Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune telling with nails _ nails are fate

Fortune telling with nails _ nails are fate

A woman looked at her nails.

A woman looked at her nails.

When a woman looks at her nails, the state of her nails can tell a person a lot of things, such as good health, good fortune and so on. Many people do manicures not just for beauty. Share with you a woman who looks at nails.

It is not reliable for a woman to judge whether a woman is doing well by looking at her nails, because an expensive coat will deceive you, beautiful makeup will confuse you, and a graceful figure will fool you.

But nails don't lie, they can truly reflect a person's living conditions. If you want to know how a woman is doing, just look at her nails.

Nails reveal a woman's living standard.

A woman's life has three levels:

The third kind of woman, tired of running for life all day, has no self.

The second kind of woman, who has reached a settlement with life, has no vigorous life and no difficulties, but is dull and happy.

The first kind of women, whose life is to love themselves, have both the courage to face the big waves of life and the leisurely patience. For them, life is a journey to find their own happiness.

Our first impression of a woman always stays in their clothes and makeup, but we often ignore the most important part, nails.

On the one hand, nails are related to a person's living conditions and are a barometer of internal health. On the other hand, a woman's care about nails can show whether she loves life and herself.

Women with low living standards have no time and energy to take care of their health and care for their nails, so their nails are often dull, the color is not healthy pink, their nails are of different lengths, and there is often no clean dust in them.

Such a woman, even with delicate makeup and beautiful clothes, can easily beat her back to her original shape with rough hands and nails.

A good attitude depends on nails.

A woman with a comfortable life, a happy life and a good attitude must have round and shiny nails. Women with bad mentality and high pressure are always anxious, and when they are upset, they always subconsciously chew their nails.

The edges of their nails are covered with biting marks, which is evidence of their anxiety.

There are three people living upstairs in my house. My wife is a gentle housewife. She seldom goes out except taking out the garbage to buy food. My mother and I have met her several times. She wears light makeup even when she takes out the garbage, which is very intellectual.

I have some envy.

"If only my life could be as peaceful as this."

Mom smiled and said:

"You are still too young. Although she looks happy, look at her hands. There are often scars, and nails are bumpy. When it comes to her husband, she will subconsciously bite her nails. There must be a problem! "

I don't think so, but I think my mother thinks too much. I didn't expect the sound of smashing things and shouting from upstairs two days later. Let's go up and knock at the door. The woman's hair is messy and her mouth is purple, which is obviously a domestic violence.

At this time, you have to admire a woman's observation. Can't look at the surface. The smaller the place, the more you can see the essence of things. A person's mentality is good or not, just look at her nails.

A delicate woman, her nails must be beautiful.

Nails are the other side of women.

White and slender hands will make your every move look noble and elegant, and round and clean nails will make you leave a gentle and delicate first impression in others' hearts.

Two women, one with soft and delicate hands and neatly manicured nails. Long-term maintenance makes nails look crystal clear and shiny.

Another injured skin is rough, the nails are uneven and dull, and there is even dust under them.

Who do you prefer to deal with?

No matter in life or at work, women need to maintain their hands and nails in addition to their faces and hair, because besides their faces, they will leave a second impression.

In the formal workplace, clean and beautiful nails can give you extra points, because your attitude towards nails is your attitude towards your own image and life.

In daily life, I have never been taken care of in front of my parents and children, and messy nails give people the feeling that I can't live in a sloppy way. Nobody wants my wife or daughter-in-law to be like this.

Nails are very important to women. If you want to be an exquisite woman, you must first have beautiful nails, learn to love yourself, love life and be exquisite, starting with caring for your nails!

A woman looked at her nails. See through a woman's character from the shape of her nails.

1, square nail

People with square nails are honest, responsible and dedicated in their careers. They will have a stable income by their own efforts in wealth, and they will have a clear love and hate in love. They hate people who cheat their feelings. I trust friends who are honest with each other the most, and I hate associating with hypocritical people the least.

2. Rectangular nails

People with rectangular nails are calm, gentle and not impatient, and the opposite sex is better. Women are more ambitious and aggressive in their careers, while women tend to become iron ladies and become stronger in their careers.

3. drupe nail

Drupe nails are characterized by being relatively long, prominent in the middle and curved around. This kind of nail has the most beautiful appearance and is more common in women. People who have this kind of palm reading are gentle, approachable, have good luck in peach blossom, have good interpersonal relationships, attract friends to like them and have a smooth career.

