Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - There was a female Taoist priest in the Ming Dynasty. After accurately predicting her own death, why did she choose to die?

There was a female Taoist priest in the Ming Dynasty. After accurately predicting her own death, why did she choose to die?

This female Taoist in Ming Dynasty is Tan Yangzi. Because he accurately predicted his own death, as a Taoist who cultivates self-cultivation, Tan Yangzi looked down on life and death. Although only in her twenties, she didn't miss the world too much and chose to die, which may be her last decent. Perhaps in Tanoko's heart, all these worldly things are not as important as inner peace, and death is only to be faced sooner or later.

This Tan Yangzi has a strong interest in Taoism since he was a child. Everyone in other families is learning poetry and calligraphy etiquette, but Tan Yangzi also gave up halfway. That woman worker should be regarded as the basic skill of women at that time. However, Yoko Tan is not very interested, so it is also a half-tone. But fortunately, Tan Yangzi's father also has an official position, and Tan Yangzi is engaged early, just waiting to get married formally. It never occurred to me that this man died young before he got married.

As a wife who has never been to the door, Gu Zi decided to keep a holiday for her husband. Watcher, Tanoko actually became a monk and became a female Taoist. In fact, Tanino is also her road number, and her real name is Wang Daozhen.

Tan Yangzi's daily monastic behavior is not to eat or drink, and now the popular saying is to avoid the valley. Perhaps the example of Danyangzi is rare. At that time, it was actually sought after by many scholars. For a time, Tan Yangzi's reputation was so famous that countless people came back and forth.

In this state, after a long time, Tanoko got tired of it and felt that he was about to become an immortal. In fact, it is estimated that he is so hungry that his soul is out of his body. Because I always don't eat or drink for a long time, I don't know how to cultivate immortality. However, only 23-year-old Yoko Tanya predicted that his period would come soon and passed away soon.