Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Major historical case: What happened to Hu Daoping, a self-taught serial killer of "talents" and "technology"?

Major historical case: What happened to Hu Daoping, a self-taught serial killer of "talents" and "technology"?

At 5 o'clock in the morning of June 5438+February/KLOC-0, 2003, a fire broke out in a shop named Jintai Jin Dian in Zhongnan Street, Yuechi County. Residents nearby immediately call 1 19 after hearing the news.

1 19 fire officers and soldiers rushed to put out the fire and found two bodies in the ruins.

The case was bizarre and none of the deceased resisted.

After receiving the alarm, the Criminal Police Brigade of Yuechi County Public Security Bureau immediately rushed to the scene for inspection. The police found that 802 pieces of platinum and gold jewelry worth more than 400,000 yuan in the store's storage room were missing! One of the two deceased was Fu, the owner of the gold shop, and the other was Yang, the guardian of the gold shop. The police initially concluded that this was a vicious robbery and murder case that deliberately set fire to destroy the crime scene. Subsequently, the forensic doctor conducted an autopsy on the two deceased and found that both of them were killed by fire during their lifetime. No violence, no signs of resistance. The bizarre case puzzled the police, and the investigation of the case "12+38+0" was deadlocked.

1 year later, the major case of "12.05438+0" has not been solved, and vicious robbery and murder cases continue to occur frequently in Yuechi County and Guang 'an. June 5438 +654381October+March 2005 at 7: 00 am, two strong men on duty in Yuechi County Post Office were killed, and both of them were hit on the head dozens of times with blunt objects. The outer door of the vault in the duty room was cut open by the oxygen welder, but the inner door was not opened, and the cash in the vault was safe and sound. A riot gun and five bullets in the duty room were abandoned in the grass in the backyard of the vault. Less than two months later, the "Li Jinbo" diamond shop in Guangning Road, south of Guang 'an, was forcibly broken into, and a guard was killed, but no property damage was caused. Like the "12.05438+0" case, in the next two cases, the criminals broke into the house in the middle of the night, and the guards only one door were unaware of it. After the criminal broke into the house, he calmly killed three people, and the deceased did not resist.

The modus operandi is gas attack.

Major cases have been repeatedly banned, but the investigation work has no clue. For a time, financial institutions in Guang 'an and Yuechi counties were in danger, there were rumors in the society, and the police were under increasing pressure.

In the early morning of September 6, 2005, the vault of Baimiao Credit Cooperative in Yuechi County was robbed by criminals, and two people on duty died in the bed of the duty room. Strangely, there is no trauma! 654.38+ 8,000 cash in the vault was robbed; Criminals left welding and cutting machines, chisels, knife changers, gas cylinders and other tools at the scene. Compared with previous cases without clues, this case has taken a major turning point after investigation.

Forensic autopsy found that the two dead were poisoned after being attacked by some kind of poisonous gas! Attack the guards with poison gas first, then break into houses when they are dead, and cut the security door of the vault with a cutting machine to rob! The criminal method of Japanese robbery and murder was finally discovered, and his cunning and ferocity made all criminal investigation experts shudder.

According to the crime tools left on the scene, the task force judged that it is essential to transport crime tools such as welding and cutting machines and gas cylinders, and the "soft spot" of criminals lies in crime tools! As long as suspicious vehicles are found, criminals will be caught!

The thief was arrested.

10 years of life is full of sin.

At about noon on September 6th, 2005 12, the police of Baimiao Police Station in Yuechi County learned an important clue: at about 9 pm on June 5th, someone saw a white antelope car (Chuan X 160 1X) on the roadside near Baimiao Credit Cooperative, which was in the early morning of June 6th 1.30. Others reported that cars have been parked here frequently in the past two months. The police soon found out that the owner of the car was Zhu and her husband was Wu Jun, and they did not have a fixed job, but they were well off. Wu Jun is a suspect! The police immediately searched for the suspicious antelope car.

When it comes to the love of the female suspect, the defense line collapses.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Yuechi County Interpol found the car in the car wash of the extension of Jiulong Street in Yuechi County, and at the same time found Wu Jun. Wu Jun calmly claimed that he was innocent. The police searched Wu Jun's home and seized high-powered binoculars, crowbars and various books on welding and chemistry. His identity was also proved to be false. But Wu Jun had a tug-of-war with the police. After two days, they refused to talk! On the third day, when questioning the police and Wu Jun about his beloved daughter, Wu Jun's psychological defense completely collapsed. He frankly admitted that his real name was Hu Daoping, a native of Kaizhou District, Chongqing. He is 35 years old. Since 65438+February 2003, there have been four robberies of gold shops and vaults in Yuechi County and Guang 'an, resulting in seven deaths and more than 580,000 yuan of property. In addition, he also explained the crimes of theft, prison break and robbery since 1995. Hu Daoping, a vicious and cunning robbery and murder suspect who ravaged one side, was finally arrested.

The good news came that Yuechi County was boiling. People from all walks of life rushed out of more than 60 banners and plaques with joy and sent them to Yuechi County Public Security Bureau.

