Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the cat-faced old woman in Harbin like? Who can tell me?

What is the cat-faced old woman in Harbin like? Who can tell me?

In other words, the famous legend of Catman in Harbin happened more than ten years ago. At that time, I was in primary school (about 95 years). Because it was very old and fantastic, it was horrible at that time, so I remember it very clearly (of course, I remember the horrible place very clearly). It's about an old lady in Daowai District of Harbin (I remember it was Daowai) who died on her way home from shopping, and then she was attacked by a cat. At that time, she forged her own body, and it didn't change, but half of her face turned into a cat's face. This kind of cat person usually moves at night, is very agile and likes to eat children's meat, but adults will also become cat people after being bitten. Then it was rumored that there were many cat people in Harbin. At that time, primary school students should have heard of this because my home was far from Daowai District. At that time, there was a rumor in a small magazine distributed to primary school students every month, which was roughly enough to remember. Looking back on this matter now, I don't think the truth is very high, but I don't understand why it was spread so much at that time. Some students in Harbin know more about it. Let's talk about it —————————————————————————— But it's no small matter that it is an old lady with a cat face. If you are interested, Baidu should still be able to find information now. I will only talk about my personal experience and thoughts here. The event should occur at 1995 or 1996. I can't remember. I was in the fourth and fifth grades of primary school, and I was the main "victim" of this incident, son. At first, no one knew how this rumor came about, but the story is about this-an old lady faked her death because a cat passed by (this is a very authentic folk custom. Up to now, most rural areas in our country have kept livestock in their proper places at the time of funeral, to prevent animals from passing by corpses and faking them, and this "old lady" is said to eat children exclusively. The spread of this rumor has a process. At first, when there was this rumor in our village, the villagers didn't think it was true, but many people who came back outside said that there were rumors in other places, which seemed to increase the credibility of the matter. What happened in the end? Our primary school specially held a whole school meeting, in which the principal stood on the big platform and gave lectures to all the students. The contents are as follows: First, primary school students are required to go to school in pairs and are not allowed to "go out" alone; Second, all primary school students must wear red ropes (there are also rumors that accompanied by "old ladies", it is said that "old ladies" eat children, but wearing red ropes on their wrists can ward off evil spirits). These things are still vivid in retrospect. Why do you say that? Because I have a very deep memory of the red rope, because I made a bet with my deskmate at that time, and I said that I wouldn't tie the red rope to ensure that nothing would happen, but my deskmate threatened that I would be eaten if I didn't tie the red rope. As a result, I seem to be the only person in primary school who doesn't wear a red rope. Of course, the final result is nothing. The reason why I dared to make this bet at that time was not because I was bold. On the contrary, when I was a child. How far did this rumor spread in the end? Children in Heilongjiang are beginning to panic, and even some children don't go to school at all because they are afraid of being eaten on the road! I guess this incident seems so serious that everyone except Heilongjiang has been affected, and the ending of this rumor is also very dramatic-the "old lady" finally alerted the central government to send troops, and the "old lady" was shot in the back of the head by soldiers before she died! (2) The horror legend in my hometown-the story of the old lady with cat face is like this. There was an old lady whose husband's last name was Li, and no one else knew her last name. I live in a small village on the northern border of Heilongjiang Province, and my life is dull. Her son and daughter-in-law are not very kind to her, but bumps and bumps are inevitable. Later, because of a little incident, the old man and his wife got into a fight. (Northeasters are tough. ) The old man hanged himself at night, because he was bitter when he died, and things for the old man were not very good. After all, it wasn't his family. The old man went at night. It was cloudy every day, and he died miserably. His eyes were half open and his tongue stuck out of his mouth. He is a little dark and ugly. At that time, people were afraid to move forward. Strangely, the old man's son came here, knelt in front of the old man and cried. Everyone dares to get the old lady down. This is what the old man in the village told him to do. Those who die with hardships must let their closest relatives be there. But it still failed to stop the old man from playing dead in the middle of the night. After dressing the old man with a shroud at night, his daughter-in-law