Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Father died in his sleep, is it pitiful?

Father died in his sleep, is it pitiful?

Old people's sleep is the happiest way to die, even better than euthanasia. It's just a pity that his children and family didn't have a will in advance and couldn't see the last side. In fact, it is much better for the old man to leave without saying goodbye than to watch him leave in pain!

There are many cases in which this old man died in his sleep. People often fall asleep unexpectedly, and there are no signs at ordinary times, so they leave it alone. Not that their children are unfilial. According to the old man, this is a blessing for doing good and accumulating virtue!

Sleep and go, without pain, which is the blessing of the elderly! People always die when they are old. The child looked at the old man who was seriously ill, born and died, and died. What a pity!

It shows that the old man is in good health and can eat. It is a blessing for an old man to die peacefully. There is nothing pitiful about not disturbing your child's natural death!

How can it be sad?

My dad, on May 4th, 20 15, ate noodles at noon, drank two or two liquors, ate and drank enough, and left silently during his nap. Just like my father's life, he never involved anyone, never let his children delay their work for half a day, and never spent a penny on medical expenses for the country. It can be said that it is carefree, happy and driving silently to the west. After 85 years of rough life!

We have six brothers and sisters. It was just my sister and my sister in front of my dad. None of the other four are around. Dad's sudden death has plunged our brothers and sisters into the abyss of pain and sadness. When I saw this topic, my hands were still shaking when I typed, and my eyes were full of tears. Especially the sisters who were in front of Dad when he left, always blamed themselves. Why don't they pull dad back on the way? We are ashamed that we didn't spend more time with our parents around the old people. Things have changed, and life and death don't seem to give us any warning.

Eight years have passed! Our brothers and sisters also came out of the circle of stepping on the sky. I think dad's leaving is a blessing for dad! How can dad be pitiful?

The old man has many children. It's a pity that no one is around when you die, but it also depends on what causes it. Is it because of a bad relationship with children, no children to live with him, or because children are busy with work and have no time to go home to visit and accompany the elderly? But in any case, these are not caused by objective factors or natural excuses. As children, no matter how busy they are, they have to take care of their elderly parents, not to mention the elderly who live alone, and no one even knows that they are asleep. This is cruel. If no neighbors and other good people find out, the consequences will be unimaginable, and all children will regret it all their lives and even affect the next generation. This is not only related to a person's moral character, but also a pension problem that deserves our attention and consideration.

Thank you and wish you a happy life!

I don't feel sorry for anything, but I feel quite happy. It is much better to go to sleep and die without any sin than to die in the end. Children may not be around when they die for various reasons, so I think it's nothing. As long as the old man knows how to honor the old man when he is alive, there will be no regret and pity.

When my mother was alive, I didn't know when to tell her fortune at a roadside stall. The fortune teller said that although my mother had five children, they were not around when she died.

This matter makes my mother very upset. Since then, she has asked our five children to be present regardless of serious illness, and none of us can live without her. Moreover, when one of our children was away on a business trip, she was flustered and thought she was going to die, urging us to come back quickly.

To this end, our five children are very distressed and embarrassed, and they have to avoid my mother wherever they go. When I get back, my mother will scold us again.

Once, my eldest brother got angry and told her that the fortune teller said that our five children were not around when you died. This is god's arrangement, and there is nothing we can do.

However, when my mother was seriously ill, we were all with her. We held her hand and watched her leave slowly ... It was so painful to watch her relatives leave helplessly, and it was a heartbreaking pain to watch her 86-year-old mother leave helplessly.

My dad is different. On the night of my father's 70th birthday, he called our five brothers and sisters together and had a dinner. That night, I left peacefully in my dream, and none of our five children was with him.

My father is a doctor. He suffers from coronary heart disease. He chose a person to leave quietly, leaving us no pain.

To tell the truth, my father's departure is not as worrying as my mother's. We all understand, dad. He is a doctor. He knows he should leave, and it's no use treating him again. In order to make us less miserable, he chose to leave quietly ...

After experiencing the life and death of relatives, I think it is not a good thing for children to die while sleeping. Why do you have to leave all your children around and watch your loved ones leave slowly? Where are you going? Is it painful?

When I die in the future, I will choose to be like my father. My dad was born like this. He loves us and won't leave us any pain. He chose to leave quietly.

Three souls go home, seven souls go home.

People will have such a day sooner or later. I hope we can all put everything down and leave quietly, instead of letting our loved ones cry their eyes out and watching them leave in pain. There's no one around when relatives leave, and there's nothing pitiful. If you can't see it, you won't be pitiful, and you won't leave any pain.

I have no sympathy for the old man who died in his sleep. I think this way, the old man has not suffered, and the children have not been dragged down. This is the best way to leave, and it is the blessing of eight generations of good deeds. This is the way I want to die in the future.

Some people may say that not seeing the children for the last time is the only regret. Therefore, we living people should cherish the opportunity to meet our children, be happy when we are with them, love each other and live in harmony. My own children are the closest relatives, without barriers and resentment.

Others said that some things were not explained well. Therefore, as an old man, your money and your house can be given to your children. However, you must write down the bank card, the password of the passbook and the deposit of the real estate license on a piece of paper. Or how to allocate deposits and real estate in the future. This is not good to prevent children from taking away your savings in the future, losing money in vain, or unfair distribution, resulting in conflicts between children.

Therefore, some things for the elderly should be written clearly early, so as to be prepared!

This result is a blessing for the whole family. The old man died peacefully without illness. Such an old man is a blessing in doing good all his life. Such an old man should not feel pity. This is a (happy) funeral in the countryside and a real death.

Nevertheless, the children of the elderly will still have some heartfelt regrets.

Children will think that the old man has worked hard for them all his life, and no one is in front of them when he leaves, as if he has not fulfilled his filial piety.

In fact, as long as the children of the elderly are filial, the elderly are already satisfied.

In order to make up for the children's regrets, the funeral was more or less grand. Use a better coffin, set up a stone tablet and entertain guests with a higher standard.

Answer: Do you feel sorry for the old man who died in his sleep, with many children and no one around him? My answer is no pity. It took the old man several lifetimes to make him die. As the saying goes, you don't want to live well, you want to die well. I think this ending is the best, and it won't bother my children. Such a death will remind my children from time to time that the children of this old man are also blessed people, at least they are not affected. After such an old man dies, people will say that the old man did something good before repairing. Such a happy ending will make everyone live and die. As long as it is behind us, someone should take care of it. When people are dying, it will be very painful if children are around. It's better not to be around. The old man died himself. It is also the best relief. Everyone wants such a good relief? But how many people can be so blessed as this old man? How I wish it would end like this in a hundred years. China's traditional concept is to raise children to guard against old age, but when their parents die and their children are not around, others will laugh at their children for being unfilial, but how many children can be filial to their parents and accompany them? Nowadays, children are very busy at work and have no leisure time to accompany lonely old people. Without company, they must live strong. Therefore, no one knows after illness, and it is the best relief to die alone. In the future society, this situation will often occur, because our present society is an old-age society, and we have entered the old age, with more than 200 million old people and young people living. Old people also need children to take care of them. Loyalty and filial piety can't be both. Children can only care about their small families, not their old age. I hope that the country will introduce preferential policies for the elderly as soon as possible.

Establish some apartments for the elderly, build a high-quality pension institution for our elderly, so that these elderly people have a sense of security, happiness and belonging, and let every elderly person have a good home. [Pray] [Pray] [Pray]