Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Winter composition

Winter composition

Winter Composition (Selected 43 Articles)

In daily study, work or life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with composition, which can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition and college composition (paper). Still at a loss for composition? The following is an essay about winter edited by Bian Xiao. Welcome everyone to learn from it. I hope it helps you.

Winter composition 1

I love spring when flowers are in full bloom, summer when leaves are luxuriant, autumn when fruits are plentiful, but I love snowy winter more.

Winter is like a white fairy. She stretched out her slender arms and gently stroked the earth, which gradually became white and pure.

Winter is one of children's favorite seasons, because they can play in the snow until dark.

Winter is the most considerate season for people and everything in the world. She was afraid that the grass would catch cold and covered them with a thick quilt. She was afraid that the pine tree would be lonely and planted wintersweet for it. Afraid of being annoyed, she snowed several times for us to play. Snowflakes in winter are all hexagonal and exquisitely carved, as if a girl in winter carefully cut out window grilles with her dexterous hands and gave them to the world. Ah, snowflakes are soft with flying flocs, glittering with morning dew and delicate with drizzle. Snowflakes are flying all over the world like little paratroopers, like lovely white butterflies, like petals scattered by fairies.

What a nice winter!

Composition in winter 2

Every season is gorgeous, and spring is fresh green. In summer, it is fiery red. Autumn is a golden harvest. In winter, it is pure white. -inscription

Look! Winter is always white, trees are white, grass is white, flowers are white, and even houses are white. Crystal snowflakes fall like snow-white cherry petals. Fall on layers of branches. Snow-white "flowers" appeared on the window. The wind is blowing, as if calling me and saying, "Come on! Come on! It's fun here. Let's play together. " I heard the call of the wind and walked in the snow, adding pairs of footprints on the thick snow. The wind stopped and the snow stopped, because they had had enough fun. At the same time, adults and children came out. Well, my friends came and they all asked me, what are you playing? I have long thought about it and said to them, let's make a snowman! Let's go find the snow first! I look for snow everywhere, and there are many things to grind. I found a snow pit, we found a lot of snow, and we began to make a snowman. We finished making a snowman, and I watched us make a snowman. Although the snowman doesn't look like him, I like him very much because we made it ourselves.

Oh! Winter, beautiful winter. I love your snow white, your purity and your beautiful scenery!

Composition in winter 3

Winter is a monotonous season, and the world is white.

When winter comes, it is rainy. After the rainy season, winter begins. People add or subtract clothes in the rainy season to adapt to the seasonal changes. After that, it is a short winter. In winter, the sun wakes up late and goes to bed early. But her appearance adds a little color and warmth to your world. Every day, the children wake up on time and wait for the sun to get longer. Finally, it's late winter.

At the end of winter, everyone is wrapped like zongzi. Thick cotton-padded jacket, velvet boots, and scarves knitted by mother or lover or friend. I remember that at that time, at school, the big ice particles fell off the night before, and when I woke up the next day, the world was white. Our head teacher is our Chinese teacher. He took us to the back of the school, had a snowball fight and made a snowman, and had a good time. We made a snowman with our Chinese teacher's daughter. The teacher's daughter specially took a carrot as the snowman's nose. We picked up some black pebbles and used them as snowman's eyes. I also specially found an abandoned broom. The snowman is magnificent, so the headmaster specially took a photo for us as a souvenir. Winter at that time was like spring full of vitality.

When the school has a winter vacation, the sun will come out for a few more days, giving us a short warmth. We will take the opportunity to find some delicacies in the mountains, which are unique in winter and especially delicious when cooked. The most unforgettable thing is the Spring Festival, when everything is thriving and family members only have the most relaxing time. Winter is really nice.

Miss that winter!

Composition in winter 4

I said to winter: winter is an elegant season; Winter girl is a quiet girl.

Her beauty lies in her creation. Last night, you closed your eyes and slept through the night. This morning, when you open your eyes, it may be a night. The world in front of you makes you overjoyed. No matter where the clouds float in the deep sky, they are like a blue blanket embroidered with large white flowers. In addition, there is about two centimeters of snow on the roof and on the ground. Under the eaves of the house, several large frozen dices with a thickness of 2 cm and a length of 5 cm are hung upside down, and some small frozen dices are hung next to them. They also flow into the water from time to time and drip. . After a while, the small frozen diced meat disappeared, and so did the big frozen diced meat.

Ding became smaller, and then it was all gone. In the past, the circuitous area as bright as glass-the river-is now covered with a thin layer of ice. Take out a piece of ice in the pool at home and put it in your hand. It's cold and broken when you press it.

That's what makes her quiet: hibernation. There are many hibernating animals, such as hedgehogs, frogs, black bears, turtles, snakes and centipedes. Oh! By the way, hummingbirds, the smallest birds in the world, also hibernate.