was also very sad and went back to her mother's house. The old man's son felt sorry for his mother and kept mourning for the old man at night. In Heilongjiang, it was a long winter night. The old man's son sat with a neighbor and chatted. The neighbor fell asleep while chatting. At this time, a flower cat raised by the old man jumped over the old man and stopped after landing. Half a cat face, the old man's son was scared silly on the spot. After the old man died, he arrested his neighbor. Her son took advantage of this broken time to run away, screaming, "My mother lied to the body." In the countryside, everyone goes to bed early, and it is quieter at night. Strangely, if someone barks so loudly in the middle of the night, the dog will definitely change with the barking, but tonight, I didn't hear the dog barking, only heard it. I rushed down the road to a man's house in the village and spent the night there. At night, the family was too scared to sleep. I am afraid that the old man will come to his son and lead the dog in the house. The dog just looked at his son and didn't bite. After dawn, he called a group of people back to his home and found that he only grabbed his neighbor's stomach and the old man was gone. Later, the village felt very dark, and there were always animals missing. Adults tell children not to run around if nothing happens. If they really meet that thing, they will run to the corner. Anyway, they just run around something. It is said that zombies can't turn. It's a big deal anyway. It is said that the central authorities have been alarmed. Later, armed police were sent to find the old lady and burned with machine guns. There is also a saying that at that time, a criminal gang disguised as a fake corpse, caught children and sold human organs, and the rest of the meat was used to carve for the elderly. Later, go-vern-ment came forward to refute the rumor, and the news soon spread and said everything. I was young at that time, which made my mind clouded. If you have time, you can ask my classmates in Heilongjiang to see if they have heard of it ... that's about it. I heard these things secretly when I was a child, but I don't remember much. However, this is the way it is. There are many unknown things in this world, so I feel terrible because of the unknown. . . —————————————————— Attached is a story about the Catman in Harbin that can still be found now, but this story is quite different from what I remember, and it may be true. There is such a couple, in response to the national policy of late marriage and late childbirth, who got married at the age of 35, almost 40, and finally had a lovely baby, very tired of love. In a blink of an eye, the child is 3 years old, very lively, running around the ground, and innocent children's voices fill the room from time to time, infecting the couple. Life is also very happy. One day, the hostess brought back a kitten with black and white patterns, which looked lovely. Immediately after entering the room, use a hair dryer to clean and dry, and the kitten enjoys it. Soon, the child and the cat became good friends. The child shows his new friend, the cat, building blocks. The cat is good at reading. The host and hostess smiled at each other, the hostess went to the kitchen to cook, and the host leaned back on the sofa to read the newspaper. After a while, the woman called her man to the kitchen to help, and the man put down the newspaper and immediately passed. At this moment, the cat swished out. The child was still laying bricks, and then called the cat to see it, only to find that the cat was gone. At this moment, a shadow appeared in the corner of the room. In the shadow, the cat came out and walked towards the child step by step. The child immediately found this strange sight, pointing to the cat coming step by step with his little hand, trying to call his parents who wanted to say hello to him, but he couldn't shout it out. After a while, the couple cooked the dishes and set the table in the square hall. The hostess came into the room to greet the children for dinner. Opening the door, the hostess stood there, her eyes wide open. The host thinks it's wrong. He grabbed the hostess who was about to faint and saw the child fall to the ground as if he were dead. The cat is lying beside the child, and slowly turns around when it hears the sound. At this time, the male owner found that the cat's head turned around, but there was an old lady's face, which seemed to be smiling in the wrinkles. ——————————————————— Attached is a story, which is very similar to the version I heard when I was a child, but the time is wrong. The Catman incident in Harbin is probably based on this or similar story in the early years of the Republic of China. The exact year is not clear. Besides eating and drinking, I live in a small courtyard with a civet. I don't know what year this civet cat came to this house. Anyway, after I had it, my family never saw Uncle Mouse's face again. But this civet has lived in the house for so long that no one can see it except the old lady's room. Finally, it's the day when the old lady will go to the spring to see the old man who left early. The family changed the shroud for the old lady. Please stay on the bamboo sofa in the lobby for two days. The