Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is the fortune-telling accurate for the old woman at the entrance to the village _ the old man at the entrance to the village

Is the fortune-telling accurate for the old woman at the entrance to the village _ the old man at the entrance to the village

Is the old woman at the entrance of the village accurate in fortune telling?

This friend, there is a "fortune telling truth" post for your reference. I hope it helps you.

Reverend IP Ming-hon

When I know about it everywhere, there will always be people who are curious to ask, "How did you learn fortune telling as a priest?" I said, "It is not a priest who goes to learn fortune telling, but a fortune teller who is called as a servant of God."

When I was born, the older generation always asked fortune tellers to make a life book for their children, and my father was no exception. When my eight characters are connected, even if my father decides that my life is bad, it will be a standard "retribution" for my father, mother, brother and younger brother.

My mother is pregnant with me for ten months, my brother is three years old and my sister is one year old. She was sick when she was pregnant with me, so she had to go to Taipei MacKay Hospital and gave birth to me when she was hospitalized. I was isolated because my mother was seriously ill. My father found a wet nurse to support me in Ruifang Town. I lived in my wet nurse's house for 20 months, and my mother took me home after she got sick. After returning to China, my mother gave birth to two younger brothers and two younger sisters, both of whom died at the age of one. Sure enough, before I was seven years old, my brothers and sisters died of acute illness. I have no brothers or sisters in this world. When I was ten years old, my father had stomach cancer, and my father died when I was fifteen. After my father died, I really realized that I was really the "big nemesis" in my family.

From then on, I began to study life science seriously, wondering why it is so accurate, and more importantly, trying to find a way to change my destiny, so I studied everywhere for advice. I once ran into a mainland elder. He used to be an official. He taught me a set of principles of life science, so I began to meet people to confirm the accuracy of life science. In those years, I became an amateur fortune teller, and I was quite famous. I actively want to transform my destiny and break through the limit of the fate of "Nemesis".

At this time, I suddenly found myself sick. My illness was exactly the same as my father's. I thought to myself, if I die five years later like my father, this family will be dragged down by me. I tried to change myself from death with the principles of life science, but it didn't help. Finally, in order not to drag my mother and family down, I want to commit suicide.

When I was about to commit suicide, God appeared to me and called me to follow him and serve him all my life. I answered his call and dedicated my dying life and weak body to God and became his servant. Amazingly, when I put myself in the hands of God, my illness would have been better without taking medicine, and my life fate would have changed.

My nemesis has now become a evangelist and a witness of God, actively spreading my personal experience: if a person is willing to accept Christ, his life will be blessed and wonderful changes will take place.

According to the survey, "there are more and more fortune-telling behaviors now, and the higher the education level, the higher the fortune-telling rate will be." In fact, according to the general idea, it should be like what Mr. Qu Haiyuan said: "The more you receive modern education, the more rational you should be about your own destiny, and the less you can tell fortune." However, according to the investigation and analysis, the result is the opposite.

In the past, we thought that the theory of "destiny" could only affect women, children and villagers, but today's newspapers and magazines tell us that many people from all walks of life, such as heads of state, politicians, representatives of public opinion and businessmen, are addicted to it. If not, the "fortune telling" thing will naturally disappear. Why is it getting worse? Especially in this era of highly developed civilization and scientific prosperity, can it still be popular?

On the other hand, the values, morality and ethics of today's society are constantly changing. Most people measure their achievements by fame, status and money. In order to pursue these vain wealth, people often downplay the precious marriage relationship and ignore the basic principles of family happiness. Coupled with the rapid changes in domestic economy and culture in recent years, the changes and changes of political and economic figures have made people feel uncertain about fame, wealth, status, money and marriage. So in order to ensure tomorrow's status, maintain today's achievements, and keep the ideal marriage and money. We rely on "fortune telling", which is a big reason why it can flourish today.

Another main factor is that "numerology" has been deeply studied and analyzed by many senior intellectuals in recent years, and the program has even been written down and input into the computer, which has made a great breakthrough in "fortune telling". Therefore, the business of "fortune telling and fate matching" is even more powerful, attracting many intellectuals and politicians to try and accept it. Coupled with the hype of newspapers and magazines, it has become an irresistible phenomenon.