Her excitement is really temporary ―― one or two days before the Chinese New Year, some people buy Want Want gift packages, others buy clothes and shoes for the Chinese New Year.

She disappeared after the new year.

Ah! Beautiful winter! Silent winter! A lively winter! Winter that is about to leave!

Composition in winter 5

Winter came, because its messenger-the winter wind told me.

On that day, the cold north wind was whistling, and small white snowflakes were floating in the sky. One, two, three, they float up one by one, and when they are no longer shy, they float down hand in hand. How beautiful snowflakes are, as soft as catkins and as soft as cotton.

I went outside, looked up at the falling snowflakes in the sky, reached out and caught the falling snowflakes, and watched the snow carefully. The whole snow is hexagonal, and its pattern stretches very neatly, like separate branches.

I went back indoors, sat by the window and watched the snow fall unsteadily.

Listen, I hear snowflakes falling on the window. Although the sound is very small, I found it surprisingly nice, "bang, bang", like the sound of tiny firecrackers exploding.

Look, the snow is getting heavier and heavier. In a short time, the whole city became a world of snow.

On the roof, snow falls on the gap between red tiles and white tiles. From a distance, these red tiles and white snow are like red stripes and white stripes on Christmas clothes. Therefore, red tiles and white snow have become the clothes color of buildings!

There are also traces of snowflakes on the trees. As soon as the winter wind blows, the snowflakes that "depend" on the trees fall to the ground, accompanied by the sound of "rustling". The snowflake on the ground seems unconvinced and wants to play hide-and-seek with me. As a result, the snowflakes "squeezed" together and turned into water.

The lawn is a "paradise" for children, and white snow flowers are "paved" on it, like a white fluffy carpet. Several children came to the carpet, picked up the snow on the lawn, kneaded it into a small snowball and threw it at other children. Then, other children joined the snowball fight.

Snow is still floating in the sky, floating. I use painting to leave snowflakes. One stroke, two strokes, the snowflake is magnified by me. Uh, not enough. I picked up the camera and took pictures of snowflakes and snow. Snowflakes seem shy and drift to the other side with the wind.

I looked at the snowflakes floating in the sky. Through snowflakes, I seem to see a snowflake world composed of powder and jade. In that world, snowflakes are lovely spirits, adding luster to the snowflake world.

Snowflake, you are beautiful, you are beautiful! Snowflake, you aroused my infinite reverie.

Once upon a time, I was obsessed with winter. The season of frequent snowing used to be extremely sacred in my heart.

That winter was the climax of my favorite winter, but it was also the end, which made me sad. 65438+1October 2 1 really made me happy and sad. I'm glad to see that we will move to Nanjing soon, but I'm sad that I didn't even have time to attend the birthday party of my best friend 65438+1October 24th.

Yes, I don't have time. Everything was in such a hurry that we left just a few days after our winter vacation in Guangzhou. I have set off now, without thinking much, but I am full of yearning for this city ―― according to my father, it will snow in Nanjing. This is great news for me to stay in Guangzhou, a place where it has not snowed for three and a half years.

Sure enough, as soon as I arrived in Nanjing, I met the snow that had been difficult for 60 years. The nationwide snow is so heavy that people call it a "snowstorm". Of course I'm excited ― I've never met such heavy snow in the north. With such excitement, I crossed the Yangtze River Bridge; With such excitement, I came to Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology; With such excitement, I lived in a guest house.

In the first few days, I always wandered around the university campus with my mother because of excitement. I just arrived. I can't put it down for the big snow and the house covered with thick snow. I thought this place really lived up to my high expectations, not only with snow, but also with many benefits that my father described to me. I think this is a very, very ideal place. But-I was wrong.

As time went on, I found I didn't see anything. I'm new here, I don't know much about it everywhere, and I'm all dressed in a beautiful coat of snow. These things are confusing me, deceiving me, and I am at a loss when I gradually see the truth. The whole school can be said to be placed in the suburbs of the village, unlike any city at all. No, it's not a city. The school is big and there are many buildings, but the campus is lifeless and lifeless, whether it is people or buildings. It is inconvenient to do anything on campus, especially off campus. The double barrier between the "suburbs" and the "Yangtze River" makes people feel deeply depressed, while the campus is monotonous, making people feel no excitement, and everything seems inexplicably annoying.

Mother began to complain. When we walk together, she is always moping and "criticizing" the unsatisfactory place in this place. I'm sad, too, but when I see this, I have to tell her with a smile that I think it's very nice here and I like it very much. So my mother also smiled: "I'm glad you like it." I was also very sad when I said this. I am very sad. Later, every time I think about it, I feel equally sad. I think my sadness should be deeper and farther than my mother's.

In the gloomy depression, I spent that winter, and the loss was far longer than the excitement.

I have learned in Chinese class that the climax and ending of a novel are often connected and inseparable.

