Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - My left hand sometimes takes something, why does it tremble?

My left hand sometimes takes something, why does it tremble?

Hand tremor can be divided into physiological hand tremor and pathological hand tremor.

Physiological hand jitter is a tiny, rapid and irregular jitter, which usually occurs at rest. Physiological hand tremors often appear in situations of mental tension, fear, emotional excitement, severe pain and extreme fatigue. Once the above causes of hand tremor are eliminated, hand tremor will disappear.

Pathological hand trembling, medically called "tremor"; Involuntary tremor of the hand, often permanent. It is mainly divided into two types: static hand tremor and exercise hand tremor. Among them, static hand tremor is hand tremor when muscles are completely relaxed, that is, when they are in a quiet state. This kind of hand tremor can disappear when sleeping, and the speed of hand tremor is 4-6 times/second, which is relatively regular, typical diseases such as Parkinson's syndrome. Motion-induced hand tremor only occurs during the movement, and the jitter intensifies when the movement approaches the target. If the doctor gives the patient a finger nose test, ask the patient to straighten his forearm; Then the index finger points to the tip of the nose; The closer the fingertip is to the tip of the nose, the more obvious the hand jitter is. Exercise-induced hand tremor is irregular, with a large jitter range, which is enhanced by emotional influence, and is common in the pathological changes of cranial nerves and upper limb nerves.

The common diseases that cause pathological hand tremor in clinic include upper limb nerve diseases and injuries, brain tissue diseases and drug-induced hand tremor.

Hand shaking is a common phenomenon among the elderly. Both hands are shaking, and eating and writing are seriously affected, which makes the old people very upset. Medically, this jitter is called tremor. Although tremors are characterized by shaking hands, the root of the disease is mostly big troubles. Due to some disease, the big trouble area responsible for sports coordination is damaged, which leads to trembling.

Clinically, paralysis agitans, cerebral arteriosclerosis, midbrain or cerebellar flat lesions, hepatic encephalopathy, drug poisoning, dementia and so on. , may cause the elderly to shake hands. According to medical research, eating broad beans and coffee can effectively control tremors. Family members can appropriately give the elderly more of these two foods.

If pathological factors are excluded, another common cause of hand trembling is psychological factors.

Your problem is a bit like anxiety. This kind of problem often creates a situation that makes patients feel scared. For example, you are worried that your hands will tremble when others are present at work, and as a result, your hands are really shaking when others come to see you. In anticipatory anxiety disorder, anxiety that causes psychological reaction symptoms will aggravate or lead to symptoms. The appearance of symptoms further strengthens the expected anxiety, thus forming a vicious circle. In this vicious circle, you are imprisoned and unable to extricate yourself.

So what you are really afraid of is fear itself.

For such a situation, psychologist frankl has a contradictory intention therapy.

Patient d, age 4 1. Fear of seeing a doctor. His symptoms are that he can't write in front of people, or he can't operate machinery effectively in front of people. For a long time, if someone is around, he can't sign a check. When I speak in front of everyone, I am also very nervous. The doctor told him not to avoid the situation of fear, but to enter this state at once. Try to show what a good shivering person you are in front of everyone. He wants to show his illness to others and try his best to show his trembling. The patient did as the doctor said, and he succeeded. He said: I no longer tremble, I no longer feel afraid, no matter how I make myself tremble, I can't do it.

Another example is a medical college student who had a problem during his internship. Every time he walked into the operating room, his hands began to shake when his instructor appeared. I can't control it anyway. Once, he happened to attend frankl's lecture on meaningful therapy. He told himself: here he comes, I want to show him what a wonderful person I am with trembling hands, and I want to show him how beautiful my hands are shaking. But to his surprise, no matter how much he wanted to shake it, he couldn't shake it. (The above is quoted from the book "Finding the Meaning of Life")

Some people commented that the root of this phobia began to strengthen itself. Because of fear, fear of losing their jobs, they feel that their abilities are beginning to decline. The advice that made him write as badly as possible reversed his basic attitude, which was the direct source of fear.

1, reduce self-concern. It means that you should turn your attention to the specific affairs you are facing, not to your feelings. This is very important. When you find out whether you care about blushing or fast heartbeat, the activity of the nervous system will be activated or strengthened involuntarily. And if you pay less attention to it, you can let it rest, and its impulse intensity will naturally weaken. In order to reduce self-concern, you should learn to pay attention to the real problems in your situation, such as your application, your examiner, your environment and so on.

2. Give up control intention. It means that we usually find ourselves unnatural, blushing and shaking hands, and we will consciously or unconsciously try to control these reactions. The problem is that the work of the autonomic nervous system is difficult to be controlled by our consciousness in a short time. So the harder we try to control, the easier it is to find that our control is ineffective, and as a result, we are in a state of tension and even anxiety. And if we give up the control intention and ignore it, it will go out automatically. The intention of giving up control requires you to know the worst consequences and accept it frankly: if I fail in this application, I can make a comeback! I am still young, I am not afraid of temporary setbacks, and I will not be devastated!

3. Cultivate an accepting attitude. It means that we should learn to be friends with symptoms. When we find ourselves trembling and blushing, we should learn to accept it, not to fight and control it. We can say to ourselves, I'm just a little timid and shy, which is nothing. Come on, just blush and shake hands. If you can say this to yourself (that is, to yourself), the work of the nervous system will become less tense and have less influence on us. Our confrontation strengthened it. Accept it. It's okay. If you live in peace with symptoms, you will live in peace. Only with an accepting attitude can we win with softness and wisdom.

Please try the method I provide here first. If it works, everything is fine. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work for the time being Everything has a process of development, and there are few steps in place. So when there are setbacks, be patient, keep doing it, learn slowly, adapt slowly, and get better slowly.

When there are still huge obstacles after a period of time, then we will analyze your psychological reasons, personality problems and so on. By then, it's not too late. You mentioned that inferiority complex is one of the problems you have to solve. In addition, there may be other problems, such as caring too much about what others think of you, caring about social image, saving face, vanity, allergies and so on. These can be analyzed and improved slowly. It needs a longer process and more energy. However, at present, you'd better try those methods first. If your problem is not too serious, it should be effective. I hope to help the landlord.