Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The most beautiful prose in the world, meditation on love, etc. Tell me.

The most beautiful prose in the world, meditation on love, etc. Tell me.

Meditation of love

Jade fern slice

Life is a profound book, and love is the most wonderful and difficult page. Other people's notes can't help us understand ourselves.

"Never leave, never leave" is the highest realm of art and love.

When people are close to the opposite sex when they are lonely, they will easily fall in love. Although the person in front of him is not the right person, because his heart has been sublimated into a right person, he can't just seek relief or excitement.

Please don't be complacent when all the girls passing by you are looking at you. Instead of dumping or praising your rhetoric, you gently express their contempt and disgust.

Wisdom is the best character measured by the scale of love; Stability is the best quality measured by the weight of career. We want amphibious, not only roaming in the ocean of love, but also climbing the peak of our career.

The river of love has no navigation mark, and the road of life has no boundary markers.

It is sexual desire that leads to the disorder of the senses, and it is love that leads to the oscillation of the mind.

Understanding is a virtue, which catalyzes friendship and purifies love.

The selfishness of love is noble, and selfish love is despicable.

Husband and wife life that only brings physical pleasure is the grave of love.

Love is tacit, and we should pursue a subtle and deep style. Because the form is straightforward and shallow, it is easy to show the poverty and paleness of the content.

Love means rights, and marriage means obligations.

The story of love

Lover's world

A Sam

There is a mysterious force in the world that can turn fools into wise men, cowards into warriors and prodigals into gentlemen.

Dad had never done anything serious before he was twenty. According to my grandmother, at that time, almost everyone in the town thought that he would have no future in his life and would become a professional hooligan, just as the sun would rise and set. But according to dad's own explanation, this is purely grandma's rhetoric. However, my grandmother even remembers what fruit Dad stole when he was seven years old and who chased him home. She has never turned it upside down, so of course I believe her.

Dad went to my uncle's house to play, went in through the gate empty-handed, and then slipped out through the back door with a bag of dates on his back.

The second uncle found that he was already sweating when he had lunch at home. He is selling dates to his classmates at the school gate. Dad was nine years old at that time.

Dad and Uncle Monkey Mountain caught a dozen voles and a dozen toads, put them in wire cages and took them to Xinying vegetable market for release. As a result, after the chaos, three food stalls were knocked down, a grocery store was smashed and three glass bottles were smashed. In addition, the proprietress of the meat case broke a meat cleaver because she threw the knife at the vole on the ground. On that day, my grandparents stayed at home all day, greeting guests, saying good things all day, and discussing compensation with Uncle Monkey Mountain's house to keep my ancestral home from being demolished. This is the day before the winter solstice, when dad was 1 1 years old.

Dad has a natural good voice, singing competitions are often the first, and he can learn the voices of many animals. If you don't look at them face to face, you can't tell the difference between true and false. On the day of the primary school graduation ceremony, he sang a Japanese folk song on the stage, and even the ruthless Sakai principal cried, and the teachers and students cried into a ball. Dad saw that the effect was good, so he sang the song again on his own initiative, which made everyone cry even more sadly. After the ceremony, he ran behind the headmaster, howling and barking, which scared the headmaster's wife to the ground. For this reason, dad almost didn't get his diploma.

After graduation, my father worked as an assistant clerk in a sugar factory, and two years later he was transferred to a workers' group as an assistant foreman. One night every week, I will patrol the sugarcane garden in shifts to prevent someone from stealing sugarcane. On this first business trip, my father hid in the sugarcane garden with a gong and slept until the sun came out before being woken up by the foreman. The bagasse around him is not much different from his weight. He had to promise to go to the foreman's house to repair the bamboo fence for free in a few days.

When Taiwan was recovered, my father was twenty years old. Because the worker assigned to him happens to be "the laziest person in Taiwan Province Province", he is still working as an assistant foreman. When he is free, he rides a bike in the street. Looking for someone to fight everywhere, causing trouble. For this reason, I quarreled with someone until the door of that person. Dad called that man a turtle son because he broke his word. That man was so popular that he shouted, "I'm your brother-in-law!" " According to the later facts, God knows, that man really became my uncle. It's simple. Dad and uncle were quarreling outside the house, and mom came out. That's it.

