time and wants to curry favor with him in advance. He also said such a thing, which shows that his language level is quite high, and to put it bluntly, it is "sweet mouth"! Only such a person can "mix in the scene" and maintain his teahouse business! Sure enough, at this time, Qin proposed to let Wang Lifa raise the rent. Before Qin finished, Wang Lifa echoed it bite by bite, as if it was not his own rent but someone else's rent. At this point, we also suddenly realized that Qin was the owner of this house, that is, Wang Lifa's "landlord". No wonder Wang Lifa is so attentive and flattering. He was worried that after Qin took back the house, his teahouse would not open. So, if the owner raises the house price, what objection can he have? It would be nice to minimize the trouble naturally! "Sir Zhong, you're right, yes! However, you don't need to be distracted by this little thing. Please send someone to take charge of it. I'll discuss the rent with him and I'll do it! " Although it is very polite and enjoyable, there is a saying: "I will discuss with him how much the rent should increase, and I will definitely do it." How much money to increase needs to be "discussed", so we can understand why Wang Lifa kept asking Qin why he didn't bring a servant here. We can imagine what happened. We can imagine that Qin didn't come once, and the room money didn't go up once, but he came many times and brought ordinary servants. So how dare Wang Lifa be careless? From this, we can also think that Qin's servant seems to be more accommodating than Qin, so Wang Lifa has been asking for "consultation" with his "steward". ! He has found out Qin's mind. No wonder even Qin said, "You boy, you are smoother than your father!" So he added a threat to Wang Lifa, saying that the house would be taken back sooner or later. On the one hand, he said this on purpose, because the word "sooner or later" has great uncertainty, and it is obvious that Qin is "scaring" Wang Lifa; But on the other hand, he also expressed an idea that he wanted to put into action, which is what he said later. He wanted to sell his house and set up a factory. He is a national capitalist, which is determined by his status, so the word "sooner or later" is both real and virtual. Wang Lifa can only fathom the idea of "scaring" him in front of Qin. As for buying a house and setting up a factory, he would never dream of it, because social existence determines social consciousness. As Wang Lifa, it is impossible for him to have such an idea. For him, this idea is unimaginable. In feudal society, houses and fields were a person's real possessions and were to be sold. So Wang Lifa said to Qin, "Don't scare me. I know how much you care about me and feel sorry for me. You will never ask me to pick a big teapot and sell hot tea in the street! " Very clever answer, not only praised Qin, but also blocked Qin's mouth. Some elements of "playing to depend on" or even "coquetry" were in it, pretending to be small and grandson in front of Qin, saying that Qin "took care of" him and "distressed" him, which was obviously the feelings of the elders for the younger generation. At this time, Wang Lifa's means has reached its peak! And Qin's sentence, "Just wait!" It is this sentence that leads to a series of articles, even the last scene. Qin's factory closed down and became "reverse production". Qin regretted it. All this is implied by the meaning behind his sentence, because he means that the seller will eventually produce and operate the factory. In the following article, Mr. Lao She explained this meaning more clearly by creating an accidental small contradiction. Let's look below. Just then, a begging mother and daughter came in. What an "ordinary" scene this is. It was really "ordinary" at that time. As grandpa four used to say later, they all became selling children to buy women. From the words of these people, we see a microcosm of this whole era. When Mr. Lao She wrote the script, he once said that he came from the bottom of society and didn't know what the high-level figures were doing or saying. However, he saw the actions of these low-level figures and heard their cries and voices. Lao She reflected this era through their trivial words and actions, and wrote politics through ordinary people! The brushwork is not superb! Seeing such a scene, the two protagonists in our play showed different attitudes. Qin said to him, "Get out!" How heartless, how cruel, how cruel, but, in fact, behind this cruelty, there is also a lot of sadness and helplessness, which is commonplace and beyond control! But Grandpa Chang is a man with a sense of justice and compassion. He couldn't stand by and see the weak, so he gave them two rotten noodles. This is actually just Grandpa Chang's personal behavior, but it has inadvertently become Qin's challenge and dissatisfaction. As a result, there was another conflict, and this conflict was accidental! Mr. Lao She creates accidents again and again, making the sparks that occasionally collide between characters shine again and again to express the characters and the whole era.