Everyone knows the truth that there must be "truth" before "falsehood" appears. Moreover, the "fake" must be exactly the same as the "real" in order to achieve the purpose of "confusing the real with the fake". This trick of "turning the war into a friendship" has always been Satan's means to promote himself.

If Christians can't produce real goods and insist that others' are fakes, who can believe you? You know, God forbids us to tell fortune or fortune, but that doesn't mean telling people that there is no fate or that they can't be trusted. On the contrary, there will be fakes only if there are real goods. It is precisely because of such a thing as fate that Satan can play the trick of "confusing the real with the fake".

Why can fortune telling make people believe it? If we can learn from the Bible, we can find the true revelation of the Bible to fate. Then, we can have the truth basis to distinguish between true and false. Because only under the illumination of truth can we see the blind spot of folk beliefs and uncover the truth.

Most people who will go to "fortune telling" want to know and determine whether their "fate" is good or bad.

Their motives can be divided into:

1. Out of curiosity, I want to know my future, which is everyone's mentality.

2. I want to use fortune telling to determine favorable life goals.

3. Try to get rid of difficulties and bad luck.

In short, people go to "fortune telling" almost for their own peace and interests, for prestige and wealth. Why is the life of "people" so unhappy that we need to constantly resort to various methods to change the means of transportation?

Because "sin" destroys everything, when did the sovereignty of the world fall into the hands of the evil king Satan? This is what happens when Adam, the ancestor of mankind, accepts Satan's criminal plan. Since then, people's fate has been tortured and destroyed, and the painful and tragic fate is endless.

Since the power of Satan entered this world, people have been controlled by Satan and lost their freedom under the rule of "sin". Therefore, people must live under Satan's rules. Every year, the almanac will become the most popular book in China. What is the reason? Because people live by watching the faces of these ghosts and gods every day.

Don't think that Satan's power only works on our people. In fact, in all countries and nations, Satan rules people's hearts in different ways. Satan introduced "sin" into the world and people's lives, destroying this beautiful world and people's pure life.

Today, though, many people are desperately studying life sciences, trying to strive for a better fate for mankind; Unfortunately, numerology will not change people's fate. All it can know and detect is to beat around the bush in the process of human life for decades. It can't change the essence of human life, nor can it tell you the true value and purpose of existence. It can detect some phenomena that will happen in your life, but it cannot reverse or grasp what will happen.

Satan makes people believe that the end of fate is death, which is an unchangeable fact, so people can devote all their energy to life in this world in a short time. This is Satan's plan for mankind, which makes people lose sight of the eternal hope and value of life.

When I was preaching in the mining area, one day, an elder's wife came crying to tell me that her 17-year-old daughter had been crying in her room for several days, not eating or going to school, and asked her why she refused to say anything. Finally, my brother insisted on asking her, and she said, "I'm dying. What's the use of eating and going to school? "

Later, the girl told her mother what happened, only to know that there was a classmate in her class who would tell fortune. Her father is a very famous fortune teller. This classmate inherited his father's mantle and learned this skill. On that day, the teacher asked for leave, and the girls scrambled to ask this classmate to show his skill and help several classmates to tell their fortune. All this is very accurate.

It's the eldest daughter's turn. She didn't want her to count, and other students pushed Lala and said, "Never mind! It was fun! Don't want money, what are you afraid of? " She's curious herself, so let her forget it. As a result, the fortune-telling classmates told her accurately in the past, and the girl asked, "What about me in the future?" The classmate calculated for a long time and said to her, "I'm sorry!" There is nothing in the future, destiny takes a hand, you 17 years old, and there are many doom. I'm afraid you can't escape this level. " The elder's daughter/kloc-decided to die at the age of 0/7, and was locked in her room all day without eating or going to school.