old lady was so angry that she could not swallow her last breath. The children and grandchildren panicked. They quickly invited the well-informed old uncle to see the old lady, and tentatively asked, Sister, don't you have anyone else to see? The old lady's throat cackled, and her eyes looked at her usual hut, and tears came out. My uncle stood up and asked, is there anything in my sister's room that she can't put down? Filial children and grandchildren looked at each other and dared not speak. The eldest son of the old lady took the old uncle aside and said, Uncle, there is something in the house, that is, the big civet cat you have seen. You said, my mother is like this now, can I let this thing out? My old uncle was surprised: Mom, my nephew did the right thing. Dying people can't see cats, dogs and mice, let alone cats, dogs and mice. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that animals have died, that is to say, when people breathe, their breath is gone and their lives are gone. This kind of qi is invisible and intangible, but 180 Jin of living people are all supported by this tone in their bodies. When people are dying, qi will run away. If cats and dogs happen to pass by and cut off this tone, then you can become refined and eat people and lose your family. So whoever wants to die has to look after the livestock and can't go near the dying people. But the old lady has too deep feelings for civet cats, and she can't get along with this tone without seeing a big civet cat. Anyway, she is her own sister. Can she leave so reluctantly? The old uncle was in trouble and asked his nephew, where is the civet cat? How did you handle it? The old lady's eldest son replied, what can I do? Several people blocked it in the house, at least tied it up and hung it on the roof beam with chains. When my mother left, I ironed my uncle's knees and warmed them. You say this civet cat is fierce. Look at my nephew's face, paw prints and the way he was caught. Look at it. The old uncle was angry, went up and gave his nephew a big slap in the face, that is, a big face twice, and scolded: You bullied my sister before she died. If you unfilial things don't care about the elderly on weekdays, will my sister stay in the house with civet cats all day? Do you really want my sister to close her eyes? Be careful that she won't let you go! The grandsons and grandsons of the old lady said with one voice, "Look at what you said, uncle, when the old man is here, we don't lack her food and clothing. How can we say that we are unfilial? " My old uncle often sighs: In your place, the old people want a warm heart, not a warm body. What they want is someone to talk to them, not three meals a day to die. You will know this when you are old, but you don't understand it now. Take me to release civet cats quickly. Later generations dare not neglect, and hurried to the hut with the old uncle. When they saw the civet cat's fur torn off one by one, its hoof was tied with hemp rope like a pig, a hemp core was stuffed in its mouth, and a dog chain was tied around its waist, hanging in the middle of the girder. When they saw the old uncle come in, they couldn't cry, and the cat's eyes were wet. My uncle stamped his foot angrily. You animals and civet cats have helped your town for so many years. You have no credit or hard work, so spoil it. Come on, come on, put it down. Later generations hurriedly threw the dog chain that tied the civet cat on the ground, and the old uncle took out the hemp pit in the cat's mouth. The civet immediately began to cry in despair, just like crying, and the cat's head twisted desperately to the hearse arranged in the old lady's lobby. The meaning of civet is obvious, but my uncle is in a dilemma: people who are dying can't see cats and dogs, but they can't close their eyes when they die. What can we do? Finally, I thought of a compromise: loosen the hemp rope of the civet cat's limbs, tie the dog chain around the cat's neck, and lead the cat to meet the old lady at a distance outside the mourning hall, which will not only avoid close contact, but also give the old lady the feeling of being an animal and reassure her. The idea was right, but in the end something went wrong. It is said that the eldest son of the old lady is holding a cat, and the old uncle is shivering with crutches. Just outside the threshold of the mourning hall, the second son of the old lady who left the mourning hall shouted in the mourning hall: Brother, uncle, my mother just left! Civet cat turned around and somehow broke free from the belt. He rushed into the house and threw himself on the old lady's face. The second son was so scared that he picked up a sad stick and hit it on the civet cat's head, and rolled it out far away. He's going up to fix another man. Suddenly, he felt that the atmosphere was wrong. Everyone looked at his back dumbfounded, turned around and jumped out. The old lady sat up with a loud shout, staring straight at herself, and everyone shouted in horror: fraud, fraud. . . . . . The dying man was trapped by cats and dogs. People who are dead are not trapped by cats and dogs. That's called playing dead. To put it bluntly, it is god's sleep. Everyone knows that zombies eat human flesh and drink human blood. In the mourning