4. Round nails

People with round nails are smarter, don't like to compete with others in career and wealth, and often do what they love in obscurity. Be considerate of each other in love and take care of your family after marriage.

5. Inverted triangular nail

This kind of nail is characterized by a narrow bottom and a wide top, and the finger tips are curved. People with inverted triangular nails are generally in good health. They have good physical fitness, strong endurance, can endure hardships and are easy to succeed in starting a business. Perseverance in character, once the right thing is done to the end, not afraid of hardship and fatigue, so is love. Find the right person and pursue it persistently.

6. Triangular nails

Contrary to the inverted triangular nail, the triangular nail is characterized by a wide bottom and a narrow top, which is similar to a triangle. This kind of palm reader likes to be simple, low-key and pragmatic in love. When choosing lovers, we often pay more attention to each other's character than their gorgeous appearance. They have a very careful plan in their career and wealth, and according to their own plans, they will realize their life goals step by step.

7. Uneven nails

If the nail shape is always uneven, it will be fine. If the nail shape suddenly appears uneven in a certain period of time, we should pay attention to diet and nutrition, pay attention to health and luck, and be cautious when doing things, and think twice about big things.

8. Long and narrow nails

Such people often have unique artistic talent and good artistic talent. In love, they tend to pursue perfection, and their wealth is generally better.

Looking at women's health, personality and luck from their nails

Standard nails: healthy, complete, clear and straightforward. Not only can you gain the love and trust of the society, but you can also have unlimited luck in your career.

The length of the nail is about half that of the first joint of the finger. In the half-moon (white) part of the nail root, it is auspicious to account for one-fifth of the whole nail.

When there is a defect in the nail, it is a sign of illness, and it is best to accept the doctor's diagnosis immediately.

Long nails: Although she is an artist with a slightly introverted personality, she is prone to respiratory diseases.

Short nails: The master is clear-headed and diligent, but he is shallow in common sense, easy to make enemies and prone to loyalty diseases. Taking women as an example, most of the ovaries are defective, which belongs to insufficient fetal transport.

Wide nails: I am mainly cheerful, sociable and like to take care of others, but on the other hand, I am too confident and not good at the ending of things.

Narrow nail: the Lord is timid and wary. Because of his high personal ideals, most of them stop at infinity and cannot be successfully completed.

Round nails: The main character is cheerful, popular and good at making friends, but the mood is uncertain and capricious.

Slender nails: an idealist who keeps a straight face, most women are prone to myelopathy.

Triangular nails can be divided into regular triangles and inverted triangles. People with this type of nails show that they are mentally and physically unsound, rebellious and suspicious.

There are countless straight lines on the nails: suggesting neurasthenia. People with lines on the line suggest that nicotine causes gastrointestinal disorders, but there are also gastrointestinal diseases caused by other reasons.

Uneven nail surface: suggesting that it has a bowel-clearing constitution. As for those who have one or two depressions on the nail surface, they have hemorrhoids.

The lines on the nails are like wrinkles: it shows that the symptoms of neurasthenia are quite serious.

The role of a woman with red nails

First, the black system

Rebellious, unruly, dissatisfied with a regular life, and more admired for unconventional new things or alternative lifestyles. Black people are often in contradiction, always want to express themselves, but also shy, holding a mentality that they don't want people to know. Between smart and evasive personality, the mystery contained in black nails is difficult to capture.

Second, colorful "various fluorescent colors"

Colorful fluorescent colors are bound to attract a large number of returns in the hot summer days. According to the analysis of color experts, girls who like to wear fluorescent colors will be brighter, more energetic and super optimistic. These people have strong curiosity, strong pursuit and desire for modern electronic instruments and equipment, and often have a gorgeous material life.

Third, the powder wax color system.

For example, dark powder, cream, khaki, light yellow and other colors all show a relaxed mood. Girls who prefer this color are more approachable. In the recent popular words, it is "grounding gas". Even if she is beautiful, she will not show a condescending and bossy attitude, and at the same time feel that she is the girl next door.

Fourth, the orange department.

Orange means strength, wisdom, shock, brilliance and an active catalyst that gives nerve and blood strength. Girls who like orange will be more courageous, sometimes more emotional and impulsive. It is reported that orange is related to adrenaline, which plays a significant role in treating nephropathy, gallstones, hernia and appendicitis.

