Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Street fortune-telling video daquan _ Street fortune-telling video daquan broadcast

Street fortune-telling video daquan _ Street fortune-telling video daquan broadcast

What is the principle of using birds to calculate divination in the street?

Actually, bird divination is divided into two parts.

In the first part, counting your birthday, it can be said that 100% is right, but this is not counted by birds, but by people. In fact, the bird is only the executor of the lottery. As for training birds to draw lots, this move is not new, but a conditioned reflex of artificial training.

After all, the final interpretation was told to you, who knows what the bird is thinking. What are the odds? Are you lying to me? What about the brand of snacks? The fortune teller's inner os runs around and is disobedient. Be careful that I steam you, and it's the main link. How do people calculate your birthday?

First, he will give you a bunch of brands to find the brand where your birthday is. If you look at these brands carefully, there are actually some jumps every month. For example, does your brand have a date like August 1 day? August tenth? August 20th, August 30th. Let's assume that your birthday is in this constellation, which is August 1 day.

Then let you put this sign on the plastic advertising cloth on the ground. This cloth will be divided into many grids, and each grid is a continuous day for a month? Suppose there is a grid here? August? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 These nine days? He will let you put the sign on the grid where your birthday is.

Okay? This is actually your birthday. Suppose your birthday is August 1 day? Then according to what I said just now, the brand and grid you submitted will have the same date, August 1 day. The fortune teller only needs to write down the date on the sign you hold, and then compare it with the grid to find out the common date, which is your birthday.

The only difficulty here is that there are too many brands. How did the fortune teller know the date on the sign in your hand? In fact, this is more common in casinos or magic. If you open the tampered card, people will know what number you are holding. At most, they will recite a few more dates. For example, today's fortune teller said my birthday wrong at the beginning, and later changed his mouth for the second time before saying it was right, which shows that his memory is not very accurate.