Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Red Sorghum: Yu Zhanao respects and loves Jiu-Er, but only treats his lover as a concubine. Why?

Red Sorghum: Yu Zhanao respects and loves Jiu-Er, but only treats his lover as a concubine. Why?

Jiu-Er, the TV version, got 0/00% love from Yu Zhanao/KLOC, and the lover who was willing to throw herself at herself only matched Yu Zhanao's sentence "After all, he has been with me for so many years", which was mostly a sense of guilt and responsibility for her. So, why are these two equally beautiful and refreshing women treated differently in the same man? This is the essential difference between women and women. No wonder men, those women who cry all day are seldom worthy of sympathy. When they have time to pretend to be "Lin Daiyu", it is better to reflect on why they are always held by men.

0 1 Jiu-Er is independent in spirit, and Yu Zhanao and Zhang Can can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

Jiu-Er's first love was a gentleman of the Zhang family, the only son of a local rich man, who was sent to Qingdao at a young age to receive the best education at that time. When the Zhang family learned that their Xin Wei had fallen in love with the daughter of a heavy smoker, there was even opposition, even at the expense of framing Jiu-Er. On the night when they agreed to elope, they found the most cruel bandit in the area and tied Jiu-Er up. Although Zhang's mother reported to the government in advance, it didn't help. After learning the "truth", I mistakenly thought that I had revealed my whereabouts to Huajing, so I parted ways with my childhood friends and let go of my feelings.

In order to find a better way out for himself, Jiu-Er weighed the pros and cons and married 30 second sons suffering from leprosy to a family in Lipo. Zhang Junjie tried hard to persuade him, but he could only watch his beloved woman leave him. At that time, Zhang Junjie was still a "mother treasure". In Jiu-Er's affairs, he is too indecisive, and ambitious Jiu-Er will never pay attention to this. If Yu Zhanao hadn't sent food to Hua's neck, there would have been no chance to save the United States, but this time, there was a deeper connection between Yu Zhanao and Jiu-Er.

But Jiu-Er is a suffocating pepper. When Yu Zhanao asked her how to repay him with a smile, Jiu-Er said calmly, "I still don't like men who need money to do some work!" This sentence directly made Yu Zhanao happy. This woman is not simple and will not be defeated by small interests, which is really different from the group of "bitches" in Gaomi County! After giving birth to a boy and a girl for Yu Zhanao, Jiu-Er lived a small life in a single-family compound, taking care of the children wholeheartedly and expecting their healthy growth.

At this time, Yu Zhanao thought that Jiu-Er was already in his pocket, but unfortunately, he became a tool for Jiu-Er to fight against the wealthy family. When their sister-in-law reconciled, Yu Zhanao was completely driven out of the family by Jiu-Er, and told him clearly that "it's over between us, so don't come to me again". Yu Zhanao has never been recognized by Jiu-Er and attached wholeheartedly, which led him to pay more and more attention to this woman, and he became a possessive minister in Jiu-Er.

Under the protection of these two spoony men, Jiu-Er saved the day many times, but she was still an unattainable woman, living for herself behind closed doors, which many female compatriots dared not have at that time. In Jiu-Er's eyes, men are never unique. They live in troubled times, and only by themselves can they be truly powerful.

Jiu-Er's big design has infinite charm in men's eyes.

Jiu-Er didn't cry like most women, but put away her superfluous feelings and lived a better life. Without Yu Zhanao's interference, Jiu-Er learned how to make wine, and made a brand of Sanli red wine, which was exported to Qingdao. However, Yu Zhanao's brain was not bright, and he was almost "hired jiaozi" by the county magistrate Zhu and bandits. Finally, he had to cross the sorghum field and come to a single house where he lived temporarily.