No one can explain what form love is and how it comes from; No one knows how powerful love will be, because human feelings are infinitely mysterious. Dad has changed. Many people think that his change is a rare miracle in the history of the town. He stopped playing pranks, fighting and even cricket. He worked hard and worked overtime, and his workers became the most industrious people in Taiwan Province Province.

Before long, my father was promoted to foreman and began to curry favor with my uncle. As soon as he arrived at grandpa's house, he immediately distributed candy to every child, chatted with every adult and praised everything in grandpa's house, including cats and dogs.

He wrote to his mother, but she didn't know many words. Strangely, however, she always tries to understand all her father's letters. As for how to understand them, her mother can't explain it herself. Anyway, if her father asked her to meet at Zhongshan Park at six o'clock in the afternoon, she wouldn't go to the Temple of Heaven at seven o'clock. In fact, my mother has never shown anyone my father's letter. In those years, she was able to fully understand, only that women have an understanding of love and things related to love beyond human instinct, which is a unique ability given to women by God.

What did mom and dad say on the three dates those years ago? Because there is no clear history, there is no textual research. But what is certain now is that it was not until the fourth time that Mom and Dad talked about the fact that Dad was twenty and Mom was twenty-two. Now, the problem is coming. Mom was very sad and told dad that there was no chance in my life. After returning home, she won't go to the appointment again. For a whole month, she did not contact her father.

Dad asked questions, and grandma said: women are bigger than men; Grandpa said: the combination of eight characters will do; Uncle said: it doesn't matter; Elder sister-in-law said: What are you afraid of? Go, go, go. Dad, go get mom. Did he swear by heaven at that time that he used grass instead of incense? Because of the age, it is difficult to determine, and our descendants dare not ask more. However, it is indisputable that mom was persuaded because the date continued.

The date continues, but the problem still exists. Dad had a whim and went to the town hall to find the household registration information administrator. He generously asked to change the year of birth. The household registration clerk was surprised. He said there was no such thing in the world. If you want to change, take the evidence. Of course, dad can't take it out. My grandmother obviously gave birth to him for 20 years.

Dad and mom went to the Avenue Temple to burn incense. Dad drew a good sign and mom drew a bad sign. As far as I know, everyone in my mother's family believes in Feng Shui and things like that, especially my grandfather. After listening to the temple's explanation, my mother took the paper and tore it. Of course, we can understand what makes a devout believer not believe in the divine sign, but today, 30 years later, we young people really can't guess how moved dad is.

Dad went to tell a fortune, and the eight characters were combined, which was very unlucky. Women are older and men are younger. Water and fire, two crimes; Bad luck, evil, three crimes. My father immediately ran to tell my mother that the eight characters were combined and I was very lucky.

As everything went well, my grandparents agreed to send someone to propose marriage. Grandfather now knows that my mother often went to "learn tailoring" for a few months, and then she heard from her father that she was twenty years old and refused.

Mom and dad have less chance to meet each other. At that time, children were certainly not as free as they are now, and it was impossible to whistle or call people out. It is touching to say that everything in the world can be solved. Only those who know how mom managed to meet dad in those years will still have a sore nose, don't mention it.

Uncle, mom and dad discussed it again and again, but there was no result. Autumn passed, winter passed, and then the god of spring came to the world. Spring came, the trees added green leaves, the parents added a year, and several matchmakers went to their mother's house. Spring is the season of marriage, and my mother pushes this away and relies on that; Dad, too. Spring is the season of lovesickness, and the taste of lovesickness is the most unbearable. If my grandmother remembers correctly, it must be true that my father lost six kilograms in just a few months.

