Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fighters are fleeting and extremely difficult to capture —— Analysis of Su Yu's fighter creation and capture art

Fighters are fleeting and extremely difficult to capture —— Analysis of Su Yu's fighter creation and capture art

Fighter refers to the most favorable opportunity for combat operations on the battlefield. Fighters are not easily available. We must use all means to create and promote them. We must observe carefully and react quickly in the rapidly changing battlefield situation in order to grasp the fleeting fighter. In this respect, Su Yu is a master. Through many battles he participated in, Su Yu's superb art of creating and capturing fighter planes can be infiltrated. Creating and capturing fighters through preemptive strikes is a development process from small to large and from weak to strong. In the battle we are facing, we usually need to defeat the superior with the inferior and win more with the few. This requires that in the process of creating and capturing fighters, we must pay attention to pre-emptive, surprise, attack them unprepared and attack them unprepared. So as to grasp the advantage of the first opportunity and strive for the initiative in combat. There are countless examples of Su Yu preempting and seizing fighter planes. In the only seven battles and seven victories, several battles were created and captured in this way. 1July, 947, * * * invaded the liberated areas in central Jiangsu with an army of 120000, and joined forces with our army in Taizhou, Nantong, Jingjiang and Xuanjiabao. In the face of * * *' s menacing attack, shall I follow the traditional tactics, avoid its sharpness and strike first, or attack it unprepared and strike first? Starting from the overall strategic situation, starting from the angle of the initial strategic battle, according to the overall situation of the Soviet battlefield and the deployment characteristics of the enemy's fourth route, Su Yu is determined to take advantage of the enemy's fourth route, enter the converging attack before the enemy is fully formed, and take the initiative to attack Xu Antai first, that is, reorganize the 83rd Division of the powerful enemy. Because Xu Antai's enemies are at the starting point of the attack, I never thought that Su Yu would take them and ask you to fight. From Li Moan, commander of the appeasement area, Li Tianxia, commander of the 83rd Division, to the regimental battalion commander of Xu Antai, the enemy on the defensive, they all thought that this could not be the main force of the Central China Field Army. After playing for three days, I understand that Su Yu has led the main force to attack Rugao in the next battle. Military strategists have always attached importance to creating and capturing the sound of fighter planes through the transfer from the east to the west. But it's easier said than done. Especially in the era of hot weapons, reconnaissance and intelligence means are developed, and it is not easy to really create and capture fighters through this tactic. Su Yu successfully used this technology to create and capture fighter planes in the seven wars and seven victories and the Laiwu campaign. The second battle of the seven wars and seven wins was "sound strike from west to east", and the Laiwu campaign was "sound strike from south to north". These are all examples of this kind of creation and capture of fighters. At the end of the first battle of seven wars and seven wins, on the one hand, the enemy mobilized troops to reinforce Taixing in an attempt to stall my main force and fight a decisive battle with me. On the other hand, an army attacked Rugao city in an attempt to threaten our flank. According to this change of the enemy's situation, Su Yu adopted the tactics of "transferring from the east to the west" to flexibly create and capture new fighters. Su Yu decided, in addition to leaving a force to continue to panic in the remnants of the enemy in Taixing city, causing the illusion that our main force is still in Taixing, to lure the enemy in the southeast of Rugao to reorganize the 49th Division and boldly advance to Rugao, while our main force "made a long-distance raid, created a good opportunity to annihilate the enemy in the movement, and plunged the enemy into a passive and chaotic situation". So, Su Yu immediately turned to the east and marched 50 kilometers south of Rugao. This move is very effective. The enemy didn't expect my main force to suddenly appear, and my one-and-a-half brigade soon wiped out more than 10,000 people. To manufacture and capture fighter planes in a way that conceals reality and reveals emptiness is to expose false operational intentions to the enemy, conceal real operational intentions, and cause misjudgment by the enemy. Speaking of hiding people's eyes and ears and exposing people's scars, people are particularly apt to think of the ancient Han Xin's "crossing the plank road in secret, crossing their positions in secret". This is typical of concealing the truth and showing falsehood. Su Yu's use of concealing truth and revealing falsehood is also handy and ingenious. This is also one of the methods he often uses to create and capture fighters. In the battle of Laiwu, in view of the fact that the enemy on the southern line was armed to the teeth, fighter planes were hard to find, and the enemy on the northern line fought alone, Chen and Su decided to change the battle plan of looking for opportunities to annihilate the enemy on the southern line and lead their troops to the north to annihilate the Li Group in Laiwu area. However, hundreds of thousands of troops need to March hundreds of kilometers, and it is easy to turn "going south" into a northern war. In order to achieve the goal of the campaign, Su Yu decided to take the following measures: The first action was to convince the