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What is the new consciousness in Home?

As the eldest son of Gaos, Gao Juexin achieved his unique personality characteristics at that time with his special status. He is progressive in thought and backward in behavior. He is both an accomplice and a victim of feudal order. Born in a big feudal family, Chueh-hsin was first influenced by the traditional culture of China. China's traditional culture with Confucian culture as the core has played a great role in the formation of Chueh-hsin's character, and also created his sadness. When he was in trouble, although he accepted advanced ideas, as the eldest son, he had to follow the principles set by feudal traditional ideas, and filial piety was the first. It is precisely because of this that it caused a series of tragedies and caused the pain of his life.

Keywords: Juexin's eldest son, feudal traditional culture, dutiful son

China is a ceremonial country with thousands of years of civilization history, with a long history of cultural thoughts, among which Confucianism is the most influential. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius, the founder of the Confucian school, advocated "benevolence" and "ceremony". During the Warring States period, Mencius advocated "the five permanent members" and "benevolent governance", which was the inheritance and development of Confucian orthodoxy, and was put forward by Dong Zhongshu at the end of the Western Han Dynasty.

The policy of "respecting Confucianism alone" advocated "decorating official affairs with Confucianism" in political operation, and Confucian classics began to marry politics. Since then, Confucianism has occupied an important position in the history of China for thousands of years.

China's traditional culture can be passed down from generation to generation, and the most important way is to take "family culture" as the core and carry it forward. Family is the cell of society. The so-called "home" is the foundation of governing the country. The family is like a shrinking society. In a sense, whether the family culture can be carried forward is reflected in the "eldest son". Juexin is Ba Jin's realistic work Home.

Gong, as the "eldest son" of the feudal family, shouldered the historical mission of the whole family's prosperity, but his historical period (the May 4th new trend of thought) awakened his inner soul eager to resist and shaped the tragic characters with typical significance and "dual personality" in the history of modern literature.

First, the shackles of sadness:

1. People don't live in a vacuum. Born in a big feudal family, Chueh-hsin was first influenced by the traditional culture of China. China's traditional culture with Confucian culture as the core has played a great role in the formation of Chueh-hsin's character, which has created his sorrow. When he encountered difficulties, he had to follow the principles under the framework of feudal traditional thought, and filial piety was the first. He always obeys the high arrangement symbolized by the supreme ruler, whether it is accurate or not.

Juexin is not only a plump figure in Ba Jin's novels, but also a product under the influence of feudal traditional culture. He was deeply poisoned by feudal ethics, especially "filial piety", and his "filial piety" took away many dear people around him.

Mei Fen and Chueh-hsin are childhood friends. They have always had a good relationship since childhood and have a good yearning for their feelings. Mei Fen hoped that her beloved big cousin would bring her a lifetime of happiness, but she was wrong. Chueh-hsin has such a heart, but he has no such courage. He is a dutiful son cultivated by typical feudal traditional thoughts. He can't object to any decision made by his parents. He didn't say a word of resistance, nor did he have any thoughts of resistance. He just nodded meaningfully to show his obedience to his father. It is particularly worth mentioning that he is also the guardian of feudal traditional thought.

He is always bound by the arrogance of his elders, and sometimes he doesn't even know what he wants, but simply obeys everything that others decide for him, including marriage, future and even human life.

He was forced to give up Mei Fen and marry a woman he didn't like, so Mei Fen married a man he had never met before and became a widow in less than a year. This uncivilized mother made her daughter suffer a lot in life. Chueh-hsin's gentle nod ruined the beautiful fate of the two men and doomed them to live in pain all their lives.

He is a loyal supporter of feudal thought and always wants to do everything perfectly. He would rather sacrifice his own interests than offend his elders. He only worked according to the procedures set by others, including his wife, and became the object of pity, thus ruining her young life. At this time, he should have sufficient reasons and responsibilities to protect his beloved wife, but he can't even do this. His blind obedience not only ruined his wife's life, but also an irrational procedural operation, which plunged him into the abyss of pain.

2. The core of the patriarchal clan system in China is the direct inheritance system, and the eldest son and grandson are the legal heirs of a certain family. As the "eldest son and grandson" of Gao's family, "Chueh-hsin" decided his extraordinary position from birth and doomed his tragic fate all his life.

It is precisely because of his position, coupled with the heavy intersection of his education and old consciousness, that his vitality and edges and corners have been exhausted, resulting in his cowardly and obedient character. Chueh-hsin is described as follows: "Gao Chueh-hsin is what Chueh-min's brothers call' Big Brother'. Although he, Chueh-min and Chueh-hui were born of the same mother and lived in the same family, their situations were different. Chueh-hsin is the eldest son and grandson of this family. Because of this, his fate was decided as soon as he was born. " In this way, he is doomed not to think with his own head.