Throughout the spring, my father never left the new camp, and he often sent people to my mother's house. The news brought back by the matchmaker made my grandmother worry that my father would go crazy. There were so many people who went to his mother's house to match the matchmaker that Dad had to take the last action. He went to grandpa's house, handed out candy, and after greeting, he talked to grandpa directly and quarreled. The people present at that time didn't know the details of the quarrel, but mom remembered the scene. After the sixth quarrel, my father thought that I would never have another chance with my mother in my life, because my grandfather severely warned my father that if he came in the door again, he would drive him out with a broom.

Of course, everyone knows the final result of the evolution of things, but not many people know the process. That's the key for mom and dad to find a fortune teller again. Thank god for sending me. Without this fortune teller, I can't witness this love story here now.

This fortune teller is my grandfather's brother, and he is my uncle. He talked to his parents for a long time, time and time again.

Then, he went to see his grandfather. According to the correct statistics, he stayed at his grandfather's house for two days and one night, and started a topic from "ancient early ancient early" to criticize the fleeting time for his sister-in-law. Then he talked in the sky and underground, sometimes loudly, sometimes complaining in detail. According to his mother, she hid aside and heard tears several times. For the sake of mom and dad, my uncle did not hesitate to argue, discuss, plead and threaten with my brother. It is said that when my uncle whispered about the inviolability of fate, that kind of sincerity would make Yan Jun in the Tenth Hall feel sour and choked up. Uncle also listed many ancient and modern love tragedies, from Wan Qiliang and Meng Jiangnv to a double suicide story in Taipei, which made women twitch. She also showed her grandfather her father's horoscope and her mother's horoscope on the spot and explained them side by side. Needless to say, the result of row fell from the sky, which is good for Tergit. Moreover, from the perspective of both sides, ... we can imagine that according to my uncle's tone at that time, probably anyone would think that if my parents didn't combine, then the stars might be gone, and my grandfather's house would change immediately, and no one dared to fall in love from then on. Maybe it's for fate, maybe it's because my grandfather believes that my uncle will guarantee that my father will be rich or expensive in the future, maybe it's because my parents are determined to win, maybe it's ... Anyway, my grandfather finally agreed.

Of course, it is not difficult for our descendants to understand why my uncle is willing to make great efforts to match my parents, because afterwards, my uncle admitted that he lied to my grandfather and showed him the eight characters, and he also explained: "Fortune telling is sometimes just a bluff. What really matters is whether men and women really love each other. "

Now more than 30 years have passed, and my parents have been happy for more than 30 years. For more than 10,000 days, they have raised seven children. Up to now, none of them are Taibao and none are Taimei.

A few days ago, it was the second anniversary of my father's death. I lit incense and looked at the incense burner and mother. Think of a sentence that my father often quoted before his death: "May all lovers get married."

The train of love is empty.

Overseas Chinese Literature in Four Seas Hong Kong and Taiwan

Pan renmu

For more than 50 years, one thing I cherish most is the records of my classmates who graduated from high school, many of which can only be written by young people. Every time I look at the exhibition, I feel the surging waves lapping on the shore. A classmate left a message to the classmate nicknamed "locomotive": "Good locomotive, you drove away in a good car!" How simple and rich! A word is a song of life.

The generous creator gives everyone a car full of good things, the content may be slightly different, basically the same.

At that time, I also had a car full of good things: youth, health, wisdom, relatives, friends, good appetite and decent appearance. The train of life, so naturally forward. At that time, if you barely said you had any outlook on life, it was probably a happy outlook on life.

It was not until a little longer, or when I met a mountain or a torrent, that I realized that the train was not going well all the way. I have to run at full speed and refuel before I can drive there. The outlook on life in this period is a philosophy of struggle.