And this climax, this climax that excites me to the extreme, indicates the end, because of it, I fell harder and worse at the last time.

Yes, I never liked winter as much as that winter, but I never hated winter as much as that winter. Yes, this is the climax, but this is the end!

More than a year has passed, and that winter has been deeply buried in my heart and I don't want to touch it.

Once at school, a classmate suddenly asked me, which season do you like best?

Autumn. I simply said that a snowy winter composition 7 flashed through my mind.

The goddess of light spring quietly came to the world. She drove away the cold in one fell swoop, swept away those desolate scenes, nourished everything with her generosity and brought vitality to the earth. Just as everything is lying lazily in the warm arms of the goddess of spring, I am also trying to enjoy it. Unexpectedly, Xia Jun, who was furious and violent, gathered a mob but was eager to declare war on the goddess of spring. Being outnumbered, the goddess of spring had to leave her young children in tears and was very reluctant to give up her "ruling territory". The King of Wind, Rain and Summer, who just gained sovereignty, poured his anger on the earth and longed to submit to everything. I don't know where the young things will yield under its arrogance if they have enemies with it! So the furious and violent Xia Wang was furious and called all the rabble to put pressure on the earth. For a time, the whole earth became a hell on earth. I sat alone in the room, and the pointer of the indoor thermometer pointed to the scale of 39 degrees. Looking at my father's portrait, I put away the manuscript for many years with tears in my eyes, put it at the bottom of the box silently, and then fiddled with some books on the table, such as fortune telling and eye selection. I suddenly felt a chill. I couldn't help hugging my body, but I still felt a chill. At this time, I couldn't help thinking: if only there was a baked sweet potato still steaming! When I think of baking sweet potatoes, I can't help thinking of a winter day more than ten years ago-that snowy winter day!

More than ten years ago, I just recovered my life from the door of death. I am very weak. Besides hating windy days, I am also very afraid of winter. In my opinion, the bitter world is covered with snow, monotonous and dull, without poetry at all, let alone fun, which will only bring me endless troubles and pains. Because in winter, my feet and legs are covered with big blisters, which will fester when they break. At that time, I was still young and active, and I often broke blisters. When they fester, I stick my pants and socks together. When I take off my pants and socks when I wash my feet or take a shower, I will tear open the scar that I just scarred and let it bleed profusely. Although it didn't hurt much, I never cried, but my parents cried with distress. My father personally made a thick cotton trousers for me to wear, but the big blisters are still "wildfires never go out, and the spring breeze blows high."

That winter, running around, my father finally let me go to school. I went out of curiosity at first, but I didn't want to go after three or four days. I can't stand people bossing me around like a monster. I can't stand some people's malicious jokes and tricks. A few days later, I became more vigilant. I never get close to anyone except my parents and family. Even if some friends show kindness and friendliness, I doubt it. I often doubt their motives. In this way, I confine myself to a special circle, never associate with others, and never accept the kindness and friendliness of others. My personality is becoming more and more withdrawn.

When I got up early that morning, I saw that God looked gloomy and the north wind was blowing. As soon as I saw the weather, I shouted not to go to school. Actually, that's just an excuse for me, because someone played a trick on me again yesterday. My father coaxed me patiently and then personally carried me to school. As it is still early, neither the teacher nor the classmates have arrived yet, and the classroom door is locked. Father had something particularly urgent to do, so he found a leeward place, took off a coat from him as a cushion and let me sit on it. Then he urged me to leave until I walked out of a distance, and I could see him turn his head frequently.

Shortly after my father left, the weather suddenly changed and it began to snow heavily. I was covered with snowflakes and watched them pile up. I was in a hurry when I found a middle-aged woman coming in front. I have a temper: I never ask for help easily when I encounter difficulties, and I don't want others to see my predicament. So I was too busy not turning around and keeping my head down to make the middle-aged woman not notice me.

