Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What does it mean to find someone putting five bowls of rice at the intersection in the middle of the night? It looks so weird!

What does it mean to find someone putting five bowls of rice at the intersection in the middle of the night? It looks so weird!

First, change the victim's cornea. It is said that changing the cornea of a dead person will see friends in another space.

Second, suicide during pregnancy. It is said that pregnant women will see things that ordinary people can't see after they fail to commit suicide.

The above two laws have examples in Hong Kong.

Third, the cup fairy is basically the same as our disc fairy, so I don't need to say more here.

Fourth, the crossroads. Damn, Thais believe that intersections are places with heavy yin. 12 after midnight, prepare three dishes and one meal at the intersection, and then knock with chopsticks with an empty bowl, and the hungry ghost appears. Remember that you can't stop knocking on the bowl. If you stop, ghosts will see you.

Five, hide and seek Damn it, after midnight, holding a black cat and playing hide and seek with you in the Woods or near the cemetery. The ghost will play with you, and it will block one of them so that you can't see him. Let go of the black cat at this time, and the cat will lead you to find the ghost and make it "body".

Looking back, when you find any vision, such as the ball moving for no reason, then when you bend your feet apart and look between them, you will see a ghost.

7. We didn't know why the old man wouldn't let us open an umbrella at home until we had an umbrella. This is just an excuse that we are not tall. ...

Eight, comb your hair damn it, in the middle of the night 12, you can see the ghost in the mirror when you comb your hair in front of the mirror.

Nine, wipe the corpse mud, wipe the mud buried by the dead on your eyes, and you can see ghosts. But this method is too dangerous, easy to enter the underworld, and don't open your eyes until the mud is wiped off, otherwise your eyes will be blind.

Ten, the ultimate ghost method, wearing the shroud of the dead and pretending to be dead (pretending to sleep) into the underworld. You only hold incense once, and you need a sober person to recruit you. When the time comes, ring the bell to call you. If time passes and you don't come back, help will always be there. It is said that when the bell rings, people who play dead will look at the white light. Follow the white light.

Method 1:

At midnight, take a bowl of white rice, put three sticks of incense on it and put it at the crossroads. The darker the place, the better. No one will pass by. Then, wait until the incense burns out, and then eat rice, because at this time, the rice is already full of the most Yin Qi of vagrants, so it will soon enter the gate of the spiritual world.

Method 2:

After midnight 12 o'clock, go to places with strong yin, such as accident sites, cemeteries and sparsely populated places, and put your chest 3 inches close to the ground (there are gossip on your chest, which is where the yang is, so you can reduce his yin). Then look around and you will see a bunch of good brothers around you!

Bold you, do you want to try!

First of all, you must know that you can't open your eyes at any time. We ordinary people can't open until 3 o'clock every night, because this is the darkest time of the day.


1. Take a piece of white cloth as a curtain and be sure to open the window.

Write the word "open" on the nearest door with vermilion.

3. finally, just wipe your eyebrows with the water soaked in litchi leaves, hehe ~ you can also take willow leaves, but it seems that the effect will be a little too much ~

The next thing to do is to lean against the wall and wait for them to appear.

To be on the safe side, you can write the word "Yin" on your hand with cinnabar, which is beneficial. I tried it myself and only saw red things, but I was almost hit by a car when I went out the next day. Later, I learned that I didn't write the word "Yin" on my hand! I'm afraid to think of it now ~! )

Believe it or not ~! But you have to do it at your own risk

Method one

Take a horseshoe magnet, hang it with stitches, and stare at it for 30 minutes every night before going to bed. Of course, it is enough to stay in complete darkness until you can see the gas around the magnet ... It will take about a month to take effect ... If you continue, you will be responsible for the consequences. Because if you do, your eyes will never close …

Method 2

At midnight, in front of the mirror, take the blood of a rooster and apply chicken blood to your eyes in front of the mirror. You can see the effect in two days.