Then one day, I found that the weight of the train was reduced, and I suddenly understood that the creator was not so generous. He is actually very cunning. My train left, and he took the good things he gave me: youth was gone, health declined, relatives died, friends were far away, and my train was almost empty. The only thing he can't take away but still keeps is love and everything that comes from love; Because love is what you create, distribute and load. Love is a kind of thing, bright and colorful, growing constantly. If you don't give up, you can continue, and the train of life will never be empty. But this kind of love does not only refer to the love between men and women. The disadvantage of us women is that we often attach too much importance to love and regard it as the only truth in life. This is true, but it is not the only one. The only result is that once the train loses its balance, it will lose its balance and even roll over. The love mentioned here refers to the love for work arising from the collection of all kinds of love. The outlook on life at this stage can be called love outlook on life.

From the perspective of life as morning dew, there is not much difference between youth and honesty. A person has no love, selfishness or arrogance in his heart, although he is young and old; On the contrary, although old and young, even if "the road ahead will be inclined", there will be a realm of "wild flowers singing birds like spring". □

love letter

travel around the world

Shi Qian

Mother has the habit of writing letters, and I still remember it clearly today. Winter that begins at 194 1 My brother Johnny hasn't heard from him for months since he was drafted into the army. Mother will sit at the big table in the kitchen and write to him every night.

I can't figure out why Johnny wrote and wrote, but never replied.

"Wait, we will always hear from him." She is always so confident. My mother always said that people's hearts are interlinked, and the divine light of God will connect them. She believes that this light can help her find Jonny.

I don't know whether she said these words to relax herself or for all of us, but it has bound our hearts together. Finally one day, Johnny wrote-he is still alive, in the South Pacific.

Mother always signs her name at the end of the letter "Cecilia? Cappucci "has always puzzled me:" Why not write' Mom'? " So she always thought she was Cecilia? Cappucci, not mom. This makes me look at my mother in a new way, a petite Italian woman, wearing high heels less than size 5.

Mother never wears makeup or jewelry except a golden wedding bracelet. She has beautiful hair, black and straight, coiled at the back of her head, and wears a pair of shallow silver-rimmed glasses on her nose.

Every time I finish writing a letter, my mother always asks my father to post it. Then, she brought the coffee pot, and while we were drinking coffee, we recalled the good times when a family of 10 people sat around the table-father, mother and eight children. At that time, none of us, five boys and three girls, thought that one day we would leave home, go to work, go to war and get married. I was the only one left in the end.

The following spring, my mother added two more sons to her letter. Every night, she writes three different letters, and then asks my father and I to say hello to them.

Mother's letter spread throughout the village. One morning, a thin woman came to the door She asked her mother in a trembling voice, "Can you really write letters?" "I often write to my sons."

"You can read letters, too?" The woman asked softly again.

"Of course."

The woman hurriedly took out a stack of airmail letters from her bag: "Read it … please read it to me quickly."

This is written by the woman's son who fought in Europe. Mother still remembers the red-haired boy who often plays with her son. She translated these letters from English into Italian and read them to the woman one by one. The woman listened, her eyes shining with tears of excitement. "I must answer his letter," she said, "but how can I write it?" "Duffy, go and make some coffee." My mother asked me to take the woman to the back room and sit down, then took out her pen, ink and writing paper and began to write. After writing, she read it to the woman.

"How did you know I wanted to say this?" She asked her mother.

"I often read my son's letters and know what a mother should say to her son."

Soon, the women came again with their friends-their son was at war, and they all wanted to write to him. As a result, writing letters to neighbors has almost become a mother's profession. Sometimes she spends the whole day writing letters for others.

Mother attaches great importance to the signatures at the end of these letters. The woman asked her mother to teach her, "I want to learn to write my son's name." So, my mother taught her to write stroke by stroke and write over and over again. From then on, whenever her mother wrote to her, she was happy to write her name at the end of the letter.

One day, that woman came to our house again. Mother saw at a glance what had happened. Women's eyes can no longer see the light of hope before. They sat hand in hand for a long time. "Maybe we should go to church." Mother whispered to her. On the way back from church, my mother's mind was blank, thinking only of the young man with red hair.

After the war, mother put down the paper and pen. "it's over." She said. However, she was wrong. Those who asked the mother to write to her son came to her with letters from relatives.