Under such circumstances, what should Wang Lifa do? This is the most brilliant conflict, in which there are three protagonists involved, that is, the personality and thoughts of the three people are unquestionable, intense and attractive. Wang Lifa said, "Master Chang, it's very kind of you to give them noodles! However, I tell you: there are too many things on this road, too many! No one can control it! " He turned to Qin and said, "Sir Zhong, do you think I'm right?" This kind of dialogue, we really didn't expect! He didn't offend anyone on either side, but on the surface he was partial to Qin, but in fact he was also good for Grandpa Four. He defined grandpa four's behavior as "kindness", which was obviously a compliment to him, but a "but" changed the subject and made a statement for Qin's behavior. Of course, this is actually his own idea, that is, "there are too many things on this road, too many!" No one can control it! " In fact, this sentence is not only for Qin, but also shows the darkness of this society again. The overlap of two "too many" has a deterrent effect. At this time, in order to show his "loyalty" to Qin, he turned to Qin and said, "Sir Zhong, do you think I am right!" Give enough face to Qin, and also calm the anger of Grandpa Four. The two sides don't offend each other, focus on each other and move with the camera. He knows the temper of grandpa four and Qin, and he also knows that their relationship is more important, so he secretly takes sides, which is not smart!

After saying this sentence, Qin expressed the subtext just now through a series of words, which is the true meaning of this sentence, "wait." He expressed his opinion and confidently expressed his idea of selling the factory to the seller. He believes that only in this way can we be patriotic and save China. Wang Lifa naturally can't understand his thoughts. He said seriously, "Come on, Sir Zhong!" "Did you sell all your property for others regardless of yourself?" These words are not only to discourage Qin from setting up a factory, but also to keep his own teahouse and not to take it back because Qin set up a factory. This is actually the essential reason. But he did mean to dissuade Qin with kindness, because in his view, Qin's idea is crazy, from which we can see that he is a conservative person, an ordinary citizen with great ideological limitations, and also a very sincere person. When he saw other people's "crazy behavior of bereavement", he thought of persuading him, just as he saw Tang Tiezui smoking a pipe, he would say a few words in the same way. Wang Lifa's image is getting fuller and fuller!

Another unexpected conflict has begun! Qin wanted to leave, but he met the eunuch Pang to buy a wife. Qin represents a new force, the strength of the bourgeoisie, and he is a national capitalist. But eunuch Pang is a representative of feudal decay. As soon as two people meet, there will be a good show.

Sure enough, two people a sarcastic remark, a sarcastic remark. On the surface, harmony is actually mutual contempt and mutual contempt. Eunuch Pang borrowed the words of Cha Tan Sitong's remaining party to imply that Qin's "constitution of changing ancestors" had no good end, and Qin also satirized Eunuch Pang with irony from time to time. This contest can be called a war without smoke, or a "cold war". Let's look at Mr. Lao She's stage hint again: "People who drink tea suddenly become silent and almost hold their breath." It can be seen that their identities are unusual, representing two forces and reflecting the struggle and contest between the two forces at that time. However, no matter what kind of power, there is no way to save China from their struggle. And Wang Lifa, at this time, we can't see him, because no matter who he helps at this time, it is impossible. Eunuch Pang is not always grandpa four, and Wang Lifa can't "muddle along". All he can do is look on coldly, because this is a matter of "two tigers fighting", and such "bickering" will not have any influence on his teahouse, because they are not coming for him, but more. So we saw that he just said a harmless sentence at the end of the contradiction, "Manager, please rest in it!" He didn't express any opinions, nor did he say much, except a respectful "manager", which shows that he is the "Jie Jun" who understands the times!

We can see that in the next plot development, there is no obvious conflict, but small conflicts exist from time to time and run through the whole drama. The first scene we saw was that several tea drinkers were talking about Tan Sitong's incident, which was also very accidental, because Tan was mentioned when eunuch Pang and Qin bickered just now, which led to a topic, a modest argument. Just when they started to discuss, Wang Lifa stopped them in time: "Dear customers, let's not talk about state affairs!" The tone is very mild, which is the tone of discussion. In fact, it is to remind them to be careful and not to make trouble for themselves, let alone my shop. Wang Lifa is such a cautious person.

Finally, there is another thing that can illustrate Wang Lifa's character, that is, the beggar girl came to Wang Lifa's shop again, and Wang Lifa stopped giving her food, but he didn't let them roll like Qin, but said helplessly, "Alas! Get out! " We can see that this sentence is full of sympathy, but the word "alas" vividly shows the helplessness that is difficult to help despite sympathy and the helplessness of social darkness. A word "alas" has infinite meaning!

Wang Lifa, he is not a hard-hearted man, but he wants to maintain his own shop. He can't be a philanthropist. In such an era of poverty, his own food and shelter is also a problem. As he himself said, "There are too many such things, too many!" So he has no way or ability to manage these things. We don't have to be too hard on him, but we should see his kind side contained in this sentence and his silent condemnation of society.