Method 3

Cover your eyes with two grapefruit leaves in the sea, and you will see ghosts when you are young.

I read it online, and I don't know if it works. I'm too timid to try, but a courageous friend can try ~ ~ ~

First, take the ghost method

First of all, close your eyes cross-legged, abandon all the outer edges and let yourself fall into meditation. Breathing adopts the whole body method (injecting the heart into the gas reservoir, lifting the qi to store the true qi, and then transporting the true qi to the palm with the heart). Hook the ring finger on the little finger of both hands, press the middle finger on the mother finger, bend the middle finger to hold the palm, and straighten the two index fingers as palms. Then I am tempted to lift the qi and store it, so that the qi rises and fills the brain, and my heart closes my eyes. Pay attention to the appearance, characters, words and deeds of the deceased (or the ghost he wants to see), and then move his heart to nourish his qi and hide his true qi. When he gives a silent command, his soul comes at once, so that he is regarded as a ghost. If you open your eyes, ghosts will disappear naturally.

Second, the night can go to hell.

Soak the crow's eyes in water for a few days, and then apply water to his left eye dozens of times a day. In three days, you can go to hell at night. This is commonly known as the "ghost eye" or "yin and yang eye" method.

Third, the network ghost method

This is the appearance of Taoist priests that we often see in movies. Take willow leaves and put them in clear water. Taoist priests cast spells on them, then wipe them or drop water into their eyes, and the "ghost eyes" will open. But ordinary people can't do this, so they have to turn to the aura of heaven and earth. The method is as follows: Choose two slender willow leaves, put the dew on the day of Tomb-Sweeping Day or Dragon Boat Festival into an opaque container, put the willow leaves into the dew and seal it in the container for three days, then take them out and wipe your eyes or stick them directly under your eyebrows. Nature can go to hell.

Fourth, the method of treating ghosts

Choose a place under the bridge (there must be a river below), put a straw on your head, squat quietly under the bridge in the morning fog (before five o'clock in the morning, preferably between one and three o'clock), and then offer three incense sticks in front of you, so that you can see ghosts on or under the bridge. But this method is more dangerous, because ghosts can see you and even think you are a land god, so they will come to worship you. If you move or make a sound, ghosts may be bad for you.

Five, yuan ghost method

The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is a grand festival for both Buddhism and Taoism. At this time, as long as you concentrate on the altar or look through the wizard's sleeve, you may see the picture of wild ghosts coming here to grab sacrifices. But this is what most people can't see, and you need to be sincere enough. There is a saying that "sincerity is the spirit", and this is exactly the case. The ghost's timing can only be seen after the mage has finished speaking.

Sixth, the method of observing falling shadows.

This is the most popular method at present, from "living" in the dead to "dying" in the underworld. The mage often practices this method in the Dojo. Through the power of magic and the mind of the living, and then brought by the immortal Buddha, you can wander to the underworld and meet dead relatives or other ghosts.

Seven, crow eyes

This is just folklore. Take out the crow's eyes, roll them with hot water, and swallow them (don't bite), so that you can see them all your life … but the crow may retaliate. Moreover, this method seems to be impossible to crack. In case you don't want to watch it again after reading it ... sorry, there's no way out.

There are also oral sex at midnight, two bells, a crystal ball or a mirror to attract ghosts. But then again, if you are afraid of ghosts and don't even want to see them, then these methods are unnecessary for you.

Remember, most of these are only valid in July of the lunar calendar (ghost month). Other times ... I can't keep it because ghosts may not get out.

Ten ways to prevent ghosts

Some people try their best to seek ghosts, but most people don't want to meet them. Here are ten ways to prevent ghosts, so you might as well read them carefully!

First, you should not stay in the shade.

In physiognomy, nothing glows. If you leave a "shadow" on your forehead, it is equivalent to putting out this bright lamp, which will haunt you and make ghosts and gods easy to get close to you. Therefore, it is best to cut off or brush off your hair.

