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Who are the three complicated characters in Shakespeare's works?


Sir Falstaff was unlucky and fell in love with two romantic ladies: Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Peggy and the money in their husbands' hands.

He persisted in repeated failures and battles and was taken in three times: the first time he was put in a basket with dirty clothes and thrown into the mud of the Thames; The second time, in order to escape, I pretended to be an old fortune teller and was beaten up by Mr. Ford; The children disguised as elves for the third time burned them with the ends of candles. Too bad, he finally decided to have a drink with the husband who played tricks on his wife.

This is the general plot of The Merry Wives of Windsor. When I read this script 20 years ago, I was full of disgust at this tall, fat, old and colorful Falstaff, and felt that everything he did deserved it. But rereading it today, I feel that he is angry and funny. Kind of like pig eight quit. Even if you are teased by goblins and see beautiful ones, you can't help drooling. Say a few nice words and he will be on cloud nine.

Jazz dancers were laughed at on the stage, but Hamlet became the two most immortal figures created by Shakespeare, with two nouns: "Falstaff-style figure" and "Falstaff-style background"

According to the book, Falstaff, the hero of Henry IV, is a typical mercenary and adventurer. During the collapse of feudal relations, he had no food and clothing. He is a bohemian man who lives by stealing and cheating, but he can make up various reasons to justify his ugly behavior and satirize and ridicule the world with sharp words. He was born in the feudal class, but despised the feudal concept of honor; He is covered with the bad habits of the declining class, but sometimes he reveals the optimism and rough humor of the bottom people in civilian society. Falstaff is a true portrayal of the little people in the historical transition period. Through the actions and conflicts of these typical characters, Shakespeare showed the Falstaff background and reflected the colorful civilian society during the collapse of feudal relations. Engels attached great importance to depicting a wide range of social life by artistic means to highlight the theme of Henry IV. In May 1859 and 18, he pointed out: "I don't think we should forget realism for ideas and Shakespeare for Schiller. According to my view of drama, the introduction of colorful civilian society at that time will provide completely different materials for active scripts and provide a very valuable background for the noble national movement performed at the front desk. " Here ... the full text.

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