hall, chickens fly and dogs jump, which is a mess. If you want to say bold or old uncle, just stand on crutches and shout: Sister, sister, don't scare your family if you can't let go. After shouting for a while, I saw the old lady lying down again, so I bravely went up to touch my nose and said angrily, who is blind and said that my sister is dead? Isn't that still angry? It's strange that the old lady's second son was confused and scolded like a shrug, so he had to pack up the cat's body that was smashed on the ground and hide out. After all this, the old lady actually gets more and more air intake and more air outlet every day. The filial children and grandchildren are blindsided, and this mourning hall is prepared for nothing. But as long as people get angry, they can't bury the old lady alive, can they? So I had to carry the old lady to the cabin where I used to live. The story of the cat-faced old lady really began, and strange things happened one after another: the first strange thing was that I always saw the old lady lying in bed during the day, and the rice porridge I sent didn't move, but I didn't see the old lady hungry. But in the middle of the night, the old lady and her family always felt that someone was walking gently in the yard. The second strange thing is that a few miles around Fiona Fang, the mouse suddenly disappeared. Some people saw the mice in the granary moving in groups during the day, just like running for their lives, but everyone was not well off these years. It is a good thing to say that grandpa mouse moved, but before he could be happy, the third thing happened. The third thing is: the child is missing. At first, it was a baby less than one year old. When the baby was gone, children aged 3 or 4 began to lose it. At that time, people panicked and said it was a flower party. At night, everyone crowded the children to sleep in the middle. At dawn, the locked door was wide open and the children on the bed disappeared. How did this flower pater sneak into the locked door unnoticed? Finally, careful parents found that after the child disappeared, they found foot-binding shoe prints in the dust under the bed or on the beams during cleaning. In the early years of the Republic of China, the woman who bound feet was a little old, and everyone remembered the old lady who was resurrected by civet cats. Some people suspect that the living old lady was covered with dead skin by civet cats. Which child do you like? She jumped into the house in advance at night and hid under the bed or on the beam until the adults fell asleep. Doubt belongs to doubt, no one is so sure. However, this matter has reached the ears of the old lady's eldest son. He was too worried to sleep. That night he was lying in bed tossing and turning, and suddenly he heard a child crying softly in the yard and suddenly stopped. The eldest son got up hurriedly and licked a small hole in the window. When he saw the old lady holding something in the moonlight in the yard, he sneaked into the small room. The eldest son made a mistake and muttered, can't my mother get out of bed? Why do you suddenly come out for a walk at night? . . The eldest son didn't dare to think much, quietly pushed open the door, slipped to the door of the small room and slammed the door. The moonlight suddenly entered the room, and the impression printed in the room was bright. In the moonlight, the old lady kneeling on the bed with her back to the wall hurriedly squatted down, her face half open and her eyes going round and round. The eldest son went to the bed and asked softly, Mom, can you get up and walk? What's behind you? The old lady looked up, revealing the other half of her face buried on the pillow and the other half of her furry cat face. Blood was dripping from the cat's mouth, and she smiled darkly at her eldest son. . . The eldest son screamed, fell out of the threshold, rolled over and pulled up the door leaf, shouting, Somebody, Somebody, help, my mother is possessed by a flower skin. Lights were on in every room in the yard, and soon everyone ran out wearing clothes. After listening to my son's words, everyone was horrified. They didn't want to wash their dirty linen in public. When they opened the gate, they called their neighbors to help. It was not until the front of the hut was firmly built that the eldest son remembered that there had been no movement in the house since it was closed. Seeing so many people around who resisted the bonzi dance, he got up the courage to open the door and saw that there was no old lady in the room. There was a boy's body bitten to death on the kang, and I don't know when a big hole was dug under the kang. I don't know how long it is, but some neighbors, both short and daring, climbed in with ropes all the way. Since then, coffins buried in the ground have often been dug up at will, and the bodies inside have been chewed up. Later, the living who passed by the grave at night were also disembowelled and their intestines were dragged all over the floor. Later, people in the town pooled their money and invited some hunters to kill the cat-faced old lady who couldn't tell whether it was a cat or not. It is said that when she was cremated, her skin was twisted in the fire and she felt like a civet cat under her skin.