Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Story: Liu He fights with wits. How powerful are they?

Story: Liu He fights with wits. How powerful are they?

1805, Liu Yong, a minister of the Qing Dynasty, died at home at the age of 85.

In an era when the average person is only 45 years old, Liu Yong can live to 85 years old, which shows his ability. After Liu Yong died, he went to a shrine and was buried by decree. In this respect, Liu Yong finally died of natural causes, and achieved a complete merit.

What did Liu Yong do to become a big official and get a happy ending? The first is loyalty and the second is flexibility.

The so-called flexibility refers to the "smooth" wisdom of facing the emperor under the constraints of the conditions at that time.

If you want to know Liu Yong's "wisdom", you can see one thing or two from a question.

On one occasion, Qianlong, who had nothing to do, asked Liu Yong, "How many people died in the Qing Dynasty and how many people were born?"

Qianlong thought that Liu Yong could be stumped. Liu Yong didn't even have time to consider it, so he answered. After hearing this, Qianlong was dumbfounded and had to refuse to accept it, so Liu Yong escaped.

So, what is Liu Yong's answer?

Liu Yong was born in a bureaucratic family. His father Liu Tongxun was a famous politician in Qing Dynasty. He used to be the chief minister of military aircraft. His grandfather, Bai Liu, was a scholar in the Kangxi period and served as a minister in Sichuan before his death.

Born in such a family, Liu Yong naturally understood the "wisdom" of dealing with people from an early age.

When he was young, Liu Yong was a man who pursued more. He was a magistrate in Taiyuan, a salt post in Jiangxi and a provincial judge in Shaanxi, and he did a lot of good things for the people, so the people spoke highly of him, and Liu Yong was an honest official, so some people even called him "Bao Zheng" in the Song Dynasty.

Get such a high evaluation, for Liu Yong at that time, is also worthy of the name.

But later, Liu Yong changed. He used his wisdom to "kiss up". The change of Liu Yong actually originated from Emperor Qianlong.

After Yongzheng's death, 24-year-old Gan Long succeeded to the throne. After taking the throne, Qianlong did a lot of good things for the country, such as granting amnesty to the whole country, reducing the burden on farmers, fighting back against the frontier and safeguarding national unity.

Under the rule of Qianlong, the comprehensive national strength of the Qing Dynasty reached its peak, and later generations called the Kanggan period "the prosperous time of Kanggan"

Ganlong was only in his twenties when he ascended the throne. How can he have such a strong ruling ability himself? In fact, Gan Long was able to achieve great success because his grandfather Kangxi and his father Yongzheng had laid a solid foundation.

Some people say that during the reign of Yongzheng in 13, life was very hard and he didn't enjoy a day's happiness. That's true.

Yongzheng worked hard, and only happiness remained after Qianlong came to the top. Of course, this does not mean that Qianlong is incompetent. If Qianlong had no ability, he would not be an emperor in 63 years, and he had been the emperor's father for 4 years.

When Qianlong was young, he was willing to do it and led Qing to another peak, but later, he changed.

The most fundamental difference between Qianlong and his father Yongzheng is that Qianlong knows how to work hard and enjoy happiness, which leads to the story of Qianlong's seven trips to the south of the Yangtze River, saying that he is going to inspect the work. In fact, he is just traveling and entertaining himself.

In addition to playing, Qianlong likes to show off his erudition and wisdom. He often asks the minister some brain-opening questions. If the minister can't answer them, he will enjoy it.

As the saying goes, "companions are like tigers." For ministers, Gan Long's interest is too unfriendly for them. Once they can't answer, they are likely to die.

However, Gan Long is not a person who likes to bully the "weak". The questions that come up in his mind are usually asked by smart people.

At that time, Liu Yong was the first sage around Qianlong.

Someone asked, why not small Shenyang? There is a simple reason. Xiao Shenyang is 30 years younger than Liu Yong, who was born in 1720, and Xiao Shenyang was born in 1750. In other words, when Xiao Shenyang became a bodyguard of Qianlong at the age of 23, Liu Yong was already a bachelor of cabinet.

In terms of age, it is worthy of the name to regard Liu Yong as the first "wise man" before and after Qianlong.

