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What should women pay attention to when pregnant with twins? What should I pay attention to in diet?

What should women pay attention to when pregnant with twins? What should I pay attention to in diet? Pregnant women with twins will have more serious pregnancy reactions in the early stages of pregnancy. Pregnant women need to pay more attention in the early stage of pregnancy and adjust their status in time to avoid the huge impact of pregnancy reaction on the body. Twin expectant mothers should strengthen nutritional supplements more than single expectant mothers. Pay attention to rest. Expectant twins should have enough rest time to avoid premature delivery, because twins greatly expand the uterus.

Adequate nutrition. Expectant mothers should have adequate daily diet and reasonable nutrition. They should eat more digestible food. After all, twins need nutrition more, and twin expectant mothers should strengthen nutritional supplements more than single expectant mothers. Pay attention to rest. Expectant twins should have enough rest time to avoid premature delivery, because twins greatly expand the uterus. When the uterus cannot give birth to twin babies, premature birth will occur, and the probability of premature birth of twins is relatively high. Therefore, strengthening daily rest is the key to prevent premature delivery.

Supplement high-quality protein. Diet during pregnancy is very important. If you are pregnant with twins, you should pay more attention to the comprehensive intake of nutrition during pregnancy, so as to ensure the healthy growth of the fetus. Usually, you should eat more foods rich in high-quality protein, and remember to eat more foods with high calories and vitamins. Only comprehensive nutrition intake can provide necessary nutrition for fetal growth and prevent fetal malnutrition.

Pregnant women with twins will have more serious pregnancy reactions in the early stage of pregnancy, such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, irritability, dizziness and so on. Not only will it become more intense, but it will last for a long time. Therefore, pregnant women need to pay more attention in the early stage of pregnancy, adjust their state in time, and avoid the huge impact of pregnancy reaction on the body. During pregnancy, pregnant women with twins must have bigger stomachs than pregnant women with singletons. Therefore, in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the low back pain and stress of pregnant women will be greater. Pay attention to avoid overwork and rest more in life. At the same time, you should adjust your sleeping posture in time to avoid oppressing the fetus and affecting its development.

Pregnant mothers with twins are prone to pregnancy syndrome, premature delivery, malposition, anemia, pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, polyhydramnios and so on. Especially in late pregnancy, acute polyhydramnios, premature rupture of membranes, placenta previa and so on. In severe cases, it will endanger the life safety of mother and fetus. Therefore, regular prenatal examination is very necessary, so that we can find abnormal situations and deal with them in time to avoid accidents. Nutrition should be reasonable, food should be easy to digest, and the nutrition of twin expectant mothers should meet the needs of two fetuses. In the middle and late stages of fetal development, the baby develops rapidly and the required nutrition will increase greatly. Therefore, the nutrition in the diet must be sufficient to prevent anemia in pregnant women and lead to stunting of twins. Therefore, we should take enough protein, vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, and supplement iron or calcium properly after meals. Pregnant mothers with twins have a heavier pregnancy reaction, and their diet should be easily digested and absorbed.