Mother once said that she always dreamed of becoming a writer. "Why not realize this dream?" I asked her. "Everyone has their own goals in life," she said. "My goal in life seems to be to write letters.

Nothing can bring people together like letters. It will make you miserable and make you laugh.

The best care is a loving letter, because it can make the world small and make the writer and reader their own masters. Son, faith is life! I haven't left any letters from my mother until now, but the people she helped are still talking about her and putting her letters into my memory.


Selected essays of sihao


Zhang Xiaofeng, a Taiwanese province, wrote a tender and touching Love View. She said: to love someone is to live with him contentedly. HarmonyOS system is desolate. We can't imagine expanding ourselves into a space with six rivers and eight sides. We just want to fill the whole life time of two people with each other's fire.

To love someone is to leave him an apple in the refrigerator until he comes back.

To love someone is to keep pouring hot water into his cup on a cold night.

To love someone is to like two people to put away all the leftovers on the table together, listen to his music of washing dishes in the sink-and then secretly wash the places he didn't clean again.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Ms. Zhang's love is perfect and sweet, which makes me moved and admired, but such perfect and happy love is rare after all, and it is almost a myth in the eyes of many flawed lives.

For me, loving someone means rejoicing in the beauty of the collision between two hearts and praying again and again in my heart. This is not an illusion, nor an instant, but the only exception, which is true eternity.

To love someone is to reach out and give wholeheartedly, even if it is futile and short-lived. Even if the dream is broken again, even if the soul is divided from now on, you can't refuse such an emotion, if not, if far, if near, if alive, if dead.

Loving someone is when he looks at you, you are not confident for the first time in your life, so you go back in time and return to 20 years ago overnight. At that time, in your little girl's heart, besides beauty, there was also a desire for beauty ... If you love someone, you really want to be his right-hand man, his eyes, and even his alarm clock-when mediocre reality and ugly reality approach him, you should scream sharply in his heart and let him.

To love someone is never to write a poem. You actually wrote such a poem: how much you want your phone to come from the horizon/how much you want a bouquet of flowers to greet you/how much you want to be supported by your tenacious arms at noon in a thunderstorm/how much you want to be on the dance floor with you on that beautiful night/how much you want to smile at each other when you are old and sick/how much you want to suddenly fall from the sky on this sad night.

To love someone is to gradually cultivate maternal love for him, love his advantages, tolerate his shortcomings generously, change the habit of not writing letters or taking notes, write down your feelings, discoveries and reading experiences, and send them to him constantly, hoping that one long letter after another will broaden and enrich him.

To love someone is to turn a blind eye to the great spiritual distance, but always be grateful for your wealth.

You believe that the truth that this world is about to disappear is firmly in your hands. Smile when you see the morning star, nod when you see the sunset, and stop frowning when you meet the dark winter. You face everything with a smile, because you feel stronger than the whole world.

To love someone is to repeat the mistakes you know you can't do: pour out your feelings and thoughts, pour out your treasure and attachment to him, and deceive yourself to believe that he is not as shallow and boring as ordinary men.

Loving someone means that after extreme disappointment, the fuse is finally lit, the shackles are removed, and the heart is relaxed and free again. However, with a word and a caring expression, you can easily be thrown into a new round of burning.

To love someone is to hate him and miss him, while belittling him and expecting him. A marching order has just been issued announcing that we will never see each other again. Turn around and dial for him.

Loving someone means that one day, when the illusion is finally completely restored to illusion, the truth is finally completely cold, and you are still dumbfounded despite a hunch. Your heart is twitching and your brain is blank. You don't believe this is true, you don't believe that what you cherish most is the most illusory and fragile.

Loving someone means that from that day on, you will no longer pity the deaf-mute people-people who have no language skills, and you don't have to listen to lies or believe them. People without language skills don't need to be hurt by cold words. The mind will always be checked by the mind, and the mind will always be opened for the mind. What's wrong with being deaf? Loving someone is a great fear, and finally my heart is blank. You no longer love or hate, you are no longer angry or sad. Pity is growing in your heart. Pity the people you have been addicted to, pity the people you have loved, and pity the mediocre and weak people.