He has a handsome face and has been smart since he was a child. I am loved by my parents at home and praised by my husband at private schools. Everyone who met him said that he would make great achievements in the future. He grew up in a loving environment. He is very interested in chemistry. He plans to go to a famous university in Shanghai or Beijing for further study after graduation. He also wants to study in Germany. His mind is full of beautiful fantasies. But his thoughts can only stay in his mind. His father's words decided the fate of his life. It all happened so suddenly. Even though there are a thousand unwilling people in his heart, as the eldest son of Gaos thought, he has lost the ability to resist. He just exists as a typical dutiful son all over the world. All he can do is obey all the arrangements made by Gao, the symbol of the ruling class. Marriage, future, etc. The words of the younger generation are just the words of the elders, which is the highest instruction of a family. As long as there is breath, death can still destroy life. After Grandpa Gao died, Chueh-hsin couldn't save his wife.

3. Under the influence of the May 4th new trend of thought, China's traditional culture was strongly impacted by western culture for the first time. Two kinds of cultural information were mutually exclusive, and the fusion created a special cultural environment, which was full of youthful light, causing a spiritual impact to Chueh-hsin, making him confused and confused in pain.

Although Chueh-hsin grew up in an old feudal family, he was more influenced by feudal traditional concepts. However, because he was in a special period when new ideas were injected into the old society and influenced by two ideological systems at the same time, the difference between them was too great, so he often lingered on the edge of pain. In theory, he accepted the new trend of thought in the west, but in action, he still missed his old family, so that he succumbed to tyranny and oppression.

Or look at the same problem from another angle. He lived in such an ancient feudal family, and everything he did had his helplessness. It's not that he doesn't understand his heart, but that he can't follow his heart. In such a family, he developed the habit of thinking "rationally" from an early age. He is the pillar of this big family and has to make some sacrifices from himself, but this is very incomprehensible to his two younger brothers who accept the new western trend of thought, so he often suffers alone.

Second, the emergence of dual personality: ideological progress and outdated behavior are both "accomplices" and victims of feudal order.

The new ideological trend of 1 and the May 4th Movement made him clearly realize that the feudal system was bound to collapse, but he did not contribute his meager strength to the collapse of the feudal system, but adopted a "non-resistance policy" to escape from reality.

The most obvious thing in this respect is that his wife Jui-chueh gave birth to a child. After Grandpa Gao died, Chueh-hsin could do nothing about what his aunt said. In order to avoid the disaster of mass annihilation, he can send Jui-chueh to the countryside where there are few doctors and medicines, and the dead can still kill people. The living are far less valuable than the dead.

Grandpa Gao's death did not free Chueh-hsin from the original framework. He still pursues his policy of non-resistance and doesn't want to offend anyone in his family. As for his wife, even if he resists, Grandpa Gao, as the supreme authority, is dead, and things are not without any room for redemption, but he doesn't want to do this, and he is still just his dutiful son. He is a numb machine, he doesn't know anything about innovation, he only knows step by step, and he will only follow the route prescribed by others.

Jui-chueh's death caused him pain, but this pain was caused by himself. If he hadn't resisted, Jui-chueh wouldn't have died because of poor medical conditions. From his pain, we can easily see that he is not without ideological consciousness, but a person whose thoughts and actions are derailed. His thoughts can only stay in the thinking stage and can never be put into practice. In fact, he knows clearly in his heart that sending his wife out is sending her to the fire pit. He wept bitterly and was extremely unwilling. He still refused to listen to wise advice and drove his wife to the wall.

It was a enslaved mentality tamed by feudal traditional thoughts. He was just at the mercy of others and let himself fall into endless pain. The new trend of thought is just a beautiful realm in his mind, but he still can't break through the shackles of feudal standards in his behavior, which is the root of his doomed life.

2. As the eldest brother of Chueh-min and Chueh-hui, he should assume the responsibility of "eldest brother", hoping that they will not follow their own old path and repeat the same mistakes.

When Mrs. Gao wanted to betrothed Chueh-min, Chueh-hsin wanted to be his "big brother" and his dutiful son, but he wanted to help Chueh-min, but he didn't dare to go against his wishes. On the surface, he promised to do what the old man said, but secretly he wanted to help Chueh-min. He even tried to bribe the fortune teller, but the result was just the opposite of his hope. Two characters are matched together: a rich husband and a rich wife. Good luck. He thought it would help him, but now it has become his enemy. He secretly laughed at his stupidity and worried about Chueh-min's future.

