Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Laugh at the fortune teller _ laugh at the fortune teller's doggerel

Laugh at the fortune teller _ laugh at the fortune teller's doggerel

Didn't listen to the theme of cartoon weather forecast.

It is raining in the picture. There is a table with "mental calculation" in the middle, and a pair of hands with sunglasses are sitting behind the table? The fortune teller who stopped his head has two pedestrians in front of the picture on the left. They all hold umbrellas and twist them? Looking at the fortune teller with a smile on his head, on the right rear is a pedestrian wearing a raincoat and smiling at the fortune teller. They are all laughing at the fortune teller.

Advocate science and oppose superstition.

Rating: 3 points. Point: The fortune teller was caught in the rain 1. Pedestrians are laughing at him 1.