Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How do women know their faces by looking at their eyebrows?

How do women know their faces by looking at their eyebrows?

Everyone has their own eyebrow shape, which may be born or transformed by themselves. A woman's personality and scheming can be seen from the shape of her eyebrows. Learn with me in this issue and increase your knowledge together!

Analysis of female eyebrow shape and face shape

Eyebrow shape

1, eyebrows with swords: that is, eyebrows will have miscellaneous hairs in different directions.

People who have been in adversity for a long time have a pair of hair with inverted eyebrows.

2, women with low eyebrows: eyebrows are relatively low.

Let's make a comparison. For example, a person's eyebrows are good, but very low, which is the so-called "low eyebrows." People with good eyebrows have high intelligence, but low eyebrows greatly affect this quality. People with low eyebrows are fickle, timid, impatient and lack self-confidence.

3. Heavy eyebrows.

If a woman's eyebrows are too thick, it shows that she lacks a gentle temperament, but she has a very special personality. Women with thick eyebrows are heavier and don't like noisy occasions. People with thick eyebrows should not be messy, otherwise they will destroy the ability of rational thinking. In addition, they can't have hair, otherwise the learning process will be more difficult, and the eyebrows can't be too narrow, otherwise they will think too much. Women with heavy eyebrows are conservative about love, but they are affectionate and sentimental.

4, a woman with a word eyebrow: the two eyebrows are balanced, without much ups and downs.

Such women are more active and have the strong side of modern women.

5, crescent eyebrows or moth eyebrows: that is, curved eyebrows.

This kind of eyebrows represents two aspects: one is artistic, poetic and sensitive, and the other is soft.

6, eyebrows: that is, the second half of the eyebrows suddenly interrupted, and the other piece is unnatural from the side.

This kind of eyebrows represents a complicated personality and a heavy suspicion, lacking sincerity and intimate friends. Such women are emotionally unstable, take a realistic attitude towards their friends and use money to make eye stickers everywhere, so many friends around them are just people who are helpful to them in their work and interests.

7, eyebrows spread out: that is, the eyebrows extend to half, suddenly spread out, like only half an eyebrow.

This kind of woman is eccentric, and her reason and feelings can never be balanced. When her feelings get too excited, she will lose her mind. The main shortcoming of her eyebrows is restlessness, and her partner must be patient.

8, eyebrow cold: that is, the tendency of eyebrows to droop in all directions.

If a man is in Leng Mei, there must be two situations: first, he is afraid of things and his wife; second, he is dominated by money and realistic environment in the first half of his life.

Women's eyebrows have less influence than men's. Generally speaking, women with eyebrows are more traditional.

In addition, it should be noted that the long and drooping eyebrows of the elderly are the characteristics of longevity, not the cold eyebrows.

9. Girls' eyebrows: that is, the eyebrows are thick and thick, and both sides of the eyebrows extend upward, long and powerful.

Her personality will be more like a boy, not as gentle as a woman, but this woman has some charm and stands out in society. Her heroic personality is no worse than that of men.

10, eyebrows: there will be hair between the eyebrows, and Tang Yin is too narrow.

Such a woman will be under great pressure, narrow-minded and persistent in everything. Many people say that pulling the hair off your eyebrows can change your luck. In fact, it is better to open your heart first and correct your own shortcomings, so your eyebrows will naturally widen.

Looking at a future husband from a woman's eyebrows

First, the eyebrows are heavy and the tail is light.

If your eyebrows are top heavy and tail light, congratulations. You will find a handsome A-face husband.

For a woman, there will always be a dream of Prince Charming in her heart, but some people will realize it, and some people can only bury it in their hearts. Want to know what your future husband looks like? Let's have a look.

He is not only handsome, but also has a high IQ, high understanding, excellent memory and a good grasp of opportunities. Coupled with the support of his family, he must be a successful man.

Second, the eyebrows are thick and pointed in the middle.

If you have such eyebrows, your future husband will be a cool guy with a face.

He is lofty in character, indifferent to others and has a shallow relationship with his parents. When he was young, he needed to start his own business. When people reach middle age, their careers are getting better and better, and their later years are even more miserable.

Third, the eyebrows are thicker than the eyes.

