Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The mole under the woman represents

The mole under the woman represents

Left rich, right rich.

Whether it is a birthmark or a stillbirth birthmark, it shows that sexual desire is strong and there will be peach blossoms.

In terms of health, the suprapubic region of the pubic bone is the point of Qi and the sea, belonging to ren meridian, which is the first child. If there is a mole here, it will affect Ren Mai; It is the place where the liver meridian runs, and there are prime ministers around the genitals, which is generally related to the health of the liver meridian.

It stands for lust, and there are moles around the pudendal region, which means that women are lustful, and the liver meridian still dominates anger, and there are moles around the pudendal region, which also means that women are easy to get angry and have a big temper.