After the bold incident, I returned to the scene to "observe"

Hu Daoping was born in Li Anping Village, Houba Town, Kaixian County. His parents, both honest farmers, died three years ago. He came from a poor family and dropped out of school in the second grade. When he was a teenager, he was strong and upright, and had a good reputation in the village. Hu Daoping married Zhu, a woman from the same village, on 1993, and her son was born on 1995. In order to subsidize the family, Hu Daoping came to Kaixian to pedal a tricycle.

The colorful life in the county stimulated Hu Daoping, and his twisted desire led him to the road of crime. In the spring of that year, Hu Daoping stole hundreds of kilograms of pesticides from the county agricultural machinery station and sold them for thousands of dollars. Then he stole leather shoes worth more than ten thousand yuan from the county department store. The police arrested twice and were forced to break free by the strong Hu Daoping. As he ran, he defiantly shouted to the police: "You have the ability to arrest me!" At the end of the same year, the police arrested Hu Daoping with live ammunition. Hu Daoping was sentenced to eight years in prison, but after more than two years in prison, he abandoned his wife and children and fled to Daxian alone, incognito as Wu Jun.

From 2000 to 2003, Hu Daoping wandered around Chongqing, Dazhou, Nanchong, Bazhong, Guang 'an and other places, stealing tens of thousands of stamps and other property. During this period, Hu Daoping met Zhu Yinqiong, and they bought a house in Yuechi County. Hu Daoping also bought a car, and their daughter is about to be born. At this time, Hu Daoping's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. He thought of robbing gold shops and vaults.

In order to be foolproof, Hu Daoping pondered new modus operandi. He taught himself oxygen cutting technology, and constantly looked for more lethal means of attack. He tried to use electric shock, but missed the point. In 2003, Hu Daoping accidentally learned how to make some poisonous gas from a chemistry book, so he bought raw materials to make poisonous gas and experimented with animals. At the end of the same year, two people killed by Hu Daoping in Jintai Jin Dian, Zhongnan Street, Yuechi County were stunned by poisonous gas and set on fire. No wonder the police didn't think of the killing methods used by criminals at that time.

The bold Hu Daoping sneaked back to the scene after each incident and sneaked into the crowd to peek at the police's criminal investigation methods. He confessed that this is to continuously improve his anti-detection means.

Hiding, pretending to be an antique dealer, being humble.

Talking about his life, Hu Daoping said: "I was very poor when I was a child. Seeing others eating and drinking, I feel that life is too unfair to me! So I vowed to live like others!

Later, when I went to town, I thought my fate would be changed by myself, so I had the idea of committing a crime! "

When answering why he returned to the scene after the incident, Hu Daoping said: "I think my hands and feet are quite clean. I just want to see how the police solved the case, so as to provide some ideas for future robberies. I told myself that I would live a good life and keep doing it! And do it as soon as possible! "

When talking about the case of "1. 12", why were two policemen on duty in the post office killed? Hu Daoping coldly blamed himself. "It may be that the preparation method of toxic gas was not completely completed at that time, so the two policemen still reacted after I broke into the house. When I was in a hurry, I picked up a hammer and chisel and killed them. "

Speaking of how he usually hides the society, Hu Daoping said that he rarely talks, reads books at home, claims to be in the antique business, and rarely goes out to communicate with people. Once when he was sleeping at night, he called a person's name. Zhu Yinqiong heard it and asked him. The next day, he moved to another room to sleep because he was worried about what to say in his dream. He is so careful. He has been hiding for years. After the incident, the neighbor said that no one thought this person would be a bad person. He is usually modest and low-key, and communicating with others means playing chess without words.

Spend money without caring about your wife and children in your hometown.

Hu Daoping said: "My dream life was basically realized before I came in, but I am still not satisfied with money, and I always feel that I can't have enough to eat and wear. Although I robbed 6.5438+0.8 million before my arrest, my goal is to get one or two million before I stop. If I'm still outside, I'll commit another crime. I can't stop that feeling if I want to stop! " After his arrest, Hu Daoping claimed to be a "pest in Guang 'an" and repeatedly expressed the hope that the government would execute him as soon as possible.

It is understood that the huge sum of several hundred thousand yuan robbed by Hu Daoping has all been squandered except the family expenses composed of Zhu Yinqiong. What he loves most is his 4-year-old daughter born with Zhu Yinqiong, but he ignores how his wife and children are doing in their hometown in Kaizhou District. In fact, Hu Daoping's first wife, Zhu, went out to work at the beginning of this year in order to provide education for her children. 10-year-old son lives at home alone and goes to school for three hours every day. After returning home, he will also raise pigs and do farm work. Life is bleak. My son doesn't know what his father looks like yet.

Hu Daoping has always been a loner and has never been with the party. He steals, escapes, robs and kills. He also challenged the police officers who arrested him face to face, and sneaked back to his crime scene several times after robbery and murder to "observe and learn" the police's detection methods. It can be seen that its psychological quality is still good. The method of handling cases is novel and fierce. First, the personnel on duty were stunned by poisonous gas and unable to resist, and then they were hit on the head by blunt objects such as steel drills and chisels until they died.