After listening to the words of my elder wife, I prayed to the Lord: "This child has been cornered by fate. How can I help this child? " Ask God to give me wisdom and opportunity. "

Then, Mrs elder went back to take care of her daughter. I asked her: your classmate not only told you about the past, but also told her that there was a great fate when she was seventeen. You can't escape this, can you? She nodded and began to cry again. I asked, "Are you scared to death?" She nodded again, and I asked, "Didn't your classmates tell you how to get rid of this bad luck?" She shook her head and cried, "I am doomed to die, there is nothing I can do!" " "

So I proved to her how God saved me from death and became his servant. Now that I have a new life, the old fate doesn't work for me.

After my testimony, I said to her, "Only Jesus can solve the difficulties you are facing today, because there is no other name in the world, only the Lord of Life can give you a new life."

"Have you ever accepted his new life and let the Holy Spirit manage your life? Do you have the experience of rebirth? " She shook her head. I said, "So, are you willing to confess your sins, accept Jesus and accept a new life today?" She nodded happily. So she prayed, confessed with tears before the Lord, accepted Jesus as her personal savior, and asked the Lord to take charge of her life and make her a new person in Christ.

Since then, her life has changed. She not only escaped robbery at the age of 17, but also got married and had children and moved abroad. After more than twenty years, we still keep in touch.

It is generally believed that "fate" is doomed from birth and cannot be changed. Therefore, people attach great importance to good luck. Therefore, in folk religions and various customs, there are many rituals of "changing fortunes", but there is no custom of "changing lives". For example, when a wrongfully imprisoned person comes home, his family will immediately cook a pig's foot noodle for him to eat, or let him shave his head to get rid of bad luck and make up for his mistakes. There are also many people who go to the temple in the first month to do an "Ann Tai Sui" ceremony, so that they can have good luck in the new year. Although it is still a question mark whether this "An Tai Sui" ceremony has any effect, it has settled their hearts.

Why do people think that life cannot be changed? Because they know that people's lives are not doomed by the gods they worship, but by "heaven". As the saying goes, "The gods can't save people without life" and "everything is life, and people can't do anything" (Minnan dialect), which means that people's lives have already been decided, and nothing needs to be forced.

Let's take a look at how ordinary people in Taiwan Province Province treat the dead, and we will know their views and influences on the "Destiny Thought" in their hearts. Usually, if there is a funeral at home, the family should first carry the deceased to the mourning hall, which is generally a place to worship the gods and their main cards. Before carrying out the dead, you must first take some laundry baskets or white cloth to cover up the gods and idols enshrined on the God's table. Keep them from seeing the dead.

These idols dare not even look at this passionate and devout believer before he dies. Why? It's not that these gods and idols are heartless, but incompetent. Because people's life and death are not controlled by the gods and idols of ordinary people. Therefore, in this case, the general gods and idols can not only do nothing, but also escape quickly. It can be seen that ordinary people still believe that there is a greater almighty in charge of people's fate and life and death. They don't know who it is, so they call it "Tian", which means "one" plus "big character", which means the greatest god. Christians know very well that this Almighty God is the true God who created everything in the universe introduced in the Bible.

Therefore, people's "changing their luck to make up for it" is nothing more than luck or peace of mind. After all, they cannot "change their lives". In this world, there is really no God who can change people's lives except the God who creates and gives them life. Because life is created by God, he can renew, heal and change. The whole Bible explains that God has prepared ways to save and regenerate mankind.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can go to the father except through me. "

Because only Jesus Christ can save mankind from Satan, so that we don't have to be threatened by Satan anymore. More precious, he moved us to the kingdom of God, as the Bible says, "He saved us from the power of darkness and moved us to the country where he loved his son, where we were redeemed and our sins were forgiven." (col1:13 ~14) enables us to live in the salvation of Jesus Christ.

Not only that, God has given us a new chance to live. We were already facing the fate of extinction. Through the salvation of Jesus Christ, our life has changed direction, not only from the fate of extinction, but also into the fate of eternal life. Therefore, if a person is willing to admit his sin and believe in the salvation of Jesus Christ, what a blessing it is. In order to become the scapegoat of mankind, Jesus Christ redeemed people from Satan and let them enter the kingdom of God. As long as people are willing to believe and accept Jesus, then the grace of forgiveness will come to that person.

