Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Video of fortune telling and picking up children

Video of fortune telling and picking up children

When it comes to the poorest areas or areas with the worst living conditions in the world, I believe people will definitely think of Africa. Indeed, most countries in Africa are developing countries, and people's living conditions are basically equivalent to the level of China in the 1950s. In short, it is very difficult, and even some people can't solve the problem of eating. Therefore, famine is the most serious problem facing Africa, which needs urgent solution by the government, but even after so many years of efforts, this problem is still widespread.

African "witch boy"

When you walk on the land of Africa and hear people singing, in fact, in most cases, it is not because they are happy, but because they are too hungry. According to a statistic, one third of people in Africa are malnourished because of hunger. According to the statistics of UNICEF, 38% of children under five years old in Africa are short of height and nearly 30% are underweight, all of which are caused by hunger.

Unlike China, poverty has not aroused the determination of African people to resist, and they have not tried to change this situation. Instead, they became more ignorant, their thoughts became more and more feudal, and even a large number of superstitious ideas spread. The emergence of a word illustrates this situation, and that is "witch boy". The so-called "witch children" refer to some African children who are identified by local wizards as "possessed by evil spirits"

The Little Boy Begging for Water shocked the world.

One of them, the Witch Boy, once attracted the attention of the whole world, and many people were shocked by his story. This "witch boy" is an African street child known as the "boy begging for water". The reason why "boy begging for water" became popular was because in a video shot by a volunteer, a naked and skinny boy was drinking mineral water, and his whole body had no vitality, but instead.

In fact, his vagrancy has a lot to do with African feudal superstition, especially the belief in ghosts and gods. When an African family gives birth to a child, it will seek fortune-telling from a local wizard. If the wizard says that the child is a "witch child", parents will abandon the child mercilessly, because they think that the child identified as a "witch child" by the wizard will carry evil spirits and bring disaster to the family, so they have to abandon them.

Under the influence of this traditional feudal thought, many African children were mutilated, and street children were everywhere. Some lucky people will meet some good people and get help to survive, while some unfortunate people will eventually die in a corner. The boy who asked for water mentioned above is undoubtedly a very lucky man. When he was discovered by foreign volunteers, he started some rescue activities.

Anya, a volunteer, adopted the boy begging for water.

Anya is one of the volunteers. When she saw this skinny boy with severe malnutrition, she felt very sympathetic. She took out a bottle of water and a pack of biscuits and gave them to the boy herself, because she knew that the boy might not have the strength to connect with water. Anya felt heavy in the whole process, because she didn't know what a child who had suffered so much in Africa was like.

It is said that when the little boy was found, he had been wandering in the street for eight months, and he had to make his own living because no one took care of him. Fortunately, he is tenacious in survival and lives by picking up garbage every day. Although he doesn't have enough nutrition, he can't starve to death. It was through this kind of life that he persisted for eight months, and he didn't leave the living environment until volunteers found him. Maybe if he hadn't met a volunteer,

When the video of "Little Boy Begging for Water" was posted on the Internet by volunteers, it quickly aroused heated discussion among people all over the world and expressed great sympathy for these children. Netizens all over the world prayed for them and hoped that they would get rid of such suffering as soon as possible. Anya, a volunteer who helped the little boy, saw such a poor child and couldn't bear to leave him to die, so she decided to adopt the little boy.

pull out

After that, she took the little boy to her home and washed his body and clothes. When taking care of him, Anya was very worried that this little life would leave at any time, so she took care of it very carefully and didn't dare to slack off. Because the little boy was severely malnourished, it was very difficult to take care of him, and he couldn't eat too much at once, for fear that his body could not absorb it. Fortunately, Anya and the little boy finally persisted. Under Anya's care, the little boy's physical condition gradually improved, but Anya was still unhappy to see the little boy whose condition improved, because she knew there were many such children in Africa, but her strength was too weak.

So she can only tell the world what happened to the child and attract the world's attention. When the tragic story of the little boy became known to everyone, all walks of life in the world responded and expressed their willingness to help these children. I believe that in the near future, there will be no more street children in Africa, but groups of happy children. Having said that, many people may also want to know what life has become after the adoption of the "water boy".

Fortunately, the dying child changed from skinny to strong, very lively and lovely, just like a completely different person. Anya also specially named him "Hope", which means that his future must be full of hope, and he can go to the next blackbird if he encounters any difficulties. Now that he has started primary school, a good life awaits him.


Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. -Feng Ming magnum

Some people are born to win at the starting line, while others are born to be abandoned, which cannot but arouse people's thinking. Now it seems that there is still too little love in this world. If there is more love and hope in this world, how did these children end up here? They are innocent, and they should not bear the injustice of this world. I hope this society will no longer have those "dirty" thoughts, but more love and hope. what do you think? You can leave a comment, thank you!

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