On one occasion, Gan Long asked Liu Yong a question with a big brain hole.

At that time, at the end of the court, Liu Yong was about to leave politely when Gan Long suddenly said, "Liu, please stay."

Liu Yongshun stopped from the ground.

Gan Long: "I always wondered if Liu Neng could help me?"

When the slowly walking priest heard what Gan Long said, he knew that a good show was about to begin, and many people stopped at once.

See He Ganlong, don't be angry, but I looked at Lu Yong.

Liu Yong: "The emperor asks for advice. I know everything and can do anything."

Liu Yong's attitude satisfied Gan Long. Gan Long spoke slowly: "Ai Qing, how many people go back and forth to Beijing Jiumen every day?"

The problem of Ganlong is very difficult. First of all, in the Qing Dynasty, there was no such record. Secondly, the time of going out is not fixed and time is tight. It is normal to go out in the middle of the night and early in the morning, so it is impossible for someone to record the number of times.

After asking the question, Qianlong looked at Liu Yong contentedly to see how he answered.

Without thinking, Liu Yong blurted out, "There are two people."

When Liu Yong's words came out, Gan Long's eyes opened wide, and the ministers and colleagues in the audience were also surprised. Someone said, "Liu's adult, the world is peaceful, and the capital is busy every day." Countless people come and go. How can there be only two people? "

When Qianlong heard someone talking, he stopped to see how Liu Yong answered.

Liu Yong ignored the minister at all, just looked at Gan Long and said, "Your Majesty, the two people I am talking about are not two people, but two kinds of people, men and women."

After hearing Lu Yong's answer, Gan Long laughed: Gan Long never imagined that the problem he was thinking hard could be solved so easily by Liu Yong.

Then, Gan Long stopped smiling and asked Liu Yong a unique question: "Liu, I will test you again. How many people did you say died and how many people were born in the Qing Dynasty every year? "

This time, Liu Yong didn't blurt out the answer. In fact, he already had the answer in his heart, but he could see that Qianlong was deliberately making things difficult for him, so Liu Yong decided to pretend that the question was difficult and paced back and forth in the hall.

When Qianlong saw it, his heart exulted. He said that Liu Yong is a wise man, so it seems that he is really embarrassed.

Lu Yong also knew that Gan Long could not be kept waiting too long. Suddenly, he stopped.

Liu Yong said, "Your Majesty, I have the answer."

Gan Long smiled and said, "This time, you can't say it's two people, a man and a woman."

Liuyong: "Of course not. I think that every year in the Qing Dynasty, there were 12 deaths and/kloc-0 births. "

When Gan Long heard the answer, he felt confused and even angry. The minister next to him was even more shocked: "Why can only one person be born a year?"

Gan Long: "According to you, will there be no one in the Qing Dynasty in a few years?"

Liu Yong's clever answer made Gan Long speechless, and the minister next to him couldn't help mumbling: "This answer is absolutely wonderful."

Gan Long is a conceited man, but he has a broad mind. It is the luck of the Great Qing Dynasty to have a wise man like Liu Yong. Therefore, after this answer, Gan Long didn't embarrass Liu Yong again and gave him money.

Liu Yong left the palace after a thousand thanks.

In fact, from this question, we can see that Liu Yong's wisdom belongs to "flexibility" more. Of course, this is not a derogatory term. It is the eternal truth to accompany a gentleman like a tiger.

Liu Yong's cleverness lies in that he neither harmed the interests of others, but also effectively protected himself, and even got a reward from Qianlong. No matter from which aspect, Liu Yong's title of "wise man" is worthy of the name.

Of course, what Qianlong loves most in his life is playing. How could he let Liu Yong go so easily?

One year, Gan Long visited chengde mountain resort, Hebei Province, accompanied by Liu Yong. In Chengde and Liuyong, there is no place to live. With a wave of his hand, Qianlong sent someone to make a wing for Liu Yong and named him "a generation of honest officials."

From then on, whenever Liu Yong came to Chengde, he would live here.

One day, Qianlong was playing in Pingxiang, and asked Liu Yong to accompany him on the boat for sightseeing. Of course, Liu Yong is willing. At this time, there are countless scenery on the shore, and the wild ducks in the lake are swimming, which makes people relaxed and happy.