Although God loves mankind deeply, he can't violate his holy and righteous nature because he wants to forgive people's sins, and he can't ignore the principle of bloodshed and atonement he has set. Because God's love is based on faithfulness and righteousness; For love without faithfulness and justice is doting, and judgment with faithfulness and justice is cruel. Therefore, in order to show his righteousness and love, God himself accepted the judgment of sin and the criminal law for mankind. He died on the cross, ending the power of sin to mankind and saving us from the proper ending of crime. It's as if the father took full responsibility for the mistakes made by young and ignorant children and accepted the sanctions and retribution they deserved.

Some people also asked, "Since God is an almighty God, why should he personally bear the sin of man?" ? Sure! God may be able to atone for people in other ways, but to show that he loves mankind, he is willing to sacrifice himself for us.

I remember that around Christmas last year, my second child took us to the most upscale department store in Houston, and we saw a very touching picture. There was an old father who was in a wheelchair because of mobility difficulties. His son talked and laughed and pushed him around the department store. I read it and asked my son, "If one day our father is so old and inconvenient to move, will you push me to go shopping?" The son said, "Of course!" Then he continued to ask, "But if I am too busy to get away from my career, what do you think of asking someone to give me a push?" I said to my son, "Of course, it's better to be pushed by someone than not at all." But no matter who pushes it, it is certainly not as good as my son-the feeling of love is irreplaceable by others or money.

Someone must ask, Jesus more than 1,900 years ago, will his "blood atonement" still be effective today? This is why God himself came to the world to atone for mankind. Because there is only God, his actions are infinite, and he is not limited by time and space, so his "blood atonement" effect will always exist. As the Bible says, "Through this will, we can be sanctified by Jesus Christ offering his body once." As long as Jesus offered himself once, it became an eternal sin offering. Let anyone in any era, as long as they look up to him, believe in him and accept him, can get this extremely precious redemption.

When Chen was forty, his marriage failed and he had no children. Feeling very depressed, she walked through Lanzhou Street in Taipei one day and accidentally saw an altar. She went in and asked the gods, hoping to get some advice from them.

Unexpectedly, when she was begging the gods, the host of the altar said to her, "The gods want to use you." As a result, evil spirits attached to her, making her lose her will and start to tremble. From then on, she became a child of this altar. For more than twenty years, when she was a child, her teeth rattled and shook out one by one.

For more than twenty years, this altar has made a lot of money because of her. She bought a piece of land near a mining area in Taipei County and built a very large temple. She also moved to a temple. The evil spirits attached to her later may have been too attached to her and began to attach themselves to her unruly. Please come uninvited, sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes when eating, walking in the street, and even let her take a shower. When it came, Chen began to tremble, sometimes jumping and screaming, which made Chen unable to live a normal life. To make matters worse, because of her irregular noise, the temple is not quiet, and everyone thinks she is crazy.

Later, she retired, but the evil spirits that had been attached to her still clung to her and wouldn't let her retire. As the saying goes, "The Tao is one foot high and the magic is ten feet high", so Chen went to ask a mage with deeper Tao and stronger mana to drive away the evil spirits attached to her. When the mage went to her house, she put spells everywhere, even mirrors and mosquito nets, in order to prevent evil spirits from harassing her again. However, all methods have been exhausted and are still ineffective. She's really haunted. She doesn't want to live anymore. She committed suicide several times, but she was saved. Neighbors saw her so pitiful and said to her, "All methods have been used. Now we must try a new method and ask Christian Jesus to save you. " So the neighbors brought her to the mission.

I am the pastor of this mission. I said to Chen, "Only Jesus can save you, and only Jesus can drive away the ghosts attached to you."

That night, she decided to believe in God. Although she is determined to believe in God, she is still afraid that ghosts will haunt her again when she gets home. I told her that she had to rely on Jesus to win. Although it was very late, my wife and I went to her house and held a sacred farewell ceremony. We removed all the idols and spells in the room, asked the Lord Jesus to purify his precious blood, announced that Jesus Christ had become the king of this family, and asked the Lord Jesus to send angels to camp around to save Chen and others who trusted him.