Who knows, that middle-aged woman finally found me. As soon as she saw me, she repeatedly said, "Son, why are you sitting here in this snowy day?" Before I knew it, she came to pick me up and took me to the house next to the school. She lovingly wiped the snowflakes for me, but I couldn't help wondering: she and I are strangers. Why should she be so nice to me? Could it be that when I was thinking, a middle-aged woman brought some baked sweet potatoes and said kindly, "Son, this sweet potato is still hot, so eat it while it is hot and warm up." It's a strip and it's hot and delicious, baked sweet potato! Seeing this, I kept swallowing my saliva and staring at the baked sweet potato, but I kept telling myself in my heart: strangers can't believe it casually, and strangers can't eat casually. So I hesitated to bring baked sweet potatoes. When the middle-aged woman saw it, she thought I was embarrassed to take it. She quickly put a baked sweet potato into my hand and whispered, "Eat, son." I looked up at the middle-aged woman and saw that she was kind-hearted and her eyes were full of motherly tenderness. Looking at her, as if my mother was standing in front of me, all the wariness and doubts collapsed instantly. I was very touched when I took a bite of delicious baked sweet potato. I can't say anything without words. I just looked at the middle-aged woman with tears in my eyes. She looked at me kindly, and her face was full of maternal brilliance. From then on, I know that as long as I open my heart and don't refuse the sunshine, no matter how long and cold winter is, it will eventually pass. I carefully removed the fence around me and slowly took off my armor that covered my face. Gradually, I also have stars all over the sky. I can hear my hearty laughter from time to time, and a noise pulls me back from the nine-day cloud. I turned around and looked out of the window. I was surprised to find that although the stormy king of summer was suffering in every way, light and heat still existed. All the children of young things not only showed no signs of withering, but saw themselves growing tall and strong day by day. My spirit has not been boosted, but when I saw several books in front of me about fortune telling and choosing a date, and then looked at my father's portrait, I felt a chill. I have no choice but to hold my body tightly. The baked sweet potato is full of hot air, which reminds me of that winter-that snowy winter!

Composition in winter 8

Winter seems to arrive overnight.

The temperature suddenly dropped to one or two degrees Celsius. The ducklings living by the small pond quack as if complaining, "Brother Dong, you are too early! You see, it's cold when you come. Although I am not afraid of cold, the water in the small pond will freeze when the temperature is low. I want to swim again! " Ducks seem to hate winter, and their faces are full of chagrin. But after a while, they "enjoyed" it again ―― they couldn't hold back their active hearts and braved the cold wind and bean-sized raindrops to go for a walk outside! They also had a good time ―― one minute they stepped on the pond on the ground, the other they watched their peers wrestling, which made them feel funny, but when they fell, their peers laughed at themselves and felt wronged. Or, sometimes I look at the flowers and grass knocked down by the wind and rain on the roadside with distress-yes! How pitiful those little flowers and grasses are! On the roadside, it was tilted by the wind and tilted by the rain. But what about the wind god and the rain god in the sky? Still singing happy songs and dancing happy dances, knowing nothing about anything in the world. However, the grass in Kobanawa doesn't feel wronged or angry at all-how strong they are! When the storm comes, they are fearless and stand in the wind, even if they are blown down and uprooted by the wind. After the storm, the sun and rainbows shine on the earth again. They continue to climb up where they fell, take root in the soil again, and gain hope for life.

But what about us? Some may not even be as good as these despised flowers and plants! When encountering difficulties, retreat and give in to them! But what happened to them? They refuse to challenge the difficulties. In fact, it's like they gave up the forever bright spring and let themselves step into the forever cold winter. But others, like the strong flowers and strong grass we saw, bravely stood up and challenged the difficulties of life! Finally, they succeeded! They came to spring forever. The reward of their struggle is that they climbed the top of Mount Everest with their own lives! If everyone faces difficulties bravely like the latter, like flowers and plants ―― then, what is terrible about the winter and difficulties that make the former feel afraid and want to run away from the cold?

At this time, on the land near the small pond, the rain has slowly stopped; And the wind is getting smaller and smaller. Bright and warm sunshine shines on a piece of land through thick clouds. After the rain, flowers and plants and a group of lovely and lively ducklings saw the dazzling rainbow after the rain.

Composition in winter 9

Walking in the sunshine in winter, after experiencing the romance in spring, the enrichment in summer and the wind in autumn, the seasonal clock is set to the remaining quarter of an hour: winter.

Hugging each other with classmates on the roadside. Although the temperature of each other is not low, they should be wrapped in cotton products from head to toe. I closed my mouth, and the dead leaves left on the branches were blown down by the wanton wind, which was terrible and fragmented.

In fact, the cold in life is nothing. I can't do math in the monthly exam, because my lips are shaking because of the accumulation of small difficulties. I think this is my winter.

In math class, the teacher is still drawing auxiliary lines excitedly. I was disturbed by these strange symbols and turned my head inadvertently. I saw catkins rising in the wind outside the hazy window, huh? I brushed away the breath of the window with my hand, and the snowflake spun down like a ballet and lay quietly on the evergreen. In these few minutes, I left and walked out of the world of mathematics, but there were a pair of eyes watching me. During the break, there was a rare silence in the class, and the math teacher came over in a disheveled way: "Well, you have been in a bad state recently, and math should be very good." It is not too late to start working hard now. " I secretly complain that physical education and study have exhausted me physically and mentally, and I have been under too much pressure recently.

Day after day, the thickness of snow is incalculable, but there are more fun toys on campus, but the integrity of this natural environment is reflected in traffic, normal life and even our safety. Shijiazhuang was in an emergency, which led to a snowstorm. Soon, the school cleaning work began, and miraculously returned to normal in an afternoon!

Winter composition 10