If your eyebrows are thick and long, which exceeds your eyes, then you will find a husband with double eyelids and big eyes. He is tall and fat.

Fourth, eyebrows are shorter than eyes.

If your eyebrows are not longer than your eyes, then your future husband is not tall and has a short face.

He is stubborn, rebellious and bent on getting ahead, so he works hard in his career.

Fifth, the crescent eyebrows are shiny.

A girl with such eyebrows will marry a handsome guy with a white face.

The personality is not very flamboyant, and there are few words, but the inner world is very rich, and the emotional expression is relatively dull, belonging to the long-distance running type.

Six, eyebrow eye asymmetry

Eyebrow-eye asymmetry can be divided into two situations. One is that the eyes are small, but the eyebrows are thick. A girl with such eyebrows will find a husband who is much fatter than herself.

The other is thin eyebrows, but big round eyes. Girls with this eyebrow shape will have thinner husbands in the future.

Seven, the eyebrow height is different.

If you have such eyebrows, you may find a grumpy husband, who is not very considerate to you and often gets angry in front of you, which seems to be overbearing.

Analysis of Women's Eyebrows and Fate

Eyebrows with arrows

Adversity is terrible for everyone. Who thinks he will be in adversity and who doesn't want to be prosperous all the year round? It is easy for people to say that they are in adversity, but people in adversity often don't have this powerful and philosophical ability. Many of them are looking for something to vent or a way to anesthetize themselves, trying to forget the unhappiness in front of them, even afraid to face the future, and only indulging in the past scenery and the present moment. In this way, people's original good side will gradually disappear.

Some people have been in adversity for a long time, and their eyebrows are all reversed, which is called "with arrow eyebrows" in physiognomy; Usually, there are more men, but in recent years, women are also increasing. Perhaps women's life is becoming more and more "masculine", so there is such an "arrow eyebrow". The photo album says that people with such eyebrows are backward, which means that doing things is always hindered by hands and feet, so that they stagnate. It is also said that this kind of person's luck starts very late, and he can't start until he is over 35 years old, because the eyebrows on both sides are only 31 or 32 years old. If their hair is backward, there will be many villains in the past two years, everything will be blocked, and they will often live in struggle and adversity. In short, in the first half of my life, I will often spend my life in right and wrong and unhappiness.

Women with low eyebrows

Eyebrows are one of the five senses, which is very important. What Li Xiangdong wants to talk about here is not the shape or color of eyebrows, but to teach you to analyze the height of eyebrows.

The position of eyebrows directly affects fate and character. So when we look at eyebrows, we should first make a comparison on the height of eyebrows. For example, a person's eyebrows are good, but very low, which is called "low eyebrows". People with good eyebrows have high IQ and are smart and cheerful, but low eyebrows greatly affect this good quality. However, people with low eyebrows are fickle, timid, impatient, easily dominated by others and lack self-confidence.

If a woman's eyebrows are low and her eyes are low, she is already playing with tickets in love. After many delays, she has little patience to continue. When she grew up, she married her husband in a hurry, but she was worried about her married life after marriage. She often feels that the pressure brought by marriage is very heavy, and in short, she is unhappy.

This kind of woman is actually very smart and smart, but she never thinks about her behavior and plans for the future with peace of mind, so that she regrets many things she has done. How can she be in a good mood?

Female eyebrow bone is thick

At a banquet, I saw an oriental lady. Her face is very special. Her eyebrows are high, her eyes are thick and horizontal, and her eyes are threatening. I am secretly worried about this woman's husband, because the woman with this face is her husband's face, and her husband will feel distressed and her husband's outline will be hard to shake.

Physiognomy says that men with thick eyebrows are strong-willed, masculine and willful, and often act on impulse, making enemies easily. But it's all about men, and now it's found in a woman's face. How to explain it?

Xiang Xuehai is like this, broad and profound. The more you study it, the more problems you will find. As mentioned above, women's brow bones are mostly flatter than men's, because women's nature is softer, but too thick brow bones will affect her strong-willed personality, which is easy to be impulsive and offend people. This is the same as a man.

Later, I learned that this lady's personality was as I expected. Before getting married, she and her mother-in-law had become potentially incompatible and almost could not get married. The husband before marriage was a strong man, and soon after marriage, she became skinny and completely different.