At this time, loving someone becomes an experience. This experience used to be sweet, but in the end it was painful. This experience gradually precipitates into a step-you stand on the step and regain your height.

Love is a mystery.

golden age

Lu Xinger

For love, almost everyone has experience. But everyone's experience, everyone's experience, is different. Even if a person has had several love experiences, each love experience is different. I think it is this non-repetition and non-similarity that makes love a permanent topic in life and makes people talk and chew endlessly.

Why on earth? ! Perhaps, just because of the "gift" of love, everyone has got it, and it may be difficult to have it for a long time. In other words, everyone knows about love, but no one can tell it clearly. Just like the cool breeze blowing in the dog days, it makes you feel comfortable, comfortable and happy, but it's just a feeling. Love, like the wind, is vague, uncertain, limited and infinite. Simon? Bova once described love in a humorous tone: "Why do people fall in love? Nothing is more complicated than this: because it is winter, because it is summer, because it is overworked, because leisure is extremely boring, because it is weak, because it is powerful, because it needs a sense of security, because it likes adventure, because it is desperate, because it is hopeful, because someone doesn't love you, because someone loves you ... "This famous female writer summed up love so mysteriously and elaborated it so succinctly.

Really, love is a mystery to anyone.

Why do you fall in love with this man or this woman at this time, this scene and this occasion? Many people say "that was arranged by God" when they can't answer others and explain to themselves. I don't know if there is a god. But I believe that love is a wonderful arrangement. This "wonder" and "wonder", if carefully scrutinized, you will find that the reason for wondering lies in yourself. Like Simon? Beauvoir's reasons-a certain situation, a certain need, a special state of mind at a special stage-will make people express themselves, reveal themselves and satisfy themselves from the heart. Of course, the embodiment, revelation and satisfaction of this feeling should be realized by a specific person-a person you like, agree with and have certain attraction. It should be said that love is your arrangement for yourself in a certain time and opportunity. I think, no matter what the situation, what the reason, as long as you taste that kind of beautiful and happy feeling, this is love. I also believe that as long as love happens, whether it is long or short, it belongs to success, and that wonderful and pleasant experience is a kind of wealth, which will be stored in the inventory of your life. The problem is that once love is transformed into marriage, it becomes complicated.

When a friend came to talk to me about the troubles of married life, he said in confusion, "When we first got married, we fell in love. It seems that I can't leave him for a minute. I'm not in the mood to work. I want to rest at noon, give him a call. " But we've only been married for four or five years, and both of us feel bored. We always feel unhappy when we have to quarrel over a trivial matter.

I'm too lazy to quarrel recently, so I'm too lazy to talk. Back home, everyone is busy, like two strangers. I don't understand, where did the original love and his attraction to me go? ..... "I first advised her to relive the scene of falling in love: how did she fall in love? Love him for what? And in what way to love? This comment made my friend realize more rationally and soberly that when I meet him occasionally, I feel that his image and temperament are in line with her imaginary "he", so I can't help falling in love and igniting my inner ideal, which makes the flame of love burn more and more brightly ... So someone pointed out that people are often stupid when they are in love. My understanding is that people in love are completely emotional, their reason becomes useless, and they have no brain and vision. Of course, there will be no calm analysis and objective examination. Once love is written into the engagement, people establish a relationship and start their daily life, then the ideal "he" naturally returns to your heart. What you face and get along with every day is the real him, and you will find that he is not perfect or perfect. As a result, your enthusiasm has dropped unconsciously; As a result, love quietly withdrew as if it had completed a certain mission. And a good marriage will replace the love when you are madly in love with affection and affection. The reason why marriage can be maintained well is the ability to adjust one's imagination and expectations of the other.

It is this ability that will make the love in your heart never dry up.

However, it is not easy to love and be loved without interruption or fatigue! People, the most difficult thing to grasp is themselves and their feelings. So in the final analysis, love seems to be a mystery!

Give everything to time.