Mei Fen's experience is the pain of his life. Over the years, his body and mind have suffered too much on himself. But the pain he felt was beyond others' understanding. Chueh-min is his brother, and his situation is a portrayal of that year. If he continues to follow his grandfather's instructions, he will become a second self. No matter from which angle, he should not let Chueh-min accept everything in front of him. As a dutiful son, he has suffered too much in recent years. He can understand his brother's present situation and imagine his endless pain in the future. As the eldest brother, of course, he is more reluctant to let his younger brother suffer endless pain. As a typical example under the influence of feudal orthodoxy, "don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you" is the virtue they pursue, and their beloved brother should not be plunged into the abyss of perdition.

However, as a dutiful son of Gaofu, he can't go against the wishes of his elders, so he is often in deep pain and at the same time in a dilemma. Sometimes he is even at a loss. He doesn't want to offend both sides, but he often does.

So did Chueh-hui. He wants to help him, but he can't let go of the title of "big brother" which has special significance at home. Chueh-hui was anxious to leave such an old-fashioned family full of sin before being buried after Grandpa Gao died. He asked his eldest brother to leave. Chueh-hsin can understand his thoughts and wants to support his younger brother, but as the eldest brother, he has to consider all the influences around him. At this time, Chueh-hsin was completely isolated. His wife has passed away and his son has been sent out, leaving only a lonely man, who has never been lonely in his heart. At this time, he also wants someone to accompany him. From the perspective of the whole family, we must not let him go.

On this issue of Chueh-hui, he also struggled for a long time. He recalled his painful experiences over the years and carefully weighed the pros and cons of going and staying. He has always wanted everything to be perfect, but he clearly knows that it is still impossible to solve things satisfactorily in his current situation. After so many bloody events, his mood has been much clearer than before, and he has seen the true face of this feudal old family at the beginning of his life more thoroughly, and he has less so-called "rationality" in doing things than before. He finally failed his younger brother and promised to give her financial help secretly. Chueh-hui can leave this evil place quickly without Chueh-hsin's secret help.

All this was done in secret. Even so, it is still the only thing he can call his own decision. He has used his own thoughts to think, and he began to realize that he has fallen into practical action, not as passive as before. This is lucky.

However, his final result can only be loneliness.

In short, the "dark society" is the mother of tragedy. For thousands of years, it has strangled the lives of countless young people and pushed one fresh life to a dead end. Chueh-hsin's youth is painful, and not everyone can understand what he endured, nor can everyone do it. Although he was a filial son influenced by traditional culture at the end of feudal society, many people called him the last filial son at the end of feudal society, but we should also note that there are still many such people in modern society, and this concept has not completely disappeared from our society. It is still killing the lives of generations.

As the eldest son of a generation, Chueh-hsin certainly has a weak side. His cowardice has hurt many people he cherishes most, but should we realize that his cowardice is endowed by the society and the special status of his eldest son, and everything he does is fulfilling his duties.

In the whole work, he is the first person worthy of sympathy. We should understand how helpless he is behind his cowardice and lack of resistance. What we really should hate is the slavery of people by the feudal residual system. What we should think about is how to really eliminate those harmful elements in the future! As the old man Ba Jin himself said, "I can describe Chueh-hsin, but I know this man inside, and I have feelings for him. I spent so much pen and ink on him just to lash out at the old system through this man.



(1) History of Modern Literature in China, edited by, Kong, and, Renmin University of China Press, first edition in July 2000.

② History of Modern Literature in China, edited by Zhu Donglin, Ding Fan and Zhu Xiaojin, Higher Education Press, first edition in August, 1999.

③ Thirty Years of Modern Literature in China, by Qian, Wen Rumin, Peking University Publishing House, 1998.

(4) Cheng's Introduction to China Culture, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1998.

⑤ History of China Literature, edited by Huang Jixiu, Sun Yat-sen University Press, first edition 1998.

(6) The History of Modern Literature in China, edited by Yu Ling, Xiong Yan and Luo Chengyuan, Hunan Normal University Press, 2nd edition, July 1999.

(7) China Modern and Contemporary Literature Fast Reading Algebraic Style and Famous Writers Series-Ba Jin Volume, edited by Liu, Blue Sky Publishing House, first edition in February 2004.

(8) China Literature Research, 2005, p. 80, Li Shuhuai, On the Emotional Narration of Ba Jin's Novels.

(9) China Literature Studies, No.3, 2004, p.77, Lv Zhouju, On Ba Jin's Moral Humanism.

(10) China Literature Research, No.4, 2004, Yang Tianshu's Acceptance Study of Ba Jin's Novels; On the first-person narrative mode of Ba Jin's novels by Li Shuhuai.

(1 1) China Journal Network Zeng Yongcheng's "Big Brother's Feeling New: A Tragic Personality with Body and Mind Split in the Turning Times" and other articles 2 1.