Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - If you don't spit, what other stories have you seen that make people clap their hands?

If you don't spit, what other stories have you seen that make people clap their hands?

Everyone has the psychology of watching the excitement, especially when there is a conflict with others. When two people quarrel, one side is speechless, which always makes people feel very happy. What stories have you seen that make people clap their hands?

In junior high school, there was a female teacher in our class who had a particularly bad temper. She is very strict with her classmates and speaks without mercy, especially when criticizing them. After being criticized by this female teacher, many girls will cry on the spot. This is the background.

One day, a teacher made a mistake. Xueba is a very calm person in life, not a person with high scores and low energy, but a person with special principles in life. Xueba is a physics god who can represent the school in the competition. It seems that Xueba secretly watched physics in this female teacher's math class that day. The female teacher directly asked Xueba to invite parents. After Xueba's mother came, she was directly called into the office by the teacher. I don't know what the teacher told her.

Seeing such a scene, Xueba rushed to the teacher's office and told the teacher that the most important thing in teaching and educating people is to be a teacher. You just criticize students. Seeing that you are getting bitter every day, how can you set an example and criticize the parents of students? Can't you reflect on yourself? Are you qualified to stand on the podium and educate us? You can't even understand yourself. What are you doing as a teacher? Then Xueba left. Maybe the teacher was wrong and didn't bother Xueba later. According to other teachers in the office that day, the female teacher cried for a long time after Xueba left. The students have long had a problem with the teacher, and this time the students applauded.