enemy that I would not go north. Let the second column lead the crusade against Hao's rebels. This action not only gave me strong political influence, but also further convinced the enemy that I was in the process of "going south" and further covered up the campaign attempt of "going north" to destroy the enemy. The second action is to pose as a decisive battle against Linyi, the capital of Shandong liberated area. Su Yu made the second and third columns of Hua Ye pretend to be Hua Ye's army to show his determination to compete with the enemy. As expected, the enemy was fooled, so they launched a fierce attack on Linyi with all their strength and bombed Linyi for only a whole week. The third action is to pose a "defeated army" who is exhausted from continuous operations. The enemy thinks that Linyi is the capital of Shandong liberated area and will certainly defend it. Su Yu catered to the enemy's psychology and let our army stage a barrage. Finally, the main force lost to the periphery of Linyi and had to give up the battlefield situation in Linyi. Sure enough, Chiang Kai-shek and Chen Cheng began to revel in the "unprecedented victory" frequently reported by their generals. The fourth action is to pose as "avoiding war" and prepare to cross the Yellow River westward to meet Liu Deng's army. Su Yu let local armed forces set up pontoons on the canal and publicly raised ferries along the Yellow River to confuse the enemy and give him the illusion that I had to withdraw from the liberated areas in eastern Shandong and go west to meet Liu Deng's army. Su Yu's series of tricks to hide people's eyes and ears have achieved miraculous results. In the end, I achieved the greatest fighting suddenness, and wiped out more than 56,000 people of Li Group in just three days. Sun Tzu, an ancient strategist, created fighter planes and captured them through attacks. He said, "So, I want to fight. Those who have to fight with us will be saved if they attack." "This kind of creation and capture of fighters is usually a key point in selecting the enemy, and it is also a relatively empty place to carry out a sudden attack. It can often receive the effect of taking the lead and moving the whole body, and it will be a shock to the whole situation. The most important thing is that the enemy often can't stand the loss of this strategic point and often sends troops to save it. This created a good soldier for me to attack it and save it. In the Battle of Eastern Henan that broke out in June 1948, Su Yu adopted the strategy of "opening the blockade first, then destroying the aid to the enemy", which is a very classic example of fighting against it, creating and capturing fighters. Kaifeng is an important town in the Central Plains and the capital of Henan Province. Chiang Kai-shek will never sit idly by and watch the provincial capital city be conquered by me. He is ashamed. Su Yu made good use of the enemy's psychology. Our army captured Kaifeng and really mobilized the enemy. Chiang Kai-shek ordered Qiu Qingquan Corps and District Shousui Corps to rescue Kaifeng and seek a decisive battle with me. This provides our army with a good opportunity to destroy the enemy in the movement. After comprehensive analysis and comparison, Su Yu soon decided to join me in the newly formed Shousui Corps with less combat experience. When giving up Kaifeng, Qiu Qingquan was eager to make money in Kaifeng, which accelerated the marching speed, but Qu Shounian hesitated. As a result, Qiu and Qu helped the enemy with a gap of 40 kilometers. When Su Yu saw the fighter plane appear, he made a decisive decision and promptly gave the order to panic in the regional corps. In the end, the battle of eastern Henan won a great victory, and I captured the commander of the enemy corps, District Shounian, alive. With the continuous development of the war, the enemy and ourselves are becoming more and more familiar, including the characteristics of command, tactics and morale of the troops. In this way, the war situation is prone to a temporary balance, and it is difficult for fighters to appear and capture. This requires commanders to learn to stand by and be patient. In this regard, Su Yu put it well: "Standby is to carefully observe the subtle changes in the battlefield situation, analyze and master the enemy's action rules", and "resolutely annihilate when the conditions are met, change and abandon the original plan when the conditions are not met, and never lightly fight" (Memoirs of Su Yu War, pp. 485-486). * * * After the battles in northern Jiangsu, southern Shandong and Laiwu, the army was particularly cautious when fighting with our East China Field Army. It is difficult to find fighters at present. In order to create new fighters, our army moved from south to north, or from east to west, advancing and retreating freely, and mobilized and confused the enemy with high maneuverability. For more than a month, our army has repeatedly given up the opportunity to crack down on small-scale invasion of the enemy, and even voluntarily lifted the encirclement of the invading enemy. In view of our cautious standby, the enemy finally lost his temper. The soldiers of the Battle of Meng Lianggu finally appeared. So, Su Yu firmly grasped the fighter plane, immediately changed the original plan to annihilate the enemy on the flank of the 7 th Army and reorganize the 48 th Division, and decided to concentrate my main force on reorganizing the 74 th Division by fighting against breakthroughs and encirclement. Finally, the 74th Division was completely annihilated, and the division commander Zhang was killed. I won a very classic victory. Main reference materials: Memoirs of Su Yu War, Biography of Su Yu and Collected Works of Su Yu Military Affairs (Reading by Shuaike: Insist on originality, objectivity and fairness. Click on the attention to see more exciting content)