Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is Yang Jiajiang full of loyal people in real history?

What is Yang Jiajiang full of loyal people in real history?

There is a popular saying that "there is no general in the northern song dynasty and no phase in the southern song dynasty", which means that there is no general in the northern song dynasty and no phase in the southern song dynasty. In fact, this is a big misunderstanding. How can the Southern Song Dynasty be unknown? Li Gang, Zhao Ding, Zhang Jun, Yu, Wen Tianxiang, Lu Xiufu, which one is not a famous person who has made great contributions?

The absence of generals in the Northern Song Dynasty is even more nonsense. In the war against three foreign enemies, the Northern Song Dynasty attacked Xixia, resulting in the famous "home army", the famous "Yue home army" and the famous "Yang Jiajiang" against Liao. So, what is the real Yang Jiajiang in history?

Speaking of Yang Jiajiang, of course, we should start with Yang Ye. In the historical novel Yang Jiajiang, Yang Ye heroically killed the enemy, repeatedly made meritorious deeds, was framed by the treacherous court official Pan Renmei, and finally died alone. In the official history, Yang Yejia's heroic deeds, although not as strong as the story, are also tortuous, interesting and bright.

There is a special chapter in The History of Song Dynasty, which is a biography of Yang Ye. Biography of Yang Ye says: "Yang Ye was born in Taiyuan, Bingzhou. Father's letter is the secretariat of Hanlin County. Ren Xia, a charming young man, is good at riding and shooting, and he is good at hunting, and his harvest is twice that of others. Taste his disciple said,' I will fight for the future, and I will still chase pheasants with eagles and dogs.' Liu Chong, who is powerless in the crown, is brave and defensive. Our army in Xiong Jian is tired of moving, and we have made many achievements. The number of China people is "invincible" ... "

Yang Ye was born as a gatekeeper, and Liu Chong, a young emperor in the Northern Han Dynasty, repeatedly made outstanding achievements and was famous for his bravery. He is called "invincible Yang". Zhao Guangyi and Song Taizong inherited their brother Zhao Kuangyin's legacy, determined to recover sixteen states, personally expedition the Northern Han Dynasty, and surrounded Taiyuan with impenetrable iron drums. In the Northern Han Dynasty, the monarch and his subjects had no choice but to surrender. Yang Ye was one of his generals who surrendered. Because of his bravery and reputation, Song Taizong made him the secretariat of Zhengzhou, and later moved to Daizhou to assassinate him. At that time, the Liao army invaded Yanmenguan, and Yang Ye led his troops to the north gate of Yanmenguan, ambushed the Liao army and returned with great victory. Promoted to Yunzhou observation, in charge of Zhengzhou and Daizhou. From then on, the Liao army saw the flag of Yang Ye and immediately fled.

In 986 AD, Pan Meiren and Lu Ying were deployed to camp in the Song Dynasty, and Yang Ye was the lieutenant, leading the army to attack Liao. Soon, Song Taizong will transfer the residents of Yunxian and Yingzhou to the mainland, and Pan Mei will be led to escort them. At this moment, Xiao Taihou of Liao led hundreds of troops to capture Atlas State. Yang Ye said that when the morale of the Liao army was high, it was impossible to face the battle. As a result, Wang Shu, the supervisor, disobeyed and ordered him to attack.

Before the invasion, Yang Ye knew that there was no return to this trip, so he let Pan Mei ambush at Chenjiagukou in the northwest of Daizhou, ready to meet them. After Yang Ye entered the war, he fought to the death with the Liao army and killed many enemies from noon to night. Almost everyone in Yang Jiye is dead. When he was injured in dozens of places and tried to kill Chen Gukou, he found that no reinforcements were available. Finally, he was captured by the Liao army and died of hunger strike for three days. His son Yang Yanyu also died in the battle.

Therefore, it is said in later storytelling and romance that Yang Ye was victimized by treacherous court officials, which has certain historical roots.