Fifth, the wine red color system.

Sexy, mature and considerate, you may be more mature and smooth, and as popular as a "social butterfly". Wine red is a mixture of red passion and black repression, and is often regarded as a noble color in religion, symbolizing supreme authority. People who like wine red often have traditional and classical families, are conservative and know how to control, and are strict with themselves.

Sixth, pure white.

Fresh and full of vigor, this color system can play the role of "age reduction" for women of any age, which is foolproof and absolutely safe.

Question: What does it mean for women to paint red nails?

Answer: If a woman's nails are painted red, then on the Internet, some people say that such a woman is gay friends, and some people say that such a woman is warm and outgoing, but such a woman is really outgoing. As for whether she is gay friends or not, only you can find out for yourself, but it is still possible that this woman naturally likes red, so painting red nails is also her favorite color, which does not mean anything, but a personal hobby.

From the perspective of palm fortune-telling, women who paint red nails, or women who often paint red nails, are mostly sexy and mature women. They are considerate and considerate, and whoever they deal with, they can feel that this woman is capable, and she is a woman with very good interpersonal relationship and excellent popularity. Among colors, red represents a symbol of joy and good luck, and also represents a noble color.

A woman looks at her nails 3 1, square nails.

If a person's nails are square, he is generally upright, serious and responsible, and sincere and careful with others. They don't like to play tricks, and they will do their best no matter what they do. They are professional, with relatively stable income and good fortune and income. Love and hate are also emotionally distinct, and they don't like cheating, so they can win each other's sincerity and their feelings will be smooth!

2. Rectangular nails

If a person's nails are rectangular, such people are generally gentle and generous, don't worry about things, are very calm and open-minded. They don't like to haggle over every ounce, have a strong sense of responsibility and responsibility, are aggressive and have a tough heart. If a man has such nails, he has a broad mind and outstanding ability, and he can also make great achievements in his career. The woman has this nail shape, is enterprising and belongs to a typical strong woman.

3. Lily nails

The so-called "lily-shaped nail" means that the nail grows a little longer, the middle part is more prominent, and the periphery of the nail bends inward to look like a lily piece. This type of nail looks very beautiful and is more common in female nails. However, regardless of men and women, people with this type of nails are generally gentle and kind, with strong affinity, particularly good popularity and charm, with more friends, and good luck in peach blossom and career!

4. Round nails

If a person's nails are round, such people are generally smart, quick-thinking, flexible, flexible and inflexible. Moreover, he is gentle, does not like to be competitive, belongs to the kind of person who is practical in doing things, and has a very stable attitude and is especially good at taking care of people. After marriage, I also know how to care for my other half, and I have a heavy sense of family responsibility. More family care after marriage, stable and harmonious feelings!

5, fan-shaped nails

The so-called "scallop-shaped" nail refers to the shape of a nail with a narrow bottom and a wide top, but the fingertips are curved. People with this type of nails are generally born with good physique and are not easy to get sick. Moreover, I am persistent and serious about my work, have strong patience and endurance, and can bear hardships and stand hard work. As long as it is something I decide, no matter how difficult it is, I will bravely face and complete it, as well as my feelings. As long as I am looking for it, I will pursue it bravely and firmly, and treat my feelings with specificity, which is a particularly pragmatic type!

6. Trapezoidal nails

Contrary to fan-shaped nails, trapezoidal nails are characterized in that the shape of nails is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, and the nail line of fingers is straight. People with this kind of nails are generally very low-key, introverted and simple. They are all very pragmatic people, and they are thoughtful, have plans and ideas, and will not be greedy. They like to achieve their goals step by step and pay more attention to each other's feelings.

7. Uneven nails

If a person's nails always look uneven, it won't have much impact on his fortune. But if it suddenly becomes like this in a certain period of time, it is mostly because of the recent unbalanced nutrition or diet, which also means that the body is not good recently and the physical condition is somewhat bad. Moreover, the mind will become more impetuous, lack patience and care, and it is easy to do bad things because of thinking.

8. Long and narrow nails

If a person's nails are long and narrow, they are generally artistic and talented. They pay more attention to spiritual pursuit and enjoyment than material things, and their ideas are unrealistic. They especially like to walk into dead ends. They belong to the kind of people who have perfectionist plots. They should strive for perfection in everything, or do their best, and their careers and fortunes generally develop better!