Hu Daoping declared that "killing people does not regret grabbing the goal of 10 million." He has the shadow of Lei Guomin, he also uses cold weapons, and has the potential to do great things, but his luck is just bad. Hu Daoping has no bad habits, does not smoke or drink, and thinks that drunkenness is easy to do bad things. He thinks that if two or more people commit a crime, it is easy to capsize. So, I don't look for colleagues. In order to ensure that he has enough physical strength to commit crimes, Hu Daoping also bought a lot of fitness equipment to exercise his body very strongly.

Hu Daoping doesn't talk much in front of his neighbors. He thinks he is honest, arrogant, kind and good-natured. My only hobby is playing chess. Such an honest man never imagined that he was such a vicious robber and murderer.

In order to carry out the plan of robbing100000 yuan, his crime target is only for gold shops or vaults.

With only junior high school education, he taught himself to make chemical poison gas and oxygen cutting technology in order to rob gold shops and vaults. After being arrested, Hu Daoping said: I was scared when I robbed the gold shop to kill people and dismember them, but I soon calmed down, and then I was no longer afraid of killing people. I had regrets after the previous murder, but I didn't regret it in the end. In order to destroy the scene, I set fire to it with gasoline.

If I were alive, I would do it again. I can't stop if I want to! And do it as soon as possible!

A first-rate robber

1May, 995, sentenced to 8 years in prison for theft. On June 1998, after Hu Daoping escaped from Jinhua Prison in Zhongxian County, Chongqing, he robbed eight times in Guang 'an, Yuechi County and Dazhou, killing five people, and set fire to 1 time during the robbery, killing two people and stealing guns at the same time. In these series of robbery and murder cases, Hu Daoping acted alone in the process of committing crimes, and the means were novel and fierce. In order to achieve the purpose of robbery, Hu Daoping caused the victim to be unconscious and unable to resist. First, after the personnel on duty were stunned by poisonous gas, they all used blunt instruments such as steel drills and chisels to brutally knock the victim's head until he died. After successfully robbing a gold shop, he poured gasoline on two unconscious victims and set them on fire in order to destroy the scene.

From 1998 to 2003, Hu Daoping also went to stamp shops, post offices and private post offices in Dazhou, Guang 'an, Xichong, Pingchang and Bazhong successively, committing crimes from 10 and stealing nearly 300,000 yuan.

From 65438+February 2003 to September 2005, Hu Daoping brutally killed seven people in a short period of 1 years. Lu Gang et al. 18 The plaintiff claimed civil compensation from the defendant Hu Daoping10.9 million yuan. When the judge read out the specific amount of compensation, Hu Daoping raised his head coldly. In an interview, Hu Daoping declared that "killing people does not regret grabbing the goal of 10 million." But it would be a pity to give up halfway.

One night in February, 2000, Hu Daoping went to the East Street Stamp Shop of Wusheng County Post Office in Guang 'an City, broke into the house and stole stamps worth more than 20,000 yuan.

On the evening of May 28, 2000, Hu Daoping broke into the house and stole stamps and other things worth nearly 10,000 yuan from the philatelic store of Jianshe Road, Yuechi County Post Office.

On the night of June 5438+February 1 2003, Hu Daoping fled to Jintai Gold Store, Shangnan Street 103, Yuechi County, robbed gold and silver jewelry worth more than 400,000 yuan, killed the shopkeeper and a guardian and burned the body.

June 65438+10/October 65438+in the early morning of March 2005, Hu Daoping fled to the vault of Yuechi County Post Office in an attempt to rob and killed two policemen.

On the night of March 10, 2005, Hu Daoping fled to the "Golden Platinum" diamond shop in Guangning Road, south of Guang 'an City, killing 1 guard and attempting to rob.

In the early morning of September 6, 2005, Hu Daoping went to Baimiao Credit Cooperative in Yuechi County to rob cash of more than 6.5438+0.8 million yuan and killed two doormen of the credit cooperative. ...

Since 2000, Hu Daoping has fled to Nanchong, Chongqing, Dazhou, Bazhong, Guang 'an and other places to commit crimes crazily, robbing eight credit cooperatives' vaults and post offices' vaults, stealing post offices' warehouses and residential houses 1 1, robbing and stealing cash, stamps and gold and silver jewelry with a total value of 1 more than 10,000 yuan, killing vaults and posts.

On the morning of June 5438+February 7, 2005, Guang 'an Intermediate People's Court held a public hearing on Hu Daoping's series of robbery and murder cases, and found that the Municipal People's Procuratorate accused the defendant Hu Daoping of five crimes, including prison break, theft and robbery, robbery and murder, and sentenced Hu Daoping to death, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all his personal property. Defendant Zhu committed the crime of harboring and was sentenced to three years' imprisonment and suspended for four years. On April 14, 2006, Hu Daoping was taken to the execution ground for execution.