Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - If I want to draw symbols, are there any taboos?

If I want to draw symbols, are there any taboos?

Wash your hands. It's just that there is no expert to take you, just drawing a shape won't work.

Whether a symbol is valid or not consists of five factors:


2, holding a spell (chanting when drawing symbols, or chanting when casting spells, the spell is effective. Do you still remember these familiar mantras: "Too old gentleman, you are in a hurry" and "Those who are facing the soldiers are ahead"? )

3, pen (the more aura the animal feathers used for writing brush, the better the symbol effect. Wolf brush is the first choice, the more clever the wolf is, the better, especially the wild wolf, and the wolf brush on the ear tip is the most suitable; Followed by crane hair, eagle hair, wool, chicken feathers and so on. I seem to have seen a brush made of fox hair.

4. Ink (generally, ink is the lowest level, and cinnabar is often used to do good deeds, because cinnabar can ward off evil spirits. The highest level even uses blood donation, such as cockscomb blood, and the blood of the yogi himself. The worst are: fingertip blood, brow blood, heart blood);

5, the carrier of paper (mostly red wood and paper, because mahogany has a strong power to exorcise evil spirits, followed by cypress, jujube, stone and brick. , but also useful cloth, spun silk. As for using paper, we are very particular about it. Generally speaking, we do it ourselves to ensure excellent paper quality. Colors are yellow, red, blue, purple and gold. According to the skill level, most people can only draw yellow paper, the lowest level, and those who can draw purple and gold belong to the high road)

-As can be seen from the above, although operators are useful, there are fewer and fewer experts who can draw operators now!