Since then, the ghost of Chen no longer interferes with Chen. She has been released in Jesus Christ, and now she wants to be a truly free person in Jesus Christ.

1992 An engineer immigrated to Brazil, and his mother specially invited a god to the temple to give it to her son, hoping that through God's blessing, his son's family would be smooth and safe every year.

After two years, they bought a new house in Brazil. His mother was very happy and quickly sent them an almanac. On the phone, she taught her daughter-in-law to look at the almanac first and choose a date before moving in.

Finally, they finally found a date on the yellow calendar where they could move, but they also avoided one thing, that is, they could not meet the little mouse on the day of moving. If they meet little mice, they will be in disaster.

So, they followed the instructions of the Gregorian calendar and did so, hoping that they would be safe and not worry about the elderly.

When the new family moves, all friends and relatives are invited to have a barbecue at home. They prepared everything they wanted to treat, but forgot to buy charcoal and soda. So, the owner took his eldest daughter and drove to the supermarket to buy it. It takes about 20 minutes to go back and forth at most. However, the master never looked back. As a result, when everyone went home, they knew that the man had a car accident and was sent to the hospital. It turned out that when the engineer was shopping and driving, he saw that it was dark and it was raining in Mao Mao, so he told his daughter not to cross the road and wait at the gate of the supermarket. He drove to pick her up. So he crossed the road with a box of soda. He saw a taxi coming slowly, but he didn't know why he kept walking. As a result, he was hit by a taxi and soda spilled all over the floor. He can't stand up. He knew that his foot was broken.

This experience makes engineers and couples feel why people live so disgracefully. Even the movement of that day depends on the faces and rules of ghosts and gods. Even after listening to its warning in advance, I accidentally violated a little, but I still can't escape the attack of bad luck So the couple decided, "We don't want such a god!" The next day, they got rid of their family's treasure book "The Yellow Calendar" and all the gods and idols invited by Taiwan Province Province.

Later, when they went to church to listen to the sermon, they realized that they were living under the power of Satan, so they had to abide by the rules of Satan's kingdom. Therefore, they decided to accept Jesus Christ as the savior, leaving the power suppressed by Satan. Since then, they have experienced every day in God's great love and grace, and they can use the days and time God has given them without scruple to live the most meaningful and effective life.

Now, the couple have become missionary teachers, testifying to the Lord everywhere and leading people to the Lord, because they have personally experienced the freedom, joy and peace released from Satan's power. As Jesus said, he came to this world to set "the prisoners free, the blind to see, and the oppressed free."

In America, a brother told me a real witness. His relatives are very famous Chinese medicine practitioners in Taichung County. Chinese medicine practitioners went to the temple to worship. While he was making a pilgrimage, the gods suddenly possessed him and caught the doctor and asked him to be a prostitute in this temple.

In this way, the doctor became a prostitute in this temple. Many people will come to God when they are sick, especially those patients who cannot be cured or treated by hospital doctors. This temple is well-known and profitable because of the arrival of the doctor.

However, his own family did not receive special protection from the gods, but suffered many unimaginable disasters. The doctor's eldest son was born disabled; The eldest daughter gave birth to two children after marriage, but one day she committed suicide with two lovely children for no reason; The second daughter is dumb; The second son was the most normal and healthy child at first, and then he was disabled.

Doctors have been dancing with so-called folk gods all their lives. He was seduced and threatened by them, but what was his reward? Physical and mental exhaustion, family changes, and children have a tragic ending. He devoted himself to using such a god. Although he gained fame and fortune, he lost the most precious peace.

Later, the doctor decided to believe in Jesus and the Lord Jesus, and then he broke free from the chains and experienced the peace of liberation. He broke away from the shackles of the past and gained real freedom. His life was full of peace and joy given by Jesus.

As Jesus promised, "I will leave you peace, and I will give you my peace." What I give is not like what the world gives. Don't be sad and don't be timid. " (about 14: 27)