Lu Yong know, this trip to the ship to play, not simple, before long, dry dragon really changed his face.

With a straight face, Gan Long turned to look at Liu Yong: "Ai Qing, what do you mean by loyalty and what is filial piety?"

Liu Yong replied solemnly: "You let me die, but I dare not die. This is called loyalty. A father lets his son die, but his son dares not. This is called filial piety. "

For Liu Yong's answer, Qianlong had expected it, not surprisingly.

Then, Gan Long continued to ask with interest: "Ai Qing, what do you think of yourself?"

Liu Yong is also ready: "I have always been loyal and filial, and I can learn from God."

Ganlong naturally does not believe it. Another title of the emperor is "loneliness". Loneliness means that the emperor is always alone, always lonely and full of paranoia.

Gan Long naturally know this truth. He smiled and said, "Ai Qing, what would you do if I let you die at this moment?"

Liu Yong was shocked, and the emperor's heart was really elusive. He crustily skin of head and replied generously: "The emperor told my minister to die, and I must be dead. I don't know how the emperor asked the minister to die? "

Gan Long looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him and said flatly, "Go to the lake."

Liu Yong surrendered and turned to the stern. At the stern, he stayed for a while and then came back.

Of course, Qianlong didn't really want Liu Yong to die. He just wants to play a trick on this "smart man". Liu Yong is not stupid. He knew that Ganlong was playing tricks on himself. Of course, he dared to come back, indicating that he had found a way to deal with it.

Seeing Liu Yong coming back, Gan Long asked doubtfully, "Why didn't Ai Qing throw himself into the lake?"

Liu Yong: "Your Majesty, when I was about to throw myself into the lake, I was suddenly persuaded by Dr. San Lv. He said something to me. "

Hearing this, Qianlong felt dizzy. Of course, Dr. San Lv knows who it is. Qu Yuan was a famous poet in the Warring States Period.

Gan Long quickly asked, "What did Dr. San Lv say to you?"

Gan Long smiled: "Liu Yong, Liu Yong, you are so smart." .

As the saying goes, Liu Yong's cleverness has actually reached the extreme. This "flexibility" not only saved his life, but also won the favor of Qianlong.

Qianlong didn't really want Liu Yong to throw himself into the lake, but Liu Yong's words just pointed to his heart. This incident was gradually forgotten in the laughter of the two.

Liu Yongneng died a fair death because of this "cleverness", and there is another interesting thing that shows Liu Yong's wisdom to the fullest.

One year, when Gan Long was celebrating his birthday at the summer resort, his ministers came, hoping to spend their own money on Gan Long's birthday. Liu Yong is an upright official, and he is naturally better than those colleagues. Of course, he has more things than his colleagues, and that is wisdom.

Liu Yong came to celebrate his birthday with only one wooden pipe.

Gan Long was unhappy: "Even if you are an honest official, you can't just take a pen container for my birthday, can you?"

Liu Yong has a countermeasure. He bowed before Qianlong first, and then said, "It coincides with the birthday of the Sagrada Familia, and I offer this pen container as a symbol of national unity under the leadership of the Sagrada Familia."

Hearing Liu Yong's words, the ministers were speechless and jealous: "No money, no money, no fuss."

Hearing this, Gan Long naturally can't say that Liu Yong's pen container is simple, because the implication of others is very good. He had to smile and say, "Liu, your gift is unique, but I like it very much."

Liu Yong's wisdom reached its peak at this time, and it was with this wisdom that Liu Yong, a very important minister, was deeply trusted by Qianlong. Later, as a powerful minister, Xiao Shenyang was deeply trusted by Qianlong. Nevertheless, Liu Yong dared to confront him head-on, and got nothing. All this is due to his "flexibility", that is, his cleverness as an official.

Smart people do smart things. Of course, Liu Yong's ability to die a fair death is not only related to his own cleverness, but also to Gan Long. After all, "Being with a gentleman is like being with a tiger", and Gan Long's tolerance is one of the biggest reasons why Liu Yong can die a fair death.

However, in any case, we must understand that "being flexible" is definitely not a bad thing, but at the same time, we must have a degree of flexibility. The most important thing is to learn enough.