When Jiu-Er learned the situation, he ordered the remnants of Yu Zhanao to dress up as men, armed the watchtower and the walls around the city, waiting for the pursuit of Hua's neck, and made full preparations for the battle. Hua was shot in the back by Zhu, who rushed to the neck, and could only escape quickly. Facing the search of Zhu county magistrate, Sister-in-law was calm and finally saved Yu Zhanao who was drunk and unconscious.

In order to completely save Yu Zhanao's life, that night, under the guidance of a wealthy family, Jiu-Er rode alone to find an old bandit in the northwest, a black-eyed man who had retired from the Jianghu for many years, and even knelt down in exchange for the key life of Yu Zhanao. Before that, Jiu-Er met her rival in love alone, slapped her in the face and said, "Do you think I hit you just to be jealous of you? Do you know that a woman should guide her man to the right path? "

No wonder Yu Zhanao is bent on achieving something for her. No wonder the old lady loves Jiu-Er infinitely. Every time she falls in love with her son, the word "hate" pops up in her mouth.

The model of women is highly appraised. Even if women can satisfy men's sexual desire well, men and women must communicate with each other. It is impossible to stay in bed for 24 hours, and loving children unconsciously becomes a tool for Yu Zhanao to vent his desire. Jiu-Er will always be the mother of his two children, a woman who can't be conquered by him even if she has two children.

In Jiu-Er's idea, as long as you are a bandit in Yu Zhanao, this girl will ignore you for a day. Unless you turn over a new leaf, I'm afraid your own children will be called "michel platini" all their lives.

Loving children is self-contempt, and you can't get Yu Zhanao's true love.

It is extremely foolish for women to sacrifice their self-esteem for men's love, because the fact is that men's respect for women is more important than love.

At that time, Yu Zhanao was forced to become a bandit in Gaomi County and came to Jiu-Er again and again to have fun. Prior to this, Jiu-Er deliberately provoked wealthy families in order to win a sigh of relief, in retaliation for dystocia.

Later, after the two sisters-in-law made up, Jiu-Er didn't want to associate with Yu Zhanao, a bandit, but Lianer took the initiative to throw herself at Yu Zhanao's mistress. She can only be a mistress, because in Yu Zhanao's heart, the main palace will always be the child's mother-Jiu-Er. Men will never cherish a woman who comes to the door voluntarily. The fundamental reason is that no one will cherish what they get for nothing, which is human nature.

How cruel are men to women who have fun? Yu Zhanao can kiss his lover in front of all his brothers, and he will never be disheveled like a woman in front of everyone. If it was Jiu-Er, he wouldn't dare and wouldn't give her up.

Men are 100% possessive of the woman they are infatuated with. He'll think you're going to be naked if you show your ankles. You must be nervous when you see other men staring at you with bedroom eyes. How can you be frivolous in public? He can't take it!

Every time Jiu-Er encounters a crisis, Yu Zhanao will "let bygones be bygones" and protect her with practical actions. After hearing that Sanlihong in Jiu-Er was detained by the Central Army, Yu Zhanao immediately burned the checkpoint of the Central Army with his brothers.

In order not to hurt Jiu-Er's family, he also sent a truck of 30 Li Hong directly to the Qingdao cargo dealer, while Jiu-Er only needed to send one person to settle the bill.

In a daze, Yu Zhanao took good care of Jiu-Er. Obviously, if nothing happens in this life, Jiu-Er will always be the beloved woman in his heart, and Lianer can only be a lonely concubine.

How men and women know each other is not the most important thing, but how to be together. If a woman knows how to guide a man to invest money and emotional value continuously, then in his heart, he will consciously believe that he loves you very much.

Be afraid, women lack love and self-confidence, and constantly reduce their needs to cater to men, just like lovers. In the end, it can only become a tool for Yu Zhanao and Jiu-Er to fight against each other, which in itself is dispensable. Such a woman can easily be replaced by later women.

If you have no value of your own, don't try to tie a man's heart. In the final analysis, the game between men and women is a collision and exchange of values, and no one can escape.