Second, avoid wearing red clothes when shopping at night.

There are two taboos when going out at night. One is to avoid wearing black clothes, because the color is too dark. Ghosts and gods like to cling to it most. Second, avoid wearing red clothes. For evil spirits, red is a unique color and easy to attract attention. Men and women who love to walk at night should remember.

Third, the word "quit ghosts" is on the lips.

"Little devil", "degenerate ghost", "ghost cares about you" and "trouble" are the mantra of many people. Remember, don't say much about this, because the pronunciation magnetic field may encounter ghosts. If you often talk about the word "ghost", you really have to quit.

Fourth, install lights in long corridors.

Many families have long corridors, and there is often no sunshine in the long corridors, resulting in a situation in which yin flourishes and yang declines. This is the favorite hiding place of ghosts and souls. Therefore, if there is a long corridor at home, remember to install an ever-burning lamp to enhance the sun's spirit, so as not to let ghosts stay.

Fifth, climb the mountain and wear jade.

Hiking is a good holiday leisure activity, but due to the high humidity in the highlands, many animals rot after death, which invisibly strengthens the negative magnetic field. If you don't want to see "dirty things", you might as well wear some jade ornaments to enhance your personal positive magnetic field.

Sixth, don't play the disc fairy.

Young people love to ask for help, and they like to play with the disc fairy and ask the spirits to predict the future. In fact, it is easy to feel the existence of "them" in daily life through such direct contact and communication with spiritual bodies. This kind of thing is especially taboo for those who find that Tang Yin next to them is black.

Seven, gossip to block evil spirits

Funeral parlour is the place where ancestors funeral, filled with sad atmosphere, so the negative magnetic field is strong. Friends who live near the funeral home suggest putting a gossip outside the window. Among them, gossip represents righteousness and is full of righteousness. Nature is not afraid of evil spirits entering the house and living near the funeral home.

Eight, visit the sick and worship the family god first.

If you need to see a doctor often, you may wish to worship a god in advance and seek peace of mind. If the patient you visit is your relative, it is especially effective to worship the family god; If the patient is a friend rather than a relative, he can go to the general temple to burn incense and pray for the blessing of the gods.

Nine, avoid staying in hotels.

Traveling and staying in hotels, many people say that they are not suitable for living in the end. This is indeed well-founded, because the tail usually lacks sunshine and yang, and the spirit likes to wander in this dark place, so if you are assigned a tail in a hotel, you might as well change it.

Ten, the spiritual code should be taboo.

As for the house number between hotels, we should also pay attention to it. In Feng Shui, "two" and "five" are spiritual numbers, so the mantissa between hotels cannot have "two" or "five", otherwise it will easily attract the attention of ghosts, and people with low fortune may collide with them.

In addition, when traveling frequently or staying in hotels, some people should remember some taboo methods. Because if you don't pay attention, you are likely to be targeted by "ghosts" ...

First, before getting started: knock on the door and lean sideways.

When you check into a hotel, ring the doorbell before opening the door. If there is no doorbell, ring it three times, and then turn around and go in again to show respect for the "ghost".

Second, after entering: turn on the light, flush the toilet, open the cupboard and lift the pillow.

After entering the hotel room, turn on all the lights, including table lamps and bathrooms. Then go to the toilet to flush the toilet, which means to wash away all the filth, then open the cupboard, then lift the quilt and pat the pillow. All these actions mean telling the ghost to go away.

Third, when sleeping: shoes are misplaced.

It's best to turn on a small light to ward off evil spirits when sleeping, which will also bring you a sense of security. In addition, shoes should not be placed neatly beside the bed. It is said that ghosts will wear them at night if they are arranged neatly, so it is best to put the shoes in disorder or upside down.

Fourth, taboo.

In a strange environment, it is best not to be too harsh and not to call names. Some hotels will display bibles or Buddhist scriptures. Don't be rude because of different religions. otherwise ...